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European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 263
Volume 263, Number 1, November 2017
- Mika Marttunen
, Judit Lienert
, Valerie Belton:
Structuring problems for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in practice: A literature review of method combinations. 1-17
- Andreas Brieden, Peter Gritzmann, Fabian Klemm:
Constrained clustering via diagrams: A unified theory and its application to electoral district design. 18-34 - Pascal Lutter, Dirk Degel, Christina Büsing, Arie M. C. A. Koster
, Brigitte Werners
Improved handling of uncertainty and robustness in set covering problems. 35-49 - Sebastian Knopp, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
, Claude Yugma:
A batch-oblivious approach for Complex Job-Shop scheduling problems. 50-61 - Carlos Eduardo de Andrade
, Shabbir Ahmed
, George L. Nemhauser, Yufen Shao:
A hybrid primal heuristic for finding feasible solutions to mixed integer programs. 62-71 - Shunji Umetani
Exploiting variable associations to configure efficient local search algorithms in large-scale binary integer programs. 72-81
- Borja Menéndez
, Manuel Bustillo, Eduardo G. Pardo
, Abraham Duarte:
General Variable Neighborhood Search for the Order Batching and Sequencing Problem. 82-93 - Chandra Ade Irawan
, Saïd Salhi
, Martino Luis
, Nader Azizi:
The continuous single source location problem with capacity and zone-dependent fixed cost: Models and solution approaches. 94-107 - Kannan Govindan
, Mohammad Fattahi
, Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh
Supply chain network design under uncertainty: A comprehensive review and future research directions. 108-141 - Philip G. Brabazon
, Bart L. MacCarthy:
The automotive Order-to-Delivery process: How should it be configured for different markets? 142-157 - Pengyu Chen, He Xu, Xuxia Zou:
The effects and incentive of vertical mergers: An analysis from the view of OM. 158-172 - Trung Hieu Tran
, Maria Paola Scaparra
, Jesse R. O'Hanley
A hypergraph multi-exchange heuristic for the single-source capacitated facility location problem. 173-187 - Farshid Azadian
, Alper Ekrem Murat, Ratna Babu Chinnam
An unpaired pickup and delivery problem with time dependent assignment costs: Application in air cargo transportation. 188-202
- Roland Pongou
, Bertrand Tchantcho
, Narcisse Tedjeugang:
Properties of ladder tournaments. 203-213 - Eduardo Fernández, José Rui Figueira
, Jorge Navarro, Bernard Roy:
ELECTRE TRI-nB: A new multiple criteria ordinal classification method. 214-224 - Tommi Tervonen
, Juuso Liesiö, Ahti Salo:
Modeling project preferences in multiattribute portfolio decision analysis. 225-239 - Mohamed M. Naim
, Virginia L. M. Spiegler
, Joakim Wikner, Denis R. Towill:
Identifying the causes of the bullwhip effect by exploiting control block diagram manipulation with analogical reasoning. 240-246
- Rens van Haveren
, Sebastiaan Breedveld
, Marleen Keijzer, Peter Voet, Ben Heijmen
, Wlodzimierz Ogryczak
Lexicographic extension of the reference point method applied in radiation therapy treatment planning. 247-257 - Matteo Fischetti, Michele Monaci
Using a general-purpose Mixed-Integer Linear Programming solver for the practical solution of real-time train rescheduling. 258-264 - Vitaliy Krasko, Steffen Rebennack
Two-stage stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programming model for post-wildfire debris flow hazard management: Mitigation and emergency evacuation. 265-282 - Farzad Zaerpour, Diane P. Bischak, Mozart B. C. Menezes
Coordinated lab-clinics: A tactical assignment problem in healthcare. 283-294
- Nicolas Nalpas, Léopold Simar, Anne Vanhems:
Portfolio selection in a multi-moment setting: A simple Monte-Carlo-FDH algorithm. 308-320 - Michi Nishihara
, Takashi Shibata
Default and liquidation timing under asymmetric information. 321-336
Volume 263, Number 2, December 2017
- Jochen Gönsch
A survey on risk-averse and robust revenue management. 337-348
- Steffen Borgwardt, Andreas Brieden, Peter Gritzmann:
An LP-based k-means algorithm for balancing weighted point sets. 349-355 - Shaojian Qu, Ying Ji, Jianlin Jiang, Qingpu Zhang:
Nonmonotone gradient methods for vector optimization with a portfolio optimization application. 356-366 - Napsu Karmitsa
, Adil M. Bagirov
, Sona Taheri
New diagonal bundle method for clustering problems in large data sets. 367-379
- Qianqian Chen
, Ling Lin, Zhiyi Tan
, Yujie Yan:
Coordination mechanisms for scheduling games with proportional deterioration. 380-389 - Oleksandra Yezerska, Foad Mahdavi Pajouh, Sergiy Butenko:
On biconnected and fragile subgraphs of low diameter. 390-400 - Lixin Tang
, Xiaoli Zhao, Jiyin Liu, Joseph Y.-T. Leung:
Competitive two-agent scheduling with deteriorating jobs on a single parallel-batching machine. 401-411
- Clint L. P. Pennings, Jan van Dalen
Integrated hierarchical forecasting. 412-418 - Sandra Huber, Martin Josef Geiger
Order matters - A Variable Neighborhood Search for the Swap-Body Vehicle Routing Problem. 419-445 - Ismail Serdar Bakal, Z. Pelin Bayindir
, Deniz Esin Emer:
Value of disruption information in an EOQ environment. 446-460 - André Scholz
, Daniel Schubert, Gerhard Wäscher:
Order picking with multiple pickers and due dates - Simultaneous solution of Order Batching, Batch Assignment and Sequencing, and Picker Routing Problems. 461-478 - Lena Silbermayr
, Werner Jammernegg, Peter Kischka:
Inventory pooling with environmental constraints using copulas. 479-492 - Michael Schneider, Fabian Schwahn, Daniele Vigo
Designing granular solution methods for routing problems with time windows. 493-509
- Michael Hanke, Spiridon I. Penev, Wolfgang K. Schief, Alex Weissensteiner:
Random orthogonal matrix simulation with exact means, covariances, and multivariate skewness. 510-523 - Miray Öner-Közen
, Stefan Minner
Impact of priority sequencing decisions on on-time probability and expected tardiness of orders in make-to-order production systems with external due-dates. 524-539 - Georgios Sermpinis
, Charalampos Stasinakis, Arman Hassanniakalager
Reverse adaptive krill herd locally weighted support vector regression for forecasting and trading exchange traded funds. 540-558 - Jean-Luc Marichal
, Pierre Mathonet, Jorge Navarro
, Christian Paroissin:
Joint signature of two or more systems with applications to multistate systems made up of two-state components. 559-570
- Shuping Wan
, Feng Wang, Jiuying Dong:
Additive consistent interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation and likelihood comparison algorithm based group decision making. 571-582 - Nathan C. Proudlove
, Stefania Bisogno, Bhakti S. S. Onggo
, Armando Calabrese
, Nathan Levialdi Ghiron:
Towards fully-facilitated discrete event simulation modelling: Addressing the model coding stage. 583-595 - Yong Lei, Qian Liu, Stephen Shum
Warranty pricing with consumer learning. 596-610
- Oliver Müller
, Alexander Simons, Markus Weinmann
Beyond crowd judgments: Data-driven estimation of market value in association football. 611-624 - Yiran Cui, Sebastian Del Bano Rollin, Guido Germano
Full and fast calibration of the Heston stochastic volatility model. 625-638 - Joana S. Carreira, Guglielmo Lulli
, António Pais Antunes
The airline long-haul fleet planning problem: The case of TAP service to/from Brazil. 639-651 - Anantaram Balakrishnan, Christian Vad Karsten:
Container shipping service selection and cargo routing with transshipment limits. 652-663 - Dimitris Bertsimas, J. Daniel Griffith, Vishal Gupta
, Mykel J. Kochenderfer
, Velibor V. Misic:
A comparison of Monte Carlo tree search and rolling horizon optimization for large-scale dynamic resource allocation problems. 664-678
- Xiao Yao, Jonathan Crook, Galina Andreeva
Enhancing two-stage modelling methodology for loss given default with support vector machines. 679-689 - Serkan Eryilmaz
δ-shock model based on Polya process and its optimal replacement policy. 690-697 - Frank J. Fabozzi, Tommaso Paletta, Radu Tunaru
An improved least squares Monte Carlo valuation method based on heteroscedasticity. 698-706 - Viviana Fanelli:
Implications of implicit credit spread volatilities on interest rate modelling. 707-718 - Jiajia Chen, Qinghua Wu, Luliang Zhang, Peterzhe Wu:
Multi-objective mean-variance-skewness model for nonconvex and stochastic optimal power flow considering wind power and load uncertainties. 719-732 - Chuanyin Guo
, Fajie Wei, Yao Chen:
A note on second order cone programming approach to two-stage network data envelopment analysis. 733-735
Volume 263, Number 3, December 2017
- Dimitris C. Paraskevopoulos, Gilbert Laporte, Panagiotis P. Repoussis, Christos D. Tarantilis:
Resource constrained routing and scheduling: Review and research prospects. 737-754
- Valeria Leggieri
, Mohamed Haouari
Lifted polynomial size formulations for the homogeneous and heterogeneous vehicle routing problems. 755-767 - Wei Zhang
, Kumar Rajaram:
Managing limited retail space for basic products: Space sharing vs. space dedication. 768-781 - Thomas Lidbetter:
On the approximation ratio of the Random Chinese Postman Tour for network search. 782-788 - Gianfranco Guastaroba
, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh
, Maria Grazia Speranza
Adaptive Kernel Search: A heuristic for solving Mixed Integer linear Programs. 789-804 - Elena Fernández
, Jörg Kalcsics
, Cristina Núñez-del-Toro
A branch-and-price algorithm for the Aperiodic Multi-Period Service Scheduling Problem. 805-814 - Shuguang Li
Approximation algorithms for scheduling jobs with release times and arbitrary sizes on batch machines with non-identical capacities. 815-826
- Silvia Valeria Padilla Tinoco, Stefan Creemers
, Robert N. Boute
Collaborative shipping under different cost-sharing agreements. 827-837 - Nadjib Brahimi
, Nabil Absi
, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
, Atle Nordli:
Single-item dynamic lot-sizing problems: An updated survey. 838-863 - Bayan Bevrani, Robert L. Burdett
, Ashish Bhaskar
, Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
A capacity assessment approach for multi-modal transportation systems. 864-878 - Bin Liu
, Shaomin Wu
, Min Xie, Way Kuo
A condition-based maintenance policy for degrading systems with age- and state-dependent operating cost. 879-887 - Marek Matusiak, René de Koster
, Jari Saarinen:
Utilizing individual picker skills to improve order batching in a warehouse. 888-899 - Martin Albrecht
Optimization of safety stocks in models with an order service level objective or constraint. 900-909
- Mohammad Azad
, Mikhail Moshkov
Multi-stage optimization of decision and inhibitory trees for decision tables with many-valued decisions. 910-921 - O. Cem Ozturk, Selçuk Karabati
A decision support framework for evaluating revenue performance in sequential purchase contexts. 922-934 - Xinan Yang, Arne K. Strauss
An approximate dynamic programming approach to attended home delivery management. 935-945 - Honggang Wang:
Multi-objective retrospective optimization using stochastic zigzag search. 946-960 - Jing-Jing Ding, Wei Dong, Liang Liang, Joe Zhu
Goal congruence analysis in multi-Division Organizations with shared resources based on data envelopment analysis. 961-973
- Xin Wu
, Lei Nie, Meng Xu
Robust fuzzy quality function deployment based on the mean-end-chain concept: Service station evaluation problem for rail catering services. 974-995 - Victoire Denoyel
, Laurent Alfandari, Aurélie Thiele:
Optimizing healthcare network design under reference pricing and parameter uncertainty. 996-1006 - Samuel Rosat, Frédéric Quesnel, Issmail Elhallaoui, François Soumis:
Dynamic penalization of fractional directions in the integral simplex using decomposition: Application to aircrew scheduling. 1007-1018 - Duncan Shaw
, Chris M. Smith, Judy Scully
Why did Brexit happen? Using causal mapping to analyse secondary, longitudinal data. 1019-1032 - Thiago Cantos Lopes
, Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora, Rafael Gobbi Molina, Daniel Schibelbain
, Luiz Carlos A. Rodrigues
, Leandro Magatão
Balancing a robotic spot welding manufacturing line: An industrial case study. 1033-1048 - Mehdi Rajabi Asadabadi
A customer based supplier selection process that combines quality function deployment, the analytic network process and a Markov chain. 1049-1062
- Zhou He
, Jie Xiong
, Tsan Sheng Ng, Bo Fan
, Christine A. Shoemaker
Managing competitive municipal solid waste treatment systems: An agent-based approach. 1063-1077 - Karim L. Anaya
, Michael Pollitt:
Using stochastic frontier analysis to measure the impact of weather on the efficiency of electricity distribution businesses in developing economies. 1078-1094 - Benjamin Hampf:
Rational inefficiency, adjustment costs and sequential technologies. 1095-1108 - Xue Cui, Takashi Shibata
Investment strategies, reversibility, and asymmetric information. 1109-1122

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