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Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Volume 55, 2004
Volume 55, Number 1, 1 January 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 1-2
- Terrence A. Maxwell:
Mapping information policy frames: The politics of the digital millennium copyright act. 3-12 - René F. Reitsma, Lehana Thabane, J. Michael B. MacLeod:
Spatialization of Web sites using a weighted frequency model of navigation data. 13-22 - Ahmed Abdelali
Localization in Modern Standard Arabic. 23-28 - M. Shamim Khan, Sebastian W. Khor:
Enhanced Web document retrieval using automatic query expansion. 29-40 - Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
, Qun G. Jiao:
Information search performance and research achievement: An empirical test of the Anxiety-Expectation Mediation model of library anxiety. 41-54 - Alenka Sauperl:
Catalogers' common ground and shared knowledge. 55-63 - Ming-Yueh Tsay
Literature growth, journal characteristics, and author productivity in subject indexing. 64-73 - Frederick G. Kilgour:
An experiment using coordinate title word searches. 74-80
- Li-Juan Liu, Xu-Bang Shen, Xue-Cheng Zou:
An improved fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization. 81-87
- John Cullen:
Book Review. 88-89 - Julian Warner:
Book Review. 89-90 - Nicholas Rhodes:
Book Review. 90-91
- Homer J. Hall:
Quality of information. 92 - Xiangmin Zhang:
Rejoinder: Quality of information. 92 - Danny P. Wallace:
The Mann-Whitney Test. 93
Volume 55, Number 2, 15 January 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 95-96 - Selma Ayse Özel
, Ismail Sengör Altingövde
, Özgür Ulusoy
, Gultekin Özsoyoglu, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu:
Metadata-based modeling of information resources on the Web. 97-110 - Howard D. White, Barry Wellman, Nancy Nazer:
Does citation reflect social structure?: Longitudinal evidence from the Globenet interdisciplinary research group. 111-126 - Rob Kling, Lisa B. Spector, Joanna Fortuna:
The real stakes of virtual publishing: The transformation of E-Biomed into PubMed central. 127-148 - Mike Thelwall
, Gareth Harries:
Do the Web sites of higher rated scholars have significantly more online impact? 149-159 - Blaise Cronin, Debora Shaw, Kathryn La Barre:
Visible, less visible, and invisible work: Patterns of collaboration in 20th century chemistry. 160-168 - Donald C. Comeau, W. John Wilbur:
Non-word identification or spell checking without a dictionary. 169-177
- Min-Yen Kan
Book review. 178-179 - Jessie Walker:
Book review. 180-181 - Hans Jochen Scholl:
Book review. 181-182
- Quentin L. Burrell:
Sample-size dependence or time dependence of statistical measures in informetrics? 183-184
Volume 55, Number 3, 1 February 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 187-188
- Imad A. Al-Sughaiyer, Ibrahim A. Al-Kharashi:
Arabic morphological analysis techniques: A comprehensive survey. 189-213 - Eibe Frank
, Gordon W. Paynter:
Predicting Library of Congress classifications from Library of Congress subject headings. 214-227 - Allen Foster
A nonlinear model of information-seeking behavior. 228-237 - Martin Frické, Don Fallis:
Indicators of accuracy for answers to ready reference questions on the Internet. 238-245 - Barbara M. Wildemuth:
The effects of domain knowledge on search tactic formulation. 246-258 - Zan Huang, Wingyan Chung, Hsinchun Chen:
A graph model for E-commerce recommender systems. 259-274
- Chaomei Chen
Mining the Web: Discovering knowledge from hypertext data. 275-276 - Kenneth Einar Himma:
The library's legal answer book. 276-277 - Pramod K. Nayar:
The Internet in everyday life. 278-279
Volume 55, Number 4, 15 February 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 281-282
- Bryan Pardo, Jonah Shifrin, William P. Birmingham:
Name that tune: A pilot study in finding a melody from a sung query. 283-300 - R. David Lankes:
The digital reference research agenda. 301-311 - Lisa Covi, Melissa H. Cragin:
Reconfiguring control in library collection development: A conceptual framework for assessing the shift toward electronic collections. 312-325 - Philip M. Davis:
Information-seeking behavior of chemists: A transaction log analysis of referral URLs. 326-332 - Karen Macpherson:
An information processing model of undergraduate electronic database information retrieval. 333-347 - Suzanne Kabel, Robert de Hoog, Bob J. Wielinga, Anjo Anjewierden:
The added value of task and ontology-based markup for information retrieval. 348-362
- Jesper W. Schneider
Mapping scientific frontiers: The quest for knowledge visualization. 363-365 - Denise E. Agosto:
Understanding reference transactions: Transforming an art into a science. 365-366 - Lorri Mon:
Chat reference: A guide to live virtual reference services. 366-368
- Philip M. Davis:
Transfer from print to electronic serials. 369-370 - Tina E. Chrzastowski
Rejoinder: Transition from print to electronic serials. 370-371
Volume 55, Number 5, March 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 375-376
- Marcia Lei Zeng, Lois Mai Chan:
Trends and issues in establishing interoperability among knowledge organization systems. 377-395 - Padmini Srinivasan
Text mining: Generating hypotheses from MEDLINE. 396-413 - Massimo Melucci:
Making digital libraries effective: Automatic generation of links for similarity search across hyper-textbooks. 414-430 - Peter Vinkler:
Characterization of the impact of sets of scientific papers: The Garfield (impact) factor. 431-435 - C. Christiaan van der Eijk, Erik M. van Mulligen
, Jan A. Kors, Barend Mons, Jan van den Berg:
Constructing an associative concept space for literature-based discovery. 436-444 - María Bordons
, Carmen Bravo
, Santos Barrigón:
Time-tracking of the research profile of a drug using bibliometric to. 445-461
- Corinne Jörgensen:
Unlocking the museum: A manifesto. 462-464
- Sara R. Tompson:
The bottom line: Determining and communicating the value of the special library. 465-467 - Wallace Koehler:
Virtual inequality: Beyond the digital divide. 467-468
Volume 55, Number 6, April 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 469-470
- David Bodoff
, Stephen E. Robertson
A new unified probabilistic model. 471-487 - Gerald Benoît:
Properties-based retrieval and user decision states: User control and behavior modeling. 488-497 - Shoichi Taniguchi:
Design of cataloging rules using conceptual modeling of cataloging process. 498-512 - Ronald Rousseau, Alesia A. Zuccala:
A classification of author co-citations: Definitions and search strategies. 513-529 - Vincenzo Della Mea
, Stefano Mizzaro
Measuring retrieval effectiveness: A new proposal and a first experimental validation. 530-543 - Bihui Jin, Ling Li, Ronald Rousseau:
Long-term influences of interventions in the normal development of science: China and the Cultural Revolution. 544-550
- Gabriella Kazai, Mounia Lalmas, Norbert Fuhr, Norbert Gövert
A report on the first year of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval. 551-556
- Blaise Cronin:
Bowling alone together: Academic writing as distributed cognition. 557-560
- John P. Renaud
Democracy and New Media. 561-562
Volume 55, Number 7, May 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 563-564
- Floris Wiesman, H. Jaap van den Herik, Arie Hasman:
Information retrieval by metabrowsing. 565-578 - Irene Díaz
, José Ranilla
, Elena Montañés
, Javier Fernández, Elías F. Combarro
Improving performance of text categorization by combining filtering and supportvector machines. 579-592 - Clyde W. Holsapple, K. D. Joshi:
A formal knowledge management ontology: Conduct, activities, resources, andinfluences. 593-612 - Sándor Dominich, Júlia Góth, Tamás Kiezer, Zoltán Szlávik
An entropy-based interpretation of retrieval status value-based retrieval, and itsapplication to the computation of term and query discrimination value. 613-627 - Weiguo Fan
, Edward A. Fox
, Praveen Pathak, Harris Wu:
The effects of fitness functions on genetic programming-based ranking discovery forWeb search. 628-636 - Falk Scholer
, Hugh E. Williams, Andrew Turpin:
Query association surrogates for Web search. 637-650
- Derek G. Smith:
A history of online information services. 651-652 - Lydia Eato Harris:
Research questions for the twenty-first century. 652-655
Volume 55, Number 8, June 2004
- Amanda Spink, Charles Cole:
Introduction. 657-659 - Donald Owen Case
, J. David Johnson, James E. Andrews, Suzanne L. Allard
, Kimberly M. Kelly
From two-step flow to the Internet: The changing array of sources for genetics information seeking. 660-669 - Dongming Zhang, Caroline Zambrowicz, Hong Zhou, Nancy Roderer:
User information-seeking behavior in a medical Web portal environment: A preliminary study. 670-684 - Pamela J. McKenzie
Positioning theory and the negotiation of information needs in a clinical midwifery setting. 685-694 - Mark Hepworth:
A framework for understanding user requirements for an information service: Defining the needs of informal carers. 695-708 - Dorothy Warner, J. Drew Procaccino:
Toward wellness: Women seeking health information. 709-730 - John D'Ambra
, Concepción S. Wilson:
Use of the World Wide Web for international travel: Integrating the construct of uncertainty in information seeking and the task-technology fit (TTF) model. 731-742 - Soo Young Rieh:
On the Web at home: Information seeking and Web searching in the home environment. 743-753 - Karen E. Fisher, Joan C. Durrance, Marian Bouch Hinton:
Information grounds and the use of need-based services by immigrants in Queens, New York: A context-based, outcome evaluation approach. 754-766
Volume 55, Number 9, July 2004
- Amanda Spink, Charles Cole:
Introduction. 767-768 - Nigel Ford
Modeling cognitive processes in information seeking: From Popper to Pask. 769-782 - Sai Ho Kwok, Christopher C. Yang:
Searching the peer-to-peer networks: The community and their queries. 783-793 - Sarah E. Crudge
, Frances C. Johnson
Using the information seeker to elicit construct models for search engine evaluation. 794-806 - Sandra G. Hirsh
, Jamie Dinkelacker:
Seeking information in order to produce information: An empirical study at Hewlett Packard Labs. 807-817 - Wingyan Chung, Yiwen Zhang, Zan Huang, Gang Wang, Thian-Huat Ong, Hsinchun Chen:
Internet searching and browsing in a multilingual world: An experiment on the Chinese Business Intelligence Portal (CBizPort). 818-831 - Moshe Yitzhaki, Gloria Hammershlag:
Accessibility and use of information sources among computer scientists and software engineers in Israel: Academy versus industry. 832-842 - Per Ahlgren, Bo Jarneving, Ronald Rousseau:
Author cocitation analysis and Pearson's r. 843 - Howard D. White:
Replies and a correction. 843-844
Volume 55, Number 10, August 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 845 - Juan Lloréns
, Manuel Velasco
, Antonio de Amescua Seco
, José A. Moreiro, Vicente Martínez:
Automatic generation of domain representations using thesaurus structures. 846-858 - Steven M. Beitzel, Eric C. Jensen, Abdur Chowdhury, David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder, Nazli Goharian:
Fusion of effective retrieval strategies in the same information retrieval system. 859-868 - Javed Mostafa:
Document search interface design: Background and introduction to special topic section. 869-872 - Byron Marshall, Daniel McDonald, Hsinchun Chen, Wingyan Chung:
EBizPort: Collecting and analyzing business intelligence information. 873-891 - Gheorghe Muresan, David J. Harper:
Topic modeling for mediated access to very large document collections. 892-910 - James C. French, A. C. Chapin, Worthy N. Martin:
Multiple viewpoints as an approach to digital library interfaces. 911-922 - Daniela Petrelli
, Micheline Beaulieu, Mark Sanderson
, George Demetriou, Patrick Herring, Preben Hansen
Observing users, designing clarity: A case study on the user-centered design of a cross-language information retrieval system. 923-934 - Stephen J. Bensman:
Pearson's r and author cocitation analysis: A commentary on the controversy. 935 - Per Ahlgren, Bo Jarneving, Ronald Rousseau:
Rejoinder: In defense of formal methods. 936
Volume 55, Number 11, September 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 937-938 - Raya Fidel, Annelise Mark Pejtersen, Bryan Cleal
, Harry Bruce:
A multidimensional approach to the study of human-information interaction: A case study of collaborative information retrieval. 939-953 - Aboul Ella Hassanien
Rough set approach for attribute reduction and rule generation: A case of patients with suspected breast cancer. 954-962 - Pertti Vakkari, Eero Sormunen
The influence of relevance levels on the effectiveness of interactive information retrieval. 963-969 - Mu-Hsuan Huang
, Hui-yu Wang:
The influence of document presentation order and number of documents judged on users' judgments of relevance. 970-979 - Judit Bar-Ilan
, Bluma C. Peritz:
Evolution, continuity, and disappearance of documents on a specific topic on the Web: A longitudinal study of informetrics. 980-990 - Loet Leydesdorff
The university-industry knowledge relationship: Analyzing patents and the science base of technologies. 991-1001 - Suleiman H. Mustafa, Qasem A. Al-Radaideh
Using N-grams for Arabic text searching. 1002-1007 - Irina Ceaparu, Ben Shneiderman:
Finding governmental statistical data on the Web: A study of categorically organized links for the FedStats topics page. 1008-1015 - Yukika Awazu, Kevin C. Desouza
Open knowledge management: Lessons from the open source revolution. 1016-1019 - Kai A. Olsen, James G. Williams:
Spelling and grammar checking using the Web as a text repository. 1020-1023 - Wallace Koehler:
Virtual inequality: Beyond the digital divide. 1024-1025 - Denise E. Agosto:
Net Effects: How Librarians Can Manage the Unintended Consequences of the Internet. 1025-1026 - Stephen Ferguson:
JSTOR: A History. 1026-1027
Volume 55, Number 12, October 2004
- J. Stephen Downie
A sample of music information retrieval approaches. 1033-1036 - François Pachet, Amaury La Burthe, Aymeric Zils, Jean-Julien Aucouturier
Popular music access: The Sony music browser. 1037-1044 - Goffredo Haus, Maurizio Longari, Emanuele Pollastri:
A score-driven approach to music information retrieval. 1045-1052 - Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd, Justin Zobel:
An architecture for effective music information retrieval. 1053-1057 - Massimo Melucci, Nicola Orio:
Combining melody processing and information retrieval techniques: Methodology, evaluation, and system implementation. 1058-1066 - Jyh-Shing Roger Jang
, Hong-Ru Lee, Jiang-Chuen Chen, Cheng-Yuan Lin:
Research and developments of a multi-modal MIR engine for commercial applications in East Asia. 1067-1076 - George Tzanetakis
, Perry R. Cook:
Music analysis and retrieval systems for audio signals. 1077-1083 - Eloi Batlle, Helmut Neuschmied, Peter Uray, Gerd Ackermann:
Recognition and analysis of audio for copyright protection: The RAA project. 1084-1091 - David Bainbridge
Music information retrieval research and its context at the University of Waikato. 1092-1099 - Matthew J. Dovey:
Overview of the OMRAS project: Online music retrieval and searching. 1100-1107 - Bozena Kostek
Application of soft computing to automatic music information retrieval. 1108-1116
Volume 55, Number 13, November 2004
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 1117-1118 - Laurel A. Clyde:
Evaluating the quality of research publications: A pilot study of school librarianship. 1119-1130 - Paul T. Jaeger, John Carlo Bertot, Charles R. McClure:
The effects of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) in public libraries and its implications for research: A statistical, policy, and legal analysis. 1131-1139 - Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti, Valerie Nesset, Leanne Bowler:
Designing Web portals in intergenerational teams: Two prototype portals for elementary school students. 1140-1154 - Christian Schloegl
, Wolfgang G. Stock
Impact and relevance of LIS journals: A scientometric analysis of international and German-language LIS journals - Citation analysis versus reader survey. 1155-1168 - Nigel Ford
Creativity and convergence in information science research: The roles of objectivity and subjectivity, constraint, and control. 1169-1182 - Wendy T. Lucas, Heikki Topi
Training for Web search: Will it get you in shape? 1183-1198 - Dianne Cyr, Haizley Trevor-Smith:
Localization of Web design: An empirical comparison of German, Japanese, and United States Web site characteristics. 1199-1208 - Quentin L. Burrell:
Fitting Lotka's law: Some cautionary observations on a recent paper by Newby et al. (2003). 1209-1210 - Homer J. Hall:
Meet to agree or meet to argue? How to run a committee meeting for action. 1210-1211
Volume 55, Number 14, December 2004
- Mike Thelwall
, Liwen Vaughan:
Webometrics: An introduction to the special issue. 1213-1215 - Lennart Björneborn, Peter Ingwersen
Toward a basic framework for webometrics. 1216-1227 - Vivian Cothey:
Web-crawling reliability. 1228-1238 - Erik Thorlund Jepsen, Piet Seiden, Peter Ingwersen
, Lennart Björneborn, Pia Borlund:
Characteristics of scientific Web publications: Preliminary data gathering and analysis. 1239-1249 - Paul Wouters
, Repke de Vries:
Formally citing the Web. 1250-1260 - Filippo Menczer
Lexical and semantic clustering by Web links. 1261-1269 - Einat Amitay, David Carmel, Michael Herscovici, Ronny Lempel, Aya Soffer:
Trend detection through temporal link analysis. 1270-1281 - Camille Prime-Claverie
, Michel Beigbeder, Thierry Lafouge:
Transposition of the cocitation method with a view to classifying Web pages. 1282-1289 - Xiangji Huang
, Fuchun Peng, Aijun An
, Dale Schuurmans:
Dynamic Web log session identification with statistical language models. 1290-1303 - Lisa A. Ennis:
The visible librarian: Asserting your value with marketing and advocacy. 1304 - M. Zoe Holbrooks:
The ABCs of XML: The librarian's guide to the eXtensible Markup Language; XML in libraries; and Learning XML. 1304-1305 - Karen Macpherson:
Letter to the Editor: Summary of article appearing in In This Issue, JASIST, 55(4), 281-282 (2004): An Information Processing Model of Undergraduate Electronic Database Information Retrieval. 1306

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