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Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, February 2011
- Teddy M. Cheng:
Robust output feedback stabilization of nonlinear networked systems via a finite data-rate communication channel. 1-13 - A. M. Selvam:
Signatures of universal characteristics of fractal fluctuations in global mean monthly temperature anomalies. 14-38 - Gonzalo Travieso
, Luciano da Fontoura Costa:
Effective networks for real-time distributed processing. 39-50 - Huan Li, Bing Li:
A pair of coupling metrics for software networks. 51-60 - Huajun Tang
, T. C. Edwin Cheng
, C. T. Daniel Ng
Multi-facility ordered median problems in directed networks. 61-67 - Binwu Zhang, Shu-Cherng Fang:
A selfish routing based network improvement problem. 68-78 - Qi He, Gang George Yin:
Invariant density, Lapunov exponent, and almost sure stability of Markovian-regime-switching linear systems. 79-92 - Lipo Mo:
Robust stabilization for multi-input polytopic nonlinear systems. 93-104 - Shihong Ding, Shihua Li
, Qi Li:
Adaptive set stabilization of the attitude of a rigid spacecraft without angular velocity measurements. 105-119 - Airong Wei, Yuzhen Wang, Xiaoming Hu
Parallel simultaneous stabilization of a set of Port-Controlled Hamiltonian systems subject to actuator saturation. 120-139 - Huiling Wu, Zhongfei Li:
Multi-period mean-variance portfolio selection with Markov regime switching and uncertain time-horizon. 140-155 - Ming Zhou, Hongbin Dong, Jingfeng Xu:
Optimal combinational of quota-share and stop-loss reinsurance contracts under VaR and CTE with a constrained reinsurance premium. 156-166 - Xuejun Jiang, Jiancheng Jiang, Yanling Liu:
Nonparametric regression under double-sampling designs. 167-175 - Ren-Dao Ye, Tie-Feng Ma, Song-Gui Wang:
Improved anovae of the covariance matrix in general linear mixed models. 176-185 - Tsu-Yang Wu
, Yuh-Min Tseng:
A pairing-based publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme. 186-194 - Zheng-Hai Huang, Xiaohong Liu:
Extension of smoothing Newton algorithms to solve linear programming over symmetric cones. 195-206
Volume 24, Number 2, April 2011
- Qunjiao Zhang
, Jun-An Lu:
Exponentially adaptive synchronization of an uncertain delayed dynamical network. 207-217 - Xianmin Geng:
Random continuous model of scale-free networks. 218-224 - Yanni Guo, Genqi Xu
Asymptotic stability and Riesz basis property for tree-shaped network of strings. 225-252 - Shugen Chai:
Uniform decay rate for the transmission wave equations with variable coefficients. 253-260 - Xiaowu Mu, Fengjun Tang:
Strict Lyapunov functions for impulsive hybrid time-varying systems with discontinuous right-hand side. 261-270 - Jiaqi Mo, Wantao Lin:
Generalized variation iteration solution of an atmosphere-ocean oscillator model for global climate. 271-276 - Qingling Zhang, Xue Zhang, Chao Liu:
A singular bioeconomic model with diffusion and time delay. 277-290 - Junna Bi, Junyi Guo, Lihua Bai:
Optimal multi-asset investment with no-shorting constraint under mean-variance criterion for an insurer. 291-307 - Jinzhu Li, Rong Wu:
Upper bound for finite-time ruin probability in a Markov-modulated market. 308-316 - Yan Zeng, Zhongfei Li:
Asset-liability management under benchmark and mean-variance criteria in a jump diffusion market. 317-327 - Yang Yang, Yuebao Wang, Xijun Liu:
Asymptotics for ruin probabilities of two kinds of dependent risk models with NLOD inter-arrival times. 328-334 - Songlin Wang, Sanguo Zhang, Hongqi Xue:
Sieve least squares estimator for partial linear models with current status data. 335-346 - Qunying Wu
, Yuanying Jiang
The strong law of large numbers for pairwise NQD random variables. 347-357 - Kazim Ilarslan, Mehmet Yildirim
An application of Ritt-Wu's zero decomposition algorithm to the pseudo null Bertrand type curves in Minkowski 3-space. 358-366 - Liyong Shen
, Eng-Wee Chionh, Xiao-Shan Gao, Jia Li:
Proper reparametrization for inherently improper unirational varieties. 367-380 - Hui Guo, Hongxing Rui, Chao Lin:
Least-squares Galerkin procedure for second-order hyperbolic equations. 381-393 - Shashi Kant Mishra
, Norma G. Rueda:
Generalized invexity-type conditions in constrained optimization. 394-400 - Jianjun Wang, Zongben Xu:
Neural networks and the best trigomometric approximation. 401-412
Volume 24, Number 3, June 2011
- Guofeng Zhang
, Long Wang
, Tongwen Chen
Complexity analysis of network-based dynamical systems. 413-432 - Juan Chen, Junan Lu, Xiaoqun Wu:
Bidirectionally coupled synchronization of the generalized Lorenz systems. 433-448 - Jinyu Huang, Xiaogang Jin:
Preventing rumor spreading on small-world networks. 449-456 - Zhaoqiang Ge, Guangtian Zhu, Dexing Feng:
On state feedback and pole assignment of the second order coupled singular distributed parameter systems in Hilbert space. 457-465 - Kun Zhao, Mingyu Zhang, Naiyang Deng:
New robust unsupervised support vector machines. 466-476 - Bin Zhou, Guang-Ren Duan
, He Kong:
Global stabilization of linear systems with bounded controls using state-dependent saturation functions. 477-490 - Xianping Guo, Lanlan Zhang:
Total reward criteria for unconstrained/constrained continuous-time Markov decision processes. 491-505 - Yuesheng Lou, Shuang Cong:
State transfer control of quantum systems on the Bloch sphere. 506-518 - Jicai Huang, Han Zhang:
Bifurcations of periodic orbits in three-well Duffing system with a phase shift. 519-531 - Limin Wen, Wenli Deng:
The credibility models with equal correlation risks. 532-539 - Juan Zhang, Hengjian Cui:
Empirical likelihood confidence region for parameters in linear errors-in-variables models with missing data. 540-553 - Yinghui Tang, Miaomiao Yu, Cailiang Li:
Geom/G 1, G 2/1/1 repairable Erlang loss system with catastrophe and second optional service. 554-564 - Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang, Zhishan Dong, Dehui Wang:
The limit theorem for dependent random variables with applications to autoregression models. 565-579 - Ziming Li, Huaifu Wang:
A criterion for the similarity of length-two elements in a noncommutative PID. 580-592 - Ying Gao:
Hexagonal metric for linear codes over a finite field. 593-603 - Jinbao Jian
, Guodong Ma, Chuan-Hao Guo
A new ɛ-generalized projection method of strongly sub-feasible directions for inequality constrained optimization. 604-618
Volume 24, Number 4, August 2011
- Haifeng Zhang, Michael Small
, Xinchu Fu
Staged progression model for epidemic spread on homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. 619-630 - Yang-Yang Chen, Yu-Ping Tian:
Cooperative control of multi-agent moving along a set of given curves. 631-646 - Detao Zhang
Backward linear-quadratic stochastic optimal control and nonzero-sum differential game problem with random jumps. 647-662 - Yanping Chen
, Nianshi Xia, Nianyu Yi:
A Legendre Galerkin spectral method for optimal control problems. 663-671 - Weiwei Sun, Yuzhen Wang, Renming Yang
L 2 disturbance attenuation for a class of time-delay Hamiltonian systems. 672-682 - Xiangyun Lin, Rui Zhang:
H∞ control for stochastic systems with Poisson jumps. 683-700 - Qing Zhou:
Two-agent Pareto optimal cooperative investment in incomplete market: An equivalent characterization. 701-710 - Xianggui Qu:
Design and analysis of high-throughput screening experiments. 711-724 - Han-Ying Liang:
Asymptotic normality of wavelet estimator in heteroscedastic model with α-mixing errors. 725-737 - Yanqin Feng, Jinde Wang, Guoxin Zuo:
A nonparametric test against an umbrella alternative for stratified data. 738-752 - Xiaohu Li
, Rongfang Yan, Yiqiang Zhao:
Aging properties of the lifetime in simple additive degradation models. 753-760 - Hong Qin, Na Zou, Shangli Zhang:
Design efficiency for minimum projection uniformity designs with two levels. 761-768 - Changyu Wang, Haiyan Zhang, Fang Liu:
Global convergence of a class of smooth penalty methods for semi-infinite programming. 769-783 - Min Sun, Qingguo Bai:
A new descent memory gradient method and its global convergence. 784-794 - Dongyang Shi, Buying Zhang:
High accuracy analysis of the finite element method for nonlinear viscoelastic wave equations with nonlinear boundary conditions. 795-802 - Yong Feng, Xiaolin Qin, Jingzhong Zhang, Xun Yuan:
Obtaining exact interpolation multivariate polynomial by approximation. 803-815 - Piyi Yang, Zhenfu Cao
, Xiaolei Dong:
Threshold proxy re-signature. 816-824
Volume 24, Number 5, October 2011
- Yan Gao:
Viability criteria for differential inclusions. 825-834 - Jun Yu Li, Li Zhang, Zaihua Wang
Two effective stability criteria for linear time-delay systems with complex coefficients. 835-849 - Qixia Zhang, Weihai Zhang:
Properties of storage functions and applications to nonlinear stochastic H ∞ control. 850-861 - Guiling Ju, Yuqiang Wu, Weihai Sun:
Output-feedback control for nonholonomic systems with linear growth condition. 862-874 - Jieqiong Wu, Shengjia Li:
Stabilization of wave equation with variable coefficients by nonlinear boundary feedback. 875-882 - Shashi Kant Mishra
, Shouyang Wang
, Kin Keung Lai
Higher-order duality for a class of nondifferentiable multiobjective programming problems involving generalized type I and related functions. 883-891 - Ming-Hua Wu, Rong Wu, Aimin Zhou:
Optimal risk control policies for diffusion models with non-cheap proportional reinsurance and bankruptcy value. 892-906 - Zhiqing Meng, Min Jiang, Qiying Hu:
Dynamic CVaR with multi-period risk problems. 907-918 - Yong Zhou, Haibo Zhou, Yunbei Ma:
Smooth estimation of ROC curve in the presence of auxiliary information. 919-944 - Weiping Zhang, Laisheng Wei, Yu Chen:
The superiorities of Bayes linear unbiased estimation in partitioned linear model. 945-954 - Yubin Tian, Yongfei Fang, Dianpeng Wang:
Sequential empirical Bayesian design for sensitivity experiments. 955-968 - Qunying Wu
Further study strong consistency of M estimator in linear model for \(\tilde \rho\) -mixing random samples. 969-980 - Zhanping Zhao, Niansheng Tang
, Yun-Xian Li:
Sample-size determination for two independent binomial experiments. 981-990 - Yuqiong Ding, Yonghai Li:
Finite volume element method with Lagrangian cubic functions. 991-1006 - Chuanjun Chen, Wei Liu, Daigang Lu:
Upwind finite volume element methods for one-dimensional semiconductor device. 1007-1019 - Dong-Yang Shi, Lin Wang:
An anisotropic nonconforming finite element scheme with moving grids for parabolic integro-differential equations. 1020-1032
Volume 24, Number 6, December 2011
- Na Yi, Qingling Zhang, Peng Liu, Yanping Lin:
Codimension-two bifurcations analysis and tracking control on a discrete epidemic model. 1033-1056 - Huan Pan, Xiaohong Nian, Weihua Gui:
Some synchronization criteria for general complex networks with coupling delays. 1057-1067 - Weifeng Pan
, Bing Li, Yutao Ma
, Jing Liu:
Multi-granularity evolution analysis of software using complex network theory. 1068-1082 - Hua Xiao:
The maximum principle for partially observed optimal control of forward-backward stochastic systems with random jumps. 1083-1099 - Qingxu Yan, Shui-Hung Hou, Lanlan Zhang:
Stabilization of Euler-Bernoulli beam with a nonlinear locally distributed feedback control. 1100-1109 - Chaohua Jia:
A note on the model reference adaptive control of linear parabolic systems with constant coefficients. 1110-1117 - Zuxiong Li:
A delayed ratio-dependent predator-prey system with stage-structured and impulsive effect. 1118-1129 - Hongquan Li, Shouyang Wang
, Wei Shang:
Heterogeneity, nonlinearity and endogenous market volatility. 1130-1142 - Ming-Zheng Wang, Gui-Hua Lin, Yuli Gao, M. Montaz Ali
Sample average approximation method for a class of stochastic variational inequality problems. 1143-1153 - Na Shan, Jianhua Guo:
Bounds on average controlled direct effects with an unobserved response variable. 1154-1164 - Yiping Yang, Liugen Xue, Weihu Cheng:
Two-step estimators in partial linear models with missing response variables and error-prone covariates. 1165-1182 - Hexin Zhang, Xiangzhong Fang, Xiaojing Ma:
Group contingency test for two or several independent samples. 1183-1192 - Xiuyun Peng, Zaizai Yan:
Two-valued response technique of polychotomous sensitive question. 1193-1203 - Qingzhu Lei, Yongsong Qin:
Confidence intervals for nonparametric regression functions with missing data: Multiple design case. 1204-1217 - Yao Sun, Dingkang Wang:
The F5 algorithm in Buchberger's style. 1218-1231 - Qin Zhou, Yanping Chen
, Yin Yang:
Two improved algorithms and implementation for a singularly perturbed problem on moving meshes. 1232-1240

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