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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 7, 1964
Volume 7, Number 1, January 1964
- Herbert Kanner, Charles L. Robinson, P. Kosinski:
Eliminate stack mechanisms in computer hardware? 1 - Michael Montalbano:
Egler's procedure refuted. 1 - Lynn Yarbrough, Joseph Weizenbaum:
SLIP. 2 - J. C. Richter, George H. Mealy:
More indiscretions. 2-3 - J. R. Voss:
In defense of ALGOL 60 as a publication language. 2 - Bernard A. Galler:
"Simple I/O" MAD statements. 3 - George Marsaglia, M. Donald MacLaren, T. A. Bray:
A fast procedure for generating normal random variables. 4-10 - Robert T. Gregory, James L. Raney:
Floating-point arithmetic with 84-bit numbers. 10-13 - D. R. Comstock:
A note on multiplying boolean matrices II. 13 - William Kahan, J. J. Leppik:
A fortran post-mortem procedure. 15 - Jan V. Garwick:
GARGOYLE: a language for compiler writing. 16-20 - R. H. Miller:
An example in "significant-digit" arithmetic. 21 - James T. Day, George W. Collins II:
On the numerical solution of boundary value problems for linear ordinary differential equations. 22-23 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
An efficient composite formula for multidimensional quadrature. 23-25 - Stephen H. Unger:
GIT - a heuristic program for testing pairs of directed line graphs for isomorphism. 26-34 - Donald Robbins, W. E. Taylor:
Digital computer determination of alpha source activity. 34-38 - Arthur F. Kaupe Jr.:
On optimal search techniques. 38 - Joseph Weizenbaum:
More on the reference counter method of erasing list structures. 38 - Beatrice H. Worsley:
Analysis of decay-type data. 39-44
Volume 7, Number 2, February 1964
- Gene F. Rose:
An extension of ALGOL-like languages. 52-61 - Robert W. Floyd:
Bounded context syntactic analysis. 62-67 - Edgar T. Irons:
"Structural connections" in formal languages. 67-72 - Burt M. Leavenworth:
FORTRAN IV as a syntax language. 72-80 - Kenneth E. Iverson:
Formalism in programming languages. 80-88 - Alan J. Perlis:
A format language. 89-97 - Thomas B. Steel Jr.:
Beginnings of a theory of information handling. 97-103 - Lionello A. Lombardi:
A general business-oriented language based on decision expressions. 104-111 - R. W. Allard, K. A. Wolf, R. A. Zemlin:
Some effects of the 6600 computer on language structures. 112-119 - R. A. Brooker:
A programming package for some general modes of arithmetic. 119-127 - Alan J. Perlis, Renato Iturriaga:
An extension to ALGOL for manipulating formulae. 127-130 - Douglas T. Ross:
On context and ambiguity in parsing. 131-133 - Saul Gorn:
Summary remarks. 133-136
Volume 7, Number 3, March 1964
- Walter Gautschi:
Algorithm 221: Gamma functions. 143 - Walter Gautschi:
Algorithm 222: Incomplete beta functions ratios. 143 - Peter Naur:
Certification of algorithm 122: Tridiagonal matrix. 144-145 - Stephen P. Barton, John F. Wagner:
Remark on algorithm 123. 145-148 - Peter Naur:
Certification of algorithm 150: SYMINV2. 148 - Mark B. Wells:
Certification of algorithm 197: Matrix division. 148 - James P. Anderson:
A note on some compiling algorithms. 149-150 - Michael P. Barnett, J. M. Gerard, A. W. Sambles:
Comments on "a continued operation notation". 150-152 - Saul Gorn, Robert W. Bemer, Julien Green, E. L. Lohse:
report on CCITT data communications study group meeting. 152 - Roger A. MacGowan:
FORTRAN subroutines for time series data reduction. 153-157 - R. L. McAllester:
Polyphase sorting with overlapped rewind. 158-159 - J. Csima, C. C. Gotlieb:
Tests on a computer method for constructing school timetables. 160-163 - Harry A. Clampett Jr.:
Randomized binary searching with tree structures. 163-165 - John H. Matthewman:
The dangling "else". 165 - Eugene S. Schwartz, Bruce Kallick:
Generating a canonical prefix encoding. 166-169 - E. E. Zajac:
Computer-made perspective movies as a scientific and communication tool. 169-170 - Fred Damerau:
A technique for computer detection and correction of spelling errors. 171-176 - H. A. Luther:
A class of iterative techniques for the factorization of polynomials. 177-179 - C. V. D. Forrington:
A Fourier series method for the numerical solution of a class of parabolic partial differential equations. 179-181 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Conversion of a power to a series of Chebyshev polynomials. 181-182 - H. James Wilcox:
Digital data processor for tracking the partially illuminated moon. 183-188 - Edsger W. Dijkstra:
Some comments on the aims of MIRFAC. 190
Volume 7, Number 4, April 1964
- Katherine M. Jamerson:
Hurrah! 203 - T. R. Savage:
The hyphen controversy. 203 - David W. Barron:
More views on monitor systems. 203 - Thomas A. Keenan:
Computers and education. 205-209 - Alan J. Perlis:
Programming of digital computers. 210-211 - Bruce W. Arden:
On introducing digital computing. 212-214 - George E. Forsythe:
An undergraduate curriculum in numerical analysis. 214-215 - Robert R. Karfhage:
Logic for the computer sciences. 216-218 - Saul Gorn:
Mechanical languages: a course specification. 219-222 - David E. Muller:
The place of logical design and switching theory in the computer curriculum. 222-225 - William F. Atchison, John W. Hamblen:
Status of computer sciences curricula in colleges and universities. 225-227 - Theodor D. Sterling, M. Lichstein, F. Scarpino, D. Stuebing, William Stuebing:
Professional computer work for the blind. 228-230 - Daniel G. Bobrow, Bertram Raphael:
A comparison of list-processing computer languages: including a detailed comparison of COMIT, IPL-V, LISP 1.5, and SLIP. 231-240 - Harmon T. Galdwin:
An algorithm for converting integers from base a to base b. 241-242 - Mavis Griebrok:
Decimal tables to binary coded tables. 242-243 - Bill Benson, Dave Stevens:
On avoiding matrix reversals between 7090 FORTRAN II and 7090 FORTRAN IV. 242 - Leo J. Rotenberg:
Algorithm 224: Evaluation of determinant. 243-244 - M. Shimrat:
Algorithm 223: Prime twins. 243 - William M. McKeeman, Lawrence G. Tesler, Harold S. Butler:
Certification of algorithm 182: Nonrecursive adaptive integration. 244 - Walter Gautschi:
Certification of algorithm 222: Incomplete beta function ratios. 244 - A. Denisov, G. Popov, Richard W. Judy:
Designing a computer center. 252-255 - Joseph L. Balintfy:
Menu planning by computer. 255-259 - H. P. Edmundson:
Problems in automatic abstracting. 259-263 - R. L. Pexton:
Empirical bounds for Bessel functions. 263
Volume 7, Number 5, May 1964
- Donald E. Knuth:
A proposal for input-output conventions in ALGOL 60. 273-283 - Franz L. Alt:
ASA X3.4 meeting No.33. 283-287 - Christopher J. Shaw:
On declaring arbitrarily coded alphabets. 288-290 - Melvin Klerer, Jack May:
An experiment in a user-oriented computer system. 290-294 - Sven J. Cyvin, Bjørg N. Cyvin:
Algorithm 225: Gamma function with controlled accuracy. 295 - Sven J. Cyvin:
Algorithm 227: Chebyshev polynomial coefficients. 295 - Sven J. Cyvin:
Algorithm 226: Normal distribution function. 295 - James C. Morelock:
Algorithm 229: Elementary functions by continued fractions. 296 - Otto C. Juelich:
Remark on algorithm 175: Shuttle sort. 296 - Peter Naur:
Remarks on algorithm 91: Chebyshev curve fit. 296 - Niklaus Wirth:
Certification of algorithm 146: Multiple integration. 296 - Walter H. Burkhardt:
On semantics. 297 - David E. Ferguson:
More on merging. 297 - Larry L. Schumaker:
Certification of Algorithm 215: Shanks. 297 - M. Donald MacLaren, George Marsaglia, T. A. Bray:
A fast procedure for generating exponential random variables. 298-300 - Bernard A. Galler, Michael J. Fischer:
An improved equivalence algorithm. 301-303 - Arthur M. Rosenberg:
Computer-usage accounting for generalized time-sharing systems. 304-308 - Gene Raichelson, George E. Collins:
A method for comparing the internal operating speeds of computers. 309-310 - James A. Warrington, James H. Norris:
Expand, a system for input card replication. 309 - A. Frank Ackermann:
A Fortran II load-time saver. 310 - Benson Perry, Mortimer L. Mendelsohn:
Picture generation with a standard line printer. 311-313 - Michael J. Bailey:
More on "simple I/O" statements. 314-315 - Conrad Weisert:
A comment. 314 - Otto C. Juelich, James A. Ayers:
On the recursive programming techniques. 314 - D. T. Goodwin, J. L. Venn:
On polyphase sort. 315 - Sanford Elkin:
More on SLIP. 315
Volume 7, Number 6, June 1964
- J. S. Aronofsky:
Growing applications of linear programming. 325-332
- Saul Gorn, Robert W. Bemer, Julien Green, E. L. Lohse:
Proposed american standard: bit sequencing of the american standard code for information interchange (ACSII) in serial-by-bit data transmission. 333-336 - Proposed american standard: perforated tape code for information interchange. 336-338
- Proposed american standard: one-inch perforated paper tape for information interchange. 338-339
- M. J. Bailey, Michael P. Barnett, P. B. Burleson:
Symbol manipulation in FORTRAN: SASP I subroutines. 339-346
- George E. Forsythe:
Algorithms. 347-349
- Anthony Hassitt:
Design and implementation of a general-purpose input routine. 350-356 - Jack M. Wolfe:
Reducing truncation errors by programming. 355-356 - Webb T. Comfort:
Multiword list items. 357-362 - W. J. Brian:
A parts breakdown technique using list structures. 362-365
- James F. Holt:
Numerical solution of nonlinear two-point boundary problems by finite difference methods. 366-373 - Donald Greenspan:
Approximate solution of axially symmetric problems. 373-377 - James M. Ortega:
Generation of test matrices by similarity transformations. 377-378
- Letters to the editor. 379-380
Volume 7, Number 7, July 1964
- Saul Rosen:
A compiler-building system developed by Brooker and Morris: including a comprehensive discussion of the major features of the system. 403-414 - K. C. Peng:
Programming analysis of variance by sequences of operators and isomorphic mappings. 415-416 - Herbert Kanner:
An automatic loader for subroutine nests. 416-417 - R. L. ver Steeg:
Talk - a high-level source language debugging technique with real-time data extraction: 26. 418-419 - Richard Durstenfeld:
Algorithm 235: Random permutation. 420 - J. M. S. Simões-Pereira:
Algorithm 234: Poisson-Charlier polynomials. 420 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Remark on algorithm 60: Romberg integration. 420-421 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification on algorithm 128: Summation of Fourier series. 421 - William M. McKeeman:
Remark on algorithm 135: Crout with equilibration and iteration. 421 - Karen B. Priebe:
Reduction of a matrix containing polynomial elements. 421 - Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.:
Editor's note: A successor to ALGOL? 422 - Jan V. Garwick:
Remark on further generalization of ALGOL. 422-423 - O. G. Mancino:
Characteristics of the FORTRAN CEP language. 423-424 - Robert M. McClure:
Remark on Gladwin's integer conversion. 424 - Paul A. Samet, P. J. Taylor:
Comments on the ALCOR group represenatation of of ALGOL symbols. 424 - Daniel Teichroew:
Papers presented at the third annual symposium of the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of ACM. 425 - O. T. Gatto:
Autosate. 425-432 - Herbert Hellerman:
Experimental personalized array translator system. 433-438 - Jack Belzer, William Goffman:
Theoretical considerations in information retrieval systems. 439-442 - W. A. Beyer:
A note on starting the Newton-Raphson method. 442 - Melvin A. Breuer:
Techniques for the simulation of computer logic. 443-446 - Friedrich L. Bauer:
Reply to comments by P. A. Samet and P. J. Taylor. 447
Volume 7, Number 8, August 1964
- Alan J. Perlis:
How should ACM publish computer research? 461 - John W. Carr III:
Norbert Wiener. 462 - R. E. Wengert:
A simple automatic derivative evaluation program. 463-464 - R. D. Wilkins:
Investigation of a new analytical method for numerical derivative evaluation. 465-471 - Nicholas S. Newhall:
An alternate checksum method. 471 - Marvin L. Stein:
Divide-and-correct methods for multiple precision division. 472-474 - Marjorie P. Lietzke:
A method of syntax-checking ALGOL 60. 475-478 - William M. Waite, Herbert Schorr:
A note on the formation of free list. 478 - Walter Gautschi:
ACM Algorithm 236: Bessel Functions of the First Kind. 479-480 - John E. L. Peck:
Algorithm 237: Greatest common divisor. 481 - William M. McKeeman:
Algorithm 239: Free field read. 481-482 - C. M. Reeves:
Algorithm 238: Conjugate gradient method. 481 - Malcolm C. Pike:
Certification of algorithm 209: Gauss. 482 - D. K. Cavin:
Remark on algorithm 162: XY move plotting. 482 - Robert W. Bemer, J. Booth:
Comments on bit-sequencing of the ASCII in serial-by-bit data transmission. 483-485 - David S. Collens:
Remark on remarks on algorithm 48: of a complex number. 485 - W. Fraser, J. F. Hart:
Remark on algorithm 162: Near-minimax polynomial approximations and partitioning of intervals. 486-489 - Roger J. Weldon:
Machine controls for analysis of variance. 490-494 - Sol Broder:
Final examination scheduling. 494-498 - Sheila A. Greibach:
Formal parsing systems. 499-504 - Herbert S. Bright:
A proposal on ACM organization. 505-506 - Bernard A. Galler, Michael J. Fischer:
In defense of the equivalence algorithm. 506 - Millard H. Perstein:
Comments on computers in banking. 506 - Clay L. Perry:
Comments on tape reels. 506 - George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership. 507-509
Volume 7, Number 9, September 1964
- Jack B. Dennis:
A multiuser computation facility for education and research. 521-529 - Gerald M. Weinberg:
Solutions of combinatorial problems using generating functions on a variable-field computer. 530-534 - Claire K. Schultz, Alan Brooks, Phyllis Schwartz:
Scheduling meetings with a computer. 534-541 - Richard K. Bennett, H. David Neumann:
Extension of existing compilers by sophisticated use of macros. 541-542 - Donald R. Fitzwater:
A storage allocation and reference structure. 542-545 - K. W. Mills:
Algorithm 241: Arctangent. 546 - Egon Dorrer:
Algorithm 240: Coordinates on an ellipsoid. 546 - Norman Davids, Robert L. Berger:
A computer analysis method for thermal diffusion in biochemical systems. 547-551 - John R. B. Whittlesey:
A rapid method for digital filtering. 552-556 - Hans-J. Pohlmann:
Internal sorting. 556
Volume 7, Number 10, October 1964
- Akihiro Nozaki:
More on integer conversion. 571 - H. James Gawlik:
MIRFAC: a reply to Professor Dijkstra. 571 - George R. Schubert:
On reducing truncation errors by programming. 571 - Reed C. Lawlor:
Copyright aspects of computer usage. 572-578 - Joseph P. Kates:
Computer patent disclosures. 578-579 - Gunter A. Hauptman:
Joint inventorship of computers. 579-580 - Kenneth B. Hamlin:
Computer programs are patentable. 581-582 - Morton C. Jacobs:
Patent protection of computer programs. 583-584 - T. W. Sag:
Algorithm 242: Permutations of a set with repetitions. 585 - Karen Boreman Priebe:
Certification of algorithm 218: Kutta Merson. 585-586 - Philip Wallack:
Certification of algorithm 203: Steep1. 585 - Charles R. Blair:
Certification of Algorithm 207: Stringsort. 585 - Van K. McCombs:
Certification of algorithm 221: Gamma function. 586 - T. A. Bray:
Certification algorithm 225: Gamma function with controlled accuracy. 586 - Maurice V. Wilkes:
Constraint-type statements in programming languages. 587-588 - Kenneth E. Iverson:
A method of syntax specification. 588-589 - William P. Heising:
History and summary of FORTRAN standardization development for the ASA. 590-631 - Paul Armer:
Should ACM have graded memberships? 632 - George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership. 633-636
Volume 7, Number 11, November 1964
- Mario L. Juncosa:
Whither the ACM publications? 645 - Harry D. Huskey:
Journal readership and journal purpose. 646 - Gerard Salton:
Introduce rigorous controls into Perlis' publication system to make it effective. 646 - Ramon D. Faulk:
An inductive approach to language translation. 647-653 - Thomas B. Kelley:
Rounding problems in commercial data processing. 654-656 - Helmut Lotsch, Malcolm D. Gray:
Algorithm 244: Fresnel integrals. 660-661 - David S. Collens:
Algorithm 243: Logarithm of a complex number[B3] rewrite of algorithm 48. 660 - David K. Oppenheim:
Certification of algorithm 199: conversions between calendar date and Julian day number. 661 - Malcolm D. Gray:
Certification of algorithm 213: Fresnel integrals. 661 - Joseph F. Traub:
The new program of work for the international standard vocabulary in computers and information processing. 662 - Alice S. Maher:
A technique for reading gapless tapes makes electrocardiograph analysis feasible on the IBM 7090. 663-665 - Richard Bellman, C. Collier, Harriet H. Kagiwada, Robert Kalaba, R. Selvester:
Estimation of heart parameters using skin potential measurements. 666-668 - Roy E. Heistand:
An executive system implemented as a finite-state automaton. 669-677 - L. E. S. Green:
Time sharing in a traffic control program. 678-681 - Fred Gruenberger:
Change the name of ACM? Never! 682 - James R. Slagle:
On an algorithm for minimum-cost procedures. 682 - David Kleinecke:
In response to "How should ACM publish computer research". 682
Volume 7, Number 12, December 1964
- George E. Forsythe:
President's letter to the ACM membership. 697-699 - Walter F. Bauer:
On ACM's role and its welfare. 700 - Robert W. Floyd:
Algorithm 245: Treesort. 701 - J. Boothroyd:
ACM Algorithm 246: Graycode. 701 - J. H. Halton, G. B. Smith:
Algorithm 247: Radical-inverse quasi-random point sequence. 701-702 - T. A. Bray:
Certification of algorithm 237: Greatest common divisor. 702-703 - Vic Hasselblad, Jeff Rulifson:
Certification of algorithm 224: Evaluation of determinant. 702 - I. Clausen, L. Hansson:
Certification of algorithm 181: Complementary error function - large X. 702 - Peter White:
Relative effects of central processor and input-output speeds upon throughput on the large computer. 711-714 - William J. Cody:
Double-precision square root for the CDC-3600. 715-718 - C. A. Oster:
Limited bit manipulation using FORTRAN II. 719-721 - M. J. Garber, Conrad Miziumski:
Curve fitting with format FORTRAN. 721 - William F. Luebbert:
Mark sense and port-a-punch programming inputs. 722-723 - Michael J. Synge:
A case of too much precision. 723 - James A. Miller:
Method for partial rewriting of magnetic tape. 723 - A. C. R. Newbery:
A family of test matrices. 724 - Randall E. Cline:
A class of matrices to test inversion procedures. 724-725 - D. G. Drath:
Another use of FORTRAN II chaining. 726 - James J. Baker:
Scanning text with a 1401. 726 - Jürg Nievergelt:
Parallel methods for integrating ordinary differential equations. 731-733 - Luigi Petrone, Carlo E. Vandoni:
Integer and signed constants in ALGOL. 734-735 - M. J. R. Healy:
Note on the use of procedures. 735 - Donald E. Knuth:
backus normal form vs. Backus Naur form. 735-736 - John M. Scofield:
Futher comment on the MIRFAC controversy. 736 - Richard D. Whittaker:
More on reducing truncation errors. 736
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