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Operations Research Letters, Volume 35
Volume 35, Number 1, January 2007
- Carlo Mannino, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi
, L. Sunil Chandran:
The stable set problem and the thinness of a graph. 1-9 - Thành Nguyen:
On the disjoint paths problem. 10-16 - Martha Salazar-Neumann:
The robust minimum spanning tree problem: Compact and convex uncertainty. 17-22 - Xiaoguang Yang, Jianzhong Zhang:
Partial inverse assignment problems under l1 norm. 23-28 - Juan Pablo Vielma:
A constructive characterization of the split closure of a mixed integer linear program. 29-35 - Vicky Mak
Iterative variable aggregation and disaggregation in IP: An application. 36-44 - Alberto Amaya
, André Langevin, Martin Trépanier
The capacitated arc routing problem with refill points. 45-53 - D. P. Wang:
Computing a maxian point of a simple rectilinear polygon. 54-60 - Tamás Kis
, Richárd Kápolnai:
Approximations and auctions for scheduling batches on related machines. 61-68 - Eric Angel, Evripidis Bampis
, Aleksei V. Fishkin:
A note on scheduling to meet two min-sum objectives. 69-73 - Che-Lin Su:
Analysis on the forward market equilibrium model. 74-82 - Yasemin Serin:
Competitive newsvendor problems with the same Nash and Stackelberg solutions. 83-94 - Keli Feng, Uday S. Rao:
Echelon-stock (R, nT) control in two-stage serial stochastic inventory systems. 95-104 - Maria Vlasiou
, Ivo J. B. F. Adan:
Exact solution to a Lindley-type equation on a bounded support. 105-113 - Kyung C. Chae, Sung J. Kim:
Busy period analysis for the GI/M/1 queue with exponential vacations. 114-118 - Hideaki Takagi, Ramón M. Rodríguez-Dagnino
Counting the number of renewals during a random interval in a discrete-time delayed renewal process. 119-124 - Barbara Haas Margolius:
Periodic solution to the time-inhomogeneous multi-server Poisson queue. 125-138 - Philippe Baptiste:
Book review. 139-140
Volume 35, Number 2, March 2007
- Lázaro Cánovas, Sergio García
, Martine Labbé
, Alfredo Marín
A strengthened formulation for the simple plant location problem with order. 141-150 - Lina Mallozzi
Noncooperative facility location games. 151-154 - Shao Chin Sung, Dinko Dimitrov:
On core membership testing for hedonic coalition formation games. 155-158 - Francisco Facchinei
, Andreas Fischer
, Veronica Piccialli
On generalized Nash games and variational inequalities. 159-164 - Michi Nishihara
, Mutsunori Yagiura, Toshihide Ibaraki:
Duality in option pricing based on prices of other derivatives. 165-171 - H. Edwin Romeijn, Joseph Geunes, Kevin M. Taaffe:
On a nonseparable convex maximization problem with continuous knapsack constraints. 172-180 - Antonio Frangioni
, Claudio Gentile:
SDP diagonalizations and perspective cuts for a class of nonseparable MIQP. 181-185 - Z.-L. Chen, Lei Lei, Hong Zhong:
Container vessel scheduling with bi-directional flows. 186-194 - Cédric Bentz:
The maximum integer multiterminal flow problem in directed graphs. 195-200 - David Avis, Tomokazu Imamura:
A list heuristic for vertex cover. 201-204 - Federico Della Croce
, Bruno Escoffier, Vangelis Th. Paschos:
Improved worst-case complexity for the MIN 3-SET COVERING problem. 205-210 - Yumei Huo, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Hairong Zhao:
Complexity of two dual criteria scheduling problems. 211-220 - Philippe Mahey, Maurício C. de Souza
Local optimality conditions for multicommodity flow problems with separable piecewise convex costs. 221-226 - Wojciech Bozejko
, Mieczyslaw Wodecki
On the theoretical properties of swap multimoves. 227-231 - Robert Lin, Wayne T. Chouhuang, Gino K. Yang, Cheng-Tan Tung:
An improved algorithm for the minimax distribution-free inventory model with incident-oriented shortage costs. 232-234 - Tal Ben-Zvi, Abraham Grosfeld-Nir:
Serial production systems with random yield and rigid demand: A heuristic. 235-244 - Natali Hritonenko
, Yuri Yatsenko
Optimal equipment replacement without paradoxes: A continuous analysis. 245-250 - Achal Bassamboo
, Sandeep Juneja, Assaf Zeevi:
On the inefficiency of state-independent importance sampling in the presence of heavy tails. 251-260 - Cherki Daoui, Mohammed Abbad:
On some algorithms for limiting average Markov decision processes. 261-266 - Katerina P. Papadaki
, Warren B. Powell:
Monotonicity in multidimensional Markov decision processes for the batch dispatch problem. 267-272 - U. C. Gupta, Abhijit Datta Banik
Complete analysis of finite and infinite buffer GI/MSP/1 queue - A computational approach. 273-280
Volume 35, Number 3, May 2007
- Guillermo Gallego
, Kaan Katircioglu, Bala Ramachandran:
Inventory management under highly uncertain demand. 281-289 - Shieu Hong Lin, Nate Gertsch, Jennifer R. Russell:
A linear-time algorithm for finding optimal vehicle refueling policies. 290-296 - Hans van den Berg, Michel Mandjes, Rudesindo Núñez-Queija
Pricing and distributed QoS control for elastic network traffic. 297-307 - Kyung C. Chae, Kilhwan Kim
, Nam K. Kim:
Remarks on the remaining service time upon reaching a target level in the M/G/1 queue. 308-310 - Hanoch Levy, David Raz
, Benjamin Avi-Itzhak:
Locality of reference and the use of sojourn time variance for measuring queue unfairness. 311-318 - John N. Tsitsiklis:
NP-Hardness of checking the unichain condition in average cost MDPs. 319-323 - J. Cole Smith
, Churlzu Lim
, J. Neil Bearden:
On the multi-attribute stopping problem with general value functions. 324-330 - Rainer E. Burkard, Jafar Fathali
, Hossein Taghizadeh Kakhki:
The p-maxian problem on a tree. 331-335 - Horst W. Hamacher, Christian Roed Pedersen, Stefan Ruzika:
Finding representative systems for discrete bicriterion optimization problems. 336-344 - Gautam Appa, Balázs Kotnyek, Konstantinos Papalamprou, Leonidas S. Pitsoulis:
Optimization with binet matrices. 345-352 - Giacomo Zambelli
Colorings of k-balanced matrices and integer decomposition property of related polyhedra. 353-356 - François Clautiaux, Jacques Carlier, Aziz Moukrim
A new exact method for the two-dimensional bin-packing problem with fixed orientation. 357-364 - François Clautiaux, Antoine Jouglet, Joseph El Hayek:
A new lower bound for the non-oriented two-dimensional bin-packing problem. 365-373 - Herbert F. Lewis, Thomas R. Sexton:
On the tour partitioning heuristic for the unit demand capacitated vehicle routing problem. 374-378 - Jaroslaw Byrka, Karen I. Aardal:
The approximation gap for the metric facility location problem is not yet closed. 379-384 - András Frank, Zoltán Király
, Balázs Kotnyek:
An algorithm for node-capacitated ring routing. 385-391 - Mourad Baïou, Michel Balinski:
Characterizations of the optimal stable allocation mechanism. 392-402 - Federico Della Croce
, Marcin Jakub Kaminski, Vangelis Th. Paschos:
An exact algorithm for MAX-CUT in sparse graphs. 403-408 - Yun-Bin Zhao, Jie Hu:
Global bounds for the distance to solutions of co-coercive variational inequalities. 409-415 - Stephen C. Graves:
Book review. 416-418 - Thomas Erlebach:
Tim Roughgarden, Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2005) ISBN 0-262-18243-2, pp 196. 418-419 - Diethard Klatte:
Jan Brinkhuis and Vladimir Tikhomirov, Editors, Optimization: Insights and Applications, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ (2005) ISBN 0-691-10287-2, pp 676. 419-420
Volume 35, Number 4, July 2007
- Moshe Haviv, Tim Roughgarden:
The price of anarchy in an exponential multi-server. 421-426 - Jens Vygen:
From stars to comets: Improved local search for universal facility location. 427-433 - Hyeong Soo Chang:
A policy improvement method for constrained average Markov decision processes. 434-438 - Tûba Aktaran-Kalayci, David Goldsman, James R. Wilson:
Linear combinations of overlapping variance estimators for simulation. 439-447 - Thomas Fung
, Eugene Seneta:
Tailweight, quantiles and kurtosis: A study of competing distributions. 448-454 - Bruno Gaujal, Landy Rabehasaina:
Open-loop control of stochastic fluid systems and applications. 455-462 - Michael Shalmon:
Explicit formulas for the variance of conditioned sojourn times in M/D/1-PS. 463-466 - Felix Papier
, Ronald W. Wolff, Ulrich W. Thonemann
On the convexity of loss probabilities when arrivals occur in batches and servers are heterogeneous. 467-471 - Ho Woo Lee, Won Joo Seo:
A mean value formula for the M/G/1 queues controlled by workload. 472-476 - O. Zeynep Aksin
, Fikri Karaesmen
Characterizing the performance of process flexibility structures. 477-484 - Irwin E. Schochetman, Robert L. Smith:
Infinite horizon optimality criteria for equipment replacement under technological change. 485-492 - A. A. Kranenburg, G. J. van Houtum
Cost optimization in the (S-1, S) lost sales inventory model with multiple demand classes. 493-502 - Jiang Zhang, Jun Zhang:
Fill rate of single-stage general periodic review inventory systems. 503-509 - Warren P. Adams, Richard J. Forrester
Linear forms of nonlinear expressions: New insights on old ideas. 510-518 - Sergiy Butenko, Svyatoslav Trukhanov:
Using critical sets to solve the maximum independent set problem. 519-524 - Adam Kasperski
, Pawel Zielinski
On the existence of an FPTAS for minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems with interval data. 525-532 - Alexander A. Ageev
, Alexei E. Baburin:
Approximation algorithms for UET scheduling problems with exact delays. 533-540 - Chung-Yee Lee, Gang Yu:
Single machine scheduling under potential disruption. 541-548 - F. Zeynep Sargut, H. Edwin Romeijn:
Lot-sizing with non-stationary cumulative capacities. 549-557 - René Henrion:
Book review. 558-559 - Franz Rendl:
Andrzej Ruszczynski, Nonlinear Optimization, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2006, ISBN 0-691-11915-5, 464 pp., $ 59.50. 559-560
Volume 35, Number 5, September 2007
- Qiaohai (Joice) Hu
, Matthew J. Sobel:
Echelon base-stock policies are financially sub-optimal. 561-566 - Christian Larsen
, Gudrun P. Kiesmüller
Developing a closed-form cost expression for an (R, s, nQ) policy where the demand process is compound generalized Erlang. 567-572 - Andre Costa, Owen Dafydd Jones, Dirk P. Kroese
Convergence properties of the cross-entropy method for discrete optimization. 573-580 - Karl Sigman, Uri Yechiali:
Stationary remaining service time conditional on queue length. 581-583 - Erik M. M. Winands:
On polling systems with large setups. 584-590 - Moshe Haviv, Jan van der Wal:
Waiting times in queues with relative priorities. 591-594 - Wen-Yuan Liu, Xiu-li Xu, Naishuo Tian:
Stochastic decompositions in the M/M/1 queue with working vacations. 595-600 - P. R. Parthasarathy, R. Sudhesh:
Time-dependent analysis of a single-server retrial queue with state-dependent rates. 601-611 - Tatsiana Levina, Yuri Levin, Jeff McGill
, Mikhail Nediak
Linear programming with online learning. 612-618 - Ronald Ortner
Linear dependence of stationary distributions in ergodic Markov decision processes. 619-626 - Dashan Huang
, Frank J. Fabozzi, Masao Fukushima:
Robust portfolio selection with uncertain exit time using worst-case VaR strategy. 627-635 - M. Z. Arslanov:
A polynomial algorithm for one problem of guillotine cutting. 636-644 - Miguel Fragoso Constantino, Luis Eduardo Neves Gouveia
Reformulation by discretization: Application to economic lot sizing. 645-650 - Russell D. Meller, Weiping Chen, Hanif D. Sherali:
Applying the sequence-pair representation to optimal facility layout designs. 651-659 - Louis-Martin Rousseau, Michel Gendreau, Dominique Feillet
Interior point stabilization for column generation. 660-668 - Boray Huang
, Seyed M. R. Iravani:
Optimal production and rationing decisions in supply chains with information sharing. 669-676 - Jérôme Monnot, Sophie Toulouse:
The path partition problem and related problems in bipartite graphs. 677-684 - Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, George Steiner:
Approximation algorithms for scheduling problems with a modified total weighted tardiness objective. 685-692
Volume 35, Number 6, November 2007
- David L. Applegate, William J. Cook, Sanjeeb Dash, Daniel G. Espinoza:
Exact solutions to linear programming problems. 693-699 - Uriel G. Rothblum:
Bounding the inefficiency of Nash equilibria in games with finitely many players. 700-706 - David P. Williamson, Anke van Zuylen:
A simpler and better derandomization of an approximation algorithm for single source rent-or-buy. 707-712 - Enrico Angelelli
, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh
, Maria Grazia Speranza
Competitive analysis of a dispatch policy for a dynamic multi-period routing problem. 713-721 - David B. Brown:
Large deviations bounds for estimating conditional value-at-risk. 722-730 - Holger Heitsch, Werner Römisch:
A note on scenario reduction for two-stage stochastic programs. 731-738 - Sung-Pil Hong, Byung-Cheon Choi
Polynomiality of sparsest cuts with fixed number of sources. 739-742 - Kürsad Derinkuyu
, Mustafa Ç. Pinar, Ahmet Camci:
An improved probability bound for the Approximate S-Lemma. 743-746 - Waqar A. Malik, Sivakumar Rathinam
, Swaroop Darbha:
An approximation algorithm for a symmetric Generalized Multiple Depot, Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem. 747-753 - Arjen P. A. Vestjens, Marc Wennink, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Complexity of the job insertion problem in multi-stage scheduling. 754-758 - Hamish Waterer:
Lot sizing with inventory gains. 759-766 - Özgür Yazlali, Feryal Erhun:
Relating the multiple supply problem to quantity flexibility contracts. 767-772 - Christian H. Christiansen, Jens Lysgaard:
A branch-and-price algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. 773-781 - Jörg Fliege
The effects of adding objectives to an optimisation problem on the solution set. 782-790 - Javier Castro
, Daniel Gómez
, Juan Tejada
A project game for PERT networks. 791-798 - Mrinal K. Ghosh, K. S. Mallikarjuna Rao:
Zero-sum stochastic games with stopping and control. 799-804 - Bernardo D'Auria
Stochastic decomposition of the M/G/infinity queue in a random environment. 805-812 - Wikrom Jaruphongsa, Sila Çetinkaya, Chung-Yee Lee:
Outbound shipment mode considerations for integrated inventory and delivery lot-sizing decisions. 813-822 - Samuel Fiorini:
K. Aardal, G. Nemhauser, R. Weismantel (Eds.), Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol. 12, Discrete Optimization, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006, ISBN: 0-444-51507-0, 607 pp., EUR 179, $197. 823-824

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