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Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, March/April 1998
- Michael Le Feuvre:
Designing a Persistence Object Model from Patterns. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 17-28, 80 (1998)
- Mary Lynn Manns, Helen Sharp, Maximo Prieto, Phil McLaughlin:
Capturing Successful Practices on OT Education and Training. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 29-34 (1998)
- Tom Rowlett:
Building an Object Process Around Use Cases. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 53-58 (1998) - Robin J. Harwood:
Controller/Store/Element (CSE): A Logical Mechanism for Managing Object Storage. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 59-62 (1998)
- Graham Berrisford:
Improving OO Analysis Methods. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 6-7 (1998)
- John D. McGregor:
Quality, Thy Name Is Not Testing. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 8-12 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig:
A Programming Revolution in Languages Founded on Object Logic. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 13-16 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Layout Managers. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 63-68 (1998)
- Christopher Creel, Bertrand Meyer:
Is Object Technology Ready for the Embedded World? J. Object Oriented Program. 11(1): 69-71, 76 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 2, May 1998
- Jan Bosch:
Design Patterns as Language Constructs. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 18-32 (1998) - Miguel Mateo Carmona, Miguel Katrib Mora, Tomás Couso Alvarez:
Smart Compiling for Eiffel. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 33-42 (1998) - Zeki O. Bayram:
Implementing Constructor Calls with Parameters in Ada 95. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 43-46 (1998)
- Donald Firesmith, Brian Henderson-Sellers:
Clarifying Specialized Forms of Association in UML and OML. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 47-50 (1998) - Conrad Bock, James Odell:
A More Complete Model of Relations and Their Implementation: Roles. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 51-54 (1998) - Franco Civello:
Rooted Class Diagrams: A Notation for Context-Independent Models. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 55-65, 69 (1998)
- Kumar V. Vadaparty:
Relationships and Entry Points in DOL. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 6-9 (1998)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
The Year 2000 Crisis and the Search for Absolute Truth. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 10-12 (1998)
- David M. Papurt:
The Use of Exceptions. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 13-17, 32 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig:
Is Abstraction Good? J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 66-69 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Texture Wrappers: An Exercise in Micro Design. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(2): 70-74 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 3, June 1998
- Xavier Castellani, Stephen Y. Liao:
Development Process for the Creation and Reuse of Object-Oriented Generic Applications and Components. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 24-31 (1998) - Luiz Fernando Capretz:
A CASE of Reusability. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 32-37 (1998) - Hans Albrecht Schmid, Frank Müller:
Patterns for Extending Black-Box Frameworks. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 38-47 (1998)
- Donald Firesmith, Brian Henderson-Sellers:
Upgrading OML to Version 1.1: Referential Relationships. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 48-57 (1998) - Mor Peleg, Dov Dori:
Representing Control Flow Constructs in Object-Process Diagrams. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 58-66, 71 (1998)
- Desmond D'Souza:
Interface Specification, Refinement, and Design with UML/Catalysis. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 12-18 (1998)
- John D. McGregor:
Testing Models: The Requirements Model. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 20-23, 31 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Recreational Puzzle Makers. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 67-71 (1998)
- Richard Riehle:
Java Applets in Ada. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 72-75 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig:
Simulating Dynamic Types in C++, Part 1. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(3): 76-78, 80 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 4, July/August 1998
- Franck Barbier, Henri Briand, Bénédicte Dano, Stéphane Rideau:
The Executability of Object-Oriented Finite State Machines. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 16-24 (1998) - Peter van der Werf:
Values and Objects Revisited. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 25-34 (1998) - Liping Zhao, Ted Foster:
Driver Duty: A Pattern for Public Transport Systems. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 35-39, 77 (1998) - Yania Crespo González-Carvajal, Miguel Katrib Mora:
More About System-Level Validity in Eiffel. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 40-49 (1998) - David Welch, Scott Strong:
An Exception-Based Assertion Mechanism for C++. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 50-60 (1998)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
Depending on Collaborations: Dependencies as Contextual Associations. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 5-9 (1998)
- John D. McGregor:
The Fifty-Foot Look at Analysis and Design Models. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 10-15 (1998)
- Won Kim:
Data Mining: Promises, Reality, and Future. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 61-62, 67 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig:
Simulating Dynamic Types in C++, Part 2. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 63-67 (1998)
- Bertrand Meyer:
Approaches to Portability. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 68-70 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Skip Lists for Smalltalk. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(4): 71-77 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 5, September 1998
- Wei Li, John R. Talburt:
Empirically Analyzing Object-Oriented Software Evolution. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 15-19 (1998) - Bill Chu, Junsheng Long, Michael Matthews, J. G. Barnes, J. Sims, Mark Hamilton, Russ Lambert:
FAIME: An Object-Oriented Methodology for Application Plug-and-Play. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 20-26, 34 (1998) - Letha H. Etzkorn, Carl G. Davis, Wei Li:
A Practical Look at the Lack of Cohesion in Methods Metric. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 27-34 (1998)
- Charles Ashbacher:
You are There. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 35-36 (1998) - Sanjiv Gossain:
Objects Mature ... into Components. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 37-38 (1998)
- Donald Firesmith, Brian Henderson-Sellers:
Upgrading OML to Version 1.1: Part 2 Additional Concepts and Notation. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 61-67 (1998) - Conrad Bock, James Odell:
A More Complete Model of Ralations and Their Implementation: Aggregation. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 68-70, 85 (1998)
- John D. McGregor:
Let's Don't and Say We Did. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 6-11, 14 (1998)
- Won Kim:
Data Mining: Promises, Reality, and Future - Part 2. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 12-14 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig:
Why Are Vectors Efficient? J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 71-75 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
A Velocity-Sensitive Mouse. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 76-79, 87 (1998)
- Peter Ward, Roger Browne:
Developing the Magic Browser in Eiffel. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(5): 80-82, 87 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 6, October 1998
- Ron Charron:
Training and the Push for Change. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 15-18, 38 (1998) - Mordechai Ben-Ari:
Teaching Object-Oriented Programming in Ada. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 39-45 (1998) - Joyce M. Kai, James C. McKim:
Object-Oriented Capabilities of Visual Basic. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 46-57, 92 (1998) - Jean-Claude Royer:
Type Checking Object-Oriented Programs: Core of the Problem and Some Solutions. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 58-66, 71 (1998) - Carlo Pescio:
Deriving Patterns from Design Principles. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 67-71 (1998)
- Avner Ben:
Entity/Skill/Reliance: Applying Functional Decomposition Safely to Object-Oriented Design. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 72-76 (1998) - LeRoy Mattingly, Harsha Rao:
Writing Effective Use Cases and Introducing Collaboration Cases. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 77-84, 87 (1998)
- Won Kim:
Data Mining: Promises, Reality, and Future - Part 3. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 6-8, 14 (1998)
- John D. McGregor:
Now Where Did I Put Those Bugs? J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 9-14 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig:
A Standard C++ Appetizer. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 85-87 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Light-Intensity Experiments. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 88-92 (1998)
- Bertrand Meyer:
The Power of Round-Trip Engineering. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(6): 93-95 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 7, November/December 1998
- Timo Salo, Justin Hill, Kevin Williams:
Scalable Object-Persistence Frameworks. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 18-24 (1998) - Gary M. Weiss, Johannes P. Ros:
Implementing Design Patterns with Object-Oriented Rules. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 25-27, 35 (1998) - Günther Blaschek, Joachim Hans Fröhlich:
Recursion in Object-Oriented Programs. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 28-35 (1998) - Bertrand Meyer:
Prelude to a Theory of Void. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 36-48 (1998) - Steven J. Metsker:
The Judge Pattern: Ensuring the Relational Integrity of Objects. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 49-51, 59 (1998) - Boumediene Belkhouche, Alejandro Mendoza Gamiño:
Object-Oriented Analysis through a Knowledge-Based System. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 52-59 (1998)
- Brian Henderson-Sellers:
OO Diagram Connectivity. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 60-68 (1998)
- Bertrand Meyer:
Free EiffelBase: Eiffel Libraries Go Open Source. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 8-10, 17 (1998)
- Andrew Koenig, Barbara Moo:
Teaching Standard C++. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 11-17 (1998)
- Richard Riehle:
The Software Circuit Breaker. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 69-73 (1998)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
External Data Managers. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(7): 74-78, 87 (1998)
Volume 11, Number 8, January 1999
- Shaoyi Liao, L. S. Cheung, Wei-Yi Liu:
An Object-Oriented System for the Reuse of Software Design Items. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 22-28, 79 (1999) - Walid Al-Ahmad, Eric Steegmans:
Improving Support for Specialization Inheritance. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 29-36 (1999) - Boumediene Belkhouche, Joel Wu:
Behavioral Specification and Analysis of Object-Oriented Designs. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 37-46 (1999) - Jagdish Bansiya, Letha H. Etzkorn, Carl G. Davis, Wei Li:
A Class Cohesion Metric For Object-Oriented Designs. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 47-52 (1999)
- Mor Peleg, Dov Dori:
Extending the Object-Process Methodology to Handle Real-Time Systems. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 53-58 (1999)
- Michael Kölling:
The Problem of Teaching Object-Oriented Programming, Part I: Languages. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 8-15 (1999)
- John D. McGregor:
If the Devil Is in the Details, Then What Is in the Plan? J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 16-21, 74 (1999)
- Mahesh H. Dodani:
OO Learning AntiPatterns: Rewiring Data and Functional Thinkers into Object Technology Developers. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 59-63 (1999)
- Andrew Koenig, Barbara Moo:
Teaching Standard C++, Part 2. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 64-67 (1999)
- Wilf R. LaLonde:
Inlining C in Smalltalk Methods. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 68-74 (1999)
- Bertrand Meyer:
Design by Contract, Components and Debugging. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(8): 75-79 (1999)
Volume 11, Number 9, February 1999
- Ted Foster, Liping Zhao:
Cascade. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 18-24 (1999) - Wu-Chi Chen, Deng-Jyi Chen, Chyan-Goei Chung:
An Expert-System Technique for Object-Oriented Program Testing. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 25-35, 44 (1999) - Ishbel Duncan, Dave Robson, Malcolm Munro:
Test-Case Development During OO Lifecycle and Evolution. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 36-40, 44 (1999) - Chung-Yeung Pang:
A Pattern of Inheritance and Polymorphism for Persistent Objects Stored in a Relational Database. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 41-44 (1999)
- Nik Boyd:
Using Natural Language in Software Development. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 45-55 (1999) - Brian Henderson-Sellers:
A Methodological Metamodel of Process. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 56-58, 63 (1999)
- Michael Kölling:
The Problem of Teaching Object-Oriented Programming, Part 2: Environments. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 6-12 (1999)
- Won Kim:
I/O Problems in Preparing Data for Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Part 1. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 13-14, 17 (1999)
- Desmond D'Souza:
Components in a Nutshell, Part 1. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 15-17 (1999)
- Andrew Koenig, Barbara Moo:
Teaching Standard C++, Part 3. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 59-63 (1999)
- Christine Mingins, Jan Miller, Martin Dick, Margot Postema:
How We Teach Software Engineering. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 64-66, 74 (1999)
- Wilf R. LaLonde:
Smart Bitmaps. J. Object Oriented Program. 11(9): 67-74 (1999)

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