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NeuroImage, Volume 49
Volume 49, Number 1, January 2010
- Mojtaba Zarei, Brian Patenaude, Jessica Damoiseaux, Ciro Morgese
, Steve M. Smith
, Paul M. Matthews
, Frederik Barkhof
, Serge A. R. B. Rombouts
, Ernesto Sanz-Arigita
, Mark Jenkinson
Combining shape and connectivity analysis: An MRI study of thalamic degeneration in Alzheimer's disease. 1-8 - Ryan Lo, Darren R. Gitelman
, Robert Levy, Justin Hulvershorn
, Todd B. Parrish
Identification of critical areas for motor function recovery in chronic stroke subjects using voxel-based lesion symptom mapping. 9-18 - J. L. Hughes, J. S. Beech, Peter S. Jones, D. Wang, D. K. Menon, Jean-Claude Baron
Mapping selective neuronal loss and microglial activation in the salvaged neocortical penumbra in the rat. 19-31 - Jung-Lung Hsu, Wim Van Hecke, Chyi-Huey Bai, Cheng-Hui Lee, Yuh-Feng Tsai, Hou-Chang Chiu, Fu-Shan Jaw, Chien-Yeh Hsu, Jyu-Gang Leu, Wei-Hung Chen, Alexander Leemans
Microstructural white matter changes in normal aging: A diffusion tensor imaging study with higher-order polynomial regression models. 32-43 - Christine Ecker, Vanessa Rocha-Rego, Patrick J. Johnston, Janaina Mourão Miranda, Andre F. Marquand
, Eileen M. Daly
, Michael J. Brammer, Clodagh Murphy
, Declan G. M. Murphy
Investigating the predictive value of whole-brain structural MR scans in autism: A pattern classification approach. 44-56 - Futoshi Anan, Takayuki Masaki
, Tsuyoshi Shimomura, Minoru Fujiki, Yoshikazu Umeno, Nobuoki Eshima, Tetsunori Saikawa, Hironobu Yoshimatsu:
Abdominal visceral fat accumulation is associated with hippocampus volume in non-dementia patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 57-62 - Henning Tiemeier
, Rhoshel K. Lenroot, Deanna Greenstein, Lan Tran, Ronald Pierson, Jay N. Giedd
Cerebellum development during childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal morphometric MRI study. 63-70 - Clarissa L. Yasuda
, Clarissa Valise, André Vital Saúde, Amanda Régio Pereira
, Fabrício Ramos Pereira
, André Luiz Ferreira Costa
, Márcia Elisabete Morita, Luiz Eduardo Betting
, Gabriela Castellano
, Carlos Alberto Mantovani Guerreiro, Helder Tedeschi, Evandro de Oliveira, Fernando Cendes
Dynamic changes in white and gray matter volume are associated with outcome of surgical treatment in temporal lobe epilepsy. 71-79 - Mark D. Holmes, Jason Quiring, Don M. Tucker:
Evidence that juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is a disorder of frontotemporal corticothalamic networks. 80-93 - Antonio Giorgio, Kate E. Watkins
, M. Chadwick, S. James, Louise Winmill, Gwenaëlle Douaud, Nicola De Stefano
, Paul M. Matthews
, Steve M. Smith
, Heidi Johansen-Berg
, A. C. James:
Longitudinal changes in grey and white matter during adolescence. 94-103 - Esben Thade Petersen
, Kim Mouridsen, Xavier Golay
The QUASAR reproducibility study, Part II: Results from a multi-center Arterial Spin Labeling test-retest study. 104-113 - Romuald Brunner, Romy Henze, Peter Parzer, Jasmin Kramer, Nina Feigl, Kira Lutz, Marco Essig
, Franz Resch, Bram Stieltjes:
Reduced prefrontal and orbitofrontal gray matter in female adolescents with borderline personality disorder: Is it disorder specific? 114-120 - Ryohei Matsumoto, Masanori Ichise, Hiroshi Ito, Tomomichi Ando, Hidehiko Takahashi
, Yoko Ikoma, Jun Kosaka, Ryosuke Arakawa, Yota Fujimura, Miho Ota, Akihiro Takano, Kenji Fukui, Kazuhiko Nakayama, Tetsuya Suhara:
Reduced serotonin transporter binding in the insular cortex in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A [11C]DASB PET study. 121-126 - Thanh G. Phan
, Jian Chen
, Geoffrey Donnan
, Velandai Srikanth
, Amanda G. Wood
, David C. Reutens
Development of a new tool to correlate stroke outcome with infarct topography: A proof-of-concept study. 127-133 - Natasha Leporé, Patrice Voss
, Franco Lepore, Yi-Yu Chou, Madeleine Fortin, Frédéric Gougoux, Agatha D. Lee, Caroline C. Brun, Maryse Lassonde, Sarah K. Madsen, Arthur W. Toga, Paul M. Thompson
Brain structure changes visualized in early- and late-onset blind subjects. 134-140 - Margherita Di Paola, Eileen Luders, Fulvia Di Iulio
, Andrea Cherubini
, Domenico Passafiume
, Paul M. Thompson
, Carlo Caltagirone, Arthur W. Toga, Gianfranco Spalletta:
Callosal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Different effects in different stages. 141-149 - Kazuyo Tanji, David A. Leopold
, Frank Q. Ye, Charles Zhu, Megan Malloy, Richard C. Saunders, Mortimer Mishkin:
Effect of sound intensity on tonotopic fMRI maps in the unanesthetized monkey. 150-157 - Jörg B. Schulz
, Johannes Borkert, Stefanie Wolf, Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch, Maryla Rakowicz
, Caterina Mariotti
, Ludger Schöls
, Dagmar Timmann, Bart van de Warrenburg, Alexandra Dürr, Massimo Pandolfo, Jun-Suk Kang, Andres Gonzalez-Mandly, Thomas Nägele, Marina Grisoli
, Romana Boguslawska, Peter Bauer, Thomas Klockgether, Till-Karsten Hauser:
Visualization, quantification and correlation of brain atrophy with clinical symptoms in spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 3 and 6. 158-168 - Eric Reiman, Kewei Chen
, Jessica B. S. Langbaum, Wendy Lee, Cole Reschke, Daniel Bandy, Gene E. Alexander, Richard J. Caselli:
Higher serum total cholesterol levels in late middle age are associated with glucose hypometabolism in brain regions affected by Alzheimer's disease and normal aging. 169-176 - Lars Michels
, Ulrich Mehnert, Sönke Boy, Brigitte Schurch, Spyros S. Kollias:
The somatosensory representation of the human clitoris: An fMRI study. 177-184 - Gary Price, Mara Cercignani
, Elvina M. Chu, Thomas R. E. Barnes, Gareth J. Barker
, Eileen M. Joyce, Maria A. Ron:
Brain pathology in first-episode psychosis: Magnetization transfer imaging provides additional information to MRI measurements of volume loss. 185-192 - Jongho Lee, Yoshiyuki Hirano
, Masaki Fukunaga
, Afonso C. Silva, Jeff H. Duyn:
On the contribution of deoxy-hemoglobin to MRI gray-white matter phase contrast at high field. 193-198 - Rocío Perez-Iglesias, Diana Tordesillas-Gutierrez
, Gareth J. Barker
, Philip K. McGuire
, Roberto Roiz-Santiañez
, Ignacio Mata, Enrique Marco de Lucas, Fernando Quintana, José Luis Vázquez-Barquero, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro
White matter defects in first episode psychosis patients: A voxelwise analysis of diffusion tensor imaging. 199-204
- Sune Nørhøj Jespersen
, Carsten Reidies Bjarkam
, Jens R. Nyengaard, M. Mallar Chakravarty, Brian Hansen, Thomas Vosegaard
, Leif Østergaard
, Dmitriy A. Yablonskiy
, Niels Chr. Nielsen
, Peter Vestergaard-Poulsen:
Neurite density from magnetic resonance diffusion measurements at ultrahigh field: Comparison with light microscopy and electron microscopy. 205-216 - Maria João Duarte Rosa
, Sven Bestmann
, Lee M. Harrison, Will D. Penny
Bayesian model selection maps for group studies. 217-224 - Suresh A. Sadananthan, Weili Zheng, Michael W. L. Chee
, Vitali Zagorodnov:
Skull stripping using graph cuts. 225-239 - Hillary Protas, Sung-Cheng Huang, Vladimir Kepe, Kiralee M. Hayashi, Andrea D. Klunder, Meredith N. Braskie, Linda M. Ercoli, Susan Y. Bookheimer
, Paul M. Thompson
, Gary W. Small, Jorge R. Barrio:
FDDNP binding using MR derived cortical surface maps. 240-248 - Saâd Jbabdi, Timothy Edward John Behrens
, Stephen M. Smith
Crossing fibres in tract-based spatial statistics. 249-256 - Aapo Hyvärinen
, Pavan Ramkumar
, Lauri Parkkonen
, Riitta Hari:
Independent component analysis of short-time Fourier transforms for spontaneous EEG/MEG analysis. 257-271 - Olivier E. Mougin
, R. C. Coxon, Alain Pitiot, Penny A. Gowland
Magnetization transfer phenomenon in the human brain at 7 T. 272-281 - Jack McCubbin, Jiri Vrba, Pamela Murphy, J. Temple, Hari Eswaran, Curtis Lowery, Hubert Preissl
Fetal MEG evoked response latency from beamformer with random field theory. 282-292 - Joon-Kyung Seong, Kiho Im, Sang Wook Yoo, Sang Won Seo, Duk L. Na, Jong-Min Lee:
Automatic extraction of sulcal lines on cortical surfaces based on anisotropic geodesic distance. 293-302 - Jürgen Goldschmidt, Tim Wanger, Achim Engelhorn, Hergen Friedrich, Max F. K. Happel, Anton Ilango, Mario Engelmann, Ingo W. Stuermer, Frank W. Ohl, Henning Scheich:
High-resolution mapping of neuronal activity using the lipophilic thallium chelate complex TlDDC: Protocol and validation of the method. 303-315 - Christian Schwarzbauer, Toralf Mildner, Wolfgang Heinke, Matthew Brett, Ralf Deichmann:
Dual echo EPI - The method of choice for fMRI in the presence of magnetic field inhomogeneities? 316-326 - Evelyne Balteau, Chloe Hutton, Nikolaus Weiskopf
Improved shimming for fMRI specifically optimizing the local BOLD sensitivity. 327-336 - Ofer Prager
, Yoash Chassidim, Chen Klein, Haviv Levi, Ilan Shelef
, Alon Friedman
Dynamic in vivo imaging of cerebral blood flow and blood-brain barrier permeability. 337-344 - Florent Lalys
, Claire Haegelen, Jean-Christophe Ferré
, Omar El-Ganaoui, Pierre Jannin
Construction and assessment of a 3-T MRI brain template. 345-354 - Jidan Zhong, Anqi Qiu
Multi-manifold diffeomorphic metric mapping for aligning cortical hemispheric surfaces. 355-365 - Pierre LeVan
, Louise Tyvaert, Friederike Moeller
, Jean Gotman:
Independent component analysis reveals dynamic ictal BOLD responses in EEG-fMRI data from focal epilepsy patients. 366-378 - David W. Carmichael
, John S. Thornton
, Roman Rodionov, Rachel C. Thornton, Andrew W. McEvoy, Roger J. Ordidge
, Philip J. Allen, Louis Lemieux
Feasibility of simultaneous intracranial EEG-fMRI in humans: A safety study. 379-390 - Feng Shi
, Yong Fan, Songyuan Tang, John H. Gilmore, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen:
Neonatal brain image segmentation in longitudinal MRI studies. 391-400 - Tyler B. Jones, Peter A. Bandettini, Lauren Kenworthy, Laura K. Case
, Shawn C. Milleville, Alex Martin, Rasmus M. Birn:
Sources of group differences in functional connectivity: An investigation applied to autism spectrum disorder. 401-414 - Ryota Tomioka, Klaus-Robert Müller
A regularized discriminative framework for EEG analysis with application to brain-computer interface. 415-432 - Maqsood Yaqub, Nelleke Tolboom, Bart N. M. van Berckel, Philip Scheltens
, Adriaan A. Lammertsma
, Ronald Boellaard
Simplified parametric methods for [18F]FDDNP studies. 433-441 - Alicia Quirós Carretero
, Raquel Montes Diez
, Dani Gamerman:
Bayesian spatiotemporal model of fMRI data. 442-456 - Yongquan Ye
, Yan Zhuo, Rong Xue, Xiaohong Joe Zhou:
BOLD fMRI using a modified HASTE sequence. 457-466 - Rachel M. Brouwer, Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol
, Hugo G. Schnack:
Segmentation of MRI brain scans using non-uniform partial volume densities. 467-477 - Yi-Ching Lynn Ho, Esben Thade Petersen
, Xavier Golay
Measuring arterial and tissue responses to functional challenges using arterial spin labeling. 478-487 - Shinichi Sakamoto, Hiroaki Tanaka, Naohiro Tsuyuguchi, Yuzo Terakawa, Kenji Ohata, Yuichi Inoue, Yukio Miki
, Mitsuhiro Hara, Yoshinobu Takahashi, Kazumi Nitta, Hiroki Sawa, Akira Satone, Wataru Ide, Ikuo Hashimoto, Hajime Kamada:
Quantitative imaging of spontaneous neuromagnetic activity for assessing cerebral ischemia using sLORETA-qm. 488-497 - Dirk Ostwald
, Camillo Porcaro
, Andrew P. Bagshaw
An information theoretic approach to EEG-fMRI integration of visually evoked responses. 498-516 - Elisa Trevisan, Elsa Fabbretti, Nevenka Medic, Barbara Troian, Stefano Prato, Francesca Vita, Giuliano Zabucchi, Marina Zweyer:
Novel approaches for scanning near-field optical microscopy imaging of oligodendrocytes in culture. 517-524 - Matthew J. Brookes
, Johanna M. Zumer
, Claire M. Stevenson, Joanne R. Hale, Gareth R. Barnes
, Jiri Vrba, Peter G. Morris:
Investigating spatial specificity and data averaging in MEG. 525-538 - Yu-Te Wu, Kuo-Kai Shyu, Chii-Wen Jao
, Zun-Yun Wang, Bing-Wen Soong, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Po-Shan Wang:
Fractal dimension analysis for quantifying cerebellar morphological change of multiple system atrophy of the cerebellar type (MSA-C). 539-551 - Viktoria-Eleni Gountouna
, Dominic Job
, Andrew M. McIntosh
, T. William J. Moorhead, G. Katherine S. Lymer, Heather Whalley
, Jeremy Hall
, Gordon D. Waiter
, David Brennan, David J. McGonigle
, Trevor S. Ahearn, Jonathan Cavanagh, Barrie Condon, Donald M. Hadley, Ian Marshall, Alison D. Murray
, J. Douglas Steele
, Joanna M. Wardlaw
, Stephen M. Lawrie
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) reproducibility and variance components across visits and scanning sites with a finger tapping task. 552-560 - Anna Custo, David A. Boas, Daisuke Tsuzuki, Ippeita Dan, Rickson Mesquita
, Bruce Fischl, W. Eric L. Grimson, William M. Wells III:
Anatomical atlas-guided diffuse optical tomography of brain activation. 561-567 - Brian R. White
, Joseph P. Culver:
Phase-encoded retinotopy as an evaluation of diffuse optical neuroimaging. 568-577 - Hiroshi Ito
, Takashi Yokoi, Yoko Ikoma, Miho Shidahara, Chie Seki, Mika Naganawa
, Hidehiko Takahashi
, Harumasa Takano, Yuichi Kimura, Masanori Ichise, Tetsuya Suhara:
A new graphic plot analysis for determination of neuroreceptor binding in positron emission tomography studies. 578-586 - Eduard H. J. Voormolen, Corie Wei, Eva W. C. Chow, Anne S. Bassett, David J. Mikulis
, Adrian P. Crawley:
Voxel-based morphometry and automated lobar volumetry: The trade-off between spatial scale and statistical correction. 587-596 - Rong Chen, Edward Herskovits:
Voxel-based Bayesian lesion-symptom mapping. 597-602 - Brianna Schuyler, John M. Ollinger, Terrence R. Oakes, Tom Johnstone
, Richard J. Davidson
Dynamic Causal Modeling applied to fMRI data shows high reliability. 603-611 - Marius Moisa
, Rolf Pohmann
, Kâmil Uludag
, Axel Thielscher
Interleaved TMS/CASL: Comparison of different rTMS protocols. 612-620 - Fredrik Edin:
Scaling errors in measures of brain activity cause erroneous estimates of effective connectivity. 621-630 - SungWon Chung, Blandine Courcot, Michaël Sdika, Kristin Moffat, Caroline D. Rae
, Roland G. Henry:
Bootstrap quantification of cardiac pulsation artifact in DTI. 631-640 - David P. Wipf
, Julia P. Owen, Hagai Thomas Attias, Kensuke Sekihara, Srikantan S. Nagarajan:
Robust Bayesian estimation of the location, orientation, and time course of multiple correlated neural sources using MEG. 641-655 - Jean Daunizeau
, Anna E. Vaudano
, Louis Lemieux
Bayesian multi-modal model comparison: A case study on the generators of the spike and the wave in generalized spike-wave complexes. 656-667 - Justin Dauwels, François-Benoît Vialatte
, Toshimitsu Musha, Andrzej Cichocki
A comparative study of synchrony measures for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on EEG. 668-693
- Pierre Orban, Philippe Peigneux
, Ovidiu V. Lungu
, Geneviève Albouy
, Estelle Breton, Frédéric Laberenne, Habib Benali, Pierre Maquet, Julien Doyon:
The multifaceted nature of the relationship between performance and brain activity in motor sequence learning. 694-702 - Timothy J. Andrews, Alex Clarke
, Philip Pell, Tom Hartley
Selectivity for low-level features of objects in the human ventral stream. 703-711 - Aaron L. Berkowitz, Daniel Ansari
Expertise-related deactivation of the right temporoparietal junction during musical improvisation. 712-719 - Oliver Adolph, Sarah Köster
, Michael Georgieff, Stefan Bäder, Karl J. Föhr, Thomas Kammer
, Bärbel Herrnberger, Georg Grön
Xenon-induced changes in CNS sensitization to pain. 720-730 - Christina Mueller, André Klega, Hans-Georg Buchholz, Roman Rolke
, Walter Magerl, Ralf Schirrmacher, Esther Schirrmacher, Frank Birklein, Rolf-Detlef Treede
, Mathias Schreckenberger:
Basal opioid receptor binding is associated with differences in sensory perception in healthy human subjects: A [18F]diprenorphine PET study. 731-737 - Ning Ma, Ying Liu, Nan Li, Chang-Xin Wang, Hao Zhang, Xiao-Feng Jiang, Hu-Sheng Xu, Xian-Ming Fu, Xiaoping Hu
, Da-Ren Zhang:
Addiction related alteration in resting-state brain connectivity. 738-744 - Rebecca E. Millman
, Garreth Prendergast
, Pádraig T. Kitterick
, Will P. Woods
, Gary G. R. Green:
Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the auditory steady-state response to frequency modulation using magnetoencephalography. 745-758 - David Coynel
, Guillaume Marrelec, Vincent Perlbarg, Mélanie Pélégrini-Issac
, Pierre-François van de Moortele
, Kâmil Ugurbil, Julien Doyon, Habib Benali, Stéphane Lehéricy:
Dynamics of motor-related functional integration during motor sequence learning. 759-766 - Jürgen Gallinat, Florian Schubert, Rüdiger Brühl, Rainer Hellweg
, Andreas Arthur Klär, Colin Kehrer, Christoph Wirth, Thomas Sander, Undine E. Lang
Met carriers of BDNF Val66Met genotype show increased N-acetylaspartate concentration in the anterior cingulate cortex. 767-771 - Tom Schonberg
, John P. O'Doherty, Daphna Joel
, Rivka Inzelberg
, Yoram Segev, Nathaniel D. Daw
Selective impairment of prediction error signaling in human dorsolateral but not ventral striatum in Parkinson's disease patients: evidence from a model-based fMRI study. 772-781 - Claire L. Moody, Silvia P. Gennari
Effects of implied physical effort in sensory-motor and pre-frontal cortex during language comprehension. 782-793 - Amanda L. Kaas
, Sarah Weigelt
, Alard Roebroeck, Axel Kohler
, Lars Muckli
Imagery of a moving object: The role of occipital cortex and human MT/V5+. 794-804 - Peter U. Tse, Florian J. Baumgartner, Mark W. Greenlee
Event-related functional MRI of cortical activity evoked by microsaccades, small visually-guided saccades, and eyeblinks in human visual cortex. 805-816 - Andrea Mechelli, Essi Viding
, A. Kumar, William Pettersson-Yeo, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Stefania Tognin
, Michael C. O'Donovan
, Philip K. McGuire
Dysbindin modulates brain function during visual processing in children. 817-822 - Roberto Martuzzi, Ramachandran Ramani, MaoLin Qiu, Nallakkandi Rajeevan
, R. Todd Constable
Functional connectivity and alterations in baseline brain state in humans. 823-834 - Stephan M. A. Ernst, Stefan Uppenkamp, Jesko L. Verhey
Cortical representation of release from auditory masking. 835-842 - David C. Knight
, Najah S. Waters, Margaret K. King
, Peter A. Bandettini:
Learning-related diminution of unconditioned SCR and fMRI signal responses. 843-848 - Stephen D. Mayhew
, Sharon Dirckx, Rami K. Niazy, Gian Domenico Iannetti
, Richard G. Wise:
EEG signatures of auditory activity correlate with simultaneously recorded fMRI responses in humans. 849-864
- Hana Burianova
, Anthony Randal McIntosh
, Cheryl L. Grady:
A common functional brain network for autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory retrieval. 865-874 - Henning Holle
, Jonas Obleser
, Shirley-Ann Rüschemeyer, Thomas C. Gunter:
Integration of iconic gestures and speech in left superior temporal areas boosts speech comprehension under adverse listening conditions. 875-884 - Casper A. M. M. van Oers, Matthijs Vink
, Martine J. E. van Zandvoort, H. Bart van der Worp, Edward H. F. de Haan
, L. Jaap Kappelle, Nick F. Ramsey
, Rick M. Dijkhuizen
Contribution of the left and right inferior frontal gyrus in recovery from aphasia. A functional MRI study in stroke patients with preserved hemodynamic responsiveness. 885-893 - Ingo Wolf
, Isabel Dziobek, Hauke R. Heekeren
Neural correlates of social cognition in naturalistic settings: A model-free analysis approach. 894-904 - Jordan Poppenk
, Morris Moscovitch, Anthony Randal McIntosh
, Erol Ozcelik, Fergus I. M. Craik
Encoding the future: Successful processing of intentions engages predictive brain networks. 905-913 - Jacobo Albert
, Sara López-Martín
, Luis Carretié
Emotional context modulates response inhibition: Neural and behavioral data. 914-921 - Sid Kouider, Vincent de Gardelle
, Stanislas Dehaene, Emmanuel Dupoux
, Christophe Pallier:
Cerebral bases of subliminal speech priming. 922-929 - Felix Darvas, Reinhold Scherer
, Jeffrey G. Ojemann
, R. P. Rao, Kai J. Miller, Larry B. Sorensen:
High gamma mapping using EEG. 930-938 - Joaquim Radua
, Mary L. Phillips, Tamara A. Russell
, Natalia S. Lawrence
, Nicolette Marshall, Sridevi Kalidindi
, Wissam El-Hage
, Colm McDonald, Vincent Giampietro
, Michael J. Brammer, Anthony S. David
, Simon A. Surguladze:
Neural response to specific components of fearful faces in healthy and schizophrenic adults. 939-946 - Paul Allen
, Klaas E. Stephan
, Andrea Mechelli, Fern Day
, Nicholas Ward, Jeffery Dalton, Steven C. R. Williams
, Philip K. McGuire
Cingulate activity and fronto-temporal connectivity in people with prodromal signs of psychosis. 947-955 - Jiang Qiu, Caiyun Yu, Hong Li, Jerwen Jou, Shen Tu, Ting Wang, Dongtao Wei, Qinglin Zhang:
The impact of social comparison on the neural substrates of reward processing: An event-related potential study. 956-962 - Henk R. Cremers, Liliana R. Demenescu
, André Aleman, Remco Renken
, Marie-José van Tol
, Nic J. A. van der Wee, Dick J. Veltman, Karin Roelofs
Neuroticism modulates amygdala - prefrontal connectivity in response to negative emotional facial expressions. 963-970 - Zhao-Xin Wang
, John X. Zhang, Qiu-Lin Wu, Ning Liu, Xiaoping Hu
, Raymond C. K. Chan, Zhuang-Wei Xiao:
Alterations in the processing of non-drug-related affective stimuli in abstinent heroin addicts. 971-976 - Svetla Velikova
, Marco Locatelli, Chiara Insacco, Enrico Smeraldi, Giancarlo Comi, Letizia Leocani
Dysfunctional brain circuitry in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Source and coherence analysis of EEG rhythms. 977-983 - Jonathan D. Rohrer
, Gerard R. Ridgway
, Sebastian J. Crutch
, Julia C. Hailstone, Johanna C. Goll, Matthew J. Clarkson
, Simon Mead
, Jonathan Beck, Cath Mummery, Sébastien Ourselin
, Elizabeth K. Warrington, Martin Rossor
, Jason D. Warren
Progressive logopenic/phonological aphasia: Erosion of the language network. 984-993 - Karen Emmorey, Jiang Xu, Patrick Gannon, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Allen Braun:
CNS activation and regional connectivity during pantomime observation: No engagement of the mirror neuron system for deaf signers. 994-1005 - Ian D. Holloway, Gavin R. Price, Daniel Ansari
Common and segregated neural pathways for the processing of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude: An fMRI study. 1006-1017 - Kenneth I. Vaden Jr.
, Lutfi Tugan Muftuler
, Gregory Hickok:
Phonological repetition-suppression in bilateral superior temporal sulci. 1018-1023 - Hideki Ohira, Naho Ichikawa, Michio Nomura
, Tokiko Isowa, Kenta Kimura, Noriaki Kanayama
, Seisuke Fukuyama, Jun Shinoda, Jitsuhiro Yamada:
Brain and autonomic association accompanying stochastic decision-making. 1024-1037 - Manuel Garcia-Garcia, Juliana Yordanova
, Vasil Kolev
, Judith Domínguez-Borràs
, Carles Escera
Tuning the brain for novelty detection under emotional threat: The role of increasing gamma phase-synchronization. 1038-1044 - Hongkeun Kim, Sander M. Daselaar, Roberto Cabeza:
Overlapping brain activity between episodic memory encoding and retrieval: Roles of the task-positive and task-negative networks. 1045-1054 - Ellen Greimel, Martin Schulte-Rüther
, Tilo Kircher
, Inge Kamp-Becker, Helmut Remschmidt, Gereon R. Fink
, Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann, Kerstin Konrad
Neural mechanisms of empathy in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and their fathers. 1055-1065 - Stephen J. Johnston, Stephan G. Boehm, D. Healy, Rainer Goebel
, David E. J. Linden:
Neurofeedback: A promising tool for the self-regulation of emotion networks. 1066-1072 - Dietrich Lehmann, Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui
, Werner K. Strik
, Thomas Koenig
Core networks for visual-concrete and abstract thought content: A brain electric microstate analysis. 1073-1079 - Gianna Sepede
, Antonio Ferretti
, Mauro Gianni Perrucci
, Francesco Gambi, Fiore Di Donato, Francesco Nuccetelli, Cosimo Del Gratta, Armando Tartaro
, Rosa Maria Salerno, Filippo Maria Ferro, Gian Luca Romani:
Altered brain response without behavioral attention deficits in healthy siblings of schizophrenic patients: An event-related fMRI study. 1080-1090 - Henri Hannula, Tuomas Neuvonen, Petri Savolainen, Jaana K. Hiltunen, Yuan-Ye Ma, Hanne S. Antila
, Oili Salonen, Synnöve Carlson
, Antti Pertovaara
Increasing top-down suppression from prefrontal cortex facilitates tactile working memory. 1091-1098 - Rasmus M. Birn, Lauren Kenworthy, Laura K. Case
, Rachel Caravella
, Tyler B. Jones, Peter A. Bandettini, Alex Martin:
Neural systems supporting lexical search guided by letter and semantic category cues: A self-paced overt response fMRI study of verbal fluency. 1099-1107 - Ritz Oshio, Satoshi Tanaka, Norihiro Sadato
, Masahiro Sokabe, Takashi Hanakawa, Manabu Honda:
Differential effect of double-pulse TMS applied to dorsal premotor cortex and precuneus during internal operation of visuospatial information. 1108-1115 - Hsu-Wen Huang
, Chia-Lin Lee, Kara D. Federmeier
Imagine that! ERPs provide evidence for distinct hemispheric contributions to the processing of concrete and abstract concepts. 1116-1123 - Patti Adank, Joseph T. Devlin
On-line plasticity in spoken sentence comprehension: Adapting to time-compressed speech. 1124-1132 - Liam Nestor, Robert Hester
, Hugh Garavan:
Increased ventral striatal BOLD activity during non-drug reward anticipation in cannabis users. 1133-1143 - Hengyi Rao, Laura M. Betancourt, Joan M. Giannetta, Nancy L. Brodsky, Marc Korczykowski, Brian B. Avants
, James C. Gee, Jiongjiong Wang
, Hallam Hurt, John A. Detre, Martha J. Farah:
Early parental care is important for hippocampal maturation: Evidence from brain morphology in humans. 1144-1150
- Anastasia Christakou
, Rozmin Halari, Anna B. Smith, Eve Ifkovits, Mick Brammer, Katya Rubia:
Corrigendum to "Sex-dependent age modulation of frontostriatal and temporo-parietal activation during cognitive control" [NeuroImage 48 (2009) 223-236]. 1151 - Kolawole Oluwole Babalola
, Brian Patenaude, Paul Aljabar, Julia A. Schnabel
, David N. Kennedy, William R. Crum, Stephen M. Smith
, Timothy F. Cootes
, Mark Jenkinson
, Daniel Rueckert
Corrigendum to "An evaluation of four automatic methods of segmenting the subcortical structures in the brain" [NeuroImage 47 (2009) 1435-1447]. 1152
Volume 49, Number 2, January 2010
- Igor Nenadic
, Heinrich Sauer, Christian Gaser
Distinct pattern of brain structural deficits in subsyndromes of schizophrenia delineated by psychopathology. 1153-1160 - Christian Windischberger
, Rupert Lanzenberger
, Alexander Holik, Christoph Spindelegger, Patrycja Stein, Ulrike Moser, Florian Gerstl, Martin Fink, Ewald Moser
, Siegfried Kasper
Area-specific modulation of neural activation comparing escitalopram and citalopram revealed by pharmaco-fMRI: A randomized cross-over study. 1161-1170 - Marcus Wilms
, Simon B. Eickhoff
, Lars Hömke, Claudia Rottschy, Milenko Kujovic, Katrin Amunts
, Gereon R. Fink
Comparison of functional and cytoarchitectonic maps of human visual areas V1, V2, V3d, V3v, and V4(v). 1171-1179 - Philip Heraud
, Sally Caine, Naomi Campanale, Tara Karnezis, Donald McNaughton, Bayden R. Wood
, Mark J. Tobin
, Claude C. A. Bernard
Early detection of the chemical changes occurring during the induction and prevention of autoimmune-mediated demyelination detected by FT-IR imaging. 1180-1189 - Peter V. Kochunov, Thomas R. Coyle, Jack L. Lancaster, Donald A. Robin, L. J. Hardies, V. Kochunov, George Bartzokis, J. Stanley, Donald Royall, A. E. Schlosser, M. Null, Peter T. Fox
Processing speed is correlated with cerebral health markers in the frontal lobes as quantified by neuroimaging. 1190-1199 - Takashi Watanabe
, Jens Frahm
, Thomas Michaelis:
Myelin mapping in the living mouse brain using manganese-enhanced magnetization transfer MRI. 1200-1204 - Anja Veronica Witte
, Markus Savli, Alexander Holik, Siegfried Kasper
, Rupert Lanzenberger
Regional sex differences in grey matter volume are associated with sex hormones in the young adult human brain. 1205-1212 - William S. Kremen
, Elizabeth Prom-Wormley, Matthew S. Panizzon, Lisa T. Eyler, Bruce Fischl, Michael C. Neale, Carol E. Franz
, Michael J. Lyons
, Jennifer L. Pacheco, Michele E. Perry, Allison Stevens, J. Eric Schmitt, Michael D. Grant, Larry J. Seidman, Heidi W. Thermenos, Ming T. Tsuang
, Seth A. Eisen
, Anders M. Dale, Christine Fennema-Notestine
Genetic and environmental influences on the size of specific brain regions in midlife: The VETSA MRI study. 1213-1223 - Nikolai Malykhin
, R. Marc Lebel, Nick Coupland, Alan H. Wilman
, Rawle Carter:
In vivo quantification of hippocampal subfields using 4.7 T fast spin echo imaging. 1224-1230 - Emi Takahashi, Guangping Dai, Ruopeng Wang, Kenichi Ohki, Glenn D. Rosen
, Albert M. Galaburda, Patricia Ellen Grant
, Van J. Wedeen:
Development of cerebral fiber pathways in cats revealed by diffusion spectrum imaging. 1231-1240 - Jürgen Dammers
, Markus Axer
, David Gräßel, Christoph Palm
, Karl Zilles
, Katrin Amunts
, Uwe Pietrzyk
Signal enhancement in polarized light imaging by means of independent component analysis. 1241-1248 - Hai Li
, Zhong Xue
, Lei Guo, Tianming Liu, Jill Hunter, Stephen T. C. Wong:
A hybrid approach to automatic clustering of white matter fibers. 1249-1258 - I-Hsun Li, Wen-Sheng Huang, Chyng-Yann Shiue, Ya-Yao Huang
, Ren-Shyan Liu, San-Chong Chyueh, Shih-Hsiung Hu, Mei-Hsiu Liao, Lie-Hang Shen, Jiang-Chuan Liu, Kuo-Hsing Ma:
Study on the neuroprotective effect of fluoxetine against MDMA-induced neurotoxicity on the serotonin transporter in rat brain using micro-PET. 1259-1270
- José P. Marques
, Tobias Kober
, Gunnar Krueger, Wietske van der Zwaag
, Pierre-François van de Moortele
, Rolf Gruetter
MP2RAGE, a self bias-field corrected sequence for improved segmentation and T1-mapping at high field. 1271-1281 - James N. Lee, Edward W. Hsu, Esther Rashkin, John W. Thatcher, Sebastian Kreitschitz, Phillip Gale, Lindsey Healy, William R. Marchand:
Reliability of fMRI motor tasks in structures of the corticostriatal circuitry: Implications for future studies and circuit function. 1282-1288 - Zhaolin Chen
, Leigh A. Johnston
, Dae Hyuk Kwon, Se Hong Oh, Zang-Hee Cho, Gary F. Egan
An optimised framework for reconstructing and processing MR phase images. 1289-1300 - Antonio Tristán-Vega
, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Santiago Aja-Fernández
A new methodology for the estimation of fiber populations in the white matter of the brain with the Funk-Radon transform. 1301-1315 - Robin Wolz, Paul Aljabar, Joseph V. Hajnal
, Alexander Hammers
, Daniel Rueckert
LEAP: Learning embeddings for atlas propagation. 1316-1325 - Erick Jorge Canales-Rodríguez
, Ching-Po Lin
, Yasser Iturria-Medina
, Chun-Hung Yeh
, Kuan-Hung Cho, Lester Melie-García
Diffusion orientation transform revisited. 1326-1339 - Tae Kim, Seong-Gi Kim:
Cortical layer-dependent arterial blood volume changes: Improved spatial specificity relative to BOLD fMRI. 1340-1349 - Kai-Hsiang Chuang
, Leonardo Belluscio, Alan P. Koretsky
In vivo detection of individual glomeruli in the rodent olfactory bulb using manganese enhanced MRI. 1350-1356 - Liang Zhan, Alex D. Leow
, Neda Jahanshad, Ming-Chang Chiang, Marina Barysheva, Agatha D. Lee, Arthur W. Toga, Katie McMahon, Greig I. de Zubicaray
, Margaret J. Wright
, Paul M. Thompson
How does angular resolution affect diffusion imaging measures? 1357-1371 - Jane Neumann, Peter T. Fox
, Robert Turner, Gabriele Lohmann
Learning partially directed functional networks from meta-analysis imaging data. 1372-1384 - Mark Hymers, Garreth Prendergast
, Sam R. Johnson, Gary G. R. Green:
Source stability index: A novel beamforming based localisation metric. 1385-1397 - Sylvia Drabycz, Gloria Roldan, Paula De Robles, Daniel Adler, John B. McIntyre, Anthony M. Magliocco, J. Gregory Cairncross, Joseph Ross Mitchell:
An analysis of image texture, tumor location, and MGMT promoter methylation in glioblastoma using magnetic resonance imaging. 1398-1405 - Christian la Fougère
, Guido Böning, Hero Bartmann, Björn Wängler
, Sebastian Nowak, Theresa Just, Erika Wagner, Petra Winter, Axel Rominger
, Stefan Förster, Franz-Josef Gildehaus, Pedro Rosa-Neto
, Luciano Minuzzi, Peter Bartenstein, Heidrun Potschka
, Paul Cumming
Uptake and binding of the serotonin 5-HT1A antagonist [18F]-MPPF in brain of rats: Effects of the novel P-glycoprotein inhibitor tariquidar. 1406-1415 - Matthieu P. Vanni, Jean Provost
, Christian Casanova, Frederic Lesage:
Bimodal modulation and continuous stimulation in optical imaging to map direction selectivity. 1416-1431 - Xi-Nian Zuo
, Adriana Di Martino
, Clare Kelly
, Zarrar Shehzad, Dylan G. Gee
, Donald F. Klein, F. Xavier Castellanos
, Bharat B. Biswal
, Michael P. Milham:
The oscillating brain: Complex and reliable. 1432-1445 - Flavio Dell'Acqua
, Paola Scifo, Giovanna Rizzo
, Marco Catani
, Andrew Simmons, Giuseppe Scotti, Ferruccio Fazio:
A modified damped Richardson-Lucy algorithm to reduce isotropic background effects in spherical deconvolution. 1446-1458 - Adenauer G. Casali
, Silvia Casarotto
, Mario Rosanova, Maurizio Mariotti
, Marcello Massimini
General indices to characterize the electrical response of the cerebral cortex to TMS. 1459-1468 - C. Micheli, Jack McCubbin, Pamela Murphy, Hari Eswaran, Curtis L. Lowery, Erick Ortiz, Hubert Preissl
Verification of fetal brain responses by coregistration of fetal ultrasound and fetal magnetoencephalography data. 1469-1478 - Johanna M. Zumer
, Matthew J. Brookes
, Claire M. Stevenson, Susan T. Francis, Peter G. Morris:
Relating BOLD fMRI and neural oscillations through convolution and optimal linear weighting. 1479-1489 - Juergen Dukart
, Karsten Mueller
, Annette Horstmann
, Barbara Vogt
, Stefan Frisch
, Henryk Barthel, Georg A. Becker, Harald E. Möller
, Arno Villringer
, Osama Sabri
, Matthias L. Schroeter:
Differential effects of global and cerebellar normalization on detection and differentiation of dementia in FDG-PET studies. 1490-1495 - Maria João Duarte Rosa
, James Kilner
, Felix Blankenburg, Oliver Josephs, Will D. Penny
Estimating the transfer function from neuronal activity to BOLD using simultaneous EEG-fMRI. 1496-1509 - Lawrence R. Frank, Youngkyoo Jung
, Souheil J. Inati
, J. Michael Tyszka
, Eric C. Wong:
High efficiency, low distortion 3D diffusion tensor imaging with variable density spiral fast spin echoes (3D DW VDS RARE). 1510-1523 - Navid Shiee, Pierre-Louis Bazin
, Arzu Ozturk, Daniel S. Reich, Peter A. Calabresi, Dzung L. Pham:
A topology-preserving approach to the segmentation of brain images with multiple sclerosis lesions. 1524-1535 - Gaby S. Pell, Regula S. Briellmann, Kate M. Lawrence
, Deborah Glencross, R. Mark Wellard
, Samuel F. Berkovic
, Graeme D. Jackson
Reduced variance in monozygous twins for multiple MR parameters: Implications for disease studies and the genetic basis of brain structure. 1536-1544 - Joseph D. Ramsey, Stephen José Hanson
, Catherine Hanson
, Yaroslav O. Halchenko
, Russell A. Poldrack
, Clark Glymour:
Six problems for causal inference from fMRI. 1545-1558 - Kourosh Jafari-Khouzani, Kost V. Elisevich, Suresh Patel, Brien Smith, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
FLAIR signal and texture analysis for lateralizing mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. 1559-1571 - Laura E. Danielian, Nobue K. Iwata, David M. Thomasson, Mary Kay Floeter:
Reliability of fiber tracking measurements in diffusion tensor imaging for longitudinal study. 1572-1580 - Lucy F. Robinson, Tor D. Wager, Martin A. Lindquist:
Change point estimation in multi-subject fMRI studies. 1581-1592 - Vasily A. Vakorin
, Natasa Kovacevic, Anthony Randal McIntosh
Exploring transient transfer entropy based on a group-wise ICA decomposition of EEG data. 1593-1600 - Zografos Caramanos, Vladimir S. Fonov
, Simon J. Francis, Sridar Narayanan, G. Bruce Pike
, D. Louis Collins
, Douglas L. Arnold
Gradient distortions in MRI: Characterizing and correcting for their effects on SIENA-generated measures of brain volume change. 1601-1611
- Rishma Vidyasagar, Andrej Stancak, Laura M. Parkes
A multimodal brain imaging study of repetition suppression in the human visual cortex. 1612-1621 - Bianka Goetze, Karl-Friedrich Schmidt, Konrad Lehmann, Wilko Detlev Altrock, Eckart D. Gundelfinger, Siegrid Löwel:
Vision and visual cortical maps in mice with a photoreceptor synaptopathy: Reduced but robust visual capabilities in the absence of synaptic ribbons. 1622-1631 - Panagiotis Sapountzis
, Denis Schluppeck
, Richard Bowtell
, Jonathan Westley Peirce:
A comparison of fMRI adaptation and multivariate pattern classification analysis in visual cortex. 1632-1640 - Sebastian Puschmann
, Stefan Uppenkamp, Birger Kollmeier, Christiane M. Thiel
Dichotic pitch activates pitch processing centre in Heschl's gyrus. 1641-1649 - Victor Sander, Brian Soper, Stefan Everling
Nonhuman primate event-related potentials associated with pro- and anti-saccades. 1650-1658 - Kazumi Iseki, Takashi Hanakawa, Kazuo Hashikawa, Hidekazu Tomimoto, Manabu Nankaku, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Mark Hallett, Hidenao Fukuyama:
Gait disturbance associated with white matter changes: A gait analysis and blood flow study. 1659-1666 - Xin Yu
, Shumin Wang, Der-Yow Chen, Stephen J. Dodd, Artem G. Goloshevsky, Alan P. Koretsky
3D mapping of somatotopic reorganization with small animal functional MRI. 1667-1676 - Ryo Kitada
, Ingrid S. Johnsrude
, Takanori Kochiyama
, Susan J. Lederman:
Brain networks involved in haptic and visual identification of facial expressions of emotion: An fMRI study. 1677-1689
- Sara C. Verosky, Alexander Todorov:
Differential neural responses to faces physically similar to the self as a function of their valence. 1690-1698 - Christian E. Waugh
, J. Paul Hamilton, Ian H. Gotlib:
The neural temporal dynamics of the intensity of emotional experience. 1699-1707 - Jason S. Chan
, Cristina Simões-Franklin, Hugh Garavan, Fiona N. Newell
Static images of novel, moveable objects learned through touch activate visual area hMT+. 1708-1716 - C. B. A. Sinke, Bettina Sorger
, Rainer Goebel
, Béatrice de Gelder:
Tease or threat? Judging social interactions from bodily expressions. 1717-1727 - Martin Wiener, Peter E. Turkeltaub
, H. Branch Coslett:
The image of time: A voxel-wise meta-analysis. 1728-1740 - Manuel Carreiras
, Lindsay Carr, Horacio A. Barber
, Arturo E. Hernandez
Where syntax meets math: Right intraparietal sulcus activation in response to grammatical number agreement violations. 1741-1749 - Kaitlin L. Bergfield, Krista D. Hanson, Kewei Chen
, Stefan J. Teipel, Harald Hampel, Stanley I. Rapoport, James R. Moeller, Gene E. Alexander:
Age-related networks of regional covariance in MRI gray matter: Reproducible multivariate patterns in healthy aging. 1750-1759 - Marie-Luise Mechias, Amit Etkin, Raffael Kalisch:
A meta-analysis of instructed fear studies: Implications for conscious appraisal of threat. 1760-1768 - Scott D. Slotnick:
Does the hippocampus mediate objective binding or subjective remembering? 1769-1776 - C. Dockstader, Douglas O. Cheyne
, R. Tannock:
Cortical dynamics of selective attention to somatosensory events. 1777-1785 - Emilie Qiao, Fabien Vinckier
, Marcin Szwed
, Lionel Naccache
, Romain Valabrègue
, Stanislas Dehaene, Laurent Cohen
Unconsciously deciphering handwriting: Subliminal invariance for handwritten words in the visual word form area. 1786-1799 - Maximilian Bruchmann, Kristin Herper, Carsten Konrad
, Christo Pantev, René J. Huster:
Individualized EEG source reconstruction of Stroop interference with masked color words. 1800-1809 - Jamil Palacios Bhanji, Jennifer S. Beer, Silvia A. Bunge:
Taking a gamble or playing by the rules: Dissociable prefrontal systems implicated in probabilistic versus deterministic rule-based decisions. 1810-1819 - Anders M. Fjell, Inge K. Amlien
, Lars T. Westlye
, Vidar Stenset, Tormod Fladby
, Anders Skinningsrud, Dag E. Eilsertsen, Atle Bjørnerud, Kristine B. Walhovd
CSF biomarker pathology correlates with a medial temporo-parietal network affected by very mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease but not a fronto-striatal network affected by healthy aging. 1820-1830 - Axel Krug
, Vanessa Nieratschker, Valentin Markov, Sören Krach
, Andreas Jansen, Klaus Zerres, Thomas Eggermann, Tony Stöcker
, N. Jon Shah
, Jens Treutlein, Thomas W. Mühleisen, Tilo Kircher
Effect of CACNA1C rs1006737 on neural correlates of verbal fluency in healthy individuals. 1831-1836 - Stanislas Dehaene, Kimihiro Nakamura, Antoinette Jobert, Chihiro Kuroki, Seiji Ogawa, Laurent Cohen
Why do children make mirror errors in reading? Neural correlates of mirror invariance in the visual word form area. 1837-1848 - Olivia Longe, Frances A. Maratos
, Paul Gilbert
, Gaynor Evans, Faye Volker, Helen Rockliff, Gina Rippon
Having a word with yourself: Neural correlates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. 1849-1856 - Wenbo Luo, Wenfeng Feng
, Weiqi He, Nai-Yi Wang, Yuejia Luo:
Three stages of facial expression processing: ERP study with rapid serial visual presentation. 1857-1867 - Joe J. Simon
, Stephan Walther, Christian J. Fiebach
, Hans-Christoph Friederich, Christoph Stippich, Matthias Weisbrod, Stefan Kaiser
Neural reward processing is modulated by approach- and avoidance-related personality traits. 1868-1874 - Sarah Jacobson, Ian Kelleher
, Michelle Harley, Aileen Murtagh, Mary Clarke
, Mathieu Blanchard, Colm G. Connolly
, Erik O'Hanlon, Hugh Garavan, Mary Cannon
Structural and functional brain correlates of subclinical psychotic symptoms in 11-13 year old schoolchildren. 1875-1885 - David Polezzi, Giuseppe Sartori
, Rino Rumiati, Giulio Vidotto
, Irene Daum:
Brain correlates of risky decision-making. 1886-1894 - Alexander Gussew
, Reinhard Rzanny, Marko Erdtel, Hans-Christoph Scholle, Werner A. Kaiser, Hans-Joachim Mentzel, Jürgen R. Reichenbach
Time-resolved functional 1H MR spectroscopic detection of glutamate concentration changes in the brain during acute heat pain stimulation. 1895-1902 - Michael W. L. Chee
, Jiat Chow Tan, Sarayu Parimal, Vitali Zagorodnov:
Sleep deprivation and its effects on object-selective attention. 1903-1910 - Sheng Zhang, Chiang-shan Ray Li
A neural measure of behavioral engagement: Task-residual low-frequency blood oxygenation level-dependent activity in the precuneus. 1911-1918 - Chad J. Marsolek, Rebecca G. Deason, Nicholas A. Ketz, Pradeep Ramanathan
, Edward M. Bernat
, Vaughn R. Steele
, Christopher J. Patrick, Mieke Verfaellie
, David M. Schnyer
Identifying objects impairs knowledge of other objects: A relearning explanation for the neural repetition effect. 1919-1932 - Michael A. Motes
, Bart Rypma:
Working memory component processes: Isolating BOLD signal changes. 1933-1941
Volume 49, Number 3, February 2010
- Hans P. Op de Beeck
Against hyperacuity in brain reading: Spatial smoothing does not hurt multivariate fMRI analyses? 1943-1948 - Yukiyasu Kamitani, Yasuhito Sawahata
Spatial smoothing hurts localization but not information: Pitfalls for brain mappers. 1949-1952 - Justin L. Gardner
Is cortical vasculature functionally organized? 1953-1956 - Amir Shmuel, Denis Chaimow
, Günter Raddatz, Kâmil Ugurbil, Essa Yacoub:
Mechanisms underlying decoding at 7 T: Ocular dominance columns, broad structures, and macroscopic blood vessels in V1 convey information on the stimulated eye. 1957-1964 - Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
, Rhodri Cusack
, Peter A. Bandettini:
How does an fMRI voxel sample the neuronal activity pattern: Compact-kernel or complex spatiotemporal filter? 1965-1976 - Simon Lacey, Peter Flueckiger, Randall Stilla, Michael Lava, Krish Sathian
Object familiarity modulates the relationship between visual object imagery and haptic shape perception. 1977-1990 - Gopikrishna Deshpande
, Xiaoping Hu
, Simon Lacey, Randall Stilla, Krish Sathian
Object familiarity modulates effective connectivity during haptic shape perception. 1991-2000
- Philip L. Clatworthy
, Guy B. Williams
, Julio Acosta-Cabronero
, Peter S. Jones, S. G. Harding, Heidi Johansen-Berg
, Jean-Claude Baron
Probabilistic tractography of the optic radiations - An automated method and anatomical validation. 2001-2012 - Kevin C. Chan, Kyle K. Xing, Matthew M. Cheung, Iris Yuwen Zhou
, Ed X. Wu
Functional MRI of postnatal visual development in normal and hypoxic-ischemic-injured superior colliculi. 2013-2020 - Stefan J. Teipel, Arun L. W. Bokde, Thomas Meindl, Edson Amaro Jr.
, Jasmin Soldner, Maximilian F. Reiser, Sabine C. Herpertz, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Harald Hampel:
White matter microstructure underlying default mode network connectivity in the human brain. 2021-2032 - Timothy M. Ellmore
, Michael S. Beauchamp
, Joshua I. Breier, Jeremy D. Slater
, Giridhar P. Kalamangalam
, Thomas J. O'Neill, Michael A. DiSano, Nitin Tandon
Temporal lobe white matter asymmetry and language laterality in epilepsy patients. 2033-2044 - Joshua H. Balsters
, Emma Cussans, Jörn Diedrichsen
, Kimberley A. Phillips
, Todd M. Preuss, James K. Rilling, Narender Ramnani
Evolution of the cerebellar cortex: The selective expansion of prefrontal-projecting cerebellar lobules. 2045-2052 - Axel Krauth, Rémi Blanc, Alejandra Poveda, Daniel Jeanmonod, Anne Morel, Gábor Székely:
A mean three-dimensional atlas of the human thalamus: Generation from multiple histological data. 2053-2062 - Tomoki Arichi
, A. Moraux, A. Melendez, Valentina Doria, M. Groppo, Nazakat Merchant
, S. Combs, Etienne Burdet
, David J. Larkman, Serena J. Counsell
, Christian F. Beckmann
, A. David Edwards
Somatosensory cortical activation identified by functional MRI in preterm and term infants. 2063-2071 - Hans Herzog, Uwe Pietrzyk
, N. Jon Shah
, Karl Ziemons:
The current state, challenges and perspectives of MR-PET. 2072-2082 - S. Burgmans, Martin P. J. van Boxtel, E. H. B. M. Gronenschild, E. F. P. M. Vuurman, P. Hofman, Harry B. M. Uylings, Jelle Jolles, Naftali Raz:
Multiple indicators of age-related differences in cerebral white matter and the modifying effects of hypertension. 2083-2093 - Ruth Vreys, Greetje Vande Velde
, Olga Krylychkina, Michiel Vellema
, Marleen Verhoye
, Jean-Pierre Timmermans
, Veerle Baekelandt, Annemie van der Linden
MRI visualization of endogenous neural progenitor cell migration along the RMS in the adult mouse brain: Validation of various MPIO labeling strategies. 2094-2103 - A. Z. Burzynska, Claudia Preuschhof
, Lars Bäckman, Lars Nyberg
, Shu-Chen Li
, Ulman Lindenberger, Hauke R. Heekeren
Age-related differences in white matter microstructure: Region-specific patterns of diffusivity. 2104-2112
- Jason Steffener, Matthias Tabert, Aaron Reuben, Yaakov Stern
Investigating hemodynamic response variability at the group level using basis functions. 2113-2122 - Frithjof Kruggel, Jessica A. Turner
, Lutfi Tugan Muftuler
Impact of scanner hardware and imaging protocol on image quality and compartment volume precision in the ADNI cohort. 2123-2133 - Zang-Hee Cho, Jae-Yong Han, Seok-Il Hwang, Dae-Shik Kim, Kyoung-Nam Kim, Nam-Beom Kim, Seog Ju Kim, Je-Geun Chi
, Chan-Woong Park, Young-Bo Kim:
Quantitative analysis of the hippocampus using images obtained from 7.0 T MRI. 2134-2140 - Yalin Wang
, Jie Zhang, Boris Gutman
, Tony F. Chan
, James T. Becker
, Howard Aizenstein
, Oscar L. Lopez, Robert J. Tamburo, Arthur W. Toga, Paul M. Thompson
Multivariate tensor-based morphometry on surfaces: Application to mapping ventricular abnormalities in HIV/AIDS. 2141-2157 - Stephan Ulmer, Gesa Hartwigsen
, Christian H. Riedel, Olav Jansen, H. Maximilian Mehdorn, Arya Nabavi:
Intraoperative dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI (iDSC-MRI) is as reliable as preoperatively acquired perfusion mapping. 2158-2162 - Xi-Nian Zuo
, Clare Kelly
, Jonathan S. Adelstein, Donald F. Klein, F. Xavier Castellanos
, Michael P. Milham:
Reliable intrinsic connectivity networks: Test-retest evaluation using ICA and dual regression approach. 2163-2177 - Andre F. Marquand
, Matthew Howard
, Michael John Brammer, Carlton Chu, Steven Coen, Janaina Mourão Miranda:
Quantitative prediction of subjective pain intensity from whole-brain fMRI data using Gaussian processes. 2178-2189 - Ofer Pasternak, Nir A. Sochen, Peter J. Basser:
The effect of metric selection on the analysis of diffusion tensor MRI data. 2190-2204 - João M. S. Pereira
, Li Xiong
, Julio Acosta-Cabronero
, George Pengas, Guy B. Williams
, Peter J. Nestor
Registration accuracy for VBM studies varies according to region and degenerative disease grouping. 2205-2215 - Hans-Jürgen Huppertz
, Judith Kröll-Seger, Stefan Klöppel
, Reinhard E. Ganz, Jan Kassubek
Intra- and interscanner variability of automated voxel-based volumetry based on a 3D probabilistic atlas of human cerebral structures. 2216-2224 - Guorong Wu, Pew-Thian Yap, Minjeong Kim, Dinggang Shen:
TPS-HAMMER: Improving HAMMER registration algorithm by soft correspondence matching and thin-plate splines based deformation interpolation. 2225-2233 - Christian Schwarzbauer, David A. Porter
Single shot partial dual echo (SPADE) EPI - an efficient acquisition scheme for reducing susceptibility artefacts in fMRI. 2234-2237 - Christoph Mulert
, Gregor Leicht
, Philip Hepp
, Valerie Kirsch
, Susanne Karch, Oliver Pogarell, Maximilian F. Reiser, Ulrich Hegerl
, Lorenz Jäger, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Robert W. McCarley
Single-trial coupling of the gamma-band response and the corresponding BOLD signal. 2238-2247 - Alon S. Keren, Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg, Leon Y. Deouell
Saccadic spike potentials in gamma-band EEG: Characterization, detection and suppression. 2248-2263 - Manja Lehmann, Abdel Douiri
, Lois G. Kim
, Marc Modat
, Dennis Chan, Sébastien Ourselin
, Josephine Barnes
, Nick C. Fox
Atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia: A comparison of FreeSurfer and manual volumetric measurements. 2264-2274 - Jaymin Upadhyay, Gautam V. Pendse, Julie W. Anderson, Adam J. Schwarz, Richard Baumgartner, Alexandre Coimbra, James Bishop
, Jamie Knudsen, Edward George, Igor D. Grachev, Smriti Iyengar, David Bleakman, Richard Hargreaves, David Borsook, Lino Becerra:
Improved characterization of BOLD responses for evoked sensory stimuli. 2275-2286 - Hendrik Mandelkow
, Daniel Brandeis, Peter Boesiger:
Good practices in EEG-MRI: The utility of retrospective synchronization and PCA for the removal of MRI gradient artefacts. 2287-2303 - Anna Caterina Merzagora, Guglielmo Foffani
, I. Panyavin, L. Mordillo-Mateos
, Juan Aguilar
, Banu Onaral, A. Oliviero:
Prefrontal hemodynamic changes produced by anodal direct current stimulation. 2304-2310 - Thomas T. Liu
, Joy Liau:
Caffeine increases the linearity of the visual BOLD response. 2311-2317 - Matthew Toews, William M. Wells III, D. Louis Collins
, Tal Arbel:
Feature-based morphometry: Discovering group-related anatomical patterns. 2318-2327 - Pedro A. Valdés-Hernández
, Alejandro Ojeda-González
, Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Agustin Lage-Castellanos, Trinidad Virués-Alba, Lourdes Valdés-Urrutia, Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
White matter architecture rather than cortical surface area correlates with the EEG alpha rhythm. 2328-2339 - Jiangyang Zhang
, Qi Peng, Qing Li, Neda Jahanshad, Zhipeng Hou, Mali Jiang
, Naoki Masuda
, Douglas R. Langbehn
, Michael I. Miller, Susumu Mori, Christopher A. Ross, Wenzhen Duan:
Longitudinal characterization of brain atrophy of a Huntington's disease mouse model by automated morphological analyses of magnetic resonance images. 2340-2351 - Jyrki Lötjönen
, Robin Wolz, Juha Koikkalainen, Lennart Thurfjell, Gunhild Waldemar, Hilkka Soininen, Daniel Rueckert
Fast and robust multi-atlas segmentation of brain magnetic resonance images. 2352-2365 - Edward S. Hui
, Matthew M. Cheung, Kevin C. Chan, Ed X. Wu
B-value dependence of DTI quantitation and sensitivity in detecting neural tissue changes. 2366-2374 - Jae-Hun Kim
, Jong-Min Lee, Hang Joon Jo
, Sook Hui Kim, Jung Hee Lee, Sung Tae Kim, Sang Won Seo, Robert W. Cox
, Duk L. Na, Sun I. Kim, Ziad S. Saad:
Defining functional SMA and pre-SMA subregions in human MFC using resting state fMRI: Functional connectivity-based parcellation method. 2375-2386 - Maher A. Quraan, Douglas O. Cheyne
Reconstruction of correlated brain activity with adaptive spatial filters in MEG. 2387-2400 - Kevin S. Brown
, Stephanie Ortigue, Scott T. Grafton, Jean M. Carlson:
Improving human brain mapping via joint inversion of brain electrodynamics and the BOLD signal. 2401-2415 - Brenton W. McMenamin, Alexander J. Shackman
, Jeffrey S. Maxwell, David R. W. Bachhuber, Adam M. Koppenhaver, Lawrence L. Greischar, Richard J. Davidson
Validation of ICA-based myogenic artifact correction for scalp and source-localized EEG. 2416-2432 - Bärbel Maus, Gerard J. P. Van Breukelen
, Rainer Goebel
, Martijn P. F. Berger:
Robustness of optimal design of fMRI experiments with application of a genetic algorithm. 2433-2443 - Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos, Li Bai, Paul Simon Morgan, Cris S. Constantinescu, Christopher R. Tench:
Brain tractography using Q-ball imaging and graph theory: Improved connectivities through fibre crossings via a model-based approach. 2444-2456 - Brian B. Avants
, Paul A. Yushkevich
, John Pluta, David Minkoff, Marc Korczykowski, John A. Detre, James C. Gee:
The optimal template effect in hippocampus studies of diseased populations. 2457-2466 - Christopher P. Pawela
, Bharat B. Biswal
, Anthony G. Hudetz, Rupeng Li, Seth R. Jones, Younghoon R. Cho, Hani S. Matloub, James S. Hyde:
Interhemispheric neuroplasticity following limb deafferentation detected by resting-state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 2467-2478 - Dimitrios Pantazis
, Anand A. Joshi
, Jintao Jiang, David W. Shattuck, Lynne E. Bernstein, Hanna Damasio, Richard M. Leahy:
Comparison of landmark-based and automatic methods for cortical surface registration. 2479-2493 - Justin M. Ales
, Thom Carney, Stanley A. Klein:
The folding fingerprint of visual cortex reveals the timing of human V1 and V2. 2494-2502 - Keita Ueda, Hironobu Fujiwara, Jun Miyata, Kazuyuki Hirao, Teruyasu Saze, Ryosaku Kawada, Shinsuke Fujimoto, Yusuke Tanaka, Nobukatsu Sawamoto
, Hidenao Fukuyama, Toshiya Murai:
Investigating association of brain volumes with intracranial capacity in schizophrenia. 2503-2508 - Ariana E. Anderson, Ivo D. Dinov
, Jonathan E. Sherin, Javier Quintana, Alan L. Yuille
, Mark S. Cohen
Classification of spatially unaligned fMRI scans. 2509-2519 - Jens Wuerfel
, Friedemann Paul
, Bernd Beierbach, Uwe Hamhaber, Dieter Klatt, Sebastian Papazoglou, Frauke Zipp
, Peter Martus, Jürgen Braun
, Ingolf Sack:
MR-elastography reveals degradation of tissue integrity in multiple sclerosis. 2520-2525
- Leanne C. McKay
, Hugo D. Critchley
, Kevin Murphy, Richard S. J. Frackowiak
, Douglas R. Corfield:
Sub-cortical and brainstem sites associated with chemo-stimulated increases in ventilation in humans. 2526-2535 - Nora D. Volkow, Joanna S. Fowler, Gene-Jack Wang, Frank Telang, Jean Logan
, Millard Jayne, Yeming Ma, Kith Pradhan, Christopher Wong, James M. Swanson:
Cognitive control of drug craving inhibits brain reward regions in cocaine abusers. 2536-2543 - Oxana Eschenko
, Santiago Canals
, I. Simanova, Michael Beyerlein, Yusuke Murayama, Nikos K. Logothetis:
Mapping of functional brain activity in freely behaving rats during voluntary running using manganese-enhanced MRI: Implication for longitudinal studies. 2544-2555 - Peter N. C. Mohr, Guido Biele
, Lea K. Krugel, Shu-Chen Li, Hauke R. Heekeren
Neural foundations of risk-return trade-off in investment decisions. 2556-2563 - Haruhiko Kishima, Youichi Saitoh, Satoru Oshino
, Koichi Hosomi, Mohamed Ali
, Tomoyuki Maruo, Masayuki Hirata, Tetsu Goto, Takufumi Yanagisawa, Masahiko Sumitani, Yasuhiro Osaki, Jun Hatazawa, Toshiki Yoshimine:
Modulation of neuronal activity after spinal cord stimulation for neuropathic pain; H215O PET study. 2564-2569 - Stephan P. Swinnen
, Sophie Vangheluwe, Johan Wagemans
, James P. Coxon
, Daniel J. Goble
, Annouchka Van Impe, Stefan Sunaert
, Ronald R. Peeters
, Nicole Wenderoth:
Shared neural resources between left and right interlimb coordination skills: The neural substrate of abstract motor representations. 2570-2580 - Tao Wu, Piu Chan, Mark Hallett:
Effective connectivity of neural networks in automatic movements in Parkinson's disease. 2581-2587 - Dima A. Hammoud
, Christopher J. Endres, Edward Hammond, Ovsev Uzuner, Amanda Brown
, Avindra Nath, Adam I. Kaplin, Martin G. Pomper:
Imaging serotonergic transmission with [11C]DASB-PET in depressed and non-depressed patients infected with HIV. 2588-2595 - Han Yuan, Tao Liu, Rebecca Szarkowski, Cristina Rios, James Ashe, Bin He
Negative covariation between task-related responses in alpha/beta-band activity and BOLD in human sensorimotor cortex: An EEG and fMRI study of motor imagery and movements. 2596-2606 - Henryk Faas, Walker S. Jackson
, Andrew W. Borkowski, Xinhe Wang, Jiyan Ma, Susan Lindquist, Alan Jasanoff:
Context-dependent perturbation of neural systems in transgenic mice expressing a cytosolic prion protein. 2607-2617 - Julia Linke, Peter Kirsch
, Andrea V. King, Achim Gass, Michael Hennerici, André Bongers, Michèle Wessa
Motivational orientation modulates the neural response to reward. 2618-2625 - Andrew Michael, Stefi A. Baum, Tonya White
, Oguz Demirci, Nancy Andreasen
, Judith M. Segall, Rex E. Jung
, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Vincent P. Clark
, Randy L. Gollub
, S. Charles Schulz, Joshua L. Roffman
, Kelvin O. Lim
, Beng-Choon Ho
, Henry Jeremy Bockholt, Vince D. Calhoun
Does function follow form?: Methods to fuse structural and functional brain images show decreased linkage in schizophrenia. 2626-2637
- Alan Anticevic, Grega Repovs
, Gordon L. Shulman, Deanna M. Barch:
When less is more: TPJ and default network deactivation during encoding predicts working memory performance. 2638-2648 - Matthias Schurz, Denise Sturm, Fabio Richlan
, Martin Kronbichler
, Gunther Ladurner, Heinz Wimmer:
A dual-route perspective on brain activation in response to visual words: Evidence for a length by lexicality interaction in the visual word form area (VWFA). 2649-2661 - Sarah J. Hart, Steven R. Green, Michael Casp
, Aysenil Belger
Emotional priming effects during Stroop task performance. 2662-2670 - Jennifer S. Beer, Brent L. Hughes:
Neural systems of social comparison and the "above-average" effect. 2671-2679 - Thomas Straube, Bernd Langohr, Stephanie Schmidt, Hans-Joachim Mentzel, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner:
Increased amygdala activation to averted versus direct gaze in humans is independent of valence of facial expression. 2680-2686 - Gregory S. Berns, C. Monica Capra
, Sara Moore, Charles N. Noussair:
Neural mechanisms of the influence of popularity on adolescent ratings of music. 2687-2696 - Hiroshige Takeichi
, Sachiko Koyama, Atsushi Terao, Fumiya Takeuchi, Yuko Toyosawa, Harumitsu Murohashi:
Comprehension of degraded speech sounds with m-sequence modulation: An fMRI study. 2697-2706 - Carla L. Harenski, Olga Antonenko, Matthew S. Shane, Kent A. Kiehl:
A functional imaging investigation of moral deliberation and moral intuition. 2707-2716 - Valerio Santangelo
, Sabrina Fagioli
, Emiliano Macaluso
The costs of monitoring simultaneously two sensory modalities decrease when dividing attention in space. 2717-2727 - Zaira Cattaneo, Joseph T. Devlin
, Francesca Salvini, Tomaso Vecchi, Juha Silvanto
The causal role of category-specific neuronal representations in the left ventral premotor cortex (PMv) in semantic processing. 2728-2734 - Miho Fukuda, Robert Rothermel, Csaba Juhász, Masaaki Nishida, Sandeep Sood, Eishi Asano
Cortical gamma-oscillations modulated by listening and overt repetition of phonemes. 2735-2745 - Denise A. Minnebusch, Philipp M. Keune, Boris Suchan
, Irene Daum:
Gradual inversion affects the processing of human body shapes. 2746-2755 - Agnes Flöel
, Ruth Ruscheweyh, Karsten Krüger
, C. Willemer, Bernward Winter, Klaus Völker, Hubertus Lohmann, M. Zitzmann, Frank-Christoph Mooren, Caterina Breitenstein, Stefan Knecht
Physical activity and memory functions: Are neurotrophins and cerebral gray matter volume the missing link? 2756-2763 - Mathilde Groussard
, Fausto Viader, Valérie Hubert, Brigitte Landeau, Ahmed Abbas, Béatrice Desgranges
, Francis Eustache
, Hervé Platel
Musical and verbal semantic memory: Two distinct neural networks? 2764-2773 - Juliane Britz
, Christoph M. Michel
Errors can be related to pre-stimulus differences in ERP topography and their concomitant sources. 2774-2782 - Yukihiko Shirayama, Takayuki Obata
, Daisuke Matsuzawa
, Hiroi Nonaka, Yoko Kanazawa, Eiji Yoshitome, Hiroo Ikehira, Kenji Hashimoto
, Masaomi Iyo:
Specific metabolites in the medial prefrontal cortex are associated with the neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia: A preliminary study. 2783-2790 - Silvia Ortiz-Mantilla, Myong-sun Choe, Judy Flax, Patricia Ellen Grant
, April A. Benasich
Associations between the size of the amygdala in infancy and language abilities during the preschool years in normally developing children. 2791-2799 - Mathias Weymar
, Andreas Löw, Christiane Modess, Georg Engel, Matthias Gründling
, Astrid Petersmann, Werner Siegmund, Alfons O. Hamm:
Propranolol selectively blocks the enhanced parietal old/new effect during long-term recollection of unpleasant pictures: A high density ERP study. 2800-2806 - Pablo Campo
, Claudia Poch
, Fabrice B. R. Parmentier, Stephan Moratti
, Jane V. Elsley, Nazareth P. Castellanos
, José María Ruiz-Vargas, Francisco del Pozo
, Fernando Maestú
Oscillatory activity in prefrontal and posterior regions during implicit letter-location binding. 2807-2815 - Oliver Baumann
, Edgar Chan, Jason B. Mattingley
Dissociable neural circuits for encoding and retrieval of object locations during active navigation in humans. 2816-2825 - Anna Mestres-Missé
, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells
, Thomas F. Münte:
Neural differences in the mapping of verb and noun concepts onto novel words. 2826-2835 - Yingyi Luo, Xiaolin Zhou:
ERP evidence for the online processing of rhythmic pattern during Chinese sentence reading. 2836-2849 - G. Raboyeau, Karine Marcotte
, Daniel Adrover-Roig
, Ana Inés Ansaldo
Brain activation and lexical learning: The impact of learning phase and word type. 2850-2861 - Yu-Chieh Chen, Jeng-Ren Duann, Shang-Wen Chuang, Chun-Ling Lin, Li-Wei Ko
, Tzyy-Ping Jung
, Chin-Teng Lin
Spatial and temporal EEG dynamics of motion sickness. 2862-2870 - Mariann Weierich, Christopher I. Wright, Alyson Negreira, Bradford C. Dickerson, Lisa Feldman Barrett:
Novelty as a dimension in the affective brain. 2871-2878 - Joel L. Voss
, Haline E. Schendan
, Ken A. Paller
Finding meaning in novel geometric shapes influences electrophysiological correlates of repetition and dissociates perceptual and conceptual priming. 2879-2889 - Maria Golde, D. Yves von Cramon, Ricarda I. Schubotz
Differential role of anterior prefrontal and premotor cortex in the processing of relational information. 2890-2900
Volume 49, Number 4, February 2010
- Xiaoqi Huang, Su Lui, Wei Deng
, Raymond C. K. Chan, Qizhu Wu, Li-Jun Jiang, Jun-Ran Zhang, Zhiyun Jia
, Xiu-Li Li, Fei Li
, Long Chen, Tao Li
, Qiyong Gong
Localization of cerebral functional deficits in treatment-naive, first-episode schizophrenia using resting-state fMRI. 2901-2906 - M. Pham, C. Kleinschnitz, X. Helluy, Andreas J. Bartsch, M. Austinat, V. C. Behr, T. Renné
, Bernhard Nieswandt, G. Stoll, Martin Bendszus:
Enhanced cortical reperfusion protects coagulation factor XII-deficient mice from ischemic stroke as revealed by high-field MRI. 2907-2914 - Armin Raznahan
, William Cutter, François Lalonde, Dene Robertson, Eileen M. Daly
, Gerard S. Conway, David H. Skuse, Judith Ross
, Jason P. Lerch
, Jay N. Giedd
, Declan G. M. Murphy
Cortical anatomy in human X monosomy. 2915-2923 - William C. Kreisl, Masahiro Fujita
, Yota Fujimura, Nobuyo Kimura, Kimberly J. Jenko, Pavitra Kannan
, Jinsoo Hong, Cheryl L. Morse, Sami S. Zoghbi, Robert L. Gladding, Steven Jacobson, Unsong Oh, Victor W. Pike, Robert B. Innis:
Comparison of [11C]-(R)-PK 11195 and [11C]PBR28, two radioligands for translocator protein (18 kDa) in human and monkey: Implications for positron emission tomographic imaging of this inflammation biomarker. 2924-2932 - Yoshitaka Kumakura, Erik H. Danielsen, Albert Gjedde
, Ingo Vernaleken, Hans-Georg Buchholz, Andreas Heinz
, Gerhard Gründer, Peter Bartenstein, Paul Cumming
Elevated [18F]FDOPA utilization in the periaqueductal gray and medial nucleus accumbens of patients with early Parkinson's disease. 2933-2939 - Omer Doron, Gadi Goelman:
Evidence for asymmetric intra substantia nigra functional connectivity - application to basal ganglia processing. 2940-2946 - Yun Zhou, Weiguo Ye, James R. Brasic
, Dean F. Wong:
Multi-graphical analysis of dynamic PET. 2947-2957 - Eugenia Solano-Castiella, Alfred Anwander
, Gabriele Lohmann
, Marcel Weiss, Carol Docherty, Stefan Geyer, Enrico Reimer, Angela D. Friederici, Robert Turner:
Diffusion tensor imaging segments the human amygdala in vivo. 2958-2965 - Jonathan Savitz
, Allison C. Nugent
, Wendy Bogers, Alice Liu, Rebecca Sills, David A. Luckenbaugh, Earle E. Bain, Joseph L. Price, Carlos A. Zarate Jr., Husseini K. Manji, Dara M. Cannon
, Sean Marrett
, Dennis S. Charney, Wayne C. Drevets:
Amygdala volume in depressed patients with bipolar disorder assessed using high resolution 3T MRI: The impact of medication. 2966-2976 - Yoshiko Okita, Manabu Kinoshita
, Tetsu Goto, Naoki Kagawa, Haruhiko Kishima, Eku Shimosegawa, Jun Hatazawa, Naoya Hashimoto, Toshiki Yoshimine:
11C-methionine uptake correlates with tumor cell density rather than with microvessel density in glioma: A stereotactic image-histology comparison. 2977-2982 - Monika-Zita Zempleni, Lars Michels
, Ulrich Mehnert, Brigitte Schurch, Spyros S. Kollias:
Cortical substrate of bladder control in SCI and the effect of peripheral pudendal stimulation. 2983-2994 - H. Diana Rosas, Stephanie Y. Lee, Alexander C. Bender, Alexandra K. Zaleta, Mark G. Vangel, Peng Yu, Bruce Fischl, Vasanth Pappu, Christina E. Onorato, Jang-Ho Cha, David H. Salat, Steven M. Hersch:
Altered white matter microstructure in the corpus callosum in Huntington's disease: Implications for cortical "disconnection". 2995-3004
- Mark Fiecas, Hernando Ombao, Crystal Linkletter, Wesley K. Thompson, Jerome N. Sanes:
Functional connectivity: Shrinkage estimation and randomization test. 3005-3014 - Steffen Volz, Ulrike Nöth, Anna Rotarska-Jagiela, Ralf Deichmann:
A fast B1-mapping method for the correction and normalization of magnetization transfer ratio maps at 3 T. 3015-3026 - Shuowen Hu, Olumide Olulade, Javier Gonzalez-Castillo
, Joseph Santos, Sungeun Kim, Gregory G. Tamer, Wen-Ming Luh, Thomas M. Talavage
Modeling hemodynamic responses in auditory cortex at 1.5 T using variable duration imaging acoustic noise. 3027-3038 - Xu Cui
, Signe Bray, Allan L. Reiss:
Functional near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signal improvement based on negative correlation between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin dynamics. 3039-3046 - Daniel S. Reich, Arzu Ozturk, Peter A. Calabresi, Susumu Mori:
Automated vs. conventional tractography in multiple sclerosis: Variability and correlation with disability. 3047-3056 - Justin R. Chumbley, Keith J. Worsley, Guillaume Flandin, Karl J. Friston
Topological FDR for neuroimaging. 3057-3064 - Christian Herbert Kasess
, Klaas Enno Stephan
, Andreas Weissenbacher, Lukas Pezawas
, Ewald Moser
, Christian Windischberger
Multi-subject analyses with dynamic causal modeling. 3065-3074 - Xin Wang, Sarah N. Garfinkel
, Anthony P. King
, Mike Angstadt
, Michael J. Dennis, Hong Xie, Robert C. Welsh, Marijo B. Tamburrino, Israel Liberzon
A multiple-plane approach to measure the structural properties of functionally active regions in the human cortex. 3075-3085 - Fa-Hsuan Lin
, Thomas Witzel, Wei-Tang Chang
, Kevin Wen-Kai Tsai, Yen-Hsiang Wang, Wen-Jui Kuo, John W. Belliveau:
K-space reconstruction of magnetic resonance inverse imaging (K-InI) of human visuomotor systems. 3086-3098 - Klaas Enno Stephan
, Will D. Penny
, Rosalyn J. Moran
, Hanneke E. M. den Ouden
, Jean Daunizeau
, Karl J. Friston
Ten simple rules for dynamic causal modeling. 3099-3109 - Hui Shen, Lubin Wang, Yadong Liu, Dewen Hu:
Discriminative analysis of resting-state functional connectivity patterns of schizophrenia using low dimensional embedding of fMRI. 3110-3121 - Yuko Kawai, Ichio Aoki
, Masahiro Umeda
, Toshihiro Higuchi, Jeff Kershaw, Makoto Higuchi, Afonso C. Silva, Chuzo Tanaka:
In vivo visualization of reactive gliosis using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. 3122-3131 - Michael W. Cole
, Sudhir K. Pathak, Walter Schneider:
Identifying the brain's most globally connected regions. 3132-3148 - Sunil Kumar Arja, Zhaomei Feng, Zikuan Chen, Arvind Caprihan, Kent A. Kiehl, Tülay Adali, Vince D. Calhoun
Changes in fMRI magnitude data and phase data observed in block-design and event-related tasks. 3149-3160 - Hua Brian Hui, Dimitrios Pantazis
, Steven L. Bressler, Richard M. Leahy:
Identifying true cortical interactions in MEG using the nulling beamformer. 3161-3174 - Peter Savadjiev, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Sylvain Bouix
, Martha Elizabeth Shenton
, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Local white matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients. 3175-3186 - Dorothee Saur
, Björn Schelter, Susanne Schnell
, David Kratochvil, Hanna Küpper, Philipp Kellmeyer
, Dorothee Kümmerer, Stefan Klöppel
, Volkmar Glauche, Rüdiger Lange, Wolfgang Mader
, David Feess, Jens Timmer, Cornelius Weiller
Combining functional and anatomical connectivity reveals brain networks for auditory language comprehension. 3187-3197
- James F. Cavanagh
, Michael Joshua Frank, Theresa J. Klein, John J. B. Allen:
Frontal theta links prediction errors to behavioral adaptation in reinforcement learning. 3198-3209 - William H. Alexander, Joshua W. Brown:
Competition between learned reward and error outcome predictions in anterior cingulate cortex. 3210-3218 - Serge Vulliémoz, Roman Rodionov, David W. Carmichael
, Rachel C. Thornton, Maxime Guye, Samden D. Lhatoo, Christoph M. Michel
, John S. Duncan
, Louis Lemieux
Continuous EEG source imaging enhances analysis of EEG-fMRI in focal epilepsy. 3219-3229 - Pooja Wasson, Janey Prodoehl
, Stephen A. Coombes
, Daniel M. Corcos, David E. Vaillancourt:
Predicting grip force amplitude involves circuits in the anterior basal ganglia. 3230-3238 - Britta Lorey, Sebastian Pilgramm, Bertram Walter, Rudolf Stark, Jörn Munzert, Karen Zentgraf
Your mind's hand: Motor imagery of pointing movements with different accuracy. 3239-3247 - Elfi Goesaert, Hans P. Op de Beeck
Continuous mapping of the cortical object vision pathway using traveling waves in object space. 3248-3256 - Satu Palva
, Simo Monto, J. Matias Palva
Graph properties of synchronized cortical networks during visual working memory maintenance. 3257-3268 - S. Houweling, Bob W. van Dijk, Peter Jan Beek
, Andreas Daffertshofer
Cortico-spinal synchronization reflects changes in performance when learning a complex bimanual task. 3269-3275 - Lena Rademacher, Sören Krach
, Gregor Kohls
, Arda Irmak, Gerhard Gründer, Katja N. Spreckelmeyer:
Dissociation of neural networks for anticipation and consumption of monetary and social rewards. 3276-3285
- Matthew K. Leonard
, Timothy T. Brown, Katherine E. Travis
, Lusineh Gharapetian, Donald J. Hagler Jr., Anders M. Dale, Jeffrey L. Elman
, Eric Halgren:
Spatiotemporal dynamics of bilingual word processing. 3286-3294 - Leen Van Doren, Patrick Dupont
, Sophie De Grauwe, Ronald R. Peeters
, Rik Vandenberghe
The amodal system for conscious word and picture identification in the absence of a semantic task. 3295-3307 - Ryan A. Stevenson, Nicholas A. Altieri, Sunah Kim, David B. Pisoni, Thomas W. James:
Neural processing of asynchronous audiovisual speech perception. 3308-3318 - C. J. Aine, J. E. Bryant, Janice E. Knoefel, John C. Adair, Blaine Hart, C. H. Donahue, R. Montaño, R. Hayek, C. Qualls, Douglas M. Ranken, Julia M. Stephen
Different strategies for auditory word recognition in healthy versus normal aging. 3319-3330 - Lesya Y. Ganushchak
, Niels O. Schiller
Detection of speech errors in the speech of others: An ERP study. 3331-3337 - Marta Bortoletto
, Ross Cunnington
Motor timing and motor sequencing contribute differently to the preparation for voluntary movement. 3338-3348 - Suresh D. Muthukumaraswamy
, Krish D. Singh
, Jennifer B. Swettenham
, Derek K. Jones
Visual gamma oscillations and evoked responses: Variability, repeatability and structural MRI correlates. 3349-3357 - Howard J. Rosen, Oscar Alcantar, Johannes Rothlind, Virginia E. Sturm, Joel H. Kramer, Michael Weiner, Bruce L. Miller:
Neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive self-appraisal in neurodegenerative disease. 3358-3364 - Ralf Veit
, Martin Lotze
, Sven Sewing, Heiner Missenhardt, Tilman Gaber, Niels Birbaumer
Aberrant social and cerebral responding in a competitive reaction time paradigm in criminal psychopaths. 3365-3372 - Bradley S. Folley, Robert Astur, Kanchana Jagannathan, Vince D. Calhoun
, Godfrey D. Pearlson:
Anomalous neural circuit function in schizophrenia during a virtual Morris water task. 3373-3384 - Beng-Choon Ho
, Vincent Magnotta
Hippocampal volume deficits and shape deformities in young biological relatives of schizophrenia probands. 3385-3393 - Sachiko Takahama, Satoru Miyauchi, Jun Saiki
Neural basis for dynamic updating of object representation in visual working memory. 3394-3403 - André W. Keizer, Roland S. Verment, Bernhard Hommel
Enhancing cognitive control through neurofeedback: A role of gamma-band activity in managing episodic retrieval. 3404-3413 - Hans P. Op de Beeck
, Marijke Brants, Annelies Baeck, Johan Wagemans
Distributed subordinate specificity for bodies, faces, and buildings in human ventral visual cortex. 3414-3425 - Julian Lim
, Wen-Chau Wu
, Jiongjiong Wang
, John A. Detre, David F. Dinges, Hengyi Rao:
Imaging brain fatigue from sustained mental workload: An ASL perfusion study of the time-on-task effect. 3426-3435 - Vijay K. Venkatraman
, Howard Aizenstein
, Jack Guralnik, Anne B. Newman, Nancy W. Glynn
, Christopher Taylor, Stephanie A. Studenski, Lenore J. Launer, Marco Pahor, Jeff Williamson, Caterina Rosano:
Executive control function, brain activation and white matter hyperintensities in older adults. 3436-3442 - Diane S. Lazard
, Hyo-Jeong Lee
, Michael Gaebler
, Christian A. Kell, Eric Truy, Anne-Lise Giraud:
Phonological processing in post-lingual deafness and cochlear implant outcome. 3443-3451 - Lars A. Ross, Ingrid R. Olson:
Social cognition and the anterior temporal lobes. 3452-3462 - Kate Dimond Fitzgerald, Suzanne C. Perkins
, Mike Angstadt
, Timothy Johnson, Emily R. Stern, Robert C. Welsh, Stephan F. Taylor
The development of performance-monitoring function in the posterior medial frontal cortex. 3463-3473 - Hiroko M. Kimura, Satoshi Hirose, Akira Kunimatsu, Junichi Chikazoe
, Koji Jimura, Takamitsu Watanabe
, Osamu Abe, Kuni Ohtomo, Yasushi Miyashita
, Seiki Konishi:
Differential temporo-parietal cortical networks that support relational and item-based recency judgments. 3474-3480 - Helene M. van Ettinger-Veenstra
, M. Ragnehed, Mathias Hällgren
, T. Karlsson, A.-M. Landtblom
, P. Lundberg, Maria Engström
Right-hemispheric brain activation correlates to language performance. 3481-3488 - John G. Geake, Peter C. Hansen
Functional neural correlates of fluid and crystallized analogizing. 3489-3497
- Zografos Caramanos, Vladimir S. Fonov
, Simon J. Francis, Sridar Narayanan, G. Bruce Pike
, D. Louis Collins
, Douglas L. Arnold:
Corrigendum to "Gradient distortions in MRI: Characterizing and correcting for their effects on SIENA-generated measures of brain volume change" [NeuroImage 49 (2010) 1601-1611]. 3498 - William S. Kremen, Elizabeth Prom-Wormley
, Matthew S. Panizzon, Lisa T. Eyler, Bruce Fischl, Michael C. Neale, Carol E. Franz
, Michael J. Lyons
, Jennifer L. Pacheco, Michele E. Perry, Allison Stevens, J. Eric Schmitt, Michael D. Grant, Larry J. Seidman, Heidi W. Thermenos, Ming T. Tsuang
, Seth A. Eisen
, Anders M. Dale, Christine Fennema-Notestine
Corrigendum to "Genetic and environmental influences on the size of specific brain regions in midlife: The VETSA MRI study": [NeuroImage 49 (2010) 1213-1223]. 3499-3502 - Huiling Peng, Anton Orlichenko, Robert J. Dawe, Gady Agam, Shengwei Zhang
, Konstantinos Arfanakis
Corrigendum to "Development of a human brain diffusion tensor template" [NeuroImage 46 (2009) 967-980]. 3503

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