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WSC 1997: Atlanta, GA, USA
- Sigrún Andradóttir, Kevin J. Healy, David H. Withers, Barry L. Nelson:
Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, WSC 1997, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 7-10, 1997. ACM 1997, ISBN 0-7803-4278-X - Anu Maria:
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation. 7-13 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside Discrete-Event Simulation Software: How It Works and Why It Matters. 14-22 - W. David Kelton:
Statistical Analysis of Simulation Output. 23-30 - Susan M. Sanchez:
It is a Far, Far Better Mean I Find.... 31-38 - Lawrence Leemis:
Seven Habits of Highly Successful Input Modelers. 39-46 - James R. Wilson:
Modeling Dependencies in Stochastic Simulation Inputs. 47-52 - Stewart Robinson:
Simulation Model Verification and Validation: Increasing the Users' Confidence. 53-59 - Paul R. Muessig, Dennis R. Laack, John W. Wrobleski Jr.:
Optimizing the Selection of VV&A Activities: A Risk/Benefit Approach. 60-66 - Mark J. Sims:
An Introduction to Planning and Scheduling with Simulation. 67-69 - James N. Robinson:
Visualize a Port in Africa. 70-77 - Jeffrey A. Joines
, Stephen D. Roberts:
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Simulation in C++. 78-85 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
Simulation of Manufacturing Systems. 86-89 - David M. Nicol, Michael M. Johnson, Ann S. Yoshimura:
The IDES Framework: A Case Study in Development of a Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation System. 93-99 - Paul A. Fishwick:
Web-based Simulation. 100-102 - William S. Keezer:
Simulation of Computer Systems and Applications. 103-109 - Christopher D. Carothers, Brad Topol, Richard Fujimoto, John T. Stasko, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Visualizing Parallel Simulations in Network Computing Environments: A Case Study. 110-117 - Yolanda Carson, Anu Maria:
Simulation Optimization: Methods and Applications. 118-126 - Pierre L'Ecuyer:
Uniform Random Number Generators: A Review. 127-134 - Osman Balci:
Verification, Validation and Accreditation of Simulation Models. 135-141 - Judith S. Dahmann, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly:
The Department of Defense High Level Architecture. 142-149 - Thorsten Daum, Robert G. Sargent:
A Java Based System for Specifying Hierarchical Control Flow Graph Models. 150-157 - Thorsten Daum:
An HCFG Model of a Traffic Intersection Specified Using HiMASS-j. 158-165 - Jerry Banks:
The Future of Simulation Software: A Panel Discussion. 166-173 - Lee Schruben:
Simulation Optimization Using Simultaneous Replications and Event Time Dilation. 177-180 - Mehdi Hoseyni-Nasab, Sigrún Andradóttir:
Efficiency of Time Segmentation Parallel Simulation of Queueing Networks as a Function of the Size of the Network. 181-186 - Young Hae Lee, Kyoung Jong Park, Yun Bae Kim:
Single Run Optimization Using the Reverse-Simulation Method. 187-193 - Christos Alexopoulos, George S. Fishman, Andrew F. Seila:
Computational Experience with the Batch Means Method. 194-201 - David Goldsman, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Computational Efficiency of Batching Methods. 202-207 - Halim Damerdji, Shane G. Henderson, Peter W. Glynn:
Computational Efficiency Evaluation in Output Analysis. 208-215 - Shane G. Henderson, Sean P. Meyn:
Efficient Simulation of Multiclass Queueing Networks. 216-223 - James M. Calvin, Marvin K. Nakayama:
A New Variance-Reduction Technique for Regenerative Simulations of Markov Chains. 224-229 - Eduardo Saliby:
Descriptive Sampling: An Improvement over Latin Hypercube Sampling. 230-233 - Daniel H. Ockerman, David Goldsman:
The Impact of Transients on Simulation Variance Estimators. 234-239 - Jin Wang, J. Sunil Rao, Jun Shao:
Weighted Jackknife-after-Bootstrap: A Heuristic Approach. 240-245 - Wheyming Tina Song, Neng-Hui Shih, Mingjian Yuan:
Optimal Quadratic-Form Estimator of the Variance of the Sample Mean. 246-252 - Stephen E. Chick:
Bayesian Analysis for Simulation Input and Output. 253-260 - Karen Chan, Andrea Saltelli
, Stefano Tarantola:
Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output: Variance-based Methods Make the Difference. 261-268 - Viatcheslav B. Melas:
On the Efficiency of the Splitting and Roulette Approach for Sensitivity Analysis. 269-274 - Russell C. H. Cheng:
Searching for Important Factors: Sequential Bifurcation under Uncertainty. 275-280 - Saralees Nadarajah:
Simulation of Multivariate Extreme Values. 281-286 - Michael E. Kuhl, Halim Damerdji, James R. Wilson:
Estimating and Simulating Poisson Processes with Trends or Asymmetric Cyclic Effects. 287-295 - Donald Gross, Man Juttijudata:
Sensitivity of Output Performance Measures to Input Distributions in Queueing Simulation Modeling. 296-302 - Russell R. Barton
Design of Experiments for Fitting Subsystem Metamodels. 303-310 - Samuel A. Wright, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr.:
Covalidation of Dissimilarly Structured Models. 311-318 - L. Tandy Herren, Pamela K. Fink, Christopher J. Moehle:
A User Interface to Support Experimental Design and Data Exploration of Complex, Deterministic Simulation. 319-325 - Stephen E. Chick:
Selecting the Best System: A Decision-Theoretic Approach. 326-333 - Hsiao-Chang Chen, Chun-Hung Chen, Liyi Dai, Enver Yücesan:
New Development of Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Discrete Event Simulation. 334-341 - John O. Miller, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr.:
How Common Random Numbers Affect Multinomial Selection. 342-347 - Hisham A. Al-Mharmah, James M. Calvin
Comparison of Monte Carlo and Deterministic Methods for Non-Adaptive Optimization. 348-351 - Mahmoud H. Alrefaei, Sigrún Andradóttir:
Accelerating the Convergence of the Stochastic Ruler Method of Discrete Stochastic Optimization. 352-357 - Leyuan Shi, Sigurdur Ólafsson:
An Integrated Framework for Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization. 358-365 - David R. Pratt, Drew W. Beasley:
Issues in Modeling and Simulation: Policies and Technologies. 369-372 - Christopher D. Carothers, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly, Annette L. Wilson:
Design and Implementation of HLA Time Management in the RTI Version F.0. 373-380 - Alois Ferscha, Michael Richter:
Java Based Conservative Distributed Simulation. 381-388 - Edward Mascarenhas, Felipe Knop, Vernon Rego:
Minimum Cost Adaptive Synchronization: Experiments with the ParaSol System. 389-396 - Scott D. Anderson:
Simulation of Multiple Time-Pressured Agents. 397-404 - Jin Joo Lee, Paul A. Fishwick:
Simulation-based Planning for Multi-Agent Environments. 405-412 - Pawel Gburzynski, Jacek Maitan:
Simulation and Control of Reactive Systems. 413-420 - David B. Cavitt, C. Michael Overstreet, Kurt Maly:
A Performance Monitoring Application for Distributed Interactive Simulations (DIS). 421-428 - Vijay Balakrishnan, Peter Frey, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh, Philip A. Wilsey:
A Framework for Performance Analysis of Parallel Discrete Event Simulators. 429-436 - Brian J. Premore, David M. Nicol:
Parallel Simulation of TCP/IP Using TeD. 437-443 - Maria Hybinette, Richard Fujimoto:
Cloning: A Novel Method for Interactive Parallel Simulation. 444-451 - Edward Mascarenhas, Felipe Knop, Reuben Pasquini, Vernon Rego:
Checkpoint and Recovery Methods in the ParaSol Simulation System. 452-459 - Fabian Gomes, Brian W. Unger, John G. Cleary, Steve Franks:
Multiplexed State Saving for Bounded Rollback. 460-467 - Ernest H. Page, Robert L. Moose Jr., Sean P. Griffin:
Web-based Simulation in Simjava Using Remote Method Invocation. 468-474 - Kevin J. Healy, Richard A. Kilgore:
Silk: A Java-based Process Simulation Language. 475-482 - Wolfgang Kreutzer, Jane Hopkins, Marcel van Mierlo:
SimJAVA - A Framework for Modeling Queueing Networks in Java. 483-488 - James D. Arthur, Richard E. Nance, Robert G. Sargent, Dolores R. Wallace, Linda H. Rosenberg, Paul R. Muessig:
Verification, Validation & Accreditation: Disciplines in Dialogue or can we Learn from the Experiences of Others? (Panel). 489-496 - James D. Barrett:
A Framework for Developing and Managing Objects in a Complex Simulation System. 497-503 - Tajudeen A. Atolagbe, Vlatka Hlupic:
SimTutor: A Multimedia Intelligent Tutoring System for Simulation Modeling. 504-509 - Hamad I. Odhabi
, Ray J. Paul, Robert D. Macredie:
The Four Phase Method for Modelling Complex Systems. 510-517 - Lawrence E. Whitman
, Brian L. Huff, Adrien Presley:
Structured Models and Dynamic Systems Analysis: The Integration of the IDEF0/IDEF3 Modeling Methods and Discrete Event Simulation. 518-524 - Eugene P. Paulo, Linda C. Malone:
Methodology for the Increased Computational Efficiency of Discrete-Event Simulation in 3 Dimensional Space. 525-531 - Joseph A. Heim:
Integrating Distributed Simulation Objects. 532-538 - David A. Takus, David M. Profozich:
Arena Software Tutorial. 541-544 - A. Alan B. Pritsker, Jean J. O'Reilly:
AweSim: The Integrated Simulation System. 545-551 - Julie N. Ehrlich, William R. Lilegdon:
Making Better Manufacturing Decisions with AIM. 552-558 - James O. Henriksen:
An Introduction to SLX. 559-566 - Robert C. Crain:
Simulation Using GPSS/H. 567-573 - James O. Henriksen:
The Power and Performance of Proof Animation. 574-580 - Steve H. Denney:
MedModel - Healthcare Simulation Software. 581-586 - Deborah Benson:
Simulation Modeling and Optimization Using ProModel. 587-593 - Bruce D. Gladwin, Charles R. Harrell:
Introduction to ProcessModel and ProcessModel 9000. 594-600 - John Goble:
MODSIM III - A Tutorial. 601-605 - Scott Swegles:
Business Process Modeling with SIMPROCESS. 606-610 - David R. Kalasky, Gerald A. Levasseur:
Using SiMPLE++ for Improved Modeling Efficiencies and Extending Model Life Cycles. 611-618 - Martin R. Barnes:
An Introduction to QUEST. 619-623 - Helena L. Weaks, James D. Barrett:
A Demonstration of the Integrated Supportability Analysis and Cost System (ISACS+). 624-631 - Kendra E. Moore, John E. Brennan:
ALPHA/Sim Simulation Software Tutorial. 632-639 - Ramu Narayanaswamy:
Strategic Layout Planning for Lean Manufacturing: A LayOPT Tutorial. 640-644 - David P. Sly:
Before Dynamic Simulation: Systematic Layout Design from Scratch. 645-648 - John S. Carson II:
AutoStat: Output Statistical Analysis for AutoMod Users. 649-656 - Matthew W. Rohrer:
AutoMod Tutorial. 657-662 - Bill Lindler:
AutoSched Tutorial. 663-667 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
ExpertFit: Total Support for Simulation Input Modeling. 668-673 - Jim Rivera:
Modeling with Extend. 674-679 - Catherine Drury Barnes, K. Ronald Laughery Jr.:
Advanced Uses for Micro Saint Simulation Software. 680-686 - Herbert D. Schwetman, Jeffrey A. Brumfield:
Data Analysis and Automatic Run-Length Control in CSIM18. 687-692 - Herbert D. Schwetman, Arun Mulpur:
The VisSim/Discrete Event Modeling Environment. 693-697 - Osman Balci, Anders I. Bertelrud, Chuck M. Esterbrook, Richard E. Nance:
Introduction to the Visual Simulation Environment. 698-705 - Andrew J. Siprelle, Richard A. Phelps:
Simulation of Bulk Flow and High Speed Operations. 706-710 - Pam Laney Markt, Michael H. Mayer:
WITNESS Simulation Software: A Flexible Suite of Simulation Tools. 711-717 - Malay Dalal, Madhav Erraguntla, Perakath C. Benjamin:
An Introduction to Using ProSim for Business Process Simulation and Analysis. 718-724 - Edward J. Williams
, Shigeru Sadakane:
Simulation of a Paint Shop Power and Free Line. 727-732 - Mark R. Grabau, Ruth A. Maurer, Dennis P. Ott:
Using a Simulation to Generate the Data to Balance an Assembly Line. 733-738 - Ron Shady, Gary Spake, F. Bradley Armstrong:
Simulation of a New Product Workcell. 739-743 - Edward J. Williams
, Andrew Gevaert:
Pallet Optimization and Throughput Estimation via Simulation. 744-749 - Hank Czarnecki, Bernard J. Schroer, M. Mizzanur Rahman:
Using Simulation to Schedule Manufacturing Resources. 750-757 - Arun Jayaraman, Ali K. Gunal:
Applications of Discrete Event Simulation in the Design of Automotive Powertrain Manufacturing Systems. 758-764 - Edward F. Watson, Deborah J. Medeiros, Randall P. Sadowski:
A Simulation-Based Backward Planning Approach for Order-Release. 765-772 - Sanjay Jain, Stephen Chan:
Experiences with Backward Simulation Based Approach for Lot Release Planning. 773-780 - S. Cem Karacal:
Evaluating Embedded Decision Processes of Manufacturing Systems Through Simulation. 781-785 - F. Bradley Armstrong, D. Michelle Benjamin, Marvin S. Seppanen, Richard A. Kilgore, Charles H. White:
Manufacturing Simulation Consultant's Forum (Panel). 786-792 - Soemon Takakuwa:
The Use of Simulation in Activity-Based Costing for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. 793-800 - Tillal Eldabi
, Ray J. Paul:
Flexible Modeling of Manufacturing Systems with Variable Levels of Detail. 801-808 - Mustafa Özbayrak, Ahmet Kürsad Türker, Melek Pisman:
Part and Tool Flow Management in Multi-Cell Flexible Manufacturing System. 809-816 - Gregory R. Clay, Frank Grange:
Evaluating Forecasting Algorithms and Stocking Level Strategies Using Discrete-event Simulation. 817-824 - Carlos B. Ramirez Cerda, Armando J. Espinosa de los Monteros F.:
Evaluation of a (R, s, Q, c) Multi-Item Inventory Replenishment Policy Through Simulation. 825-831 - Mats Jackson
, Christer Johansson:
Real Time Discrete Event Simulation of a PCB Production System for Operational Support. 832-837 - Alexander J. Weintraub, Andrew Zozom Jr., Thom J. Hodgson, Denis R. Cormier:
A Simulation-Based Finite Capacity Scheduling System. 838-844 - Fernando G. Gonzalez, Wayne J. Davis:
A Simulation-Based Controller for Distributed Discrete-Event Systems with Application to Flexible Manufacturing. 845-852 - Barbara W. Mazziotti, Richard E. Horne Jr.:
Creating a Flexible, Simulation-Based Finite Scheduling Tool. 853-860 - Edward J. Williams
, Ramu Narayanaswamy:
Application of Simulation to Scheduling, Sequencing, and Material Handling. 861-865 - Arun Jayaraman, Ramu Narayanaswamy, Ali K. Gunal:
A Sortation System Model. 866-871 - Susumu Morito, Keun Hyung Lee:
Efficient Simulation/Optimization of Dispatching Priority with "Fake" Processing Time. 872-879 - Paul Rogers, Robert W. Brennan:
A Simulation Testbed for Computing the Performance of Alternative Control Architectures. 880-887 - Willi Bernhard, Axel Schilling:
Simulation of Group Work Processes in Manufacturing. 888-891 - Robert Gatland, Eric Yang, Kenneth Buxton:
Solving Engine Maintenance Capacity Problems with Simulation. 892-899 - T. Glenn Bailey, Jose C. Belano III, Philip S. Beran, Jack M. Kloeber Jr., Hans J. Petry:
Object-Oriented Simulation of Paratrooper-Vortex Interactions. 903-910 - Keebom Kang, Kevin R. Gue:
Sea Based Logistics: Distribution Problems for Future Global Contingencies. 911-916 - Eric A. Zahn, Kerris J. Renken:
Eagle View: A Simulation Tool for Wing Operations. 917-924 - Dean S. Hartley III:
Verification & Validation in Military Simulations. 925-932 - Sam H. Parry, Michael C. McAneny, Richard J. Dromerhauser:
Applications of the Universal Joint Task List to Joint Exercise Results. 933-940 - James C. Schaaf Jr., Faye Lynn Thompson:
System Concept Development with Virtual Prototyping. 941-947 - James W. Hollenbach, William L. Alexander:
Executing the DoD Modeling and Simulation Strategy - Making Simulation Systems of Systems a Reality. 948-954 - Stephen R. Parker, Patrick Williams:
Continuous Simulation of Air Base Assets (CSAA) - "Integrating Logistics Support Operations": A Proposed Methodology. 955-960 - Donald J. Welch, James M. Purtilo:
Using Compensating Reconfiguration to Maintain Military Distributed Simulations. 961-967 - James B. Grier, T. Glenn Bailey, Jack A. Jackson:
Using Response Surface Methodology to Link Force Structure Budgets to Campaign Objectives. 968-973 - Thomas C. Fall:
A Framework for the Simulation Experimentation Process. 974-977 - Don Caughlin:
Automating the Metamodeling Process. 978-985 - Kihong Park:
On the Effect and Control of Self-Similar Network Traffic: A Simulation Perspective. 989-996 - Ashok Erramilli, Parag Pruthi, Walter Willinger:
Fast and Physically-Based Generation of Self-Similar Network Traffic with Applications to ATM Performance Evaluation. 997-1004 - Mark Crovella, Lester Lipsky:
Long-Lasting Transient Conditions in Simulations with Heavy-Tailed Workloads. 1005-1012 - Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Debashis Basak, Donglai Dai, Ram Kesavan, Rajeev Sivaram, Mohammad Banikazemi, Vijay Moorthy:
Simulation of Modern Parallel Systems: A CSIM-based Approach. 1013-1020 - Anand Sivasubramaniam:
Execution-Driven Simulators for Parallel Systems Design. 1021-1028 - James Westall, Robert Geist:
A Hybrid Tool for the Performance Evaluation of NUMA Architectures. 1029-1036 - Vern Paxson, Sally Floyd:
Why We Don't Know How To Simulate the Internet. 1037-1044 - Ying Shi, Edward F. Watson, Ye-Sho Chen:
Model-Driven Simulation of World-Wide-Web Cache Policies. 1045-1052 - Shahar Yarden:
Evaluating the Performances of Electronic Commerce Systems. 1053-1056 - Kalyan S. Perumalla
, Matthew Andrews, Sandeep N. Bhatt:
A Virtual PNNI Network Testbed. 1057-1064 - Tawfik Lazraq, Jakob Brundin, Per Andersson, Åke Arvidsson:
Modeling a 10 Gbit/s/Port Shared Memory ATM Switch. 1065-1070 - Ioanis Nikolaidis, C. Anthony Cooper, Kalyan S. Perumalla
, Richard M. Fujimoto:
Time-Parallel Generation of Self-Similar ATM Traffic. 1071-1078 - Niki C. Thornock, Xiao-Hong Tu, J. Kelly Flanagan:
A Stochastic Disk I/O Simulation Technique. 1079-1086 - Paul T. R. Wang, Yoon K. Hong:
Collision Awareness Multiple Access Networks Performance Optimization. 1087-1092 - Peter S. Magnusson:
Efficient Instruction Cache Simulation and Execution Profiling with a Threaded-Code Interpreter. 1093-1100 - Dany Hajjar, Simaan M. AbouRizk:
AP2-Earth: A Simulation Based System for the Estimating and Planning of Earth Moving Operations. 1103-1110 - Anil Sawhney:
Petri Net Based Simulation of Construction Schedules. 1111-1118 - Kannan Govindan, Julio C. Martínez, Michael C. Vorster:
A Framework for Incorporating Dynamic Strategies in Earth-Moving Simulations. 1119-1126 - Jingsheng Shi:
A Conceptual Activity Cycle-Based Simulation Modeling Method. 1127-1133 - Aleks Göllü, Farokh H. Eskafi:
A General Framework for Large Scale Systems Development. 1134-1140 - David Dahn, K. Ronald Laughery Jr.:
The Integrated Performance Modeling Environment - Simulating Human-System Performance. 1141-1145 - James R. Swisher, J. Brian Jun, Sheldon H. Jacobson, Osman Balci:
Simulation of the Queston Physician Network. 1146-1154 - Martin Pitt:
A Generalised Simulation System to Support Strategic Resource Planning in Healthcare. 1155-1162 - Susan L. Mabry, Samuel L. Rodriquez, James D. Heffernan:
Integrated Medical Analysis System. 1163-1168 - João Borges de Sousa
, Aleks Göllü:
A Simulation Environment for the Coordinated Operation of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. 1169-1175 - Alexander J. G. Pater, Maurice J. G. Teunisse:
The Use of a Template-Based Methodology in the Simulation of a New Cargo Track from Rotterdam Harbor to Germany. 1176-1180 - Kambiz Farahmand:
Application of Simulation Modeling to Emergency Population Evacuation. 1181-1188 - Alex J. Ruiz-Torres, John E. Tyworth:
Simulation Based Approach to Study the Interaction of Scheduling and Routing on a Logistic Network. 1189-1194 - John M. Harris, Yasser Dessouky:
A Simulation Approach for Analyzing Parking Space Availability at a Major University. 1195-1198 - Tak-Kuen John Koo, Yi Ma, George J. Pappas, Claire J. Tomlin:
SmartATMS: A Simulator for Air Traffic Management Systems. 1199-1205 - Michael Carr, Howard Way:
Million Dollar Logistic Decisions Using Simulation. 1206-1209 - Dale Masel, David Goldsmith:
Using a Simulation Model to Evaluate the Configuration of a Sortation Facility. 1210-1213 - Kazuyoshi Hidaka, Hiroyuki Okano:
Simulation-Based Approach to the Warehouse Location Problem for a Large-Scale Real Instance. 1214-1221 - Thomas Schulze, Thomas Fliess:
Urban Traffic Simulation with Psycho-Physical Vehicle-Following Models. 1222-1229 - Joseph C. Brill, Dudley E. Whitney:
Development and Application of an Intermodal Mass Transit Simulation with Detailed Traffic Modeling. 1230-1235 - Jim Clarke, Gene Daigle:
The Importance of Simulation Techniques in ITS Research and Analysis. 1236-1243 - John S. Carson II, Mani S. Manivannan, Mark K. Brazier, Eric Miller, H. Donald Ratliff:
Panel on Transportation and Logistics Modeling. 1244-1250 - Stephen R. Parker:
Forecasting Investment Opportunities Through Dynamic Simulation. 1251-1257 - Timothy Stiess:
Simulation of Lumber Processing for Improved Raw Material Utilization. 1258-1264 - Douglas J. Morrice, Peter W. Mullarkey, Astrid S. Kenyon, Herbert D. Schwetman, Jingfang Zhou:
Simulation of a Signal Quality Survey. 1265-1272 - Kathi L. Hunt, Gregory A. Hansen, Edwin F. Madigan Jr., Richard A. Phelps:
Simulation Success Stories: Business Process Reengineering. 1275-1279 - Catherine Drury Barnes, Joaquin L. Quiason, Carson Benson, Deidre McGuiness:
Success Stories in Simulation in Health Care. 1280-1285 - David P. Sly, Sanjay S. Upendram, Onur M. Ülgen, Jim Dooley, Jason Duff:
Research to Application Success Stories: Manufacturing (Panel). 1286-1292 - Catherine M. Harmonosky, Robert H. Farr, Ming-Chuan Ni:
Selective Rerouting Using Simulated Steady State System Data. 1293-1298 - Albert T. Jones, Michael Iuliano:
A Simulation-Based Production Testbed. 1299-1306 - Robert Entriken, Siegfried Vössner:
Genetic Algorithms for Cluster Analysis for Production Simulation. 1307-1314 - Robert M. Cubert, Paul A. Fishwick:
A Framework for Distributed Object-Oriented Multimodeling and Simulation. 1315-1322 - Osman Balci, Anders I. Bertelrud, Chuck M. Esterbrook, Richard E. Nance:
The Visual Simulation Environment Technology Transfer. 1323-1329 - Douglas N. Estremadoyro, Phillip A. Farrington, Bernard J. Schroer, James J. Swain:
Simulation of Memory Chip Line Using an Electronics Manufacturing Simulator. 1330-1337 - Peter Lorenz, Heiko Dorwarth, Klaus-Christoph Ritter, Thomas J. Schriber:
Towards a Web Based Simulation Environment. 1338-1344 - Gregory S. Baker:
Taking the Work Out of Simulation Modeling: An Application of Technology Integration. 1345-1351 - Krishnamurthy Srinivasan, Sundaresan Jayaraman:
Integration of Simulation with Enterprise Models. 1352-1356 - Peter Floss:
Requirements for Transitioning Business Process Simulation Models to Real-Time Operational Systems. 1357-1360 - David Krahl, J. Steven Lamperti:
A Message-Based Discrete Event Simulation Architecture. 1361-1367 - Benjamin Melamed:
Modeling Compressed Full-Motion Video. 1368-1374 - Ralph V. Rogers:
What Makes a Modeling and Simulation Professional?: the Consensus View from one Workshop. 1375-1382 - Manuel D. Rossetti
Activate This Classroom at Time Now. 1383-1389 - Harriet Black Nembhard:
Cooperative Learning in Simulation. 1390-1393 - Tajudeen A. Atolagbe, Vlatka Hlupic, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Ray J. Paul:
Interactive Strategies for Developing Intuitive Knowledge as Basis for Simulation Modeling Education. 1394-1402 - James R. Wilson:
Conduct, Misconduct, and Cargo Cult Science. 1405-1414

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