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Automatica, Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 1, January 1983
- Björn Wahlström, Arto Juusela, Martin Ollus, Pekka Närväinen, Ismo Lehmus, Pertti Lönnqvist:
A distributed control system and its application to a board mill. 1-14 - Kyösti Tarvainen, Yacov Y. Haimes, Irving Lefkowitz:
Decomposition methods in multiobjective discrete-time dynamic problems. 15-28 - Yih T. Tsay, Leang-San Shieh:
Block decompositions and block modal controls of multivariable control systems. 29-40 - Peddapullaiah Sannuti:
Direct singular perturbation analysis of high-gain and cheap control problems. 41-51 - Sidney J. Yakowitz:
Convergence rate analysis of the state increment dynamic programming method. 53-60 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
On identification and adaptive estimation for systems with interrupted observations. 61-73 - Petros A. Ioannou, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
Reduced-order performance of parallel and series-parallel identifiers with weakly observable parasitics. 75-80 - Claude Samson:
Stability analysis of adaptively controlled systems subject to bounded disturbances. 81-86 - Bruce A. Francis, M. Vidyasagar:
Algebraic and topological aspects of the regulator problem for lumped linear systems. 87-90 - Pierre R. Bélanger:
On type 1 systems and the clarke-gawthrop regulator. 91-94 - Rogelio Lozano-Leal:
Convergence analysis of recursive identification algorithms with forgetting factor. 95-97 - André J. Fossard:
Outils et modèles mathématiques pour l'automatique. l'analyse de systemès et le traitement du signal : Edited by I. D. Landau. 99-100 - Ruth F. Curtain:
Functional analysis and linear control theory : J. R. Leigh. 101-102 - Rolf Isermann:
State space theory of discrete linear control : Vladimir Strejc. 103 - Roland Strietzel:
An elementary introduction to optimal control : John M. Blatt. 105-106
Volume 19, Number 2, March 1983
- A. Kaya, M. A. Keyes IV:
Energy management technology in pulp, paper, and allied industries. 111-130 - W. Mann:
Digital control of a rotary dryer in the sugar industry. 131-148 - Yu-Chi Ho, Christos G. Cassandras:
A new approach to the analysis of discrete event dynamic systems. 149-167 - Edward J. Davison, Ümit Özgüner:
Characterizations of decentralized fixed modes for interconnected systems. 169-182 - Abdelhanine Benallou, Duncan A. Mellichamp, Dale E. Seborg:
Characterization of equilibrium sets for bilinear systems with feedback control. 183-189 - H. R. Kashani, George N. Saridis:
Intelligent control for urban traffic systems. 191-197 - Alan R. Weston, Eugene M. Cliff, Henry J. Kelley:
Altitude transitions in energy climbs. 199-202 - Josef Shinar:
On applications of singular perturbation techniques in nonlinear optimal control. 203-211 - Stephen Kahne:
Automatic control systems: Benjamin C. Kuo. 213 - Ignace A. Derese:
Multivariable system theory and design: Rajnikant V. Patel and Neil Munro. 215-216 - Aarne Halme:
Digital control using microprocessors: Paul Katz. 217-218
Volume 19, Number 3, May 1983
- Claudio Bonivento, Giovanni Marro:
Giuseppe Evangelisti 1903-1981. 223-224 - Costas Kiparissides
, Sirish L. Shah:
Self-tuning and stable adaptive control of a batch polymerization reactor. 225-235 - Y. M. Chan, Jose B. Cruz Jr.:
Self-tuning leader-follower games. 237-245 - André J. Fossard, M. Berthelot, Jean-François Magni:
On coherency-based decomposition algorithms. 247-253 - Zalman J. Palmor, Yoram Halevi:
On the design and properties of multivariable dead time compensators. 255-264 - Yujiro Inouye:
Approximation of multivariable linear systems with impulse response and autocorrelation sequences. 265-277 - Chee Tsai, Ludwik Kurz:
An adaptive robustizing approach to kalman filtering. 279-288 - Kenneth S. Vastola, H. Vincent Poor:
An analysis of the effects of spectral uncertainty on wiener filtering. 289-293 - Martin B. Zarrop:
Variable forgetting factors in parameter estimation. 295-298 - Douglas P. Looze:
A dual optimization procedure for linear quadratic robust control problems. 299-302 - Roland Longchamp:
Singular perturbation analysis of a receding horizon controller. 303-308 - Masao Ikeda, Dragoslav D. Siljak, Keiichiro Yasuda:
Optimality of decentralized control for large-scale systems. 309-316 - Florin Gheorghe Filip, Dan-Alexandru Donciulescu:
On an on-line dynamic direct coordination method in process industry. 317-320 - William S. Levine, Manolis A. Christodoulou, Felix E. Zajac:
On propelling a rod to a maximum vertical or horizontal distance. 321-324 - George S. Axelby:
Impact of automatic control: Present and future. 325 - Tibor Vámos:
Introduction and overview. 327 - John F. Coales:
The birth of IFAC and its publications. 329-335 - Harold Chestnut:
25 Years of IFAC - From Heidelberg to Heidelberg. 337-340 - Seiichi Nakamori:
New design of linear discrete-time predictor using covariance information. 341-344 - S. P. Sanoff, Peter E. Wellstead:
Comments on: 'Implementation of self-tuning regulators with variable forgetting factors'. 345-346 - L. S. Kershenbaum, B. Erik Ydstie
Authors' reply. 346 - Andrew P. Sage:
System dynamics and the analysis of change: Edited by B. E. Paulré. 347 - Ole Solheim:
Multivariable and optimal systems: D. H. Owens. 349-350 - Soroosh Sorooshian
, M. H. Costin:
Large scale systems modelling: M. S. Mahmoud and M. G. Singh. 351
Volume 19, Number 4, July 1983
- Mamoru Kawahara:
Tracking control system using image sensor for arc welding. 357-363 - Jo W. Howze, D. Y. Ohm:
Control system synthesis with response insensitivity. 365-371 - Bernard C. Levy, David A. Castañón, George C. Verghese, Alan S. Willsky:
A scattering framework for decentralized estimation problems. 373-384 - Gangaram S. Ladde, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
Multiparameter singular perturbations of linear systems with multiple time scales. 385-394 - Peter Dorato:
Theoretical developments in discrete-time control. 395-400 - Peter E. Wellstead:
The ball and hoop system. 401-406 - F. M. D'Hulster, Robin M. C. De Keyser, Achiel R. Van Cauwenberghe:
Simulations of adaptive controllers for a paper machine headbox. 407-414 - Hannu T. Toivonen:
Variance constrained self-tuning control. 415-418 - Krzysztof J. Latawiec
, Mieczyslaw Chyra:
On low frequency and long-run effects in self-tuning control. 419-424 - Petre Stoica, Torsten Söderström:
Optimal instrumental-variable methods for identification of multivariable linear systems. 425-429 - Yaakov Bar-Shalom, K. Birmiwal:
Consistency and robustness of PDAF for target tracking in cluttered environments. 431-437 - Yu-Chi Ho, Xi-Ren Cao, Christos G. Cassandras:
Infinitesimal and finite perturbation analysis for queueing networks. 439-445 - E. J. Hannan, L. Kavalieris:
Linear estimation of ARMA processes. 447-448 - Rajendra Kumar, John B. Moore:
On adaptive minimum variance regulation for non-minimum phase plants. 449-451 - Robert J. Elliott:
Application of variational inequalities to stochastic control: A. Bensoussan and J. L. Lions. 453 - L. F. Pau:
Stochastic control for economic models: David Kendrick. 455 - Heikki N. Koivo:
Digital control of dynamic systems: G. F. Franklin and J. D. Powell. 457-458 - George S. Axelby:
List of reviewers for automatica, 1982. 459
Volume 19, Number 5, September 1983
- George S. Axelby:
Research surveys. 469 - Karl Johan Åström:
Theory and applications of adaptive control - A survey. 471-486 - J. D. van der Bij, Jan H. van Schuppen:
Prediction of railway power demand. 487-494 - Kumpati S. Narendra, Philip Mars:
The use of learning algorithms in telephone traffic routing - A methodology. 495-502 - Gerald J. Bierman:
A new computationally efficient fixed-interval, discrete-time smoother. 503-511 - Basil Kouvaritakis, R. G. Cameron:
The use of walsh functions in multivariable limit cycle prediction. 513-522 - B. Ross Barmish, Ian R. Petersen, Arie Feuer:
Linear ultimate boundedness control of uncertain dynamical systems. 523-532 - Christian Commault, Jean-Michel Dion:
Transfer matrix approach to the triangular block decoupling problem. 533-542 - Meir Pachter:
Guidelines for automatic gearbox design for an electrically propelled vehicle. 543-549 - Thomas L. Harris, Raymond A. DeCarlo, Stephen Richter:
A continuation approach to eigenvalue assignment. 551-555 - Naoya Kawasaki, Etsujiro Shimemura:
Determining quadratic weighting matrices to locate poles in a specified region. 557-560 - Alper K. Caglayan, Roy E. Lancraft:
A separated bias identification and state estimation algorithm for nonlinear systems. 561-570 - Takehiro Mori, Erik Noldus, M. Kuwahara:
A way to stabilize linear systems with delayed state. 571-573 - Yalcin Erol, Kenneth A. Loparo
Deadbeat control of discrete-time systems with singular state matrix using canonical decomposition. 575-577 - Pieter Eykhoff:
Research survey. 579-580 - Isaac Horowitz:
Feedback design of systems with significant uncertainty: M. J. Ashworth. 581 - John Villandsen:
Chemical process dynamics: Rezsö Mohilla and Béla Ferencz. 583 - Ruth F. Curtain:
Green's function and transfer functions handbook: Anatoliy G. Butkovskiy. 585 - Mohamed Mansour:
Linear control system analysis and design: John D'Azzo and Constantine H. Houpis. 587
Volume 19, Number 6, November 1983
- George S. Axelby:
Control frontiers in knowledge based and man-machine systems. 593 - Andrew P. Sage:
Guest editorial. 593 - Gunnar Johannsen, John E. Rijnsdorp, Andrew P. Sage:
Human system interface concerns in support system design. 595-603 - Thomas B. Sheridan, Tibor Vámos, Shin Aida:
Adapting automation to man, culture and society. 605-612 - William B. Rouse:
Models of human problem solving: Detection, diagnosis, and compensation for system failures. 613-625 - Gerhard Fischer:
Symbiotic, knowledge-based computer support systems. 627-636 - Thomas B. Sheridan:
Measuring, modeling, and augmenting reliability of man-machine systems. 637-645 - Richard E. Cullingford, L. J. Joseph:
A heuristically 'optimal' knowledge base organization technique. 647-654 - Roger W. Ehrich:
DMS - A system for defining and managing human-computer dialogues. 655-662 - Richard W. Pew, Sheldon Baron:
Perspectives on human performance modelling. 663-676 - Fred Margulies, Heinz Zemanek:
Man's role in man-machine systems. 677-683 - Setsuo Ohsuga:
Knowledge-based man-machine systems. 685-691 - Paul H. Wewerinke:
Model of the human observer and decision maker - Theory and validation. 693-696 - Vilas Wuwongse, Shigenobu Kobayashi, Atsunobu Ichikawa:
An interactive system for supporting multiobjective decision making. 697-702 - Kevin L. Boettcher, Alexander H. Levis:
Modeling and analysis of teams of interacting decisionmakers with bounded rationality. 703-709 - Willi Stein, Paul H. Wewerinke:
Human display monitoring and failure detection: Control theoretic models and experiments. 711-718 - Toshiro Terano, Yujiro Murayama, Noboru Akiyama:
Human reliability and safety evaluation of man-machine systems. 719-722 - Wilfried Schumacher, Georg Geiser:
Human control strategies in concurrent binary tasks under overload conditions. 723-727 - Masasumi Kokawa, Satoshi Miyazaki, Sadanori Shingai:
Fault location using digraph and inverse direction search with application. 729-735 - Masao Nagai:
Analysis of rider and single-track-vehicle system; its application to computer-controlled bicycles. 737-740 - Bernhard Döring, Annette Knäuper:
A simulation study with a combined network and production systems model of pilot behavior on an ILS-approach. 741-747 - S. Balakrishna, J. R. Raol, M. S. Rajamurthy:
Contributions of congruent pitch motion cue to human activity in manual control. 749-754 - Tomas Martin:
Human software requirements engineering for computer-controlled manufacturing systems. 755-758 - Giovanni Guida
, Carlo Tasso:
An expert intermediary system for interactive document retrieval. 759-766 - Robert C. Williges, Beverly H. Williges:
Human-computer dialogue design considerations. 767-773 - Lisanne Bainbridge:
Ironies of automation. 775-779

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