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Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Volume 54, 2003
Volume 54, Number 1, 1 January 2003
- Makoto Nakashima, Keizo Sato, Yanhua Qu, Tetsuro Ito:
Browsing-based Conceptual Information Retrieval Incorporating Dictionary Term Relations, Keyword Association, and a User's Interest. 16-28 - Liwen Qiu Vaughan, Mike Thelwall
Scholarly Use of the Web: What Are the Key Inducers of Links to Journal Web Sites. 29-38 - Charles Cole, John E. Leide:
Using the User's Mental Model to Guide the Integration of Information Space into Information Nee. 39-46 - Rob Kling, Geoffrey W. McKim, Adam King:
a Bit More to It: Scholarly Communication Forums as Socio-technical Interaction Networks. 47-67 - Moon-Chuen Lee, Chi-Man Pun
Rotation and Scale Invariant Wavelet Feature for Content-based Texture Image Retrieval. 68-80 - Jela Steinerová:
Information Science Research Agenda in Slovakia: History and Emerging Visio. 81-86
- Peter van den Besselaar:
Empirical Evidence of Self-organization? 87-90
- Lisa A. Ennis:
Book review: Historical Information Science: An Emerging Unidiscipline. 91-92
- Ron Day:
Reaction to a book review. 93-93
Volume 54, Number 2, 15 January 2003
- Roberta Lamb, John Leslie King, Rob Kling:
Informational Environments: Organizational Contexts of Online Information Use. 97-114 - Lina Zhou, Dongsong Zhang:
NLPIR: a Theoretical Framework for Applying Natural Language Processing to Information Retrieval. 115-123 - Lisa Gottlieb, Juris Dilevko:
Investigating How Individuals Conceptually and Physically Structure File Folders for Electronic Bookmarks: the Example of the Financial Services Industry. 124-139 - Carolyn R. Watters, Ghada Amoudi:
Geosearcher: Location-based Ranking of Search Engine Results. 140-151 - Cristina López-Pujalte
, Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote
, Félix de Moya-Anegón
Order-based Fitness Functions for Genetic Algorithms Applied to Relevance Feedback. 152-160 - Melvin J. Hinich, Robert E. Molyneux:
Predicting Information Flows in Network Traffic. 161-168 - Gregory B. Newby, Jane Greenberg, Paul Jones:
Open Source Software Development and Lotka's Law: Bibliometric Patterns in Programming. 169-178
- Helen Belefant-Miller
, Donald W. King:
a Profile of Faculty Reading and Information-use Behaviors on the Cusp of the Electronic Age. 179-181
- Kasper Graarup:
Book Reviews: Knowledge and Knowing in Library and Information Science: A Philosophical Framework. 182-184 - Ina Fourie:
Book Reviews: Information Management for the Intelligent Organization: the Art of Scanning the Environmen. 184-185
Volume 54, Number 3, 1 February 2003
- Leo Egghe, Ronald Rousseau:
a Measure for the Cohesion of Weighted Networks. 193-202 - Timothy C. Hoad, Justin Zobel:
Methods for Identifying Versioned and Plagiarized Documents. 203-215 - David Modjeska, Mark H. Chignell
Individual Differences in Exploration Using Desktop VR. 216-228 - Wooseob Jeong, Myke Gluck:
Multimodal Geographic Information Systems: Adding Haptic and Auditory Display. 229-242 - Tsvi Kuflik, Bracha Shapira, Peretz Shoval:
Stereotype-based Versus Personal-based Filtering Rules in Information Filtering Systems. 243-250 - Ken Hyland
Self-citation and Self-reference: Credibility and Promotion in Academic Publication. 251-259 - Barbara K. Kaye, Thomas J. Johnson:
From Here to Obscurity? Media Substitution Theory and Traditional Media in an On-line World. 260-273
- S. Lakshminarayan:
Dynamic Ranking with N + 1 Dimensional Vector Space Models: an Alternative Search Mechanism for World Wide Web. 274-275 - Tove Faber Frandsen
Simplifying the Reversed Duplicate Removal Procedur. 275-276
Volume 54, Number 4, 15 February 2003
- Fabio Crestani
, Sándor Dominich, Mounia Lalmas, C. J. van Rijsbergen:
Mathematical, Logical and Formal Methods in Information Retrieval: An Introduction to the Specia Issue. 281-284 - David E. Losada
, Alvaro Barreiro
Embedding Term Similarity and Inverse Document Frequency into a Logical Model of Information. 285-301 - Luis M. de Campos
, Juan M. Fernández-Luna
, Juan F. Huete
Implementing Relevance Feedback in the Bayesian Network Retrieval Model. 302-313 - Eduard Hoenkamp:
Unitary Operators on the Document Spac. 321-334 - Dawei Song
, Peter Bruza
Towards context sensitive information inference. 321-334 - Jian-Yun Nie
Query expansion and query translation as logical inference. 335-346 - Justin Picard, Jacques Savoy:
Enhancing retrieval with hyperlinks: A general model based on propositional argumentation systems. 347-355
- Shirley J. Lincicum:
Book reviews: The Creation and Persistance of Misinformation in Shared Library Catalogs: Language and Subject Knowledge in a Technical Era. 356-357 - James L. Van Roekel:
Book Review: Digital creativity: Techniques for digital media and the Internet. 357-358 - Donald Owen Case:
Book reviews: Current theory in library and information science. 358 - Scott Nicholson:
Book reviews: Models for library management, decision-making, and planning. 359-360
Volume 54, Number 5, March 2003
Research Article
- Cecelia M. Brown:
The role of electronic preprints in chemical communication: Analysis of citation, usage, and acceptance in the journal literature. 362-371 - Quentin L. Burrell:
Predicting future citation behavior. 372-378 - Nega Alemayehu:
Analysis of performance variation using query expansion. 379-391
- Chaomei Chen
Visualizing scientific paradigms: An introduction. 392-39
- Henry Small:
Paradigms, citations, and maps of science: A personal history. 394-399 - Eugene Garfield, Alexander I. Pudovkin, V. S. Istomin:
Why do we need algorithmic historiography? 400-412 - Steven A. Morris, Gary G. Yen
, Zheng Wu, Benyam Asnake:
Time line visualization of research fronts. 413-422 - Howard D. White:
Pathfinder networks and author cocitation analysis: A remapping of paradigmatic information scientists. 423-434 - Chaomei Chen
, Jasna Kuljis:
The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolutions in physics. 435-446 - Kevin W. Boyack
, Katy Börner:
Indicator-assisted evaluation and funding of research: Visualizing the influence of grants on the number and citation counts of research papers. 447-461 - E. Hassan:
Simultaneous mapping of interactions between scientific and technological knowledge bases: The case of space communications. 462-468
Volume 54, Number 6, April 2003
- Nigel Ford, David Miller, Nicola Moss:
Web search strategies and approaches to studying. 473-489 - Mike Thelwall
, David Wilkinson:
Three target document range metrics for university web sites. 490-497 - Youngok Choi, Edie M. Rasmussen:
Searching for images: The analysis of users' queries for image retrieval in American history. 498-511 - Cheryl Knott Malone
, Fernando Elichirigoity:
Information as commodity and economic sector: Its emergence in the discourse of industrial classification. 512-520 - Fuyuki Yoshikane, Kyo Kageura, Keita Tsuji:
A method for the comparative analysis of concentration of author productivity, giving consideration to the effect of sample size dependency of statistical measures. 521-528 - Ian Ruthven, Mounia Lalmas, C. J. van Rijsbergen:
Incorporating user search behavior into relevance feedback. 529-549 - Per Ahlgren, Bo Jarneving, Ronald Rousseau:
Requirements for a cocitation similarity measure, with special reference to Pearson's correlation coefficient. 550-560 - Kimmo Tuominen
, Sanna Talja
, Reijo Savolainen:
Multiperspective digital libraries: The implications of constructionism for the development of digital libraries. 561-569 - Lokman I. Meho
, Helen R. Tibbo:
Modeling the information-seeking behavior of social scientists: Ellis's study revisited. 570-587
- Marianne Afifi:
Book Review: Electronic collection development: A practical guide. 588-589 - Kenneth Einar Himma:
Book Review: Beyond our control? Confronting the limits of our legal system in the age of cyberspace. 589-59 - John Cullen:
Book Review: Economic Growth in the Information Age. 591-592
Volume 54, Number 7, May 2003
- Mike Thelwall
, Gareth Harries:
The connection between the research of a university and counts of links to its web pages: An investigation based upon a classification of the relationships of pages to the research of the host university. 594-602 - Leo Egghe:
Type/Token-Taken informetrics. 603-610 - Abraham Bookstein, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Timo Raita, John Nicholson:
Adapting measures of clumping strength to assess term-term similarity. 611-620 - Hsinchun Chen:
Introduction to the JASIST Special Topic issue on web retrieval and mining: A machine learning perspective. 621-624 - Kurt D. Fenstermacher, Mark Ginsburg:
Client-side monitoring for Web mining. 625-637 - Chien-Kang Huang, Lee-Feng Chien, Yen-Jen Oyang:
Relevant term suggestion in interactive web search based on contextual information in query session logs. 638-649 - Josiane Mothe, Claude Chrisment, Bernard Dousset, Joel Alau:
DocCube: Multi-dimensional visualisation and exploration of large document sets. 650-659 - Ruey-Shun Chen, Yi-Chung Hu
A novel method for discovering fuzzy sequential patterns using the simple fuzzy partition method. 660-670 - Christopher C. Yang, Johnny W. K. Luk:
Automatic generation of English/Chinese thesaurus based on a parallel corpus in laws. 671-682 - Hsinchun Chen, Ann M. Lally, Bin Zhu, Michael Chau
elpfulMed: Intelligent searching for medical information over the internet. 683-694
- Reijo Savolainen:
Book Review: Looking for Information A Survey of Research on Information. 695-697
Volume 54, Number 8, June 2003
- Donald H. Kraft:
Honoring the JASIST referees. 701-703 - Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 704-705
- Mike Thelwall
, David Wilkinson:
Graph structure in three national academic Webs: Power laws with anomalies. 706-712 - Steffen Heinz, Justin Zobel:
Efficient single-pass index construction for text databases. 713-729 - Christopher C. Yang, Kar Wing Li:
Automatic construction of English/Chinese parallel corpora. 730-742 - Peiling Wang
, Michael W. Berry
, Yiheng Yang:
Mining longitudinal web queries: Trends and patterns. 743-758 - Mikko Pennanen, Pertti Vakkari:
Students' conceptual structure, search process, and outcome while preparing a research proposal: A longitudinal case study. 759-770 - Donald T. Hawkins, Signe E. Larson, Bari Q. Caton:
Information science abstracts: Tracking the literature of information science. Part 2: A new taxonomy for information science. 771-781 - Stephanie W. Haas:
Improving the search environment: Informed decision making in the search for statistical information. 782-797
- John C. Huber, Roland Wagner-Döbler:
Using the Mann-Whitney test on informetric data. 798-801
- Chaomei Chen
Patents, citations & innovations: A window on the knowledge economy. 802-803
- Loet Leydesdorff
Empirical evidence of self-organization? A rejoinder. 804 - Birger Hjørland
Arguments for epistemology in information science. 805-806
Volume 54, Number 9, July 2003
- Donald H. Kraft:
Refereeing for JASIST. 807 - Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 808-809
- M. C. Lee, Chun-Kan Fung:
A public-key based authentication and key establishment protocol coupled with a client puzzle. 810-823 - Tomas A. Lipinski:
The myth of technological neutrality in copyright and the rights of institutional users: Recent legal challenges to the information organization as mediator and the impact of the DMCA, WIPO, and TEACH. 824-835 - Karen M. Drabenstott:
Do nondomain experts enlist the strategies of domain experts? 836-854 - Blaise Cronin, Debora Shaw, Kathryn La Barre:
A cast of thousands: Coauthorship and subauthorship collaboration in the 20th century as manifested in the scholarly journal literature of psychology and philosophy. 855-871 - Ofer Bergman, Ruth Beyth-Marom, Rafi Nachmias:
The user-subjective approach to personal information management systems. 872-878 - Joette Stefl-Mabry:
A social judgment analysis of information source preference profiles: An exploratory study to empirically represent media selection patterns. 879-904
- Christopher A. Badurek
Book reviews. 905-906 - Eric G. Ackermann:
Book reviews. 906-908 - Lisa A. Ennis:
Digital futures: Strategies for the information age. 908-909 - Dale A. Stirling:
Encoded archival description on the internet. 909-910
Volume 54, Number 10, August 2003
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 911-912
- Pia Borlund:
The concept of relevance in IR. 913-925 - Cecelia M. Brown:
The changing face of scientific discourse: Analysis of genomic and proteomic database usage and acceptance. 926-938 - Timo Niemi, Lasse Hirvonen, Kalervo Järvelin:
Multidimensional Data Model and Query Language for Informetrics. 939-951 - Noriko Hara, Paul Solomon, Seung-Lye Kim, Diane H. Sonnenwald
An emerging view of scientific collaboration: Scientists' perspectives on collaboration and factors that impact collaboration. 952-965 - Snehasis Mukhopadhyay, Shengquan Peng, Rajeev R. Raje, Mathew J. Palakal, Javed Mostafa:
Multi-agent information classification using dynamic acquaintance lists. 966-975
- Allison J. Morgan, Cong Chen:
Integrity, internal control and security in information systems: Connecting governance and technology. 976-977 - Melody Y. Ivory:
Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies. 977-979 - Lewis Hassell:
Social Thinking - Software Practice. 979-981 - Lisa A. Ennis:
Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture. 981-982 - Linda Schamber:
Research Methods for Students, Academics and Professionals: Information Management and Systems. 982-983
- Ronald N. Kostoff:
The practice and malpractice of stemming. 984-985
Volume 54, Number 11, September 2003
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 987-988
- Stefano Mizzaro
Quality control in scholarly publishing: A new proposal. 989-1005 - Michael B. Spring, Vichita Vathanophas:
Peripheral social awareness information in collaborative work. 1006-1013 - Aixin Sun
, Ee-Peng Lim
, Wee Keong Ng
Performance measurement framework for hierarchical text classification. 1014-1028 - Andrew K. Shenton, Pat Dixon:
A comparison of youngsters' use of CD-ROM and the Internet as information resources. 1029-1049 - David Bodoff
, Bin Wu, K. Y. Michael Wong
Relevance data for language models using maximum likelihood. 1050-1061 - Philip M. Davis, Leah R. Solla:
An IP-level analysis of usage statistics for electronic journals in chemistry: Making inferences about user behavior. 1062-1068 - Alexandros Karakos:
Greeklish: An experimental interface for automatic transliteration. 1069-1074
- Fuyuki Yoshikane, Kyo Kageura, Keita Tsuji:
The Sample Size Dependency of Statistical Measures and Synchronic Potentiality in Informetrics. Some Comments on Some Comments by Professor Burrell. 1075-1076 - Quentin L. Burrell:
The sample size dependency of statistical measures in informetrics? Some comments. 1076-1077 - Peter van den Besselaar:
Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, rhetorical statistics. 1077 - Loet Leydesdorff:
Rejoinder to Van den Besselaar's letter entitled Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, rhetorical statistics. 1077-1078 - Joseph Chersky:
What is time? 1078
Volume 54, Number 12, October 2003
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 1079-1080
- Scott Nicholson:
Bibliomining for automated collection development in a digital library setting: Using data mining to discover Web-based scholarly research works. 1081-1090 - William W. Hood, Concepción S. Wilson:
Overlap in bibliographic databases. 1091-1103 - Jacqueline Kracker, Howard R. Pollio:
The experience of libraries across time: Thematic analysis of undergraduate recollections of library experiences. 1104-1116 - Mei-Mei Wu, Ying-Hsang Liu
Intermediary's information seeking, inquiring minds, and elicitation styles. 1117-1133 - Loren D. Mendelsohn:
Introduction and overview: Chemistry journals: The transition from paper to electronic, with lessons for other disciplines. 1136-1137 - David Stern:
New knowledge management systems: The implications for data discovery, collection development, and the changing role of the librarian. 1138-1140 - Tina E. Chrzastowski
Making the transition from print to electronic serial collections: A new model for academic chemistry libraries?. 1141-1148 - K. T. L. Vaughan:
Changing use patterns of print journals in the digital age: Impacts of electronic equivalents on print chemistry journal use. 1149-1152 - Emily L. Poworoznek
Linking of errata: Current practices in online physical sciences journals. 1153-1159 - A. Ben Wagner
Managing tradeoffs in the electronic age. 1160-1164
- Lisa A. Ennis:
Book reviews. 1165-1166 - Brenda Chawner:
Book review. 1166-1167 - William J. Wheeler:
Book review. 1167-1168 - Anastasis D. Petrou:
Book review. 1168-1170
Volume 54, Number 13, November 2003
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 1173-1174
- Louise T. Su:
A comprehensive and systematic model of user evaluation of Web search engines: I. Theory and background. 1175-1192 - Louise T. Su:
A comprehensive and systematic model of user evaluation of Web search engines: II. An evaluation by undergraduates. 1193-1223 - Hsin-Hsi Chen
, June-Jei Kuo, Sheng-Jie Huang, Chuan-Jie Lin, Hung-Chia Wung:
A summarization system for Chinese news from multiple sources. 1224-1236 - Fernanda Morillo
, María Bordons
, Isabel Gómez:
Interdisciplinarity in science: A tentative typology of disciplines and research areas. 1237-1249 - Howard D. White:
Author cocitation analysis and Pearson's r. 1250-1259 - Quentin L. Burrell:
Type/Token-Taken informetrics: Some comments and further examples. 1260-1263
- Wallace Koehler:
Book review. 1264
Volume 54, Number 14, December 2003
- Bert R. Boyce:
In this issue. 1267-1268
- Daniela Giorgetti, Fabrizio Sebastiani
Automating survey coding by multiclass text categorization techniques. 1269-1277 - Claudia A. Perry:
Network influences on scholarly communication in developmental dyslexia: A longitudinal follow-up. 1278-1295 - Howard Greisdorf, Brian C. O'Connor:
Nodes of topicality: Modeling user notions of on topic documents. 1296-1304 - William H. Walters
, Esther Isabelle Wilder:
Bibliographic index coverage of a multidisciplinary field. 1305-1312 - Liwen Vaughan, Debora Shaw:
Bibliographic and Web citations: What is the difference? 1313-1322

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