default search action
15th WWW 2006: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Les Carr, David De Roure, Arun Iyengar, Carole A. Goble, Michael Dahlin:
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 23-26, 2006. ACM 2006, ISBN 1-59593-323-9 - David Brown:
The new economy: an engineer's perspective. 1
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Ian Horrocks
Position paper: a comparison of two modelling paradigms in the Semantic Web. 3-12 - Julian Seidenberg, Alan L. Rector:
Web ontology segmentation: analysis, classification and use. 13-22 - Yuzhong Qu, Wei Hu, Gong Cheng
Constructing virtual documents for ontology matching. 23-31
Adapitivity & mobility
- Shumeet Baluja:
Browsing on small screens: recasting web-page segmentation into an efficient machine learning framework. 33-42 - Takuya Maekawa, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio:
Image classification for mobile web browsing. 43-52 - Cristina Hava Muntean, Jennifer McManis
Fine grained content-based adaptation mechanism for providing high end-user quality of experience with adaptive hypermedia systems. 53-62
Fighting search spam
- Baoning Wu, Vinay Goel, Brian D. Davison
Topical TrustRank: using topicality to combat web spam. 63-72 - André Luiz da Costa Carvalho, Paul-Alexandru Chirita, Edleno Silva de Moura, Pável Calado
, Wolfgang Nejdl
Site level noise removal for search engines. 73-82 - Alexandros Ntoulas, Marc Najork
, Mark S. Manasse, Dennis Fetterly:
Detecting spam web pages through content analysis. 83-92
- Margaret Gaitatzes Kostoulas, Morris Matsa, Noah Mendelsohn, Eric Perkins, Abraham Heifets, Martha Mercaldi:
XML screamer: an integrated approach to high performance XML parsing, validation and deserialization. 93-102 - Shuohao Zhang, Curtis E. Dyreson
Symmetrically exploiting XML. 103-111
Developing regions & peer-to-peer
- Seung Jun, Mustaque Ahamad:
FeedEx: collaborative exchange of news feeds. 113-122
- Kirstie Hawkey, Kori M. Inkpen:
Examining the content and privacy of web browsing incidental information. 123-132 - Harald Weinreich, Hartmut Obendorf, Eelco Herder, Matthias Mayer:
Off the beaten tracks: exploring three aspects of web navigation. 133-142 - Joeng Kim, Ricardo A. Baratto, Jason Nieh:
pTHINC: a thin-client architecture for mobile wireless web. 143-152
- K. Faith Lawrence
, Monica M. C. Schraefel
Bringing communities to the semantic web and the semantic web to communities. 153-162 - Vladimir Soroka, Sheizaf Rafaeli:
Invisible participants: how cultural capital relates to lurking behavior. 163-172 - Ding Zhou, Eren Manavoglu, Jia Li, C. Lee Giles
, Hongyuan Zha:
Probabilistic models for discovering e-communities. 173-182
User interfaces: semantic tagging
- Daniel Gruhl, Daniel N. Meredith, Jan Pieper, Alex Cozzi, Stephen Dill:
The web beyond popularity: a really simple system for web scale RSS. 183-192 - Micah Dubinko, Ravi Kumar, Joseph Magnani, Jasmine Novak, Prabhakar Raghavan
, Andrew Tomkins:
Visualizing tags over time. 193-202 - Richard Atterer, Monika Wnuk, Albrecht Schmidt
Knowing the user's every move: user activity tracking for website usability evaluation and implicit interaction. 203-212
Mining the web
- Wen-tau Yih, Joshua Goodman, Vitor R. Carvalho:
Finding advertising keywords on web pages. 213-222 - Reid Andersen, Kevin J. Lang:
Communities from seed sets. 223-232 - Masashi Toyoda, Masaru Kitsuregawa:
What's really new on the web?: identifying new pages from a series of unstable web snapshots. 233-241 - Mary Ann Davidson:
A case for software assurance. 243 - Anthony J. G. Hey
'e-science and cyberinfrastructure: a middleware perspective'. 245
Correctness & security
- Stefan Kals, Engin Kirda, Christopher Krügel, Nenad Jovanovic:
SecuBat: a web vulnerability scanner. 247-256 - Massimo Mecella
, Mourad Ouzzani, Federica Paci
, Elisa Bertino:
Access control enforcement for conversation-based web services. 257-266 - Raman Kazhamiakin, Marco Pistore
, Luca Santuari:
Analysis of communication models in web service compositions. 267-276
Search engine engineering
- Taro Tezuka, Takeshi Kurashima, Katsumi Tanaka:
Toward tighter integration of web search with a geographic information system. 277-286 - Weizheng Gao, Hyun Chul Lee, Yingbo Miao:
Geographically focused collaborative crawling. 287-296 - Tamás Sarlós, András A. Benczúr, Károly Csalogány, Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz:
To randomize or not to randomize: space optimal summaries for hyperlink analysis. 297-306
E-learning & scientific applications
- Mingyu Feng, Neil T. Heffernan
, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Addressing the testing challenge with a web-based e-assessment system that tutors as it assesses. 307-316 - Satya Sanket Sahoo
, Christopher Thomas, Amit P. Sheth, William S. York, Samir Tartir:
Knowledge modeling and its application in life sciences: a tale of two ontologies. 317-326 - Elizabeth J. Brown, Tim J. Brailsford, Tony Fisher, Adam Moore, Helen Ashman:
Reappraising cognitive styles in adaptive web applications. 327-335
High availability & performance
- Balachander Krishnamurthy, Craig E. Wills:
Cat and mouse: content delivery tradeoffs in web access. 337-346 - Patrick Reynolds, Janet L. Wiener, Jeffrey C. Mogul, Marcos Kawazoe Aguilera, Amin Vahdat:
WAP5: black-box performance debugging for wide-area systems. 347-356 - Jorge Salas, Francisco Perez-Sorrosal, Marta Patiño-Martínez
, Ricardo Jiménez-Peris:
WS-replication: a framework for highly available web services. 357-366
Web mining with search engines
- Ziv Bar-Yossef, Maxim Gurevich:
Random sampling from a search engine's index. 367-376 - Mehran Sahami, Timothy D. Heilman:
A web-based kernel function for measuring the similarity of short text snippets. 377-386 - Rosie Jones, Benjamin Rey, Omid Madani, Wiley Greiner:
Generating query substitutions. 387-396
Social networks
- Yutaka Matsuo, Junichiro Mori
, Masahiro Hamasaki, Keisuke Ishida, Takuichi Nishimura, Hideaki Takeda, Kôiti Hasida, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
POLYPHONET: an advanced social network extraction system from the web. 397-406 - Boanerges Aleman-Meza, Meenakshi Nagarajan, Cartic Ramakrishnan, Li Ding, Pranam Kolari, Amit P. Sheth, Ismailcem Budak Arpinar, Anupam Joshi
, Tim Finin:
Semantic analytics on social networks: experiences in addressing the problem of conflict of interest detection. 407-416 - Xian Wu
, Lei Zhang, Yong Yu:
Exploring social annotations for the semantic web. 417-426
Web engineering: validation
- Jirka Kosek, Petr Nálevka:
Relaxed: on the way towards true validation of compound documents. 427-436 - Tien Nhut Nguyen:
Model-based version and configuration management for a web engineering lifecycle. 437-446 - Zan Sun, Jalal Mahmud, Saikat Mukherjee, I. V. Ramakrishnan:
Model-directed web transactions under constrained modalities. 447-456
New search paradigms
- Beverly Yang, Glen Jeh:
Retroactive answering of search queries. 457-466 - Jian-Tao Sun, Xuanhui Wang, Dou Shen, Hua-Jun Zeng, Zheng Chen:
CWS: a comparative web search system. 467-476 - Reiner Kraft, Chi-Chao Chang, Farzin Maghoul, Ravi Kumar:
Searching with context. 477-486 - Richard Granger:
Keynote talk. 487 - Daniel J. Weitzner:
Broken links on the web: local laws and the global free flow of information. 489
Semantic web: ontology construction
- Harith Alani:
Position paper: ontology construction from online ontologies. 491-495 - Mustafa Jarrar
Position paper: towards the notion of gloss, and the adoption of linguistic resources in formal ontology engineering. 497-503 - Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini
, Stefano Zanobini, Simone Sceffer:
Bootstrapping semantics on the web: meaning elicitation from schemas. 505-512
Security, privacy & ethics
- Markus Jakobsson, Jacob Ratkiewicz:
Designing ethical phishing experiments: a study of (ROT13) rOnl query features. 513-522 - Markus Jakobsson, Sid Stamm:
Invasive browser sniffing and countermeasures. 523-532
Data mining
- Qiaozhu Mei, Chao Liu, Hang Su, ChengXiang Zhai:
A probabilistic approach to spatiotemporal theme pattern mining on weblogs. 533-542 - Qiankun Zhao, Steven C. H. Hoi
, Tie-Yan Liu, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Michael R. Lyu, Wei-Ying Ma:
Time-dependent semantic similarity measure of queries using historical click-through data. 543-552 - Utku Irmak, Torsten Suel:
Interactive wrapper generation with minimal user effort. 553-563
Semi-structured semantic data
- Yolanda Gil
, Donovan Artz:
Towards content trust of web resources. 565-574 - Anupriya Ankolekar, Katia P. Sycara, James D. Herbsleb, Robert E. Kraut, Christopher A. Welty:
Supporting online problem-solving communities with the semantic web. 575-584 - Max Völkel, Markus Krötzsch
, Denny Vrandecic, Heiko Haller, Rudi Studer:
Semantic Wikipedia. 585-594
Performance, reliability & scalability
- Alexei A. Karve, Tracy Kimbrel, Giovanni Pacifici, Mike Spreitzer, Malgorzata Steinder, Maxim Sviridenko, Asser N. Tantawi
Dynamic placement for clustered web applications. 595-604 - Jingyu Zhou, Tao Yang:
Selective early request termination for busy internet services. 605-614 - Preethi Natarajan, Janardhan R. Iyengar, Paul D. Amer, Randall R. Stewart:
SCTP: an innovative transport layer protocol for the web. 615-624
Data mining classification
- Christopher H. Brooks, Nancy Montanez:
Improved annotation of the blogosphere via autotagging and hierarchical clustering. 625-632 - Steven C. H. Hoi
, Rong Jin, Michael R. Lyu:
Large-scale text categorization by batch mode active learning. 633-642 - Dou Shen, Jian-Tao Sun, Qiang Yang, Zheng Chen:
A comparison of implicit and explicit links for web page classification. 643-650
E-commerce & e-government
- John K. Debenham, Simeon J. Simoff
An e-market framework for informed trading. 651-658 - Ian Pascal Volz:
The impact of online music services on the demand for stars in the music industry. 659-667 - Vaclav Petricek, Tobias Escher
, Ingemar J. Cox
, Helen Z. Margetts
The web structure of e-government - developing a methodology for quantitative evaluation. 669-678
XML & web services
- Harry Halpin, Henry S. Thompson:
One document to bind them: combining XML, web services, and the semantic web. 679-686 - Monika Solanki, Antonio Cau, Hussein Zedan:
ASDL: a wide spectrum language for designing web services. 687-696 - Nicole Oldham, Kunal Verma, Amit P. Sheth, Farshad Hakimpour
Semantic WS-agreement partner selection. 697-706
Improved search ranking
- Matthew Richardson, Amit Prakash, Eric Brill:
Beyond PageRank: machine learning for static ranking. 707-715 - Soumen Chakrabarti, Kriti Puniyani, Sujatha Das:
Optimizing scoring functions and indexes for proximity search in type-annotated corpora. 717-726 - Feng Qiu, Junghoo Cho:
Automatic identification of user interest for personalized search. 727-736 - Collin Jackson, Andrew Bortz, Dan Boneh, John C. Mitchell:
Protecting browser state from web privacy attacks. 737-744
- Ron Brachman, Dan Connolly
, Rohit Khare, Frank Smadja, Frank van Harmelen
Meaning on the web: evolution vs intelligent design? 745 - Arnaud Sahuguet, Stefan Brands, Kim Cameron, Conor P. Cahill, Aude Pichelin, Fulup Ar Foll, Mike Neuenschwander:
Identity management on converged networks: a reality check. 747 - Rachna Dhamija, Peter Cassidy, Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, Markus Jacobsson:
Phoiling phishing. 749 - Nigel Shadbolt, Tim Berners-Lee, James A. Hendler
, Claire Hart, V. Richard Benjamins:
The next wave of the web. 750
- Paolo Ferragina
, Fabrizio Luccio, Giovanni Manzini
, S. Muthukrishnan:
Compressing and searching XML data via two zips. 751-760
Developing regions & peer-to-peer
- Nilesh Mishra, Kameswari Chebrolu, Bhaskaran Raman, Abhinav Pathak:
Wake-on-WLAN. 761-769 - Bowei Du, Michael J. Demmer, Eric A. Brewer
Analysis of WWW traffic in Cambodia and Ghana. 771-780
Developing regions 2
- Joyojeet Pal
, Udai Singh Pawar, Eric A. Brewer
, Kentaro Toyama
The case for multi-user design for computer aided learning in developing regions. 781-789 - Tapan S. Parikh, Edward D. Lazowska
Designing an architecture for delivering mobile information services to the rural developing world. 791-800 - Prasad Pingali, Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Vasudeva Varma
WebKhoj: Indian language IR from multiple character encodings. 801-809
Industrial practice & experience
- Pavel A. Dmitriev, Nadav Eiron, Marcus Fontoura, Eugene J. Shekita:
Using annotations in enterprise search. 811-817 - Baoning Wu, Brian D. Davison
Detecting semantic cloaking on the web. 819-828 - Honghua (Kathy) Dai, Lingzhi Zhao, Zaiqing Nie, Ji-Rong Wen, Lee Wang, Ying Li:
Detecting online commercial intention (OCI). 829-837
Browsers and UI, web engineering, hypermedia & multimedia, security, and accessibility
- Martin Halvey, Mark T. Keane, Barry Smyth:
Temporal rules for mobile web personalization. 839-840 - Ganesan Velayathan, Seiji Yamada:
Behavior-based web page evaluation. 841-842 - Melanie Kellar, Carolyn R. Watters:
Using web browser interactions to predict task. 843-844 - Tom Hope, Takuichi Nishimura, Hideaki Takeda
An integrated method for social network extraction. 845-846 - Marta Gatius, Meritxell González, Sheyla Militello, Pablo Hernández
Integrating semantic web and language technologies to improve the online public administrations services. 847-848 - Cristiano Maciel
, Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia
DemIL: an online interaction language between citizen and government. 849-850 - Osamu Segawa:
Web annotation sharing using P2P. 851-852 - Alexander Jaffe, Mor Naaman
, Tamir Tassa, Marc Davis:
Generating summaries for large collections of geo-referenced photographs. 853-854 - Lloyd Rutledge, Lora Aroyo, Natalia Stash:
Determining user interests about museum collections. 855-856 - Omar Alonso, Sandeepan Banerjee, Mark Drake:
GIO: a semantic web application using the information grid framework. 857-858 - Andreas Harth
, Sebastian Ryszard Kruk, Stefan Decker
Graphical representation of RDF queries. 859-860 - Philipp Cimiano, Peter Haase, York Sure, Johanna Völker, Yimin Wang:
Question answering on top of the BT digital library. 861-862 - Kaspar Giger, Erik Wilde:
XPath filename expansion in a Unix shell. 863-864 - Rohit Khare, Tantek Çelik:
Microformats: a pragmatic path to the semantic web. 865-866 - Asunción Gómez-Pérez
, Rafael González-Cabero:
SGSDesigner: a graphical interface for annotating and designing semantic grid services. 867-868 - Rizza Camus Caminero, Pavol Zavarsky, Yoshiki Mikami:
Status of the African Web. 869-870 - Ann Chapman, Brian Kelly
, Liddy Nevile, Andy Heath:
Personalization and accessibility: integration of library and web approaches. 871-872 - Patrizia Andronico, Marina Buzzi
, Barbara Leporini, Carlos Castillo
Testing google ionterfaces modified for the blind. 873-874 - Suhit Gupta, Hila Becker, Gail E. Kaiser, Salvatore J. Stolfo:
Verifying genre-based clustering approach to content extraction. 875-876 - Adam Jatowt
, Yukiko Kawai, Satoshi Nakamura, Yutaka Kidawara, Katsumi Tanaka:
A browser for browsing the past web. 877-878 - Natarajan Kannan, Toufeeq Hussain:
Live URLs: breathing life into URLs. 879-880 - Erik Wilde:
Structuring namespace descriptions. 881-882 - Huajing Li, Isaac G. Councill, Wang-Chien Lee, C. Lee Giles
CiteSeerx: an architecture and web service design for an academic document search engine. 883-884 - Erik Wilde:
Tables and trees don't mix (very well). 885-886 - Marek Kowalkiewicz
, Maria E. Orlowska, Tomasz Kaczmarek, Witold Abramowicz
Robust web content extraction. 887-888 - Demetrius Arraes Nunes, Daniel Schwabe
Rapid prototyping of web applications combining domain specific languages and model driven design. 889-890 - Jie Liu, Liang Feng, Yunpeng Xing:
A pruning-based approach for supporting Top-K join queries. 891-892 - Martin Nussbaumer
, Patrick Freudenstein, Martin Gaedke
Towards DSL-based web engineering. 893-894 - Johannes Meinecke, Martin Gaedke
, Frederic Majer, Alexander Brändle:
Capturing the essentials of federated systems. 895-896 - Sven Casteleyn
, Zoltán Fiala, Geert-Jan Houben, Kees van der Sluijs:
From adaptation engineering to aspect-oriented context-dependency. 897-898 - Stefano Ferretti
, Marco Roccetti
, Johannes Andrich:
Living the TV revolution: unite MHP to the web or face IDTV irrelevance! 899-900 - Tamir Hassan, Robert Baumgartner:
Using graph matching techniques to wrap data from PDF documents. 901-902 - Ajay Chakravarthy, Vitaveska Lanfranchi
, Fabio Ciravegna
Requirements for multimedia document enrichment. 903-904 - Rui Lopes, Luís Carriço
, Carlos Duarte
DiTaBBu: automating the production of time-based hypermedia content. 905-906 - Alessandro Bozzon
, Sara Comai
, Piero Fraternali, Giovanni Toffetti Carughi
Capturing RIA concepts in a web modeling language. 907-908 - Hsin-Chia Fu, Yeong-Yuh Xu
, Cheng-Lung Tseng
Generation of multimedia TV news contents for WWW. 909-910 - Hisashi Miyamori, Mitsuru Minakuchi, Zoran Stejic, Qiang Ma
, Tadashi Araki, Katsumi Tanaka:
Proposal of integrated search engine of web and TV contents. 911-912 - Brian Shields, Owen Molloy
, Gerard Lyons, Jim Duggan:
Using semantic rules to determine access control for web services. 913-914 - Domenico Rotiroti:
Strong authentication in web proxies. 915-916 - Anthony Y. Fu, Wan Zhang, Xiaotie Deng
, Liu Wenyin:
Safeguard against unicode attacks: generation and applications of UC-simlist. 917-918 - Gennaro Iaccarino
, Delfina Malandrino
, Marco Del Percio, Vittorio Scarano
Efficient edge-services for colorblind users. 919-920 - Lo Ka Kan, Xiang Peng, Irwin King
A user profile-based approach for personal information access: shaping your information portfolio. 921-922 - Keiji Yanai
, Kobus Barnard
Finding visual concepts by web image mining. 923-924 - Gilad Mishne
, Maarten de Rijke:
Deriving wishlists from blogs show us your blog, and we'll tell you what books to buy. 925-926 - Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates
, Carlos Castillo
Relationship between web links and trade. 927-928 - Angelo Dalli
System for spatio-temporal analysis of online news and blogs. 929-930 - Michael Maslov, Alexander Golovko, Ilya Segalovich, Pavel Braslavski
Extracting news-related queries from web query log. 931-932 - Bernhard Krüpl, Marcus Herzog:
Visually guided bottom-up table detection and segmentation in web documents. 933-934 - Hanene Azzag, David Ratsimba, David Da Costa, Gilles Venturini, Christiane Guinot:
Generating maps of web pages using cellular automata. 935-936 - Klaus Berberich, Srikanta J. Bedathur, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Gerhard Weikum:
BuzzRank ... and the trend is your friend. 937-938 - András A. Benczúr, István Bíró, Károly Csalogány, Máté Uher:
Detecting nepotistic links by language model disagreement. 939-940 - Luca Becchetti
, Carlos Castillo
The distribution of pageRank follows a power-law only for particular values of the damping factor. 941-942 - Xiaodong Shi, Christopher C. Yang:
Mining related queries from search engine query logs. 943-944 - Christopher C. Yang, Xiaodong Shi:
Discovering event evolution graphs from newswires. 945-946 - Jian-Tao Sun, Xuanhui Wang, Dou Shen, Hua-Jun Zeng, Zheng Chen:
Mining clickthrough data for collaborative web search. 947-948 - Blaz Fortuna, Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic
Background knowledge for ontology construction. 949-950 - Tao Jiang, Ah-Hwee Tan
Mining RDF metadata for generalized association rules: knowledge discovery in the semantic web era. 951-952 - Gilad Mishne
AutoTag: a collaborative approach to automated tag assignment for weblog posts. 953-954 - Erik Wilde:
Merging trees: file system and content integration. 955-956 - Barbara Poblete
, Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates
A content and structure website mining model. 957-958 - Hua-Fu Li, Man-Kwan Shan, Suh-Yin Lee:
Online mining of frequent query trees over XML data streams. 959-960 - Xiaojun Wan, Jianwu Yang:
Using proportional transportation similarity with learned element semantics for XML document clustering. 961-962 - Rahman Ali Mohammadzadeh, Sadegh Soltan, Masoud Rahgozar
Template guided association rule mining from XML documents. 963-964 - Alexei Pyalling, Michael Maslov, Pavel Braslavski
Automatic geotagging of Russian web sites. 965-966 - Esteban Meneses
, Oldemar Rodríguez-Rojas:
Using symbolic objects to cluster web documents. 967-968 - Wolfgang Gatterbauer
Estimating required recall for successful knowledge acquisition from the web. 969-970 - Narichika Hamaguchi, Mamoru Doke, Masaki Hayashi, Nobuyuki Yagi:
Text-based video blogging. 971-972 - Byeong Man Kim, Qing Li, Adele E. Howe:
A decentralized CF approach based on cooperative agents. 973-974 - Doug Warner, Stephen D. Durbin, J. Neal Richter, Zuzana Gedeon:
Adaptive web sites: user studies and simulation. 975-976 - Sylvia C. Wong, Richard M. Crowder, Gary B. Wills:
On a service-oriented approach for an engineering knowledge desktop. 977-978 - Sidek H. A. Aziz, Aida Suraya M. Yunus, Kamariah A. Bakar, Hamidah B. Meseran:
Design and development of learning management system at universiti Putra Malaysia: a case study of e-SPRINT. 979-980 - Marta Rey-López, Ana Fernández Vilas
, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo
, José Juan Pazos-Arias:
Providing SCORM with adaptivity. 981-982 - Alessandro Campi
, Paola Spoletini
A framework for XML data streams history checking and monitoring. 983-984 - Koji Yamamoto, Daisuke Katagami, Katsumi Nitta, Akira Aiba, Hitoshi Kuwata:
The credibility of the posted information in a recommendation system based on a map. 985-986 - Maureen Pennock
, Brian Kelly
Archiving web site resources: a records management view. 987-988 - Katsuko T. Nakahira, Tetsuya Hoshino, Yoshiki Mikami:
Geographic locations of web servers. 989-990 - Rahul Tongia:
Why is connectivity in developing regions expensive: policy challenges more than technical limitations? 991-992 - Tak Pang Lau, Irwin King
Bilingual web page and site readability assessment. 993-994 - Daisuke Morikawa, Masaru Honjo, Satoshi Nishiyama, Masayoshi Ohashi:
Mobile web publishing and surfing based on environmental sensing data. 995-996 - Malcolm Attard, Matthew Montebello:
DoNet: a semantic domotic framework. 997-998 - John D. Garofalakis, Michail Theofanis-Aristofanis, Athanasios Plessas
Web based device independent mobile map applications.: the m-CHARTIS system. 999-1000 - David Webster, Weihong Huang, Darren Mundy, Paul Warren:
Context-orientated news riltering for web 2.0 and beyond. 1001-1002 - Hai Jin, Xiaomin Ning, Hanhua Chen:
Efficient search for peer-to-peer information retrieval using semantic small world. 1003-1004 - Jie Liu, Liang Feng, Chao He:
Semantic link based top-K join queries in P2P networks. 1005-1006 - Asunción Gómez-Pérez
, Fernando Ortiz-Rodríguez
, Boris Villazón-Terrazas:
Ontology-based legal information retrieval to improve the information access in e-government. 1007-1008 - Raúl Palma, Peter Haase, Asunción Gómez-Pérez
Oyster: sharing and re-using ontologies in a peer-to-peer community. 1009-1010 - Márcio L. A. Vidal, Altigran Soares da Silva, Edleno Silva de Moura, João M. B. Cavalcanti:
GoGetIt!: a tool for generating structure-driven web crawlers. 1011-1012 - George Ferizis, Peter Bailey:
Towards practical genre classification of web documents. 1013-1014 - Uri Schonfeld, Ziv Bar-Yossef, Idit Keidar:
Do not crawl in the DUST: different URLs with similar text. 1015-1016 - Ying Zhou, Joseph G. Davis:
Community discovery and analysis in blogspace. 1017-1018 - Zhenjiang Lin, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
PageSim: a novel link-based measure of web page aimilarity. 1019-1020 - Naoki Yoshinaga, Kentaro Torisawa:
Finding specification pages according to attributes. 1021-1022 - Amit C. Awekar, Pabitra Mitra, Jaewoo Kang:
Selective hypertext induced topic search. 1023-1024 - Marco Furini
, Marco Aragone:
An audio/video analysis mechanism for web indexing. 1025-1026 - Christos Doulkeridis
, Kjetil Nørvåg
, Michalis Vazirgiannis:
The SOWES approach to P2P web search using semantic overlays. 1027-1028 - Shao-Chi Wang, Yuzuru Tanaka:
Topic-oriented query expansion for web search. 1029-1030 - Maeve O'Brien, Mark T. Keane, Barry Smyth:
Predictive modeling of first-click behavior in web-search. 1031-1032 - Srisupa Palakvangsa-Na-Ayudhya, John A. Keane:
Proximity within paragraph: a measure to enhance eocument retrieval performance. 1033-1034 - Krisztian Balog
, Maarten de Rijke
Finding experts and their eetails in e-mail corpora. 1035-1036 - Utku Irmak, Svilen Mihaylov, Torsten Suel, Samrat Ganguly, Rauf Izmailov
Efficient query subscription processing for prospective search engines. 1037-1038 - Zhiyong Zhang, Olfa Nasraoui:
Mining search engine query logs for query recommendation. 1039-1040 - Iván Gonzlez, Adam Marcus, Daniel N. Meredith, Linda A. Nguyen:
Effective web-scale crawling through website analysis. 1041-1042 - Antonio Badia, Tulay Muezzinoglu, Olfa Nasraoui
Focused crawling: experiences in a real world project. 1043-1044 - Xin-Jing Wang, Lei Zhang, Feng Jing, Wei-Ying Ma:
Image annotation using search and mining technologies. 1045-1046 - Patrick A. S. Sinclair, Paul H. Lewis, Kirk Martinez
, Matthew Addis
, Gary D. Prideaux:
Semantic web integration of cultural heritage sources. 1047-1048 - Óscar Corcho
, Angel López-Cima, Asunción Gómez-Pérez
The ODESeW 2.0 semantic web application framework. 1049-1050 - Bruce G. Robertson:
Visualizing an historical semantic web with Heml. 1051-1052 - Sacha Berger, François Bry
, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse, Andreas Schroeder:
Beyond XML and RDF: The Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt. 1053-1054 - Armin Haller
, Eyal Oren, Paavo Kotinurmi:
An ontology for internal and external business processes. 1055-1056 - Sudhir Agarwal, Anupriya Ankolekar:
Automatic matchmaking of web services. 1057-1058 - Paavo Kotinurmi, Tomas Vitvar
Adding semantics to rosettaNet specifications. 1059-1060 - Tomoyuki Nanno, Manabu Okumura:
HTML2RSS: automatic generation of RSS feed based on structure analysis of HTML document. 1061-1062 - Kuo Zhang, Gang Wu, Juan-Zi Li:
Logical structure based semantic relationship extraction from semi-structured documents. 1063-1064 - Jeff Z. Pan, Ian Horrocks
OWL FA: a metamodeling extension of OWL D. 1065-1066 - Xing Jiang, Ah-Hwee Tan
Learning and inferencing in user ontology for personalized semantic web services. 1067-1068 - Jesús Barrasa Rodríguez, Asunción Gómez-Pérez
Upgrading relational legacy data to the semantic web. 1069-1070 - Eyal Oren, John G. Breslin
, Stefan Decker
How semantics make better wikis. 1071-1072 - Cynthia Sims Parr
, Andriy Parafiynyk, Joel Sachs, Li Ding, Sandor Dornbush, Timothy W. Finin, David Wang, Allan Hollander:
Integrating ecoinformatics resources on the semantic web. 1073-1074 - Tomoyuki Nanno, Manabu Okumura:
HTML2RSS: automatic generation of RSS feed based on structure analysis of HTML document. 1075-1076 - Andrei Arion, Angela Bonifati
, Ioana Manolescu, Andrea Pugliese
Path summaries and path partitioning in modern XML databases. 1077-1078 - Mirella Moura Moro
, Zografoula Vagena, Vassilis J. Tsotras
Evaluating structural summaries as access methods for XML. 1079-1080 - Hua-Gang Li, S. Alireza Aghili, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi:
FLUX: fuzzy content and structure matching of XML range queries. 1081-1082

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