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European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 247
Volume 247, Number 1, November 2015
- Behnam Fahimnia
, Christopher S. Tang
, Hoda Davarzani, Joseph Sarkis
Quantitative models for managing supply chain risks: A review. 1-15
- Foad Mahdavi Pajouh, Jose L. Walteros
, Vladimir Boginski, Eduardo L. Pasiliao:
Minimum edge blocker dominating set problem. 16-26 - Reginald Dewil
, Pieter Vansteenwegen
, Dirk Cattrysse, Dirk Van Oudheusden:
A minimum cost network flow model for the maximum covering and patrol routing problem. 27-36 - Samir Elhedhli, Joe Naoum-Sawaya
Improved branching disjunctions for branch-and-bound: An analytic center approach. 37-45 - Michael J. Brusco:
A bicriterion algorithm for the allocation of cross-trained workers based on operational and human resource objectives. 46-59 - Timo Gschwind
A comparison of column-generation approaches to the Synchronized Pickup and Delivery Problem. 60-71
- Zhaodong Wang, Xin Wang, Yanfeng Ouyang:
Bounded growth of the bullwhip effect under a class of nonlinear ordering policies. 72-82 - Hamza Adeinat
, José A. Ventura:
Determining the retailer's replenishment policy considering multiple capacitated suppliers and price-sensitive demand. 83-92 - Shahrzad Tamjidzad, S. Hamid Mirmohammadi:
An optimal (r, Q) policy in a stochastic inventory system with all-units quantity discount and limited sharable resource. 93-100 - Horst Tempelmeier, Oliver Bantel:
Integrated optimization of safety stock and transportation capacity. 101-112 - Farshid Azadian
, Alper Ekrem Murat, Ratna Babu Chinnam
Integrated production and logistics planning: Contract manufacturing and choice of air/surface transportation. 113-123
- Stefan Lessmann
, Bart Baesens, Hsin-Vonn Seow
, Lyn C. Thomas:
Benchmarking state-of-the-art classification algorithms for credit scoring: An update of research. 124-136 - Gregory Levitin, Liudong Xing
, Yuanshun Dai:
Optimal loading of system with random repair time. 137-143 - Suren Islyaev
, Paresh Date
Electricity futures price models: Calibration and forecasting. 144-154 - Roberto Campos Leoni
, Antonio Fernando Branco Costa, Marcela Aparecida Guerreiro Machado:
The effect of the autocorrelation on the performance of the T2 chart. 155-165
- Luis Montiel
, Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos
Optimizing mining complexes with multiple processing and transportation alternatives: An uncertainty-based approach. 166-178 - Jeh-Nan Pan, Hung Thi Ngoc Nguyen:
Achieving customer satisfaction through product-service systems. 179-190 - Daniel Huppmann
, Jonas Egerer
National-strategic investment in European power transmission capacity. 191-203 - Marc Joëts:
Heterogeneous beliefs, regret, and uncertainty: The role of speculation in energy price dynamics. 204-215 - Ilya Ivlev
, Jakub Vacek, Peter Kneppo
Multi-criteria decision analysis for supporting the selection of medical devices under uncertainty. 216-228 - Inmaculada Espejo
, Alfredo Marín
, Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
Capacitated p-center problem with failure foresight. 229-244
- Kan Wu
, Ning Zhao:
Dependence among single stations in series and its applications in productivity improvement. 245-258 - Olivier Massol
, Stéphane Tchung-Ming, Albert Banal-Estañol
Joining the CCS club! The economics of CO2 pipeline projects. 259-275 - Wael Rashwan
, Waleed Abo-Hamad
, Amr Arisha:
A system dynamics view of the acute bed blockage problem in the Irish healthcare system. 276-293 - Richard McCormack, Graham Coates:
A simulation model to enable the optimization of ambulance fleet allocation and base station location for increased patient survival. 294-309 - J. E. Parada Puig, Rob J. I. Basten:
Defining line replaceable units. 310-320 - Teresa Cardoso
, Mónica Duarte Oliveira, Ana Paula F. D. Barbosa-Póvoa
, Stefan Nickel:
An integrated approach for planning a long-term care network with uncertainty, strategic policy and equity considerations. 321-334
- Rolf Färe, Hirofumi Fukuyama
, Shawna Grosskopf, Valentin Zelenyuk:
Decomposing profit efficiency using a slack-based directional distance function. 335-337
- Joaquín Bautista
, Alberto Cano:
Corrigendum to ''Solving mixed model sequencing problem in assembly lines with serial workstations with work overload minimisation and interruption rules'' [Eur. J. Oper. Res. 210(2011) 495-513]. 338
Volume 247, Number 2, December 2015
- Constantin Zopounidis, Emilios Galariotis
, Michael Doumpos, Stavroula Sarri, Kostas Andriosopoulos:
Multiple criteria decision aiding for finance: An updated bibliographic survey. 339-348
- Ngaam J. Cheung, Zhenkai Xu, Xueming Ding, Hong-Bin Shen:
Modeling nonlinear dynamic biological systems with human-readable fuzzy rules optimized by convergent heterogeneous particle swarm. 349-358 - Shaojian Qu, Mark Goh
, Ying Ji, Robert de Souza:
A new algorithm for linearly constrained c-convex vector optimization with a supply chain network risk application. 359-365 - Stefan M. Stefanov:
On the solution of multidimensional convex separable continuous knapsack problem with bounded variables. 366-369 - Moslem Zamani
, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh
, Alireza Kabgani
Robustness in nonsmooth nonlinear multi-objective programming. 370-378 - Xiao Alison Chen
, Zizhuo Wang
A dynamic learning algorithm for online matching problems with concave returns. 379-388
- Eun-Seok Kim, Celia A. Glass
Perfect periodic scheduling for binary tree routing in wireless networks. 389-400 - Tao Wang
, Nadine Meskens
, David Duvivier
Scheduling operating theatres: Mixed integer programming vs. constraint programming. 401-413 - Krzysztof Pienkosz
, Kamil Koltys:
Integral flow decomposition with minimum longest path length. 414-420 - Ernesto G. Birgin
, João Eduardo Ferreira, Débora P. Ronconi
List scheduling and beam search methods for the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequencing flexibility. 421-440 - Attila A. Kovacs, Sophie N. Parragh
, Richard F. Hartl
The multi-objective generalized consistent vehicle routing problem. 441-458
- Wenbin Wang, Huiying Wang:
Preventive replacement for systems with condition monitoring and additional manual inspections. 459-471 - Xinxin Hu, Ying Li
, Eunshin Byon, F. Barry Lawrence:
Prioritizing regular demand while reserving capacity for emergency demand. 472-487 - Humyun Fuad Rahman, Ruhul A. Sarker
, Daryl Essam
A real-time order acceptance and scheduling approach for permutation flow shop problems. 488-503 - Yu Xia, Bintong Chen, Vaidyanathan Jayaraman, Charles L. Munson
Competition and market segmentation of the call center service supply chain. 504-514
- Ying-Chao Hung, George Michailidis:
Optimal routing for electric vehicle service systems. 515-524 - Fabrizio Durante
, Juan Fernández-Sánchez
, José Juan Quesada-Molina, Manuel Úbeda-Flores
Convergence results for patchwork copulas. 525-531 - Johannes O. Royset, Roger J.-B. Wets:
Fusion of hard and soft information in nonparametric density estimation. 532-547
- Andreas Darmann, Joachim Schauer
Maximizing Nash product social welfare in allocating indivisible goods. 548-559 - Hélène Le Cadre, Anthony Papavasiliou
, Yves Smeers:
Wind farm portfolio optimization under network capacity constraints. 560-574 - Javier Rubio-Herrero
, Melike Baykal-Gürsoy
, Anna Jaskiewicz
A price-setting newsvendor problem under mean-variance criteria. 575-587 - Thanh-Ha Nguyen, Mike Wright:
Capacity and lead-time management when demand for service is seasonal and lead-time sensitive. 588-595 - Preetam Basu
, Suresh K. Nair:
Analyzing operational risk-reward trade-offs for start-ups. 596-609 - Inmaculada Rodríguez-Puerta
Comparative statics effects independent of the utility function. When do we act the same way under risk? 610-617
- Carmine Cerrone
, Raffaele Cerulli, Monica Gentili:
Vehicle-ID sensor location for route flow recognition: Models and algorithms. 618-629 - Mahboubeh Madadi, Shengfan Zhang, Louise M. Henderson:
Evaluation of breast cancer mammography screening policies considering adherence behavior. 630-640 - Ramón Flores
, David Forrest
, Cesar de Pablo, Juan de Dios Tena:
What is a good result in the first leg of a two-legged football match? 641-647 - Reem Khir, Mohamed Haouari
Optimization models for a single-plant District Cooling System. 648-658 - Marco Zugno, Antonio J. Conejo
A robust optimization approach to energy and reserve dispatch in electricity markets. 659-671
- Tien Van Do:
A closed-form solution for a tollbooth tandem queue with two heterogeneous servers and exponential service times. 672-675 - Otto Loistl
Does mean-variance portfoliomanagement deserve expected utility's approximative affirmation? 676-680 - Harry M. Markowitz:
Reply to Professor Loistl. 680-681
- Anna Nagurney:
Handbook of Global Logistics: Transportation in International Supply Chains, James H. Bookbinder, Springer, New York, ISBN: 978-1-4419-6131-0, 551 pages. 682-683
Volume 247, Number 3, December 2015
- Yulan Wang
, Stein W. Wallace, Bin Shen
, Tsan-Ming Choi
Service supply chain management: A review of operational models. 685-698
- Zohreh Khooban, Reza Zanjirani Farahani
, Elnaz Miandoabchi
, Wai Yuen Szeto:
Mixed network design using hybrid scatter search. 699-710 - Benjamin Ivorra
, Bijan Mohammadi, Angel Manuel Ramos
A multi-layer line search method to improve the initialization of optimization algorithms. 711-720 - Ryuhei Miyashiro
, Yuichi Takano:
Mixed integer second-order cone programming formulations for variable selection in linear regression. 721-731 - Qiuzhen Lin
, Jianqiang Li
, Zhihua Du, Jianyong Chen, Zhong Ming:
A novel multi-objective particle swarm optimization with multiple search strategies. 732-744
- Dominik Kress
, Sebastian Meiswinkel, Erwin Pesch:
The Partitioning Min-Max Weighted Matching Problem. 745-754 - Kai Li, Zhao-Hong Jia, Joseph Y.-T. Leung:
Integrated production and delivery on parallel batching machines. 755-763 - Matthew R. Niblett, Richard L. Church:
The disruptive anti-covering location problem. 764-773 - Kien Trung Nguyen, André B. Chassein:
The inverse convex ordered 1-median problem on trees under Chebyshev norm and Hamming distance. 774-781
- Raphael Kramer
, Nelson Maculan, Anand Subramanian
, Thibaut Vidal
A speed and departure time optimization algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. 782-787 - Martin Albrecht
, Hartmut Stadtler:
Coordinating decentralized linear programs by exchange of primal information. 788-796 - Claudia Archetti
, Dominique Feillet
, M. Grazia Speranza
Complexity of routing problems with release dates. 797-803 - Wenyi Chen
, Beste Küçükyazici
, Vedat Verter
, María Jesús Sáenz:
Supply chain design for unlocking the value of remanufacturing under uncertainty. 804-819
- Alexandru Badescu
, Robert J. Elliott
, Juan-Pablo Ortega
Non-Gaussian GARCH option pricing models and their diffusion limits. 820-830 - Georgios Sermpinis
, Charalampos Stasinakis
, Konstantinos A. Theofilatos, Andreas S. Karathanasopoulos
Modeling, forecasting and trading the EUR exchange rates with hybrid rolling genetic algorithms - Support vector regression forecast combinations. 831-846 - Maria B. Chiarolla, Giorgio Ferrari
, Gabriele Stabile:
Optimal dynamic procurement policies for a storable commodity with Lévy prices and convex holding costs. 847-858 - Bogumil Kaminski
A method for the updating of stochastic kriging metamodels. 859-866
- Zhou-Jing Wang
A note on "A goal programming model for incomplete interval multiplicative preference relations and its application in group decision-making". 867-871 - Jing-Rung Yu, Wan-Jiun Paul Chiou, Da-Ren Mu:
A linearized value-at-risk model with transaction costs and short selling. 872-878 - Saeed Yaghoubi
, Siamak Noori, Amir Azaron, Brian Fynes
Resource allocation in multi-class dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity. 879-894 - Sofiane Ziani
, Fazia Rahmoune, Mohammed Said Radjef
Customers' strategic behavior in batch arrivals M2/M/1 queue. 895-903 - Takeshi Ebina
, Noriaki Matsushima
, Daisuke Shimizu:
Product differentiation and entry timing in a continuous time spatial competition model. 904-913 - Arnoud V. den Boer:
Tracking the market: Dynamic pricing and learning in a changing environment. 914-927
- Lu Zhen:
Tactical berth allocation under uncertainty. 928-944 - Eduardo Camponogara
, Mateus Dubiela Oliveira, Marco Aurélio Schmitz de Aguiar:
Scheduling pumpoff operations in onshore oilfields under electric-power constraints. 945-956 - Mohand Lounes Bentaha
, Olga Battaïa
, Alexandre Dolgui
, S. Jack Hu:
Second order conic approximation for disassembly line design with joint probabilistic constraints. 957-967 - Tariq A. Aldowaisan, Mustapha Nourelfath
, Jawad Hassan
Six Sigma performance for non-normal processes. 968-977
- Flavius Badau
Ranking trade resistance variables using data envelopment analysis. 978-986 - Aadhaar Chaturvedi:
Procurement auctions with capacity constrained suppliers. 987-995 - Antonio Peyrache:
Cost constrained industry inefficiency. 996-1002 - Fuxia Yang, Mian Yang
Analysis on China's eco-innovations: Regulation context, intertemporal change and regional differences. 1003-1012
- Camilo Ortiz-Astorquiza
, Iván A. Contreras
, Gilbert Laporte:
Multi-level facility location as the maximization of a submodular set function. 1013-1016
- Jafar Rezaei:
K.E. Avrachenkov, J.A. Filar, P.G. Howlett, "Analytic Perturbation Theory and its Applications", SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, ISBN: 978-1-611973-13-6, xii +372, Price: $89. 1017

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