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Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 65
Volume 65, Number 1, January 2014
- Yunqiang Yin, T. C. Edwin Cheng
, Chin-Chia Wu
, Shuenn-Ren Cheng:
Single-machine due window assignment and scheduling with a common flow allowance and controllable job processing time. 1-13 - Dash Wu, C. Luo, L. Liang, Alexandre Dolgui
Efficiency evaluation model with constraint resource: an application to banking operations. 14-22 - Mohammad Mehdi Lotfi, S. F. Ghaderi:
A compromised multi-objective solution using fuzzy mixed integer goal programming for market-based short-term unit commitment problem. 23-36 - Z. Wang, W. Liang, X. Hu:
A metaheuristic based on a pool of routes for the vehicle routing problem with multiple trips and time windows. 37-48 - Daniel Oron:
Scheduling controllable processing time jobs in a deteriorating environment. 49-56 - Bhaba R. Sarker, R. Rochanaluk, Pius J. Egbelu:
Improving service rate for a tree-type three-echelon supply chain system with backorders at retailer's level. 57-72 - Samiran Karmakar, Asoke Kumar Bhunia
Uncertain constrained optimization by interval-oriented algorithm. 73-87 - Xiang Li, Yongjian Li, Kannan Govindan
An incentive model for closed-loop supply chain under the EPR law. 88-96 - Ronald Martin Skitmore
Generalised gamma bidding model. 97-107 - Elsa Silva
, Filipe Pereira Alvelos
, José M. Valério de Carvalho
Integrating two-dimensional cutting stock and lot-sizing problems. 108-123 - Douglas R. Bish
, Hanif D. Sherali, Antoine G. Hobeika:
Optimal evacuation planning using staging and routing. 124-140 - C.-T. Chang:
On product classification with various membership functions and binary behaviour. 141-150 - Baruch Mor
, Gur Mosheiov:
Polynomial time solutions for scheduling problems on a proportionate flowshop with two competing agents. 151-157
- Eman Almehdawe:
Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach. 158 - Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo:
Interactive Dynamic-System Simulation, Second Edition. 158-159
Volume 65, Number 2, February 2014
- T. H. Trinh, Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, D. B. Khang:
The co-production approach to service: a theoretical background. 161-168 - Kuo-Ching Ying
, Shih-Wei Lin
Efficient wafer sorting scheduling using a hybrid artificial immune system. 169-179 - Aysegül Toptal, Utku Koç, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu:
A joint production and transportation planning problem with heterogeneous vehicles. 180-196 - Kathy Kotiadis
, Antuela A. Tako
, Christos Vasilakis
A participative and facilitative conceptual modelling framework for discrete event simulation studies in healthcare. 197-213 - Mohd Nizam Mohmad Kahar
, Graham Kendall
Universiti Malaysia Pahang examination timetabling problem: scheduling invigilators. 214-226 - John E. Boylan
, Huijing Chen
, M. Mohammadipour, Aris A. Syntetos:
Formation of seasonal groups and application of seasonal indices. 227-241 - Andrew T. Brint, Mary Black:
Improving estimates of asset condition using historical data. 242-251 - Nicholas Wilson
, A. Altanlar:
Company failure prediction with limited information: newly incorporated companies. 252-264 - Wade D. Cook, Joe Zhu
DEA Cobb-Douglas frontier and cross-efficiency. 265-268 - Sonya Crowe
, P. Bennett, M. Daraktchiev, Martin Utley
Use of modelling to inform public health policy: a case study on the blood-borne transmission of variant-CJD. 269-277 - Efi Chassioti, David J. Worthington
, Kevin D. Glazebrook
Effects of state-dependent balking on multi-server non-stationary queueing systems. 278-290 - Jing Liu, Yuqing Wang, Xiao Min:
Single-machine scheduling with common due-window assignment for deteriorating jobs. 291-301 - B. Zhang, C. T. Ng
, T. C. E. Cheng
Multi-period empty container repositioning with stochastic demand and lost sales. 302-319
- Saïd Salhi:
Handbook of Metaheuristics (2nd edition). 320
Volume 65, Number 3, March 2014
- Jonathan N. Crook, David E. Edelman:
Special issue credit risk modelling. 321-322
- L. Quirini, L. Vannucci:
Creditworthiness dynamics and Hidden Markov Models. 323-330 - Jia-Wen Gu, Wai-Ki Ching, Tak Kuen Siu
, Harry Zheng:
On reduced-form intensity-based model with 'trigger' events. 331-339 - Tony Bellotti, Jonathan Crook:
Retail credit stress testing using a discrete hazard model with macroeconomic factors. 340-350 - Yixin Seah, Mee Chi So, Lyn C. Thomas
Stress testing credit card portfolios: an application in South Africa. 351-362 - Mindy Leow, Christophe Mues
, Lyn C. Thomas
The economy and loss given default: evidence from two UK retail lending data sets. 363-375 - Ellen Tobback, David Martens, Tony Van Gestel, Bart Baesens:
Forecasting Loss Given Default models: impact of account characteristics and the macroeconomic state. 376-392 - Daniel Rösch, Harald Scheule:
Forecasting probabilities of default and loss rates given default in the presence of selection. 393-407 - David J. Hand
, Niall M. Adams:
Selection bias in credit scorecard evaluation. 408-415 - Raquel Flórez López
, Juan Manuel Ramon-Jeronimo
Modelling credit risk with scarce default data: on the suitability of cooperative bootstrapped strategies for small low-default portfolios. 416-434 - Bryan V. Oliver, Robert M. Oliver:
Optimal ROE loan pricing with or without adverse selection. 435-442 - Luis Javier Sánchez Barrios
, Galina Andreeva
, Jake Ansell:
Monetary and relative scorecards to assess profits in consumer revolving credit. 443-453 - Tomohiro Ando:
Bayesian corporate bond pricing and credit default swap premium models for deriving default probabilities and recovery rates. 454-465 - Zhiyong Li
, Jonathan Crook, Galina Andreeva
Chinese companies distress prediction: an application of data envelopment analysis. 466-479
Volume 65, Number 4, April 2014
- Diwakar Gupta, Vedat Verter:
Health Systems Operations Research. 481-482
- Evrim D. Günes
, Hande Yaman
, Bora Çekyay
, Vedat Verter:
Matching patient and physician preferences in designing a primary care facility network. 483-496 - Michael F. Beeler, Dionne M. Aleman, Michael W. Carter
A simulation case study to improve staffing decisions at mass immunization clinics for pandemic influenza. 497-511 - Tugba Cayirli
, Evrim Didem Günes
Outpatient appointment scheduling in presence of seasonal walk-ins. 512-531 - Eren Demir, Reda M. Lebcir, Shola Adeyemi
Modelling length of stay and patient flows: methodological case studies from the UK neonatal care services. 532-545 - Sebastian Rachuba, Brigitte Werners
A robust approach for scheduling in hospitals using multiple objectives. 546-556 - Behlul Saka, Ronald L. Rardin, Mark P. Langer:
Biologically guided intensity modulated radiation therapy planning optimization with fraction-size dose constraints. 557-571 - Damitha Bandara, Maria E. Mayorga
, Laura A. McLay
Priority dispatching strategies for EMS systems. 572-587 - Reza Mahjoub, Fredrik Odegaard, Gregory S. Zaric
Health-based pharmaceutical pay-for-performance risk-sharing agreements. 588-604
Volume 65, Number 5, May 2014
- Yu-Li Huang, Paulina Zuniga:
Effective cancellation policy to reduce the negative impact of patient no-show. 605-615 - Oualid Jouini, Alex Roubos:
On multiple priority multi-server queues with impatience. 616-632 - Ulrich Derigs, Simon Schäfer:
A note on extending the generic crew scheduling model of Beasley and Cao by deadheads and layovers. 633-644 - Zheng Wang, Felix T. S. Chan
Independence of the hedging points in PHP control policy. 645-659 - Rizwan Ahmed, Stewart Robinson
Modelling and simulation in business and industry: insights into the processes and practices of expert modellers. 660-672 - R. O'Keefe:
Design Science, the design of systems and Operational Research: back to the future? 673-684 - Yael Perlman
, Yaacov Ozinci:
Reducing shoplifting by investment in security. 685-693 - Dariush Khezrimotlagh
, Shaharuddin Salleh, Zahra Mohsenpour:
A new method for evaluating decision making units in DEA. 694-707 - Zeshui Xu
, M. Xia:
Iterative algorithms for improving consistency of intuitionistic preference relations. 708-722 - Sebastián Lozano
Company-wide production planning using a multiple technology DEA approach. 723-734 - Jonathan W. Gillard, Vincent A. Knight:
Using Singular Spectrum Analysis to obtain staffing level requirements in emergency units. 735-746 - H.-J. Kim:
A Lagrangian heuristic for determining the speed and bunkering port of a ship. 747-754 - Baocheng Zhang
, J. Wang, L. Meng, C. Zhu, R. Nie:
Estimating returns to scale of Chinese airport airside activities using the CCR-0-objective RTS method. 755-762 - Yu-Li Huang, Paulina Zuniga, Justin Marcak:
A cost-effective urgent care policy to improve patient access in a dynamic scheduled clinic setting. 763-776 - Erdem Colak, Meral Azizoglu
A resource investment problem with time/resource trade-offs. 777-790
- Chris Tofallis
On constructing a composite indicator with multiplicative aggregation and the avoidance of zero weights in DEA. 791-792 - Ignacio Contreras
, F. J. Blancas, José M. Ramírez Hurtado
Response to Viewpoint: On constructing a composite indicator with multiplicative aggregation and the avoidance of zero weights in DEA. 792-793
- Richard J. Ormerod:
Pragmatic Strategy: Eastern wisdom, global success. 794 - L. Alberto Franco:
Making Strategy: Mapping Out Strategic Success. 795-796 - Frank Schwartz, Stefan Voß:
Postponement Strategies in Supply Chain Management. 796-797 - Aris A. Syntetos:
Perishable Inventory Systems. 797-798 - Aris A. Syntetos:
Principles of Inventory Management: When You are Down to Four, Order More. 798 - Ramachandran Bharath:
Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behaviour in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences. 799
Volume 65, Number 6, June 2014
- Angappa Gunasekaran, Zahir Irani:
Sustainable Operations Management: design, modelling and analysis. 801-805
- Angappa Gunasekaran, Zahir Irani, Thanos Papadopoulos:
Modelling and analysis of sustainable operations management: certain investigations for research and applications. 806-823 - Hélène Le Cadre:
Infrastructure topology optimization under competition through cross-entropy. 824-841 - Helenice de Oliveira Florentino
, Margarida Vaz Pato
A bi-objective genetic approach for the selection of sugarcane varieties to comply with environmental and economic requirements. 842-854 - Turan Paksoy, Eren Özceylan
Environmentally conscious optimization of supply chain networks. 855-872 - K. M. Mahaboob Sheriff, Subramanian Nachiappan
, H. Min:
Combined location and routing problems for designing the quality-dependent and multi-product reverse logistics network. 873-887 - Guojun Ji, Angappa Gunasekaran:
Evolution of innovation and its strategies: from ecological niche models of supply chain clusters. 888-903 - King Lun Choy
, Angappa Gunasekaran, Hoi Yan Lam, Ka Ho Chow, Yick Chi Tsim, Tsz Wing Ng, Ying Kei Tse, Xiao Ang Lu:
Impact of information technology on the performance of logistics industry: the case of Hong Kong and Pearl Delta region. 904-916 - Xiaojun Wang
, Hing Kai Chan
, L. White:
A comprehensive decision support model for the evaluation of eco-designs. 917-934 - S. Irani, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi
, Michael D. Williams
Analysing factors affecting the choice of emergent human resource capital. 935-953 - Antonio Mihi-Ramírez
, Víctor Jesús García-Morales
Improving organisational performance through reverse logistics. 954-962 - Amir M. Sharif, Sarmad Alshawi, Muhammad Mustafa Kamal, Tillal Eldabi
, Aiyaz Mazhar:
Exploring the role of supplier relationship management for sustainable operations: an OR perspective. 963-978
Volume 65, Number 7, July 2014
- Fabien Lehuédé
, Renaud Masson, Sophie N. Parragh
, Olivier Péton
, Fabien Tricoire
A multi-criteria large neighbourhood search for the transportation of disabled people. 983-1000 - B. B. Bakirli, Cevriye Gencer, Emel Kizilkaya Aydogan
A combined approach for fuzzy multi-objective multiple knapsack problems for defence project selection. 1001-1016 - H. M. Soroush:
Scheduling in bicriteria single machine systems with past-sequence-dependent setup times and learning effects. 1017-1036 - Xiang Song
, Julia A. Bennell
Column generation and sequential heuristic procedure for solving an irregular shape cutting stock problem. 1037-1052 - Asli Kilic, M. Cemali Dincer, Mahmut Ali Gokce:
Determining optimal treatment rate after a disaster. 1053-1067 - Weidong Chen
, Pengfei Zhai, Heng Zhu, Yongbo Zhang:
Hybrid algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangular layer-packing problem. 1068-1077 - Lluís M. Plà-Aragonés
, Daniel L. Sandars
, Andrew J. Higgins:
A perspective on operational research prospects for agriculture. 1078-1089 - Abhilasha Prakash Katariya, Sila Çetinkaya, Eylem Tekin:
On the comparison of risk-neutral and risk-averse newsvendor problems. 1090-1107 - Xiaojun Shan, Jun Zhuang
Subsidizing to disrupt a terrorism supply chain - a four-player game. 1108-1119 - Jin-Xiao Chen:
Overall performance evaluation: new bounded DEA models against unreachability of efficiency. 1120-1132 - Ran Wei, Alan T. Murray
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for facility dispersion under conditions of spatial uncertainty. 1133-1142
Volume 65, Number 8, August 2014
- Michael Drexl:
On the generalized directed rural postman problem. 1143-1154 - Liang-Chuan Wu
, I-Chan Tsai:
Three fuzzy goal programming models for index portfolios. 1155-1169 - Radoslaw Rudek
Computational complexity of the single processor makespan minimization problem with release dates and job-dependent learning. 1170-1176 - Jaekwon Chung, Dong Li
A simulation of the impacts of dynamic price management for perishable foods on retailer performance in the presence of need-driven purchasing consumers. 1177-1188 - Peruvemba Sundaram Ravi:
An analysis of a widely used version of the CUSUM tracking signal. 1189-1192 - Bo Huang, Lyn C. Thomas:
Credit card pricing and impact of adverse selection. 1193-1201 - Gongbing Bi, Chenpeng Feng
, Jing-Jing Ding, Liang Liang, Feng Chu
The linear formulation of the ZSG-DEA models with different production technologies. 1202-1211 - Guoliang Yang
, Wanfang Shen, Daqun Zhang, WenBin Liu:
Extended utility and DEA models without explicit input. 1212-1220 - Hamidreza Eskandari
, Seyed Amirhamed Hosseinzadeh:
A variable neighbourhood search for hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem with rework and set-up times. 1221-1231 - Ali Mohammad Nezhad
, Hashem Mahlooji:
An artificial neural network meta-model for constrained simulation optimization. 1232-1244 - Richard J. Ormerod:
The mangle of OR practice: towards more informative case studies of 'technical' projects. 1245-1260 - Huanlai Xing
, Rong Qu
, Graham Kendall, Ruibin Bai
A path-oriented encoding evolutionary algorithm for network coding resource minimization. 1261-1277 - Chao Yang, Rasa Remenyte-Prescott
, John D. Andrews
A network traffic flow model for motorway and urban highways. 1278-1291 - Mark Johnston, Mike Wright:
Prior analysis and scheduling of the 2011 Rugby Union ITM Cup in New Zealand. 1292-1300
- Brian Spedding:
Practical Spreadsheet Risk Modelling for Management. 1301 - Jane Holland:
Profiles in Operations Research - Pioneers and Innovators. 1301-1302 - Olga Biosca
Financing Health in Latin America Volume 1: Household Spending and Impoverishment. 1302-1303
Volume 65, Number 9, September 2014
- Amina Lamghari
, Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos
, Jacques A. Ferland:
A variable neighbourhood descent algorithm for the open-pit mine production scheduling problem with metal uncertainty Open. 1305-1314 - Péter Bodnár, Jens Lysgaard:
A dynamic programming algorithm for the space allocation and aisle positioning problem. 1315-1324 - Sonia A. Vanderby
, Michael W. Carter
, Tim Latham, Chris Feindel:
Modelling the future of the Canadian cardiac surgery workforce using system dynamics. 1325-1335 - Nuria Ramón
, José L. Ruiz
, Inmaculada Sirvent
Dominance relations and ranking of units by using interval number ordering with cross-efficiency intervals. 1336-1343 - John H. Powell:
System/scenario duality - a supporting equivalence. 1344-1360 - Agha Iqbal Ali, Ahmed Ghoniem
, Alexander Franke:
Evaluating capacity management tactics for a legacy manufacturing plant. 1361-1370 - Sila Çetinkaya, Burcu Baris Keskin, Halit Üster:
Characterization of facility assignment costs for a location-inventory model under truckload distribution. 1371-1379 - Changsheng Lin, Gang Kou
, Daji Ergu:
A statistical approach to measure the consistency level of the pairwise comparison matrix. 1380-1386 - David J. Parsons
, Andrew Angus, Martyn Brawn, Joe Morris:
A decision support tool for Public Rights of Way officers based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. 1387-1395 - Tatyana Chernonog
, Konstantin Kogan
The effect of risk aversion on a supply chain with postponed pricing. 1396-1411 - Zhigang Tian
, Bairong Wu, Mingyuan Chen:
Condition-based maintenance optimization considering improving prediction accuracy. 1412-1422 - Fatih Camci:
The travelling maintainer problem: integration of condition-based maintenance with the travelling salesman problem. 1423-1436 - Humphrey K. K. Tung, Michael C. S. Wong
On the formulation of credit barrier model using radial basis functions. 1437-1452 - Mostafa Davtalab-Olyaie
, Israfil Roshdi
, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, Masoud Asgharian:
Characterizing and finding full dimensional efficient facets in DEA: a variable returns to scale specification. 1453-1464
Volume 65, Number 10, October 2014
- Benjamin Dussault
, Bruce L. Golden, Edward A. Wasil:
The downhill plow problem with multiple plows. 1465-1474 - Alessio Ishizaka
, Ashraf Labib
A hybrid and integrated approach to evaluate and prevent disasters. 1475-1489 - Sajjad M. Jasimuddin, Zuopeng Justin Zhang
Knowledge management strategy and organizational culture. 1490-1500 - Ruibin Bai
, Jiawei Li
, Jason A. D. Atkin, Graham Kendall:
A novel approach to independent taxi scheduling problem based on stable matching. 1501-1510 - David J. Robb
, Yang Yang:
Recharge and consolidation decisions for stored value cards with an application to Beijing public transit. 1511-1521 - Sonya Crowe
, Christos Vasilakis
, Andrew Skeen, Phil Storr, Peter Grove, Steve Gallivan, Martin Utley
Examining the feasibility of using a modelling tool to assess resilience across a health-care system and assist with decisions concerning service reconfiguration. 1522-1532 - Kwanghun Chung
, Daiki Min
Staffing a service system with appointment-based customer arrivals. 1533-1543 - Yong-Wu Zhou, Zong-Hong Cao:
Equilibrium structures of two supply chains with price and displayed-quantity competition. 1544-1554 - Min Wen, Gilbert Laporte, Oli B. G. Madsen, Anders V. Nørrelund, Allan Olsen:
Locating replenishment stations for electric vehicles: application to Danish traffic data. 1555-1561 - Dariusz Gasior, Donat Orski:
On the rate allocation problem under co-existence of uncertain utility function parameters and uncertain link capacities. 1562-1570 - Chi To Ng
, Tai Chiu Edwin Cheng
, Andrei M. Bandalouski, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov
, Sze Sing Lam:
A graph-theoretic approach to interval scheduling on dedicated unrelated parallel machines. 1571-1579 - Zahra Tajbakhsh, Parviz Fattahi
, Javad Behnamian
Multi-objective assembly permutation flow shop scheduling problem: a mathematical model and a meta-heuristic algorithm. 1580-1592 - Michael J. Armstrong
The salvo combat model with a sequential exchange of fire. 1593-1601 - Leandro C. Coelho
, Gilbert Laporte:
A comparison of several enumerative algorithms for Sudoku. 1602-1610 - Dipak Laha, Jatinder N. D. Gupta
, Sagar U. Sapkal:
A penalty-shift-insertion-based algorithm to minimize total flow time in no-wait flow shops. 1611-1624
Volume 65, Number 11, November 2014
- I. Esra Büyüktahtakin, Zhuo Feng, Ferenc Szidarovszky:
A multi-objective optimization approach for invasive species control. 1625-1635 - Alper Sen, Hande Yaman
, Kemal Güler
, Evren Körpeoglu:
Multi-period supplier selection under price uncertainty. 1636-1648 - Ricardo Andrade
, Ernesto G. Birgin
, Reinaldo Morabito
, Débora P. Ronconi
MIP models for two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting problems with usable leftovers. 1649-1663 - Enzo Barberio Mariano, Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto
Transformation of wealth produced into quality of life: analysis of the social efficiency of nation-states with the DEA's triple index approach. 1664-1681 - Xing Gao, Weijun Zhong, Shue Mei:
A game-theoretic analysis of information sharing and security investment for complementary firms. 1682-1691 - Isabelle Piot-Lepetit
, Rozenn Perrigot, Gérard Cliquet:
Impact of the industry on franchise chain efficiency: a meta-DEA and context-dependent DEA approach. 1692-1699 - Angeliki Karagiannaki, Georgios I. Doukidis, Katerina Pramatari:
A framework for mapping the RFID-enabled process redesign in a simulation model. 1700-1710 - Shirley (Rong) Li, Burcu B. Keskin:
Bi-criteria dynamic location-routing problem for patrol coverage. 1711-1725 - Alec D. Barker:
Applying structured scenario fusion to address multifaceted strategic challenges. 1726-1734 - Márcio A. F. Belo-Filho
, Franklina Maria Bragion Toledo, Bernardo Almada-Lobo
Models for capacitated lot-sizing problem with backlogging, setup carryover and crossover. 1735-1747 - Dogan A. Serel:
Optimal resource acquisition policy for a newsvendor under supply risk. 1748-1759 - Fu-Shiang Tseng, Yingchieh Yeh:
Maintenance outsourcing coordination with risk-averse contractors. 1760-1769 - Kimmo Nurmi, Dries R. Goossens, Jari Kyngäs:
Scheduling a triple round robin tournament with minitournaments for the Finnish national youth ice hockey league. 1770-1779
Volume 65, Number 12, December 2014
- Lei Fang:
Optimal budget for system design series network DEA model. 1781-1787 - Ching-Chun Huang:
Max control chart with adaptive sample sizes for jointly monitoring process mean and standard deviation. 1788-1799 - Vicente Campos, Rafael Martí
, Jesús Sánchez-Oro
, Abraham Duarte:
GRASP with path relinking for the orienteering problem. 1800-1813 - Corey Kiassat
, Nima Safaei, Dragan Banjevic:
Effects of operator learning on production output: a Markov chain approach. 1814-1823 - Madjid Tavana, Rashed Khanjani Shiraz, Adel Hatami-Marbini
A new chance-constrained DEA model with birandom input and output data. 1824-1839 - Juan-Pablo Riquelme-Rodríguez, Michel Gamache
, André Langevin:
Periodic capacitated arc-routing problem with inventory constraints. 1840-1852 - Marco Bijvank
Periodic review inventory systems with a service level criterion. 1853-1863 - Ronald Martin Skitmore
kmth price sealed-bid auctions with general independent values and equilibrium linear mark-ups. 1864-1875 - Nasim Nasrabadi, Akram Dehnokhalaji
, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh:
Characterizing a subset of the PPS maintaining the reference hyperplane of the radial projection point. 1876-1885 - Laura Andreu
, José Luis Sarto, Luis Vicente
Efficiency of the strategic style of pension funds: an application of the variants of the slacks-based measure in DEA. 1886-1895 - Cleber Damião Rocco
, Reinaldo Morabito
Scheduling of production and logistics operations of steam production systems in food industries: a case study of the tomato processing industry. 1896-1904 - Jie Sun, Zhiming Shang, Hui Li
Imbalance-oriented SVM methods for financial distress prediction: a comparative study among the new SB-SVM-ensemble method and traditional methods. 1905-1919

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