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KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, January 2018
- Li Liu, Shuxian Gu, Dongmei Fu, Miao Zhang, Rajkumar Buyya
A New Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Inter-Cloud Service Composition. 1-20 - Xueyan Chen, Li Guo, Chao Dong, Jiaru Lin, Xingwang Li
, Charles C. Cavalcante
Probabilistic Constrained Approach for Distributed Robust Beamforming Design in Cognitive Two-way Relay Networks. 21-40 - Lanlan Rui, Yao Zhang, Haoqiu Huang, Xuesong Qiu:
A New Traffic Congestion Detection and Quantification Method Based on Comprehensive Fuzzy Assessment in VANET. 41-60 - Wenjuan Wang, Yuwang Yang, Lei Wang, Wei Lu:
PMDV-hop: An effective range-free 3D localization scheme based on the particle swarm optimization in wireless sensor network. 61-80 - Nadhir Ben Halima
, Hatem Boujemaa:
Exact and Approximate Symbol Error Probability of cooperative systems with best relay selection and all participating relaying using Amplify and Forward or Decode and Forward Relaying over Nakagami-m fading channels. 81-108 - Chen Fang
, Hengwei Zhang
, Ming Zhang, Jindong Wang:
Recommendations Based on Listwise Learning-to-Rank by Incorporating Social Information. 109-134 - Heba Nashaat
QoS-aware Cross Layer Handover Scheme for High-Speed vehicles. 135-158 - Yao Hu, Muqing Wu, Tianze Li:
Incentive Mechanism in Participatory Sensing for Ambient Assisted Living. 159-177 - Muhammad Morshed Alam
, Mohammad Rakibul Islam, Muhammad Yeasir Arafat
, Feroz Ahmed:
FER Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of IEEE 802.11 a/g/p WLAN over Multipath Fading Channels in GNU Radio and USRP N200 Environment. 178-203 - Hua Xu, Weiqing Liu, Guansheng Shu, Jing Li:
LDBAS: Location-aware Data Block Allocation Strategy for HDFS-based Applications in the Cloud. 204-226 - Jun Wang, Qiong Yi, Yunfei Chen
, Yue Wang:
A Novel Redundant Data Storage Algorithm Based on Minimum Spanning Tree and Quasi-randomized Matrix. 227-247 - Zhaozong Meng:
Architecture Support for Context-aware Adaptation of Rich Sensing Smartphone Applications. 248-268 - Jinjun Luo, Shilian Wang, Eryang Zhang:
Signal Detection Based on a Decreasing Exponential Function in Alpha-Stable Distributed Noise. 269-286 - Qin Wang, Rongtao Hou, Yongsheng Hao, Yin Wang:
A parallel tasks Scheduling heuristic in the Cloud with multiple attributes. 287-307 - Sangwook Kim, Kwangsue Chung:
A Bandwidth Estimation Scheme to Improve the QoE of HTTP Adaptive Streaming in the Multiple Client Environment. 308-324 - Zhiyong Liu
, Yinghua Wang, Lizhong Song, Yinyin Wang, Fu-sheng Dai:
Joint Adaptive Combining and Variable Tap-Length Multiuser Detector for Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Communication. 325-339 - Rene Heinsen, Cindy Lopez
, Eui-Nam Huh:
BoxBroker: A Policy-Driven Framework for Optimizing Storage Service Federation. 340-367
- Xiwei Dong, Fei Wu, Xiao-Yuan Jing:
Generic Training Set based Multimanifold Discriminant Learning for Single Sample Face Recognition. 368-391 - Yongheng Chen, Fuquan Zhang, Wanli Zuo:
Deep Image Annotation and Classification by Fusing Multi-Modal Semantic Topics. 392-412 - Zheheng Rao, Chunyan Zeng, Minghu Wu, Zhifeng Wang
, Nan Zhao, Min Liu, Xiangkui Wan:
Research on a handwritten character recognition algorithm based on an extended nonlinear kernel residual network. 413-435
- Emmy Mugisha, Gongxuan Zhang:
A Reliable Secure Storage Cloud and Data Migration Based on Erasure Code. 436-453 - Shiqi Luo, Shengwei Tian, Long Yu
, Jiong Yu, Hua Sun:
Android malicious code Classification using Deep Belief Network. 454-475 - Wei Li, Linfeng Liao, Dawu Gu, Chenyu Ge, Zhiyong Gao, Zhihong Zhou, Zheng Guo, Ya Liu, Zhiqiang Liu:
Security Analysis of the PHOTON Lightweight Cryptosystem in the Wireless Body Area Network. 476-496 - Delin Tan, Huajun Wang:
Fully Homomorphic Encryption Based On the Parallel Computing. 497-522 - Azeem Irshad
, Muhammad Sher, Bander A. Alzahrani, Aiiad Albeshri
, Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry
, Saru Kumari
Cryptanalysis and improvement of a Multi-server Authentication protocol by Lu et al. 523-549
Volume 12, Number 2, February 2018
- Lifei Shen, Jian Liu, Xinxin Tan, Lei Wang:
Green Cooperative Sensing Scheme in Heterogeneous Networks. 550-565 - Xiandeng He, Ronghua Zhou, Nan Chen, Shun Zhang:
Segment Training Based Individual Channel Estimation for Multi-pair Two-Way Relay Network with Power Allocation. 566-578 - Suman Paul, Malay Kumar Pandit:
Comprehensive Investigations on QUEST: a Novel QoS-Enhanced Stochastic Packet Scheduler for Intelligent LTE Routers. 579-603 - Jialin Ma, Yongjun Zhang, Zhijian Wang, Bolun Chen:
A New Fine-grain SMS Corpus and Its Corresponding Classifier Using Probabilistic Topic Model. 604-625 - Jongwon Lee, Jemin Justin Lee, Ji Min Park:
Irrational Factors Affecting the Purchase of Online Game Items. 626-642
- Yingping Huang, Yangwei Li, Xing Hu, Wenyan Ci:
Lane Detection Based on Inverse Perspective Transformation and Kalman Filter. 643-661 - Diqun Yan
, Rangding Wang, Jinglei Zhou, Chao Jin, Zhifeng Wang
Compression history detection for MP3 audio. 662-675 - Naeem Ayoub
, Zhenguo Gao, Danjie Chen, Rachida Tobji, Nianmin Yao
Visual Saliency Detection Based on color Frequency Features under Bayesian framework. 676-692 - Vladimir Tyan, Doo-Hyun Kim:
Convolutional Neural Network with Particle Filter Approach for Visual Tracking. 693-709 - Mustafa Eren Yildirim
, Yücel Batu Salman:
Directional Particle Filter Using Online Threshold Adaptation for Vehicle Tracking. 710-726
- Yanzhao Shen, Gaoli Wang:
Improved Preimage Attacks on RIPEMD-160 and HAS-160. 727-746 - Fernando Almeida
, Inês Carvalho, Fábio Cruz:
Structure and Challenges of a Security Policy on Small and Medium Enterprises. 747-763 - Huijun Zhu, Licheng Wang, Shuming Qiu, Xinxin Niu:
New Public Key Encryption with Equality Test Based on non-Abelian Factorization Problems. 764-785
- Hyunjin Kim
, PyungKoo Park, JaeCheol Ryou
Auto-configurable Security Mechanism for NFV. 786-799 - Seohee Park, Myunggeun Ji, Junchul Chun:
2D Human Pose Estimation based on Object Detection using RGB-D information. 800-816 - Seungsuk Baek, Jung-Won Lee, Byungjeong Lee:
Improving Fault Traceability of Web Application by Utilizing Software Revision Information and Behavior Model. 817-828 - Eunsung Cho, Intae Ryoo:
Design and Implementation of UAV System for Autonomous Tracking. 829-842 - Sangdon Park, Il-Hwan Kim, Jaehyoun Kim, KyungLyul Lee:
The Diagnosis and Prescription for Cybersecurity in Korea: Focusing on Policy and System. 843-859 - Seulki Song, Young-Su Ryu, Jungwook Wee, Kyung Won Park, Ki-Won Kwon:
Design and Implementation of 8K UHD Encapsulation Method for Efficient Transmission and Reception based on MMT. 860-872 - Tae-young Kim, Suntae Kim, Jeong-Ah Kim, Jae-Young Choi, Jee-Huong Lee, YoungWha Cho, Young-Kwang Nam:
Automatic identification of Java Method Naming Patterns Using Cascade K-Medoids. 873-891 - Gyeong-Jin Ra, Im-Yeong Lee:
A Study on KSI-based Authentication Management and Communication for Secure Smart Home Environments. 892-905 - SeulKi Choi, Chung-Huang Yang, Jin Kwak
System Hardening and Security Monitoring for IoT Devices to Mitigate IoT Security Vulnerabilities and Threats. 906-918 - Jong Gab Ho, Se Dong Min:
Development of Textile Proximity Sensor for Medication Adherence Management System. 919-931 - Ahyoung Lee, Xuan Wang, Hieu Nguyen, Ilkyeun Ra:
A Hybrid Software Defined Networking Architecture for Next-Generation IoTs. 932-945 - Suhyun Kim, YongWoon Hwang, Jung-Taek Seo
Secure Multicast using Proxy Re-Encryption in an IoT Environment. 946-959 - Yeon-Kug Moon, Young-Bo Shim, Hyoung-Kyu Song:
Error Correction Technique of Distance Measurement for ToF LIDAR Sensor. 960-973 - Eungyeong Kim, Seokhoon Kim
An Efficient Software Defined Data Transmission Scheme based on Mobile Edge Computing for the Massive IoT Environment. 974-987 - Eunkwang Jeon, Bong-Keun Jung
, Yunyoung Nam, HwaMin Lee
Classification of Premature Ventricular Contraction using Error Back-Propagation. 988-1001
Volume 12, Number 3, March 2018
- Adnan Khalid
, Muhammad Shahbaz:
Adaptive Deadline-aware Scheme (ADAS) for Data Migration between Cloud and Fog Layers. 1002-1015 - Sangjoon Park:
Error-detection-coding-aided iterative hard decision interference cancellation for MIMO systems with HARQ. 1016-1030 - Lei Wang, Weiping Jing:
A Frame Collision Reduction Method for Safety Message Broadcasting in IEEE1609.4/IEEE802.11p based VANETs. 1031-1046 - Saadat Dehgan, Changiz Ghobadi
, Javad Nourinia
, Jie Yang, Guan Gui:
Non-stationary Sparse Fading Channel Estimation for Next Generation Mobile Systems. 1047-1062 - Xing Zhao, Tao Lei, Zhaoming Lu, Xiangming Wen, Shan Jiang:
Introducing Network Situation Awareness into Software Defined Wireless Networks. 1063-1082 - Wenlan Wu, Xianbin Wen, Haixia Xu, Liming Yuan, Qingxia Meng:
Accurate Range-free Localization Based on Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 1083-1097 - Lihua Yang, Longxiang Yang, Hongbo Zhu, Yan Liang:
Sum rate and Energy Efficiency of Massive MIMO Downlink with Channel Aging in Time Varying Ricean Fading Channel. 1098-1112 - Haibo Shen, Kechen Zhuang, Hong Zhang:
A trust evaluation method for improving nodes utilization for wireless sensor networks. 1113-1135 - Ayad A. Abdulkafi, Mohamad Yusoff Alias
, Yaseein Soubhi Hussein
, Nazaruddin Omar, Mohd Kamarulzamin Bin Salleh:
A Hybrid PAPR Reduction Scheme for Optical Wireless OFDM Communication Systems. 1136-1151 - Kyu-haeng Lee:
CMS: Application Layer Cooperative Congestion Control for Safety Messages in Vehicular Networks. 1152-1167 - Charu Virmani, Dimple Juneja, Anuradha Pillai:
Design of Query Processing System to Retrieve Information from Social Network using NLP. 1168-1188
- Ahmad Jalal, Shaharyar Kamal, Dong-Seong Kim:
Detecting Complex 3D Human Motions with Body Model Low-Rank Representation for Real-Time Smart Activity Monitoring System. 1189-1204 - Pushpa Mamoria
, Deepa Raj:
An Optimized Multiple Fuzzy Membership Functions based Image Contrast Enhancement Technique. 1205-1223 - Hong-Xia Cui, Ya-Qi Wang, FangFei Zhang, TingTing Li:
A Motion Detection Approach based on UAV Image Sequence. 1224-1242 - Yarui Chen, Xin Tao, Congcong Xiong, Jucheng Yang:
An Improved method of Two Stage Linear Discriminant Analysis. 1243-1263 - Jingbo Zhou, Jiyou Zhai, Yongfeng Ren, Ali Lu:
Background Prior-based Salient Object Detection via Adaptive Figure-Ground Classification. 1264-1286 - Xu Lu, Lianglun Cheng, Jun Liu
, Rongjun Chen:
Compressed Sensing-based Multiple-target Tracking Algorithm for Ad Hoc Camera Sensor Networks. 1287-1300 - Yun-Cheol Nam, Yunyoung Nam:
A Low-cost Fire Detection System using a Thermal Camera. 1301-1314
- Dan Yang, BaocangWang, Xuehua Ban:
Fully secure non-monotonic access structure CP-ABE scheme. 1315-1329 - Muhammad Umar Farooq
, Xingfu Wang, Moizza Sajjad, Sara Qaisar:
Development of Protective Scheme against Collaborative Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 1330-1347 - Andronicus Ayobami Akinyelu, Aderemi Oluyinka Adewumi:
On the Performance of Cuckoo Search and Bat Algorithms Based Instance Selection Techniques for SVM Speed Optimization with Application to e-Fraud Detection. 1348-1375 - Zhiniang Peng, Shaohua Tang:
Circulant UOV: a new UOV variant with shorter private key and faster signature generation. 1376-1395
Volume 12, Number 4, April 2018
- Wei Li, Cheolwoo Jung, Jongtae Park:
IoT Healthcare Communication System for IEEE 11073 PHD and IHE PCD-01 Integration Using CoAP. 1396-1414 - Xianxian Wang, Shaobo Lv, Xing Wang, Zhongshan Zhang:
Greedy Heuristic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Device-to-Device Aided Cellular Systems with System Level Simulations. 1415-1435 - Iman M. Almomani
, Maha Saadeh
S-FEAR: Secure-Fuzzy Energy Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1436-1457 - Hyungkyu Yang, Wonwoo Lee, Byung-Ho Rhee:
A High-Isolation MIMO Antenna with Dual-Port Structure for 5G Mobile Phones. 1458-1470 - Ling Zhuang, Yaohu Yin, Juan Guan, Xiao Ma:
Interference-limited Resource Allocation Algorithm in Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks. 1471-1488 - Wei Yang, Xiaojun Jing, Hai Huang:
Spectrum Usage Forecasting Model for Cognitive Radio Networks. 1489-1503 - Shufeng Zhao, Bin Shen, Quan Hua:
A comparative study of low-complexity MMSE signal detection for massive MIMO systems. 1504-1526 - Ernesto García Davis, Anna Calveras Augé
Publish/Subscribe Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks: Improved Reliability and Timeliness. 1527-1552 - Gang Shen, Yixin Su, Danhong Zhang, Huajun Zhang, Binyu Xiong
, Mingwu Zhang:
Secure and Fine-grained Electricity Consumption Aggregation Scheme for Smart Grid. 1553-1571 - Baraka D. Sija, Kyu-Seok Shim, Myung-Sup Kim:
Automatic Payload Signature Generation for Accurate Identification of Internet Applications and Application Services. 1572-1593 - Bakhtiar Ali
, Nida Zamir, Soon Xin Ng
, Muhammad Fasih Uddin Butt:
Distributed Matching Algorithms for Spectrum Access: A Comparative Study and Further Enhancements. 1594-1617 - Xiao Xue, Song Xiao, Lei Quan:
Efficient Measurement Method for Spatiotemporal Compressive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1618-1637 - Fang Ye, Jing Dai, Yibing Li:
Hybrid-clustering game Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Macro-Femto HetNet. 1638-1654 - Ahmad Alqerem
, Ala Hamarsheh, Yaser A. Al-Lahham
, Mujahed Eleyat:
Scheduling of Concurrent Transactions in Broadcasting Environment. 1655-1673 - Cheon Won Choi:
Randomized Scheme for Cognizing Tags in RFID Networks and Its Optimization. 1674-1692 - Young-Kyoon Suh, Alain Crolotte, Pekka Kostamaa:
MLPPI Wizard: An Automated Multi-level Partitioning Tool on Analytical Workloads. 1693-1713
- Xin Wang, Jing Huang, Yanli Chu, Aiye Shi, Lizhong Xu:
Change Detection in Bitemporal Remote Sensing Images by using Feature Fusion and Fuzzy C-Means. 1714-1729 - Fen Chen, Sheng Liu, Zongju Peng, Qingqing Hu, Gangyi Jiang, Mei Yu:
Bayesian-theory-based Fast CU Size and Mode Decision Algorithm for 3D-HEVC Depth Video Inter-coding. 1730-1747 - Jucheng Yang, Lingchao Zhang, Yuan Wang, Tingting Zhao, Wenhui Sun, Dong Sun Park:
Face Recognition based on Weber Symmetrical Local Graph Structure. 1748-1759 - Yanjun Peng, Yingran Ma:
A Level Set Method to Image Segmentation Based on Local Direction Gradient. 1760-1778
- Ying Chen
, Yangming Ge, Wenyuan Wang, Fengyu Yang:
A Biometric-based User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 1779-1798 - Zhaowen Lin, Fei Xiao, Yi Sun, Yan Ma, Cong-Cong Xing, Jun Huang:
A Secure Encryption-Based Malware Detection System. 1799-1818 - Huqing Wang, Zhixin Sun:
Compression Method for IPSec over 6LoWPAN. 1819-1831 - Guofeng Lin
, Lirong You, Bing Hu, Hanshu Hong, Zhixin Sun:
A Coordinated Ciphertext Policy Attribute-based PHR Access Control with User Accountability. 1832-1853
- Woosik Lee, Heeyoul Kim, Min Hong, Min-Goo Kang, Seung Ryul Jeong, Namgi Kim:
A Survey of the Transmission-Power-Control Schemes in Wireless Body-Sensor Networks. 1854-1868 - Jong-Seol Lee, MyeongChun Lee, Dalwon Jang, Kyoungro Yoon:
Korean Traditional Music Genre Classification Using Sample and MIDI Phrases. 1869-1886 - Dong-Wook Kim, Sung-Sam Hong, Myung-Mook Han:
A study on Classification of Insider threat using Markov Chain Model. 1887-1898 - Woochun Jun, Suk-Ki Hong:
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Concurrency Control Technique in Object-Oriented Database Systems. 1899-1911
Volume 12, Number 5, May 2018
- Shiyu Ji, Liangrui Tang, Yanhua He, Shuxian Li, Shimo Du:
A QEE-Oriented Fair Power Allocation for Two-tier Heterogeneous Networks. 1912-1931 - Hyo-Sub Lee, Myung-Ryul Choi, Kyung-Goo Doh:
Tree-Pattern-Based Clone Detection with High Precision and Recall. 1932-1950 - Qiaolin Pu, Mu Zhou
, Fawen Zhang, Zengshan Tian:
Group Power Constraint Based Wi-Fi Access Point Optimization for Indoor Positioning. 1951-1972 - Joohyung Lee:
Multi-homing in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks: A Stackelberg Game for Pricing. 1973-1991 - Huahong Ma, Honghai Wu, Guoqiang Zheng
, Baofeng Ji, Jishun Li:
FARS: A Fairness-aware Routing Strategy for Mobile Opportunistic Networks. 1992-2008 - Thanh-Luan Nguyen
, Dinh-Thuan Do:
Exploiting Optimal Throughput of Adaptive Relaying Based Wireless Powered Systems under Impacts of Co-channel Interference. 2009-2028 - Hangyu Gu, Shuangchun Li, Vincent Havyarimana, Dong Wang, Zhu Xiao:
Analytical Study on Inter-Cell Handover via Non-Concentric Circles in Wireless Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks. 2029-2043 - Muhammad Azhar Iqbal, Bin Dai, Muhammad Arshad Islam, Muhammad Aleem
, Nguyen-Son Vo:
Topology-Based Flow-Oriented Adaptive Network Coding-Aware Routing Scheme for VANETs. 2044-2062 - Yuqing Chen, Li Xiaoyan, Sun Xixia, Su Pan:
Resource Allocation in Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Systems with Double-objective Optimization. 2063-2081 - Zhigang Liu, Haidong Zhong:
Study on Tag, Trust and Probability Matrix Factorization Based Social Network Recommendation. 2082-2102 - Jungwoo Kim, Jooyoung Son:
An Establishment of Super Wi-Fi Environment in Ships Based on UHF System of TMS. 2103-2123 - Yanjing Sun, Shu Zhou, Qi Cao, Yanfen Wang, Wen Liu, Xiaoguang Zhang:
Transmit Precoder Design for Two-User Broadcast Channel with Statistical and Delayed CSIT. 2124-2141 - Lijun Cai, Jing Zhang, Lei Chen, Tingqin He:
Enhanced Distance Dynamics Model for Community Detection via Ego-Leader. 2142-2161 - Yong-Hyuk Kim, Seok-Joong Kang:
Optimization by Simulated Catalytic Reaction: Application to Graph Bisection. 2162-2176 - Run-ze Wu, Jiajia Zhu, Hailin Hu, Yanhua He, Liangrui Tang:
Resource Allocation for Relay-Aided Cooperative Systems Based on Multi-Objective Optimization. 2177-2193 - Lin Li
, Cheul Rhee
, Junghoon Moon:
Identifying the Effect of Product Types in the Relationships Between Product Discounts and Consumer Distrust levels in China's Online Social Commerce Market at the Era of Big Data. 2194-2210 - Anita Brigit Mathew:
Efficient Query Retrieval from Social Data in Neo4j using LIndex. 2211-2232 - Jun-Xia Liu, Jia Zhen-Hong:
CA Joint Resource Allocation Algorithm Based on QoE Weight. 2233-2252
- Kaiping Xu, Zheng Qin, Guolong Wang, Huidi Zhang, Kai Huang, Shuxiong Ye:
Multi-focus Image Fusion using Fully Convolutional Two-stream Network for Visual Sensors. 2253-2272 - Hoon Yoo:
Transformations and Their Analysis from a RGBD Image to Elemental Image Array for 3D Integral Imaging and Coding. 2273-2286 - Hongchan Yoon, Baek-Hyun Kim, Mukhriddin Mukhiddinov
, Jinsoo Cho:
Salient Region Extraction based on Global Contrast Enhancement and Saliency Cut for Image Information Recognition of the Visually Impaired. 2287-2312 - Ji Young Lee, Tack Woo:
A novel method for natural motion mapping as a strategy of game immediacy. 2313-2326 - Adnan Farooq, Faisal Farooq, Anh Vu Le
Human Action Recognition via Depth Maps Body Parts of Action. 2327-2347 - Peng-Cheng Huang, Yung-Hui Li, Chin-Chen Chang, Yanjun Liu:
Efficient Scheme for Secret Hiding in QR Code by Improving Exploiting Modification Direction. 2348-2365 - Jun Fan, Yue Wu, Xiangrong Zeng, Qizi Huangpeng, Yan Liu, Xin Long, Jinglun Zhou:
A Multi-view Super-Resolution Method with Joint-optimization of Image Fusion and Blind Deblurring. 2366-2395
- Xu Wu:
A Robust and Adaptive Trust Management System for Guaranteeing the Availability in the Internet of Things Environments. 2396-2413 - Xi Li, Yu Lu, Sen Liu, Wei Nie:
Network Security Situation Assessment Method Based on Markov Game Model. 2414-2428
Volume 12, Number 6, June 2018
- Yining Qi, Xin Tang, Yongfeng Huang
Enabling Efficient Verification of Dynamic Data Possession and Batch Updating in Cloud Storage. 2429-2449 - Jianfang Xin, Qi Zhu, Guangjun Liang, Tiaojiao Zhang, Su Zhao:
Performance Analysis of Cellular Networks with D2D communication Based on Queuing Theory Model. 2450-2469 - Peiqian Liu, Xiaojie Wang:
A Distance Approach for Open Information Extraction Based on Word Vector. 2470-2491 - Cheng Ren, Sheng Wang, Jing Ren, Xiong Wang:
Traffic Engineering and Manageability for Multicast Traffic in Hybrid SDN. 2492-2512 - Ik-Soo Choi, Sang-Jo Yoo, Myunghwan Seo, Chul-Hee Han, Bongsoo Roh:
Initial Rendezvous Protocol using Multicarrier Operation for Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Networks. 2513-2533 - Xi Chen, Junlei Wu, Tao Wu:
The Top-K QoS-aware Paths Discovery for Source Routing in SDN. 2534-2553 - Huazhang Lv:
Performance Evaluation of Lower Complexity Hybrid-Fix-and-Round-LLL Algorithm for MIMO System. 2554-2580 - Shengnan Guo, Xueqin Jiang, Kesheng Zhang:
The Wireless Network Optimization of Power Amplification via User Volume in the Microcell Terrain. 2581-2594 - Bo Zhang, Kaizhi Huang, Yajun Chen:
A Physical-layer Security Scheme Based on Cross-layer Cooperation in Dense Heterogeneous Networks. 2595-2618 - Liuwei Feng, Dongxia Chang, Yao Zhao:
A new clustering algorithm based on the connected region generation. 2619-2643 - Xiaoqiang Zhao, Hui Zhu, Slavisa Aleksic, Qiang Gao:
Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer. 2644-2657 - Zahid Muhammad, Abhishek Roy, Chang Wook Ahn, Ruchi Sachan, Navrati Saxena:
A Novel Random Scheduling Algorithm based on Subregions Coverage for SET K-Cover Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2658-2679 - Chenjun Zhou, Xiaorong Zhu, Hongbo Zhu, Su Zhao:
A Novel Service Migration Method Based on Content Caching and Network Condition Awareness in Ultra-Dense Networks. 2680-2696 - Sidra Riaz, Ji-Hwan Kim, Unsang Park:
Evolutionary game theory-based power control for uplink NOMA. 2697-2710 - Bin Chen, Zijian Yang, Rongping Lin, Mingjun Dai, Xiaohui Lin, Gongchao Su
, Hui Wang:
Energy-Efficient Traffic Grooming in Bandwidth Constrained IP over WDM Networks. 2711-2733 - Amer Tawfeeq Abed, Mandeep S. J. Singh, Mohammad Tariqul Islam
Compact-Size Fractal Antenna with Stable Radiation Properties for Wi-Fi and WiMAX Communications. 2734-2747
- Minkyu Lim, Donghyun Lee, Hosung Park, Yoseb Kang, Junseok Oh, Jeong-Sik Park, Gil-Jin Jang, Ji-Hwan Kim:
Convolutional Neural Network based Audio Event Classification. 2748-2760 - Ran Jin, Gang Chen, Anthony K. H. Tung, Lidan Shou, Beng Chin Ooi:
An Optimized Iterative Semantic Compression Algorithm And Parallel Processing for Large Scale Data. 2761-2781 - Kyungha Min, Cheolseong Park, Heekyung Yang, Grim Yun:
Legorization from silhouette-fitted voxelization. 2782-2805 - Dan Zhao, Baolong Guo, Yunyi Yan
A Sparse Target Matrix Generation Based Unsupervised Feature Learning Algorithm for Image Classification. 2806-2825 - Ning Wang, Yanjun Peng, Yuanhong Wang, Meiling Wang:
Skin Lesion Image Segmentation Based on Adversarial Networks. 2826-2840
- Cheng Xu
, Xiaohong Huang, Maode Ma, Hong Bao:
A Secure and Efficient Message Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Networks based on LTE-V. 2841-2860 - Anjali Anand, Rinkle Rani, Himanshu Aggarwal
An Adaptive Security Model for Dynamic Node Behaviour in MANETs. 2861-2880 - TaeJin Lee, Jin Kwak:
EMICS: E-mail based Malware Infected IP Collection System. 2881-2894 - M. Roopa
, S. Selvakumar Raja:
Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Prevention System using Smart Multiinstance Multi-label Learning Protocol for Tactical Mobile Adhoc Networks. 2895-2921 - Seog Chung Seo, Taek-Young Youn:
TIM: A Trapdoor Hash Function-based Authentication Mechanism for Streaming Applications. 2922-2945 - Heeyoul Kim, Ki-Woong Park, Daeseon Choi, Younho Lee:
Estimating Resident Registration Numbers of Individuals in Korea: Revisited. 2946-2959
Volume 12, Number 7, July 2018
- Ling Hou, Angus Kin Yeung Wong, Alan Kai-Hau Yeung
, Steven S. O. Choy:
Clustering-Based Mobile Gateway Management in Integrated CRAHN-Cloud Network. 2960-2976 - Dawei Sun, Hongbin Yan, Shang Gao, Zhangbing Zhou:
Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Multiple Scenarios of Big Data Stream Computing on Storm Platform. 2977-2997 - Yu-Kuan Chang, Fang-Biau Ueng, Bo-Yi Tsai:
A Novel Adaptive Turbo Receiver for Large-Scale MIMO Communications. 2998-3017 - Haiquan Wang, Shuo Lei, Binglin Wu, Yilin Li, Bowen Du:
T-START: Time, Status and Region Aware Taxi Mobility Model for Metropolis. 3018-3040 - Tao Meng, Lijun Cai, Tingqin He, Lei Chen, Ziyun Deng:
K-Hop Community Search Based On Local Distance Dynamics. 3041-3063 - Nasarudin Ismail, Mohd Murtadha Mohamad:
Review on Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. 3064-3094 - Shengliang Peng
, Renyang Gao, Weibin Zheng, Kejun Lei:
Adaptive Algorithms for Bayesian Spectrum Sensing Based on Markov Model. 3095-3111 - Jungyu Ahn, Ju-Hong Lee:
Clustering Algorithm for Time Series with Similar Shapes. 3112-3127 - Junda Qiu, Lei Li:
Evaluation criterion for different methods of multiple-attribute group decision making with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information. 3128-3149 - Haoliang Lan, Wei Ding, YuMei Zhang:
Passive Overall Packet Loss Estimation at the Border of an ISP. 3150-3171
- Omer Iqbal, Waqas Jadoon
, Zia ur Rehman
, Fiaz Gul Khan, Babar Nazir
, Iftikhar Ahmed Khan
Robust Face Recognition under Limited Training Sample Scenario using Linear Representation. 3172-3193 - Xingjian Gu, Xiangbo Shu, Shougang Ren, Huanliang Xu:
Two Dimensional Slow Feature Discriminant Analysis via L 2, 1 Norm Minimization for Feature Extraction. 3194-3216 - Yannan Ren
, Ju Liu, Hui Yuan, Yifan Xiao:
Depth Up-Sampling via Pixel-Classifying and Joint Bilateral Filtering. 3217-3238 - Fan Zhao
, Zao Yao, Xiaofang Song, Yi Yao:
An efficient Video Dehazing Algorithm Based on Spectral Clustering. 3239-3267 - Zhihui Wang, Hong Wang, Haojie Li:
Camera Source Identification of Digital Images Based on Sample Selection. 3268-3283 - Seowon Jung, Daeyeoul Kim, Jinmo Kim
GeoMaTree : Geometric and Mathematical Model Based Digital Tree Authoring System. 3284-3306 - HeeJeong Lee
, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau:
The Visual Display of Temporal Information for E-Textbook: Incorporating the Mind-mapped Timeline Authoring Tool. 3307-3321 - Suwon Lee, Yong-Ho Seo:
Sleep Mode Detection for Smart TV using Face and Motion Detection. 3322-3337 - Jia Wen, Lei Geng
, Cailing Wang:
Decomposition of Interference Hyperspectral Images Based on Split Bregman Iteration. 3338-3355
- Ji Yeon Cho, Daesun Ko, Bong Gyou Lee:
Strategic Approach to Privacy Calculus of Wearable Device User Regarding Information Disclosure and Continuance Intention. 3356-3374 - Guoxiu Liu, Geng Yang, Haiwei Wang, Hua Dai, Qiang Zhou:
QSDB: An Encrypted Database Model for Privacy-Preserving in Cloud Computing. 3375-3400 - Hao Hu, Gang Shen, Zhengxin Fu, Bin Yu:
Improved Contrast for Threshold Random-grid-based Visual Cryptography. 3401-3420 - Wei Li, Chenyu Ge, Dawu Gu, Linfeng Liao, Zhiyong Gao, Xiujin Shi, Ting Lu, Ya Liu, Zhiqiang Liu:
Security Analysis of the Khudra Lightweight Cryptosystem in the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. 3421-3437 - Xun Jin
, Jongweon Kim:
Robust Digital Watermarking for High-definition Video using Steerable Pyramid Transform, Two Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform and Ensemble Position-based Error Correcting. 3438-3454 - Doo-Hee Hwang, Yoon-Ho Choi:
w-Bit Shifting Non-Adjacent Form Conversion. 3455-3474 - Qifei Zhou
, Na Ren, Changqing Zhu, Deyu Tong:
Storage Feature-Based Watermarking Algorithm with Coordinate Values Preservation for Vector Line Data. 3475-3496 - Hai Liu, Zhenqiang Wu, Changgen Peng, Feng Tian, Laifeng Lu:
Adaptive Gaussian Mechanism Based on Expected Data Utility under Conditional Filtering Noise. 3497-3515
Volume 12, Number 8, August 2018
- Songil Choe, Bo Li, IlNam Ri, ChangSu Paek, JuSong Rim, SuBom Yun:
Improved Hybrid Symbiotic Organism Search Task-Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing. 3516-3541 - Jun Zhan, Xiaohu Tang, Qingchun Chen:
Relaying Protocols and Delay Analysis for Buffer-aided Wireless Powered Cooperative Communication Networks. 3542-3566 - Hiroshi Tsunoda, Rodrigo Roman, Javier López, Glenn Mansfield Keeni:
Feasibility of Societal Model for Securing Internet of Things. 3567-3588 - Xianwen He, Gaoqi Dou, Jun Gao:
Individual Channel Estimation Based on Blind Interference Cancellation for Two-Way MIMO Relay Networks. 3589-3605 - Ju Wang, Fuxian Liu, Chunjie Jin:
High Utility Itemset Mining over Uncertain Datasets Based on a Quantum Genetic Algorithm. 3606-3629 - Chongze Lin, Yi Zheng:
MFSC: Mean-Field-Theory and Spreading-Coefficient Based Degree Distribution Analysis in Social Network. 3630-3656 - Yingbiao Yao, Qiaojing Bao, Qi Han, Ruili Yao, Xiaorong Xu, Junrong Yan:
BtPDR: Bluetooth and PDR-Based Indoor Fusion Localization Using Smartphones. 3657-3682 - Ravuri Daniel
, Kuda Nageswara Rao
EEC-FM: Energy Efficient Clustering based on Firefly and Midpoint Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Network. 3683-3703 - Yu-Kuan Chang, Fang-Biau Ueng, Yi-Wei Jhang:
Turbo MIMO-OFDM Receiver in Time-Varying Channels. 3704-3724 - Jafar Pouramini
, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli
, Mahdi Esmaeili:
A Novel Feature Selection Method in the Categorization of Imbalanced Textual Data. 3725-3748 - Zuohong Xu, Jiang Zhu, Zixuan Zhang, Qian Cheng:
A Weighted Block-by-Block Decoding Algorithm for CPM-QC-LDPC Code Using Neural Network. 3749-3768
- Shao-nian Huang, Dong-jun Huang, Mansoor Ahmed Khuhro
Social Pedestrian Group Detection Based on Spatiotemporal-oriented Energy for Crowd Video Understanding. 3769-3789 - Muhammad Khawar Bashir, Yasir Saleem:
Deep Hashing for Semi-supervised Content Based Image Retrieval. 3790-3803 - Ran Dubin, Ofer Hadar
, Amit Dvir
, Ofir Pele:
Video Quality Representation Classification of Encrypted HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming. 3804-3819 - Syed Farooq Ali
, Malik Tahir Hassan
Feature Based Techniques for a Driver's Distraction Detection using Supervised Learning Algorithms based on Fixed Monocular Video Camera. 3820-3841 - Mang Xiao, Yunxiang Liu, Li Xie, Qiaochuan Chen, Guangyao Li:
A Novel Image Completion Algorithm Based on Planar Features. 3842-3855 - Jiwoo Park, Kwangsue Chung:
Queueing Theoretic Approach to Playout Buffer Model for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. 3856-3872 - Yongwoo Lee, Toan Duc Bui, Jitae Shin, Byung Tae Oh:
Neural-network-based Impulse Noise Removal Using Group-based Weighted Couple Sparse Representation. 3873-3887
- Guimin Zhang
, Qingbao Li, Zhifeng Chen, Ping Zhang:
Defending Non-control-data Attacks using Influence Domain Monitoring. 3888-3910 - Zhenxing Qian, Lin Pan, Nannan Huang, Xinpeng Zhang:
Constructive Steganography by Tangles. 3911-3925 - Junfeng Tian, Jiayao Zhang, Zhang Peipei, Xiaoxue Ma:
Dynamic Trust Model Based on Extended Subjective Logic. 3926-3945 - Mingxin Wang, Huachun Zhou, Jia Chen:
A Moving Window Principal Components Analysis Based Anomaly Detection and Mitigation Approach in SDN Network. 3946-3965
- Woosik Lee, Namgi Kim, Yoon-Ho Choi, Yong Soo Kim, Byoung-Dai Lee:
Machine Learning based Prediction of The Value of Buildings. 3966-3991 - Dong Hyuk Jo:
Exploring the Determinants of MOOCs continuance intention. 3992-4005 - Jun-Ki Hong:
Performance Analysis of MRT-Based Dual-Polarized Massive MIMO System with Space-Polarization Division Multiple Access. 4006-4020 - Kamran Siddique
, Zahid Akhtar
, Muhammad Ashfaq Khan, Yong-Hwan Jung, Yangwoo Kim:
Developing an Intrusion Detection Framework for High-Speed Big Data Networks: A Comprehensive Approach. 4021-4037 - Sangwoo Hahm:
Attitudes and Performance of Workers Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 4038-4056 - Jungin Kwon, Jaehyoun Kim:
A Study on the Design and Effect of Computational Thinking and Software Education. 4057-4071 - Nak-Jun Sung, Shane Transue, Minsang Kim, Yoo-Joo Choi, Min-Hyung Choi, Min Hong:
Optimization of Material Properties for Coherent Behavior across Multi-resolution Cloth Models. 4072-4089 - Yoosin Kim, Mingon Kang, Seung Ryul Jeong:
Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Predicting Box Office Success. 4090-4102
Volume 12, Number 9, September 2018
- Weipeng Jing, Qiucheng Miao
, Guangsheng Chen:
An open Scheduling Framework for QoS resource management in the Internet of Things. 4103-4121 - Lusheng Wang, Kun Chang, Xiumin Wang, Zhen Wei, Qingxin Hu, Caihong Kai:
A Mass-Processing Simulation Framework for Resource Management in Dense 5G-IoT Scenarios. 4122-4143 - Zhiyuan Zhao, Xiangru Meng, Siyuan Lu, Yuze Su:
Different QoS Constraint Virtual SDN Embedding under Multiple Controllers. 4144-4165 - Xiaomeng Li, Tiejun Lv:
Interference Pricing based Resource Allocation for D2D Communications in Cellular Networks. 4166-4182 - Chuan-Jun Yi, Geng Yang, Hua Dai, Liang Liu, Yunhua Chen:
Efficient Geographical Information-Based En-route Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. 4183-4204 - Erik Pertovt, Kemal Alic, Ales Svigelj
, Mihael Mohorcic
CANCAR - Congestion-Avoidance Network Coding-Aware Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks. 4205-4227 - Muhammad Fahad Khan
, Farhan Aadil
, Muazzam Maqsood
, Salabat Khan, Bilal Haider Bukhari:
An Efficient Optimization Technique for Node Clustering in VANETs Using Gray Wolf Optimization. 4228-4247 - Kwanghoon Choi, Myungpil Ko, Byeong-Mo Chang:
A Practical Intent Fuzzing Tool for Robustness of Inter-Component Communication in Android Apps. 4248-4270 - Muhammad Ashraf, Cho Tae Ho:
Energy Efficiency Enhancement of TICK -based Fuzzy Logic for Selecting Forwarding Nodes in WSNs. 4271-4294 - Chao Deng, Xiaoya Zhao, Di Zhang, Xingwang Li
, Jingjing Li, Charles C. Cavalcante
Performance Analysis of NOMA-based Relaying Networks with Transceiver Hardware Impairments. 4295-4316
- Lu Han, Fei Wu, Xiao-Yuan Jing:
Semi-supervised Multi-view Manifold Discriminant Intact Space Learning. 4317-4335 - Yang Liu, Haipeng Chen, Xuanjing Shen, Yongping Huang:
Gamma correction FCM algorithm with conditional spatial information for image segmentation. 4336-4354 - Mengdi Wang, Faliang Chang, Youmei Zhang:
Crowd escape event detection based on Direction-Collectiveness Model. 4355-4374 - Yizhang Zhang, Guijin Tang, Xiaohua Liu, Changming Sun
Disparity-based Error Concealment for Stereoscopic Images with Superpixel Segmentation. 4375-4388 - Yongqiang Bai, Gangyi Jiang, Hao Jiang, Mei Yu, Fen Chen, Zhongjie Zhu:
Novel Robust High Dynamic Range Image Watermarking Algorithm Against Tone Mapping. 4389-4411 - Weisheng Li, Chen Feng, Bin Xiao, Yanquan Chen:
Binary Hashing CNN Features for Action Recognition. 4412-4428 - Huitao Sun, Muguo Li:
RLDB: Robust Local Difference Binary Descriptor with Integrated Learning-based Optimization. 4429-4447 - Chengyou Wang
, Rongyang Shan, Xiao Zhou:
Video Coding Algorithm Based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and Hybrid Transforms. 4448-4466 - Jiehang Deng, Jixiang Yang, Shaowei Weng, Guosheng Gu, Zheng Li:
Copy-move Forgery Detection Robust to Various Transformation and Degradation Attacks. 4467-4486 - Yong Zhang, Xiaoyang Jia:
The fast image encryption algorithm based on substitution and diffusion. 4487-4511
- Ömer Erdem, Abdurrahman Pektas, Mehmet Kara
HoneyThing: A New Honeypot Design for CPE Devices. 4512-4526 - Liling Cao, Wancheng Ge:
Analysis of Certificateless Signcryption Schemes and Construction of a Secure and Efficient Pairing-free one based on ECC. 4527-4547 - Junzhi Li, Jie Guan:
Improved Conditional Differential Attacks on Round-Reduced Grain v1. 4548-4559 - Yun-Hwan Jang, Yongsu Park:
Enhanced Knock Code Authentication with High Security and Improved Convenience. 4560-4575 - Jining Zhao, Chunxiang Xu, Kefei Chen:
A Security-Enhanced Identity-Based Batch Provable Data Possession Scheme for Big Data Storage. 4576-4598 - Haiou Huang, Liang Hu, Jianfeng Chu:
Updated SSDP Scheme for DDoS Attack Defense. 4599-4617
Volume 12, Number 10, October 2018
- Muhammad Waqar, Ajung Kim, Peter K. Cho:
A Study of Fronthaul Networks in CRANs - Requirements and Recent Advancements. 4618-4639 - Yicen Liu
, Yu Lu, Xingkai Chen, Xi Li, Wenxin Qiao, Liyun Chen:
A Dynamic Placement Mechanism of Service Function Chaining Based on Software-defined Networking. 4640-4661 - Sixuan Chen, Weixia Zou, Xuefeng Liu, Yang Zhao, Zheng Zhou:
Reduction of the Retransmission Delay for Heterogeneous Devices in Dynamic Opportunistic Device-to-device Network. 4662-4677 - Sameer Qazi
, Syed Muhammad Atif
, Muhammad Bilal Kadri
A Novel Compressed Sensing Technique for Traffic Matrix Estimation of Software Defined Cloud Networks. 4678-4702 - Guolin Sun, Li Lu, Daniel Ayepah-Mensah
, Xiufen Fang, Wei Jiang:
Cell Virtualization with Network Partition for Initial User Association in Software Defined Small-cell Networks. 4703-4723 - Tassawar Iqbal, Muhammad Tariq Yousafzai
, Sabeen Ali, Kinza Sattar, Muhammad Qaiser Saleem
, Usman Habib
, Atta ur Rehman Khan
There's No Such Thing as Free Lunch but Envy among Young Facebookers. 4724-4737 - Yifan Hu
, Yi Zheng, Xiaoming Wu, Hailin Liu:
A Rendezvous Node Selection and Routing Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network. 4738-4753 - DongHong Xu, Wang Ke:
MDA-SMAC: An Energy-Efficient Improved SMAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 4754-4773 - Mojtaba Montazeri, Rasoul Kiani:
Soft Fault Detection Using an Improved Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks. 4774-4796 - Ruiyang Xu, Xinyu Da, Yuan Liang, Hang Hu:
Modified WFRFT-based Transform Domain Communication System Incorporating with Spectrum Mismatching. 4797-4813 - Changliang Deng, Yimin Wei, Yuehong Shen, Wei Zhao, Hongjun Li:
RSNT-cFastICA for Complex-Valued Noncircular Signals in Wireless Sensor Networks. 4814-4834 - Chen Wang, Yong Fang:
Majorization-Minimization-Based Sparse Signal Recovery Method Using Prior Support and Amplitude Information for the Estimation of Time-varying Sparse Channels. 4835-4855 - Mingyi Huang, Yongqiang Lyu, Hao Yin:
An Automatic and Scalable Application Crawler for Large-Scale Mobile Internet Content Retrieval. 4856-4872 - Yiming Guo, Hua Peng, Jun Fu:
Joint Blind Parameter Estimation of Non-cooperative High-Order Modulated PCMA Signals. 4873-4888 - Hao Wang, Liangxiong Wei, Ping Yuan, Xiaodi Li
, Qian Luo, Xiao Luo, Liangyin Chen:
ODM: A Neighbor Discovery Protocol Based on Optimal Discovery Model in WSNs. 4889-4902
- Naeem Iqbal Ratyal
, Imtiaz A. Taj
, Usama Ijaz Bajwa
, Muhammad Sajid:
Pose and Expression Invariant Alignment based Multi-View 3D Face Recognition. 4903-4929 - Xu Si-Ying, Tong Niu, Qu Dan, Long Xingyan:
An Adaptation Method in Noise Mismatch Conditions for DNN-based Speech Enhancement. 4930-4951 - Mingming Kong, Fangling Ren, Doo-Soon Park, Fei Hao
, Zheng Pei:
An Induced Hesitant Linguistic Aggregation Operator and Its Application for Creating Fuzzy Ontology. 4952-4975 - Sai Yang, Fan Liu, Juan Chen, Dibo Xiao, Hairong Zhu:
Multi-scale Diffusion-based Salient Object Detection with Background and Objectness Seeds. 4976-4994 - Youngin You, Junhyoung Oh, Sooheon Kim, Kyungho Lee:
Advanced approach to information security management system utilizing maturity models in critical infrastructure. 4995-5014 - Haifeng Sima, Aizhong Mi, Xue Han, Shouheng Du, Zhiheng Wang, Jianfang Wang:
Hyperspectral Image Classification via Joint Sparse representation of Multi-layer Superpixles. 5015-5038 - Changxin Huang, Wei Li, Songchen Han, Binbin Liang, Peng Cheng:
A Novel Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform. 5039-5055 - Samruddhi Y. Kahu, Kishor M. Bhurchandi
JPEG-based Variable Block-Size Image Compression using CIE La*b* Color Space. 5056-5078
- Sofiane Maza
, Mohamed Touahria:
Feature Selection Algorithms in Intrusion Detection System: A Survey. 5079-5099 - Shengzhou Hu, Jiguo Li, Yichen Zhang:
Improving Security and Privacy-Preserving in Multi-Authorities Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption. 5100-5119 - Abubakker Usman Akram, Hikmat Ullah Khan
, Saqib Iqbal
, Tassawar Iqbal, Ehsan Ullah Munir, Muhammad Shafi
Finding Rotten Eggs: A Review Spam Detection Model using Diverse Feature Sets. 5120-5142 - Alaeddin Alabdallah, Mohammed Awad
Using weighted Support Vector Machine to address the imbalanced classes problem of Intrusion Detection System. 5143-5158 - Sheraz Naseer
, Yasir Saleem:
Enhanced Network Intrusion Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. 5159-5178
Volume 12, Number 11, November 2018
- Zawar Shah
Mitigating TCP Incast Issue in Cloud Data Centres using Software-Defined Networking (SDN): A Survey. 5179-5202 - Xueting Wang, Qi Zhu:
Matching game based resource allocation algorithm for energy-harvesting small cells network with NOMA. 5203-5217 - Ruixia Liu, Yinglong Wang, Minglei Shu, Huiqi Zhao, Changfang Chen:
Power Control with Nearest Neighbor Nodes Distribution for Coexisting Wireless Body Area Network Based on Stochastic Geometry. 5218-5233 - Shukun Liu, Weijia Jia
, Xianmin Pan:
A Memory Configuration Method for Virtual Machine Based on User Preference in Distributed Cloud. 5234-5251 - Jaehwan Lee, June Choi, Hongchan Roh, Ji Sun Shin:
An Empirical Performance Analysis on Hadoop via Optimizing the Network Heartbeat Period. 5252-5268 - Yuanzheng Xue, Shunfu Jin, Xiushuang Wang:
A Task Scheduling Strategy in Cloud Computing with Service Differentiation. 5269-5286 - Amrit Pal
, Manish Kumar
Pattern mining for large distributed dataset: A parallel approach (PMLDD). 5287-5303 - Jin Jin, Xiangchuan Gao, Xingwang Li
, Charles C. Cavalcante
, Lihua Li:
Low-Overhead Feedback Topology Design for the K-User MIMO Interference Alignment. 5304-5322 - Asif Kabir
Cooperative Content Caching and Distribution in Dense Networks. 5323-5343 - Lianggui Liu, Wei Li, Lingmin Wang, Huiling Jia:
PCRM: Increasing POI Recommendation Accuracy in Location-Based Social Networks. 5344-5356 - K. Sutha
, G. M. Kadhar Nawaz:
Energy and Service Level Agreement Aware Resource Allocation Heuristics for Cloud Data Centers. 5357-5381 - Michael Dejene Azage, Chaewoo Lee:
Scaled-Energy Based Spectrum Sensing for Multiple Antennas Cognitive Radio. 5382-5403 - Muhammad Afaq
, Wang-Cheol Song:
A Novel Framework for Resource Orchestration in OpenStack Cloud Platform. 5404-5424 - Mu Qiao, Haitao Zhao, Shengchun Huang, Li Zhou, Shan Wang:
An Intelligent MAC Protocol Selection Method based on Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks. 5425-5448 - Lun Tang, Weili Wang, Qianbin Chen
Energy-Saving Oriented On/Off Strategies in Heterogeneous Networks : an Asynchronous Approach with Dynamic Traffic Variations. 5449-5464 - Youwei Ding, Liang Liu, Kongfa Hu, Caiyan Dai:
Cost-Aware Scheduling of Computation-Intensive Tasks on Multi-Core Server. 5465-5480
- Yang Peng, Yu Liu, Kuiyan Lu, Maojun Zhang:
Single Pixel Compressive Camera for Fast Video Acquisition using Spatial Cluster Regularization. 5481-5495 - Zhiyu Zhou, Junjie Wang, Yaming Wang, Zefei Zhu, Jiayou Du, Xiangqi Liu, Jiaxin Quan:
Visual Tracking Using Improved Multiple Instance Learning with Co-training Framework for Moving Robot. 5496-5521 - Muhammad Yeasir Arafat
, Anis Salwa Mohd Khairuddin
, Raveendran Paramesran
A Vehicular License Plate Recognition Framework For Skewed Images. 5522-5540 - Keonsoo Lee, Chanki Moon, Yunyoung Nam:
Diagnosing Vocal Disorders using Cobweb Clustering of the Jitter, Shimmer, and Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio. 5541-5554 - Jinhua Lin, Yu Yao, Yanjie Wang:
Improved Sliding Shapes for Instance Segmentation of Amodal 3D Object. 5555-5567
- Admir Midzic, Zikrija Avdagic, Samir Omanovic
Intrusion Detection System Modeling Based on Learning from Network Traffic Data. 5568-5587 - Rui Lou, Liehui Jiang, Rui Chang, Yisen Wang:
A Multi-level Perception Security Model Using Virtualization. 5588-5613
Volume 12, Number 12, December 2018
- Peng Liu, Gaochao Xu, Kun Yang, Kezhi Wang, Yang Li:
Joint Optimization for Residual Energy Maximization in Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Systems. 5614-5633 - Camilo Lozoya
, Alberto Aguilar-Gonzalez, Antonio Favela-Contreras, Arturo Zamora:
Novus-io: An Internet of Things Platform for Academic Projects. 5634-5633 - Te-Yuan Lin, Chiou-Shann Fuh:
Zero-Knowledge Realization of Software-Defined Gateway in Fog Computing. 5654-5668 - Sangyub Lee, Jaekyu Lee, Hyeonjoong Cho:
A Study of Mobile Edge Computing System Architecture for Connected Car Media Services on Highway. 5669-5684 - Gyeongil Shin, Hosang Yooun, Dongil Shin, Dongkyoo Shin:
Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on a Naïve Bayes Algorithm that Enhances the Learning Speed while Maintaining a Similar Error Rate in Cyber ISR. 5685-5700 - Guolin Sun, Prince Clement Addo, Gordon Owusu Boateng
, Wei Jiang:
A Framework of Resource Provisioning and Customized Energy-Efficiency Optimization in Virtualized Small Cell Networks. 5701-5722 - P. Selvaraj
, V. Nagarajan:
Match Field based Algorithm Selection Approach in Hybrid SDN and PCE Based Optical Networks. 5723-5743 - Moonseong Kim, Sooyeon Park, Woochan Lee
A Robust Energy Saving Data Dissemination Protocol for IoT-WSNs. 5744-5764 - Wentao Zhao, Pan Li, Qiang Liu, Dan Liu, Xinwang Liu:
Selecting the Optimal Hidden Layer of Extreme Learning Machine Using Multiple Kernel Learning. 5765-5781 - Yang Cao, Zhi Cai, Fei Xue, Tong Li, Zhiming Ding:
Semantic Trajectory Based Behavior Generation for Groups Identification. 5782-5799 - Jingxian Wang, Yongmei Sun, Shuyun Luo, Yuefeng Ji:
A QoS-aware Adaptive Coloring Scheduling Algorithm for Co-located WBANs. 5800-5818 - Weiwei Zhou, Bin Yu:
Bayesian Rules Based Optimal Defense Strategies for Clustered WSNs. 5819-5840 - Jemin Justin Lee, Youngjoon Cheon, Sangyun Han, Kyu Tae Kwak:
Unusual Suspect of Societal Innovativeness in Online Social Innovation Community: A Network and Communication Framework. 5841-5859 - Haiwen Li, Xiukun Ren, Ting Bai, Long Zhang:
Joint Time Delay and Angle Estimation Using the Matrix Pencil Method Based on Information Reconstruction Vector. 5860-5876 - Hong Zhu, Hongbo Li, Zongmin Cui, Zhongsheng Cao, Meiyi Xie:
EFTG: Efficient and Flexible Top-K Geo-textual Publish/Subscribe. 5877-5897 - Gang Wang, Chao Meng, Wei Heng:
Performance Analysis Based on RAU Selection and Cooperation in Distributed Antenna Systems. 5898-5916 - Krishnamoorthy Ramkumar
, Pitchai Calduwel Newton:
RSA - QoS: A Resource Loss Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Enhancing the Quality of Service in Mobile Networks. 5917-5935
- Dukki Hong, Hyuck-Joo Kwon, Cheong Ghil Kim, Woo-Chan Park:
Real-time 3D Audio Downmixing System based on Sound Rendering for the Immersive Sound of Mobile Virtual Reality Applications. 5936-5954 - Feng-Ping An
, Xin He:
Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm-Fractal Interpolation. 5955-5977 - Alvaro Fuentes, Sook Yoon, Dong Sun Park:
Spatial Multilevel Optical Flow Architecture-based Dynamic Motion Estimation in Vehicular Traffic Scenarios. 5978-5999 - Farkhod Makhmudkhujaev
, Md. Tauhid Bin Iqbal, Md Rifat Arefin, Byungyong Ryu, Oksam Chae:
Person-Independent Facial Expression Recognition with Histograms of Prominent Edge Directions. 6000-6017 - Nguyen Manh Dung, Dongkeun Kim, Soonghwan Ro:
A Video Smoke Detection Algorithm Based on Cascade Classification and Deep Learning. 6018-6033 - Seungwon Kim
, Mark Billinghurst
, Chilwoo Lee, Gun A. Lee
Using Freeze Frame and Visual Notifications in an Annotation Drawing Interface for Remote Collaboration. 6034-6056
- Jingting Xue, Chunxiang Xu, Yuan Zhang
Private Blockchain-Based Secure Access Control for Smart Home Systems. 6057-6078 - Sung Kyu Kim, Yong Soo Kim:
An Optimal Design Procedure based on the Safety Integrity Level for Safety-related Systems. 6079-6097 - Chao Yang, Yunfei Guo, Hongchao Hu, Wenyan Liu:
CacheSCDefender: VMM-based Comprehensive Framework against Cache-based Side-channel Attacks. 6098-6122 - Yi Zhu
, Haohao Kang, Ru-Hui Huang:
A Cache Privacy Protection Mechanism based on Dynamic Address Mapping in Named Data Networking. 6123-6138 - Ananth A. Jillepalli
, Daniel Conte de Leon
, Stuart Steiner
, Jim Alves-Foss:
Analysis of Web Browser Security Configuration Options. 6139-6160 - Saiyma Fatima Raza
, Vishal R. Satpute
PRaCto: Pseudo Random bit generator for Cryptographic application. 6161-6176 - Tzuo-Yau Fan, Her-Chang Chao, Bin-Chang Chieu:
Medical Image Watermarking Based on Visual Secret Sharing and Cellular Automata Transform for Copyright Protection. 6177-6200

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