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Operations Research, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, January - February 2016
- Edieal J. Pinker:
Introduction to the OR Forum Article: "An Algorithmic Approach to Linear Regression". 1 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Angela King:
OR Forum - An Algorithmic Approach to Linear Regression. 2-16 - George Liberopoulos
, Panagiotis Andrianesis
Critical Review of Pricing Schemes in Markets with Non-Convex Costs. 17-31 - Álvaro Lorca
, X. Andy Sun, Eugene Litvinov, Tongxin Zheng
Multistage Adaptive Robust Optimization for the Unit Commitment Problem. 32-51 - Saed Alizamir, Francis de Véricourt, Peng Sun:
Efficient Feed-In-Tariff Policies for Renewable Energy Technologies. 52-66 - Rachel Cummings, Federico Echenique
, Adam Wierman:
The Empirical Implications of Privacy-Aware Choice. 67-78 - Aydin Alptekinoglu, John H. Semple:
The Exponomial Choice Model: A New Alternative for Assortment and Price Optimization. 79-93 - Tinglong Dai
, Kinshuk Jerath:
Technical Note - Impact of Inventory on Quota-Bonus Contracts with Rent Sharing. 94-98
- Likuan Qin, Vadim Linetsky:
Positive Eigenfunctions of Markovian Pricing Operators: Hansen-Scheinkman Factorization, Ross Recovery, and Long-Term Pricing. 99-117 - Peng Hu
, Stephen Shum
, Man Yu:
Joint Inventory and Markdown Management for Perishable Goods with Strategic Consumer Behavior. 118-134 - Awi Federgruen, Ming Hu
Technical Note - Sequential Multiproduct Price Competition in Supply Chain Networks. 135-149 - Zhenyu Hu, Xin Chen
, Peng Hu
Technical Note - Dynamic Pricing with Gain-Seeking Reference Price Effects. 150-157 - Sumit Kunnumkal, Kalyan T. Talluri:
Technical Note - A Note on Relaxations of the Choice Network Revenue Management Dynamic Program. 158-166 - Soroush Saghafian
, Brian Tomlin:
The Newsvendor under Demand Ambiguity: Combining Data with Moment and Tail Information. 167-185 - Patrick Jaillet, Jin Qi, Melvyn Sim
Routing Optimization Under Uncertainty. 186-200
- Heinz H. Bauschke
, Valentin R. Koch, Hung M. Phan
Stadium Norm and Douglas-Rachford Splitting: A New Approach to Road Design Optimization. 201-218 - Vineet Goyal, Retsef Levi, Danny Segev:
Near-Optimal Algorithms for the Assortment Planning Problem Under Dynamic Substitution and Stochastic Demand. 219-235 - Victor V. Podinovski
, Robert G. Chambers, Kazim Baris Atici
, Iryna D. Deineko:
Marginal Values and Returns to Scale for Nonparametric Production Frontiers. 236-250 - José Correa, Ricardo Montoya
, Charles Thraves:
Contingent Preannounced Pricing Policies with Strategic Consumers. 251-272
Volume 64, Number 2, March - April 2016
- Michal Pióro, Yoann Fouquet, Dritan Nace, Michael Poss:
Optimizing Flow Thinning Protection in Multicommodity Networks with Variable Link Capacity. 273-289 - Zizhuo Wang
Technical Note - Intertemporal Price Discrimination via Reference Price Effects. 290-296
- Xiaoqun Wang:
Handling Discontinuities in Financial Engineering: Good Path Simulation and Smoothing. 297-314 - Michael P. Atkinson, Moshe Kress, Rutger-Jan Lange
When Is Information Sufficient for Action? Search with Unreliable yet Informative Intelligence. 315-328 - Hamid Nazerzadeh, Georgia Perakis:
Technical Note - Nonlinear Pricing Competition with Private Capacity Information. 329-340 - Felix Papier
Supply Allocation Under Sequential Advance Demand Information. 341-361 - Cong Shi, Weidong Chen, Izak Duenyas:
Technical Note - Nonparametric Data-Driven Algorithms for Multiproduct Inventory Systems with Censored Demand. 362-370 - Shouqiang Wang
, Peng Sun, Francis de Véricourt:
Inducing Environmental Disclosures: A Dynamic Mechanism Design Approach. 371-389 - Soroush Saghafian
, Mark P. Van Oyen:
Compensating for Dynamic Supply Disruptions: Backup Flexibility Design. 390-405 - A. Baykal Hafizoglu, Esma Senturk Gel
, Pinar Keskinocak:
Price and Lead Time Quotation for Contract and Spot Customers. 406-415 - Antoine Désir, Vineet Goyal, Yehua Wei, Jiawei Zhang:
Sparse Process Flexibility Designs: Is the Long Chain Really Optimal? 416-431 - Huanan Zhang
, Cong Shi, Xiuli Chao:
Technical Note - Approximation Algorithms for Perishable Inventory Systems with Setup Costs. 432-440 - Chenhao Du, William L. Cooper, Zizhuo Wang
Optimal Pricing for a Multinomial Logit Choice Model with Network Effects. 441-455
- Maaike Hoogeboom, Maria Battarra
, Günes Erdogan
, Daniele Vigo:
Erratum - Exact Algorithms for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem. 456-457
- Adam N. Elmachtoub
, Retsef Levi:
Supply Chain Management with Online Customer Selection. 458-473 - Amir Ardestani-Jaafari, Erick Delage:
Robust Optimization of Sums of Piecewise Linear Functions with Application to Inventory Problems. 474-494 - Kyoung-Kuk Kim, Sojung Kim
Simulation of Tempered Stable Lévy Bridges and Its Applications. 495-509 - Boris N. Oreshkin, Nazim Régnard, Pierre L'Ecuyer
Rate-Based Daily Arrival Process Models with Application to Call Centers. 510-527 - Alexander Shapiro:
Rectangular Sets of Probability Measures. 528-541 - Jing Xie, Peter I. Frazier
, Stephen E. Chick:
Bayesian Optimization via Simulation with Pairwise Sampling and Correlated Prior Beliefs. 542-559
Volume 64, Number 3, May - June 2016
- Edward J. Anderson
, David Gamarnik, Anton J. Kleywegt, Asuman E. Ozdaglar:
Preface to the Special Issue on Information and Decisions in Social and Economic Networks. 561-563 - Ilan Lobel, Evan Sadler:
Preferences, Homophily, and Social Learning. 564-584 - Guodong Shi, Alexandre Proutière, Mikael Johansson, John S. Baras, Karl Henrik Johansson
The Evolution of Beliefs over Signed Social Networks. 585-604 - Pooya Molavi, Ceyhun Eksin, Alejandro Ribeiro
, Ali Jadbabaie:
Learning to Coordinate in Social Networks. 605-621 - Munther A. Dahleh, Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
, John N. Tsitsiklis, Spyros I. Zoumpoulis:
Technical Note - Coordination with Local Information. 622-637 - Saeed Alaei
, Kamal Jain, Azarakhsh Malekian:
Competitive Equilibria in Two-Sided Matching Markets with General Utility Functions. 638-645 - Thành Nguyen, Vijay G. Subramanian
, Randall Berry
Delay in Trade Networks. 646-661 - Maxim Raginsky, Angelia Nedic
Online Discrete Optimization in Social Networks in the Presence of Knightian Uncertainty. 662-679 - Jayash Koshal, Angelia Nedic
, Uday V. Shanbhag:
Distributed Algorithms for Aggregative Games on Graphs. 680-704 - Kostas Bimpikis, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Mehmet Ercan Yildiz:
Competitive Targeted Advertising Over Networks. 705-720 - Junjie Zhou
, Ying-Ju Chen:
Targeted Information Release in Social Networks. 721-735 - Devavrat Shah, Tauhid Zaman:
Finding Rumor Sources on Random Trees. 736-755 - Siddhartha Banerjee, Sujay Sanghavi, Sanjay Shakkottai:
Online Collaborative Filtering on Graphs. 756-769
Volume 64, Number 4, July - August 2016
- Thomas W. M. Vossen, R. Kevin Wood, Alexandra M. Newman:
Hierarchical Benders Decomposition for Open-Pit Mine Block Sequencing. 771-793 - Lin Gao, Biying Shou, Ying-Ju Chen, Jianwei Huang:
Combining Spot and Futures Markets: A Hybrid Market Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access. 794-821 - Frank P. Kelly, Peter B. Key, Neil Walton:
Efficient Advert Assignment. 822-837 - Giovanni Giallombardo
, Houyuan Jiang
, Giovanna Miglionico:
New Formulations for the Conflict Resolution Problem in the Scheduling of Television Commercials. 838-848 - Martin Haugh, Garud Iyengar, Chun Wang:
Tax-Aware Dynamic Asset Allocation. 849-866 - Mohammad Delasay
, Armann Ingolfsson, Bora Kolfal
Modeling Load and Overwork Effects in Queueing Systems with Adaptive Service Rates. 867-885 - Jose H. Blanchet, Guillermo Gallego
, Vineet Goyal:
A Markov Chain Approximation to Choice Modeling. 886-905 - Olof Stenius, Ayse Gönül Karaarslan, Johan Marklund
, A. G. de Kok
Exact Analysis of Divergent Inventory Systems with Time-Based Shipment Consolidation and Compound Poisson Demand. 906-921 - Burak Kocuk
, Hyemin Jeon, Santanu S. Dey
, Jeff T. Linderoth, James R. Luedtke, Xu Andy Sun:
A Cycle-Based Formulation and Valid Inequalities for DC Power Transmission Problems with Switching. 922-938 - Miguel A. Lejeune
, François Margot:
Solving Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems with Stochastic Quadratic Inequalities. 939-957 - Huan Xu, Constantine Caramanis
, Shie Mannor
Statistical Optimization in High Dimensions. 958-979 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Iain Dunning:
Multistage Robust Mixed-Integer Optimization with Adaptive Partitions. 980-998 - Michael Jong Kim:
Robust Control of Partially Observable Failing Systems. 999-1014 - Alain Bensoussan, Bong-Gyu Jang, Seyoung Park:
Unemployment Risks and Optimal Retirement in an Incomplete Market. 1015-1032 - Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan
, Sherwin Doroudi
, Amy R. Ward
, Adam Wierman:
Routing and Staffing When Servers Are Strategic. 1033-1050
Volume 64, Number 5, September - October 2016
- Rama Cont, Darrell Duffie, Paul Glasserman, Chris Rogers, Fernando Vega-Redondo:
Preface to the Special Issue on Systemic Risk: Models and Mechanisms. 1053-1055
- Steven Kou
, Xian Hua Peng
On the Measurement of Economic Tail Risk. 1056-1072 - Fulvio Corsi
, Stefano Marmi
, Fabrizio Lillo:
When Micro Prudence Increases Macro Risk: The Destabilizing Effects of Financial Innovation, Leverage, and Diversification. 1073-1088 - Nan Chen, Xin Liu, David D. Yao:
An Optimization View of Financial Systemic Risk Modeling: Network Effect and Market Liquidity Effect. 1089-1108 - Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca
Inhomogeneous Financial Networks and Contagious Links. 1109-1120 - Agostino Capponi, Peng-Chu Chen, David D. Yao:
Liability Concentration and Systemic Losses in Financial Networks. 1121-1134 - Hamed Amini, Damir Filipovic
, Andreea Minca
To Fully Net or Not to Net: Adverse Effects of Partial Multilateral Netting. 1135-1142 - Paul Glasserman, Ciamac C. Moallemi, Kai Yuan:
Hidden Illiquidity with Multiple Central Counterparties. 1143-1158 - Oliver Kley, Claudia Klüppelberg
, Gesine Reinert
Risk in a Large Claims Insurance Market with Bipartite Graph Structure. 1159-1176
Volume 64, Number 6, November - December 2016
- Burak Kocuk
, Santanu S. Dey
, Xu Andy Sun:
Strong SOCP Relaxations for the Optimal Power Flow Problem. 1177-1196 - Fabrice Talla Nobibon, Laurens Cherchye
, Yves Crama, Thomas Demuynck
, Bram De Rock
, Frits C. R. Spieksma
Revealed Preference Tests of Collectively Rational Consumption Behavior: Formulations and Algorithms. 1197-1216 - Thành Nguyen, Hang Zhou, Randall A. Berry
, Michael L. Honig, Rakesh Vohra:
The Cost of Free Spectrum. 1217-1229 - Vasilis Gkatzelis
, Konstantinos Kollias, Tim Roughgarden:
Optimal Cost-Sharing in General Resource Selection Games. 1230-1238 - Justin A. Sirignano, Gerry Tsoukalas
, Kay Giesecke
Large-Scale Loan Portfolio Selection. 1239-1255
- Katerina Papadaki
, Steve Alpern, Thomas Lidbetter, Alec Morton
Patrolling a Border. 1256-1269 - Qing Li, Peiwen Yu
, Xiaoli Wu:
Managing Perishable Inventories in Retailing: Replenishment, Clearance Sales, and Segregation. 1270-1284 - Joachim J. Arts
, Rob J. I. Basten
, Geert-Jan van Houtum
Repairable Stocking and Expediting in a Fluctuating Demand Environment: Optimal Policy and Heuristics. 1285-1301 - Sean X. Zhou
, Chao-Lin Yang:
Continuous-Review (R, nQ) Policies for Inventory Systems with Dual Delivery Modes. 1302-1319 - Shi Chen
, Hau L. Lee
, Kamran Moinzadeh:
Supply Chain Coordination with Multiple Shipments: The Optimal Inventory Subsidizing Contracts. 1320-1337 - Alexandar Angelus, Özalp Özer
Knowledge You Can Act on: Optimal Policies for Assembly Systems with Expediting and Advance Demand Information. 1338-1371 - John Gunnar Carlsson, Mehdi Behroozi, Raghuveer Devulapalli, Xiangfei Meng:
Household-Level Economies of Scale in Transportation. 1372-1387 - Guy Desaulniers
, Fausto Errico, Stefan Irnich
, Michael Schneider:
Exact Algorithms for Electric Vehicle-Routing Problems with Time Windows. 1388-1405
- Zhichao Zheng
, Karthik Natarajan
, Chung-Piaw Teo
Least Squares Approximation to the Distribution of Project Completion Times with Gaussian Uncertainty. 1406-1421 - Suvrajeet Sen, Yifan Liu:
Mitigating Uncertainty via Compromise Decisions in Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programming: Variance Reduction. 1422-1437 - Ruben Hoeksma
, Marc Uetz:
Optimal Mechanism Design for a Sequencing Problem with Two-Dimensional Types. 1438-1450 - Darinka Dentcheva, Maria Gabriela Martinez, Eli Wolfhagen:
Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Solving Optimization Problems with Stochastic-Order Constraints. 1451-1465 - Foad Mahdavi Pajouh, Balabhaskar Balasundaram
, Illya V. Hicks
On the 2-Club Polytope of Graphs. 1466-1481 - Kai Pan
, Yongpei Guan:
Strong Formulations for Multistage Stochastic Self-Scheduling Unit Commitment. 1482-1498 - Weiwei Fan, L. Jeff Hong, Barry L. Nelson:
Indifference-Zone-Free Selection of the Best. 1499-1514 - Ilya O. Ryzhov:
On the Convergence Rates of Expected Improvement Methods. 1515-1528 - Xin Chen
, Peng Hu
, Stephen Shum
, Yuhan Zhang:
Dynamic Stochastic Inventory Management with Reference Price Effects. 1529-1536 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Velibor V. Misic:
Decomposable Markov Decision Processes: A Fluid Optimization Approach. 1537-1555 - Linwei Xin
, David A. Goldberg:
Optimality Gap of Constant-Order Policies Decays Exponentially in the Lead Time for Lost Sales Models. 1556-1565

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