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Operations Research Letters, Volume 39
Volume 39, Number 1, January 2011
- Juan D. Moreno-Ternero
A coalitional procedure leading to a family of bankruptcy rules. 1-3 - Kwan-Eng Wee, Ananth V. Iyer:
Consolidating or non-consolidating queues: A game theoretic queueing model with holding costs. 4-10 - Xiuli He, Anand Krishnamoorthy, Ashutosh Prasad
, Suresh P. Sethi:
Retail competition and cooperative advertising. 11-16 - T. James Marshall, R. Mark Reesor:
Forest of stochastic meshes: A new method for valuing high-dimensional swing options. 17-21 - Ye Lu
, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, David Simchi-Levi:
Stock repurchase with an adaptive reservation price: A study of the greedy policy. 22-27 - Harish Krishnan, Ralph A. Winter:
On the role of revenue-sharing contracts in supply chains. 28-31 - Murat Firat
, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Analysis of the dial-a-ride problem of Hunsaker and Savelsbergh. 32-35 - Antonio Frangioni
, F. Pascali, Maria Grazia Scutellà:
Static and dynamic routing under disjoint dominant extreme demands. 36-39 - Pablo Pavón-Mariño, Michal Pióro:
On total traffic domination in non-complete graphs. 40-43 - Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro, Olivier Devillers
On the asymptotic growth rate of some spanning trees embedded in Rd. 44-48 - Oleg V. Shylo, Oleg A. Prokopyev
, Jayant Rajgopal
On algorithm portfolios and restart strategies. 49-52 - J. C. M. Keijsper, Rudi Pendavingh:
Convex minization over Z2. 53-56 - Ronny Luss, Marc Teboulle:
Convex approximations to sparse PCA via Lagrangian duality. 57-61 - Igor Averbakh, Yun-Bin Zhao:
Robust univariate spline models for interpolating interval data. 62-66 - Chi-Jen Lin:
Determining Type II sensitivity ranges of the fractional assignment problem. 67-73 - Ruiwei Jiang, Yongpei Guan:
An O(N2)-time algorithm for the stochastic uncapacitated lot-sizing problem with random lead times. 74-77 - Chao Zhang:
Existence of optimal solutions for general stochastic linear complementarity problems. 78-82
Volume 39, Number 2, March 2011
- Alexander Shapiro:
A dynamic programming approach to adjustable robust optimization. 83-87 - Tomonari Kitahara, Shinji Mizuno:
Klee-Minty's LP and upper bounds for Dantzig's simplex method. 88-91 - Olivier Klopfenstein:
Single-path routing of stochastic flows in networks. 92-98 - Wim van Ackooij
, René Henrion, Andris Möller, Riadh Zorgati:
On joint probabilistic constraints with Gaussian coefficient matrix. 99-102 - Qingna Li
, Donghui Li:
A projected semismooth Newton method for problems of calibrating least squares covariance matrix. 103-108 - Vaithilingam Jeyakumar
, Guoyin Li
, Gue Myung Lee:
A robust von Neumann minimax theorem for zero-sum games under bounded payoff uncertainty. 109-114 - Toshihiro Matsumura
, Takeshi Murooka, Akira Ogawa:
Randomized strategy equilibrium in the action commitment game with costs of leading. 115-117 - Vladimir G. Deineko, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
A well-solvable special case of the bounded knapsack problem. 118-120 - Daniel Dadush
, Santanu S. Dey
, Juan Pablo Vielma:
The split closure of a strictly convex body. 121-126 - James Ostrowski
, Jeff T. Linderoth, Fabrizio Rossi
, Stefano Smriglio
Solving large Steiner Triple Covering Problems. 127-131 - Edna Ayako Hoshino, Yuri Frota, Cid C. de Souza
A branch-and-price approach for the partition coloring problem. 132-137 - Halit Üster, Homarjun Agrahari:
A Benders decomposition approach for a distribution network design problem with consolidation and capacity considerations. 138-143 - Michael R. Wagner:
Online lot-sizing problems with ordering, holding and shortage costs. 144-149 - Luis Martí
, Jesús García, Antonio Berlanga
, Carlos A. Coello Coello
, José M. Molina
MB-GNG: Addressing drawbacks in multi-objective optimization estimation of distribution algorithms. 150-154 - Serkan Eryilmaz:
Dynamic behavior of k-out-of-n: G systems. 155-159 - Zhen Wang, Donglei Du
, Adriana Felicia Gabor
, Dachuan Xu
Erratum to: "An approximation algorithm for the k-level stochastic facility location problem" [Oper. Res. Lett. 38(2010) 386-389]. 160-161
Volume 39, Number 3, May 2011
- Andrew E. B. Lim, J. George Shanthikumar, Gah-Yi Vahn
Conditional value-at-risk in portfolio optimization: Coherent but fragile. 163-171 - Martin B. Haugh:
A note on constant proportion trading strategies. 172-179 - Ji Hee Yoon, Bong-Gyu Jang, Kum-Hwan Roh:
An analytic valuation method for multivariate contingent claims with regime-switching volatilities. 180-187 - András Prékopa, Kunikazu Yoda, Munevver Mine Subasi
Uniform quasi-concavity in probabilistic constrained stochastic programming. 188-192 - Edilson F. Arruda
, Marcelo D. Fragoso
Time aggregated Markov decision processes via standard dynamic programming. 193-197 - Sanjeeb Dash, Oktay Günlük
, Christian Raack:
A note on the MIR closure and basic relaxations of polyhedra. 198-199 - Sebastian Pokutta, Gautier Stauffer:
Lower bounds for the Chvátal-Gomory rank in the 0/1 cube. 200-203 - Gábor Braun, Sebastian Pokutta:
Random half-integral polytopes. 204-207 - Gautier Stauffer:
On the facets of the stable set polytope of quasi-line graphs. 208-212 - Yuri Faenza, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Claudia Snels:
A fast algorithm to remove proper and homogeneous pairs of cliques (while preserving some graph invariants). 213-217 - Zhou Xu
, Liang Xu, Brian Rodrigues:
An analysis of the extended Christofides heuristic for the k-depot TSP. 218-223 - Bara Kim, Jeongsim Kim:
Higher moments of the waiting time distribution in M/G/1 retrial queues. 224-228 - Matthias Mnich
Book review. 229-230
Volume 39, Number 4, July 2011
- James W. Boudreau:
A note on the efficiency and fairness of decentralized matching. 231-233 - Alberto Del Pia
, Christian Wagner, Robert Weismantel:
A probabilistic comparison of the strength of split, triangle, and quadrilateral cuts. 234-240 - Manuel Abellanas, António Leslie Bajuelos, Ferran Hurtado, Inês Matos:
Coverage restricted to an angle. 241-245 - Crevel Bautista-Santiago, José Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Dolores Lara
, Pablo Pérez-Lantero, Jorge Urrutia, Inmaculada Ventura
Computing optimal islands. 246-251 - Alexander Grigoriev
, Joris van de Klundert
A note on the integrality gap of an ILP formulation for the periodic maintenance problem. 252-254 - Uwe Schwiegelshohn
An alternative proof of the Kawaguchi-Kyan bound for the Largest-Ratio-First rule. 255-259 - Juho Kanniainen
Option pricing under joint dynamics of interest rates, dividends, and stock prices. 260-264 - Joan Carles Micó
, David Soler
The capacitated general windy routing problem with turn penalties. 265-271 - Yun Han Bae, Bara Kim, Bong Dae Choi, Jeongsim Kim:
Tail asymptotic behaviour of resequencing buffer content for selective repeat ARQ. 272-277 - Divya Tiwari, Rahul Patil, Janat Shah:
Unreliable newsboy problem with a forecast update. 278-282 - Gyoocheol Shim:
Consumption/investment problem when the investment opportunity set can be enlarged by information gathering. 283-288 - Mei Choi Chiu
, Yu Wai Lo, Hoi Ying Wong
Asymptotic expansion for pricing options for a mean-reverting asset with multiscale stochastic volatility. 289-295
Volume 39, Number 5, September 2011
- Laura Galli, Konstantinos Kaparis
, Adam N. Letchford
Gap inequalities for non-convex mixed-integer quadratic programs. 297-300 - Adam N. Letchford
, Sebastian Pokutta, Andreas S. Schulz:
On the membership problem for the {0, 1/2}-closure. 301-304 - Sanjeeb Dash, Santanu S. Dey
, Oktay Günlük
On mixed-integer sets with two integer variables. 305-309 - Daniel Baena, Jordi Castro
Using the analytic center in the feasibility pump. 310-317 - Lipu Zhang
, Yinghong Xu
A full-Newton step interior-point algorithm based on modified Newton direction. 318-322 - Myoung-Ju Park
, Sung-Pil Hong:
Rank of Handelman hierarchy for Max-Cut. 323-328 - Ricardo Saraiva de Camargo, Gilberto de Miranda Jr.
, Ricardo Poley Martins Ferreira
A hybrid Outer-Approximation/Benders Decomposition algorithm for the single allocation hub location problem under congestion. 329-337 - Anand Subramanian
, Eduardo Uchoa
, Artur Alves Pessoa
, Luiz Satoru Ochi
Branch-and-cut with lazy separation for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery. 338-341 - Muhong Zhang:
Two-stage minimax regret robust uncapacitated lot-sizing problems with demand uncertainty. 342-345 - André Nichterlein, Michael Dom, Rolf Niedermeier:
Aspects of a multivariate complexity analysis for Rectangle Tiling. 346-351 - Yongxi Cheng:
An efficient randomized group testing procedure to determine the number of defectives. 352-354 - Moritz A. Drexl:
An approximation algorithm for the k-Level Concentrator Location Problem. 355-358 - Hans Kellerer, Vladimir Kotov
A 3/2-approximation algorithm for 3/2-partitioning. 359-362 - Gaurav Singh
, Andreas T. Ernst
Resource constraint scheduling with a fractional shared resource. 363-368 - Qingda Wei, Xianping Guo:
Markov decision processes with state-dependent discount factors and unbounded rewards/costs. 369-374 - Zhan Pang:
Optimal dynamic pricing and inventory control with stock deterioration and partial backordering. 375-379 - Antonio Di Crescenzo
, Franco Pellerey
Stochastic comparisons of series and parallel systems with randomized independent components. 380-384 - Ulas Özen
, Martin I. Reiman, Qiong Wang:
On the core of cooperative queueing games. 385-389 - Dominic DiPalantino, Ramesh Johari, Gabriel Y. Weintraub:
Competition and contracting in service industries. 390-396 - Shaojian Qu, Mark Goh
, Felix T. S. Chan
Quasi-Newton methods for solving multiobjective optimization. 397-399
Volume 39, Number 6, November 2011
- Onno J. Boxma, Offer Kella
, K. M. Kosinski:
Queue lengths and workloads in polling systems. 401-405 - Ashraf Al Daoud, Murat Alanyali, David Starobinski:
On equilibrium analysis of acyclic multiclass loss networks under admission control. 406-410 - Shaul K. Bar-Lev, Ernst Schulte-Geers, Wolfgang Stadje:
On the demand pooling anomaly in inventory theory. 411-413 - Amr Farahat
, Georgia Perakis:
On the efficiency of price competition. 414-418 - Luca Grosset
, Paolo Roberti
, Bruno Viscolani
A goodwill model with predatory advertising. 419-422 - Anke van Zuylen:
An improved monotone algorithm for scheduling related machines with precedence constraints. 423-427 - Dries R. Goossens, Frits C. R. Spieksma
Breaks, cuts, and patterns. 428-432 - Martin Skutella, David P. Williamson:
A note on the generalized min-sum set cover problem. 433-436 - Danny Z. Chen, Haitao Wang:
Improved algorithms for path partition and related problems. 437-440 - L. Jones Tarcius Doss
, P. Arathi:
A bandwidth reduction algorithm for L-shaped and Z-shaped grid structured graphs. 441-446 - Salman Fadaei, MohammadAmin Fazli, MohammadAli Safari:
Maximizing non-monotone submodular set functions subject to different constraints: Combined algorithms. 447-451 - Monique Laurent
, Antonios Varvitsiotis
Computing the Grothendieck constant of some graph classes. 452-456 - Sebastian Pokutta, Andreas S. Schulz:
Integer-empty polytopes in the 0/1-cube with maximal Gomory-Chvátal rank. 457-460 - Michael Souza, Adilson Elias Xavier, Carlile Lavor
, Nelson Maculan:
Hyperbolic smoothing and penalty techniques applied to molecular structure determination. 461-465 - Elvira Hernández
, Luis Rodríguez-Marín:
Locating minimal sets using polyhedral cones. 466-470 - George J. Kyparisis
, Christos Koulamas
A note on equilibria for two-tier supply chains with a single manufacturer and multiple retailers. 471-474

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