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Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 1, February 2000
- Richard H. Hall:
Education, Hypermedia, and the World Wide Web: Old Realities and New Visions. 1-7 - Roger C. Schank:
The Virtual University. 9-16 - Badrul H. Khan:
Discussion of Resources and Attributes of the Web for the Creation of Meaningful Learning Environments. 17-23 - Curtis J. Bonk, Noriko Hara, Vanessa Paz Dennen
, Steve Malikowski, Lauren Supplee:
We're in TITLE to Dream: Envisioning a Community of Practice, The Intraplanetary Teacher Learning Exchange. 25-39 - Connie M. Moss:
Professional Learning on the Cyber Sea: What Is the Point of Contact? 41-50 - Lawrence W. Sherman:
Postmodern Constructivist Pedagogy for Teaching and Learning Cooperatively on the Web. 51-57 - Hilary McLellan:
Experience Design. 59-69 - Paul De Bra:
Pros and Cons of Adaptive Hypermedia in Web-Based Education. 71-77 - Ronald D. Owston
Evaluating Web-Based Learning Environments: Strategies and Insights. 79-87 - Mark Windschitl:
Using the WWW for Teaching and Learning in K-12 Classrooms: What Are the Interesting Research Questions? 89-96 - Andrew Dillon:
Designing a Better Learning Environment with the Web: Problems and Prospects. 97-101 - Ralph B. Gabbard:
Constructivism, Hypermedia, and the World Wide Web. 103-110 - Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 111-114 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 115-117
Volume 3, Number 2, April 2000
- Timothy Manning, Ernest T. Goetz, Richard L. Street Jr.:
Signal Delay Effects on Rapport in Telepsychiatry. 119-127 - Patricia Goodson, Deborah McCormick, Alexandra Evans:
Sex and the Internet: A Survey Instrument to Assess College Students' Behavior and Attitudes. 129-149 - John Suler:
Psychotherapy in Cyberspace: A 5-Dimensional Model of Online and Computer-Mediated Psychotherapy. 151-159 - J. Brian Rollman, Kevin Krug, Fredrick Parente:
The Chat Room Phenomenon: Reciprocal Communication in Cyberspace. 161-166 - Eric B. Weiser
Gender Differences in Internet Use Patterns and Internet Application Preferences: A Two-Sample Comparison. 167-178 - Michael Kahan:
Integration of Psychodynamic and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in a Virtual Environment. 179-183 - Adam N. Joinson:
Information Seeking on the Internet: A Study of Soccer Fans on the WWW. 185-190 - Larisa V. Shavinina:
High Intellectual and Creative Educational Multimedia Technologies. 191-198 - McCagie Brooks Rogers:
The Many Realities of MYTHSEEKER. 199-209 - Mark D. Griffiths
Does Internet and Computer "Addiction" Exist? Some Case Study Evidence. 211-218 - John Suler
Editorial: Case Studies and the Evolution of Digital Life Forms. 219-220 - Bobby G. Greer:
Psychological and Support Functions of an E-Mail Mailing List for Persons with Cerebral Palsy. 221-235 - Andrea Baker:
Two By Two in Cyberspace: Getting Together and Connecting Online. 237-242 - Jerry Finn, Mary Banach:
Victimization Online: The Down Side of Seeking Human Services for Women on the Internet. 243-254 - Kirsti A. Dyer, Cole D. Thompson:
Internet Use for Web-Education on the Overlooked Areas of Grief and Loss. 255-270 - Sharon Y. M. Chan:
Wired-Selves: From Artifact to Performance. 271-285 - Alex Fernando Teixeira Primo, Vanessa Andrade Pereira, Angélica Freitas:
Brazilian Crossdresser Club. 287-296 - Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 297-300 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 301-302 - Yanon Volcani:
The Tale of SAGAS™: Bringing Apperception Tests Into the Cyber World. 303-307
Volume 3, Number 3, June 2000
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Guest Editorial. 309-310 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
Virtual Reality in the 1990s: What Did We Learn? 311-314 - Milton P. Huang, Joseph Himle, Norman E. Alessi:
Vivid Visualization in the Experience of Phobia in Virtual Environments: Preliminary Results. 315-320 - Norman E. Alessi, Milton P. Huang:
Evolution of the Virtual Human: From Term to Potential Application in Psychiatry. 321-326 - Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella
, Azucena García-Palacios
, Helena Villa Martín
, Concepción Perpiñá
, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
Presence and Reality Judgment in Virtual Environments: A Unitary Construct? 327-335 - Luciano Gamberini:
Virtual Reality as a New Research Tool for the Study of Human Memory. 337-342 - Tibor I. Kesztyues, Marcus Mehlitz, E. Schilken, Godehard Weniger
, S. Wolf, Ursula Piccolo, E. Irle, Otto Rienhoff:
Preclinical Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Neuropsychological Test System: Occurrence of Side Effects. 343-349 - Giuseppe Riva
Design of Clinically Oriented Virtual Environments: A Communicational Approach. 351-357 - Andreas Roessler, Franz Müller-Spahn, Sabine Bährer, Alexander H. Bullinger:
A Rapid Prototyping Framework for the Development of Virtual Environments in Mental Health. 359-367 - Dong Pyo Jang, Jeong H. Ku, Min B. Shin, Young Hee Choi, Sun I. Kim:
Objective Validation of the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Psychotherapy. 369-374 - Francesco Vincelli, Young Hee Choi, Enrico Molinari
, Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Giuseppe Riva
Experiential Cognitive Therapy for the Treatment of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia: Definition of a Clinical Protocol. 375-385 - Michael Kahan, Joyce Tanzer, Dennis Darvin, Felice Borer:
Virtual Reality-Assisted Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Fear of Flying: Acute Treatment and Follow-Up. 387-392 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Lessons Learned From 600 Virtual Reality Sessions. 393-400 - Robert Stoermer, Ralph Mager, Andreas Roessler, Franz Müller-Spahn, Alexander H. Bullinger:
Monitoring Human-Virtual Reality Interaction: A Time Series Analysis Approach. 401-406 - Ralph Mager, Alexander H. Bullinger, Andreas Roessler, Franz Müller-Spahn, Robert Stoermer:
Monitoring Brain Activity During Use of Stereoscopic Virtual Environments. 407-413 - Siegfried Othmer, David A. Kaiser:
Implementation of Virtual Reality in EEG Biofeedback. 415-420 - Giuseppe Riva
, Monica Bacchetta, Margherita Baruffi, Giovanna Cirillo, Enrico Molinari
Virtual Reality Environment for Body Image Modification: A Multidimensional Therapy for the Treatment of Body Image in Obesity and Related Pathologies. 421-431 - Mariano Alcañiz Raya
, Concepción Perpiñá
, Rosa María Baños, José Antonio Lozano, Javier Montesa, Cristina Botella
, Azucena García-Palacios
, Helena Villa Martín
, J. Alozano:
A New Realistic 3D Body Representation in Virtual Environments for the Treatment of Disturbed Body Image in Eating Disorders. 433-439 - Toshimitsu Musha, Shin Kimura, Ken'ichi Kaneko, Kiyoko Nishida, Kazuo Sekine:
Emotion Spectrum Analysis Method (ESAM) for Monitoring the Effects of Art Therapy Applied on Demented Patients. 441-446 - Morris Steffin:
Bridging the Gap Between "Real Reality" and Virtual Reality: Intelligent Human-Machine Therapeutic Interaction in Patient Videospace. 447-463 - Rodney L. Myers, Teresa A. Bierig:
Virtual Reality and Left Hemineglect: A Technology for Assessment and Therapy. 465-468 - Jocelyn S. McGee, Cheryl van der Zaag, J. Galen Buckwalter, Marcus Thiébaux, Andre van Rooyen, Ulrich Neumann, D. Sisemore, Albert A. Rizzo:
Issues for the Assessment of Visuospatial Skills in Older Adults Using Virtual Environment Technology. 469-482 - Albert A. Rizzo, J. Galen Buckwalter, Todd Bowerly, Cheryl van der Zaag, L. Humphrey, Ulrich Neumann, Clint Chua, Chris Kyriakakis, Andre van Rooyen, D. Sisemore:
The Virtual Classroom: A Virtual Reality Environment for the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Attention Deficits. 483-499 - Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 501-506 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 507-508
- Clifford L. Corman, Lawrence M. Greenberg, Ross D. Crosby:
e Assessment of Medication Effects in Attention Deficit Disorder Using the Test of Variables of Attention (T.O.V.A.). 509-515
Volume 3, Number 4, August 2000
- Azy Barak, Storm A. King:
The Two Faces of the Internet: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Internet and Sexuality. 517-520
- Al Cooper, Irene P. McLoughlin, Kevin M. Campbell:
Sexuality in Cyberspace: Update for the 21st Century. 521-536 - Mark D. Griffiths
Excessive Internet Use: Implications for Sexual Behavior. 537-552 - Dana E. Putnam:
Initiation and Maintenance of Online Sexual Compulsivity: Implications for Assessment and Treatment. 553-563 - Deb Levine:
Virtual Attraction: What Rocks Your Boat. 565-573 - William A. Fisher, Azy Barak:
Online Sex Shops: Phenomenological, Psychological, and Ideological Perspectives on Internet Sexuality. 575-589 - Susan K. Burke:
In Search of Lesbian Community in an Electronic World. 591-604 - Ronny Tikkanen, Michael W. Ross
Looking for Sexual Compatibility: Experiences among Swedish Men in Visiting Internet Gay Chat Rooms. 605-616 - Eric P. P. Ochs, Yitzchak M. Binik:
A Sex-Expert System on the Internet: Fact or Fantasy. 617-629 - Marian Palandri, Lelia Green
Image Management in a Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochist Subculture: A Cyber-Ethnographic Study. 631-641
- Jaye L. Wald, Lili Liu, Sue Reil:
Concurrent Validity of a Virtual Reality Driving Assessment for Persons with Brain Injury. 643-654 - Stephen Biggs:
"Charlotte's Web: " How One Woman Weaves Positive Relationships on the Net. 655-663 - Angela Thomas:
Textual Constructions of Children's Online Identities. 665-672
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 673-678
- Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 679-680
- Erratum. 681
Volume 3, Number 5, October 2000
- Janet Morahan-Martin:
Women and the Internet: Promise and Perils. 683-691
- Wendy Harcourt:
The Personal and the Political: Women Using the Internet. 693-697 - Jo Sutton, Scarlet Pollock:
Online Activism for Women's Rights. 699-706 - Tracy L. M. Kennedy:
An Exploratory Study of Feminist Experiences In Cyberspace. 707-719 - Joan Korenman:
Women, Women, Everywhere: Looking for a Link. 721-729 - Janet Morahan-Martin, Colleen D. Anderson:
Information and Misinformation Online: Recommendations for Facilitating Accurate Mental Health Information Retrieval and Evaluation. 731-746 - Christine Marton:
Evaluating the Women's Health Matters Website. 747-760 - Mary K. Walstrom:
"You Know, Who's the Thinnest?": Combating Surveillance and Creating Safety in Coping with Eating Disorders Online. 761-783 - Jerry Finn, Mary Banach:
Victimization Online: The Downside of Seeking Human Services for Women on the Internet. 785-796 - Z. Sonia Worotynec:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Listserv as Support. 797-810 - Carolyn E. Adams-Price, Sophia Chandler:
The Star Fleet Ladies Auxiliary: Evolution of an OnLine Women's Mailing List. 811-816 - Victor Savicki, Merle Kelley:
Computer Mediated Communication: Gender and Group Composition. 817-826 - Alecia Wolf:
Emotional Expression Online: Gender Differences in Emoticon Use. 827-833 - Dànielle DeVoss:
Rereading Cyborg(?) Women: The Visual Rhetoric of Images of Cyborg (and Cyber) Bodies on the World Wide Web. 835-845 - Kimberlianne Podlas:
Mistresses of Their Domain: How Female Entrepreneurs in Cyberporn Are Initiating a Gender Power Shift. 847-854 - Patricia M. Odell, Kathleen O. Korgen, Phyllis Schumacher, Michael Delucchi:
Internet Use Among Female and Male College Students. 855-862 - Nicola Döring:
Feminist Views of Cybersex: Victimization, Liberation, and Empowerment. 863-884 - Richard C. Sherman, Christian End, Egon Kraan, Alison Cole, Jamonn Campbell, Zachary P. Birchmeier, Jaime Klausner:
The Internet Gender Gap Among College Students: Forgotten But Not Gone? 885-894 - Lisa-Jane McGerty:
"Nobody Lives Only in Cyberspace": Gendered Subjectivities and Domestic Use of the Internet. 895-899
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 901-905
- Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 907-908
Volume 3, Number 6, December 2000
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Editorial. 909-910
- Pamela Whitten, Charles Zaylor, Charles Kingsley:
An Analysis of Telepsychiatry Programs from an Organizational Perspective. 911-916 - Penny A. Jennett, Margaret M. Watson, Mamoru Watanabe:
The Potential Effects of Telehealth on the Canadian Health Workforce: Where Is the Evidence? 917-923 - Susan Vesmarovich, Roxanne Pickett Hauber, Michael Jones:
Using Telecommunication Technologies to Change the World for People with Disabilities Related to Catastrophic Neurological Impairment. 925-928 - Mario Cruz, Ana María López
Technologic Advancement and the Psychiatric Encounter. 929-933 - Robert C. Hsiung:
The Best of Both Worlds: An Online Self-Help Group Hosted by a Mental Health Professional. 935-950 - Arlette Lefebvre:
All We Need to Fear Is Fear Itself: Overcoming the Internet Resistance of Child Psychiatrists. 951-957 - Cristina Botella
, Rosa María Baños, Veronica Guillen
, Concepción Perpiñá
, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
, A. Pons:
Telepsychology: Public Speaking Fear Treatment on the Internet. 959-968 - David Cawthorpe:
A New Empirical Method for Assessing Human Attachment Relationship Quality. 969-979 - Eugene H. Kaplan:
Rejection of the Visual in Telepsychotherapy. 981-987 - Giuseppe Riva
From Telehealth to E-Health: Internet and Distributed Virtual Reality in Health Care. 989-998 - Stéphane Bouchard
, Richard Payeur, Vicky Rivard, Micheline Allard, Belle Paquin, Patrice Renaud, Lysanne Goyer:
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia in Videoconference: Preliminary Results. 999-1007 - Norman E. Alessi:
Child and Adolescent Telepsychiatry: Reliability Studies Needed. 1009-1015 - Steven Muncer, Brian Loader, Roger J. Burrows
, Nicholas Pleace, Sarah Nettleton:
Form and Structure of Newsgroups Giving Social Support: A Network Approach. 1017-1029 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Mark D. Wiederhold, Dong Pyo Jang, Sun I. Kim:
Use of Cellular Telephone Therapy for Fear of Driving. 1031-1039
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 1041-1046
- Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 1047-1048

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