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Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2010: Cambridge, MA, USA
- Marcelo Coelho, Jamie Zigelbaum, Hiroshi Ishii, Robert J. K. Jacob, Pattie Maes, Thomas Pederson, Orit Shaer, Ron Wakkary:
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2010, Cambridge, MA, USA, January 24-27, 2010. ACM 2010, ISBN 978-1-60558-841-4 - John Hamilton Frazer:
Intelligent physical modelling systems: why? 1-2 - Vik Muniz:
Vik Muniz. 3-4
Bridging the physical and digital worlds
- Karl D. D. Willis, Juncong Lin, Jun Mitani, Takeo Igarashi:
Spatial sketch: bridging between movement & fabrication. 5-12 - Rongrong Wang, Francis K. H. Quek:
Touch & talk: contextualizing remote touch for affective interaction. 13-20 - Simon Holland, Anders J. Bouwer, Mathew Dalgelish, Topi M. Hurtig:
Feeling the beat where it counts: fostering multi-limb rhythm skills with the haptic drum kit. 21-28 - Nicolas Villar, Steve Hodges:
The peppermill: a human-powered user interface device. 29-32 - Matthew Jervis, Masood Masoodian:
SOPHYA: a system for digital management of ordered physical document collections. 33-40
Toolkits and enabling technologies
- Nicolai Marquardt
, Tom Gross, Sheelagh Carpendale, Saul Greenberg:
Revealing the invisible: visualizing the location and event flow of distributed physical devices. 41-48 - Eric Akaoka, Tim Ginn, Roel Vertegaal:
DisplayObjects: prototyping functional physical interfaces on 3d styrofoam, paper or cardboard models. 49-56 - Eugen Berlin, Jun Liu, Kristof Van Laerhoven
, Bernt Schiele
Coming to grips with the objects we grasp: detecting interactions with efficient wrist-worn sensors. 57-64 - Behram F. T. Mistree, Joseph A. Paradiso:
ChainMail: a configurable multimodal lining to enable sensate surfaces and interactive objects. 65-72 - Jon Moeller, Andruid Kerne:
Scanning FTIR: unobtrusive optoelectronic multi-touch sensing through waveguide transmissivity imaging. 73-76 - Clemens Holzmann
, Andreas Hader:
Towards tabletop interaction with everyday artifacts via pressure imaging. 77-84
Physical interaction, perspectives, and design techniques
- Heekyoung Jung
, Youngsuk L. Altieri, Jeffrey Bardzell
SKIN: designing aesthetic interactive surfaces. 85-92 - Brygg Ullmer, Zachary Dever, Rajesh Sankaran, Cornelius Toole, Chase Freeman, Brooke Cassady, Cole Wiley, Mohamed Diabi, Alvin Wallace Jr., Michael DeLatin, Blake Tregre, Kexi Liu, Srikanth Jandhyala, Robert Kooima, Chris Branton, Rod Parker:
Cartouche: conventions for tangibles bridging diverse interactive systems. 93-100 - Eva Hornecker:
Creative idea exploration within the structure of a guiding framework: the card brainstorming game. 101-108 - Scott E. Hudson, Chris Harrison, Beverly L. Harrison, Anthony LaMarca:
Whack gestures: inexact and inattentive interaction with mobile devices. 109-112
Materials, garments, and light
- Susanne Seitinger, Daniel M. Taub, Alex S. Taylor
Light bodies: exploring interactions with responsive lights. 113-120 - Jie Qi, Leah Buechley:
Electronic popables: exploring paper-based computing through an interactive pop-up book. 121-128 - Joanna Berzowska, Marc Beaulieu, Vincent Leclerc, Gaia Orain, Catherine Marchand, Catou Cournoyer, Emily Paris, Lois Frankel, Miliana Sesartic:
Captain electric and battery boy: prototypes for wearable power-generating artifacts. 129-136 - Erica Robles, Mikael Wiberg:
Texturing the "material turn" in interaction design. 137-144
Learning through physical interaction
- Sara Price
, Jennifer G. Sheridan, Taciana Pontual Falcão:
Action and representation in tangible systems: implications for design of learning interactions. 145-152 - Paul Marshall
, Peter C.-H. Cheng, Rosemary Luckin:
Tangibles in the balance: a discovery learning task with physical or graphical materials. 153-160 - Christopher Martinez, Randy Kemp, David Birchfield
, Ellen Campana, Todd Ingalls, Gkisedtanamoogk:
Culturally sensible digital place-making: design of the mediated xicanindio resolana. 161-168 - Eva Hornecker:
Interactions around a contextually embedded system. 169-176 - Aurélien Lucchi
, Patrick Jermann
, Guillaume Zufferey, Pierre Dillenbourg:
An empirical evaluation of touch and tangible interfaces for tabletop displays. 177-184 - Fred G. Martin
, Karen E. Roehr:
A general education course in tangible interaction design. 185-188
- Takuo Imbe, Fumitaka Ozaki, Shin Kiyasu, Yusuke Mizukami, Shuichi Ishibashi, Masa Inakage, Naohito Okude, Adrian David Cheok
, Masahiko Inami, Maki Sugimoto:
Myglobe: a navigation service based on cognitive maps. 189-192 - Travis Kirton, Pamela Jennings, Hideaki Ogawa:
TextDraw: a prototype for gestural typesetting. 193-198 - Daniel Gallardo, Sergi Jordà
Tangible jukebox: back to palpable music. 199-202 - Abel Allison, Sean Follmer, Hayes Raffle:
TessalTable: tile-based creation of patterns and images. 203-204 - Greg Saul, Cheng Xu, Mark D. Gross:
Interactive paper devices: end-user design & fabrication. 205-212 - Matthias Löwe, Omer Yosha, Alexander Krause, Reto Wettach, Nils Krüger:
valeo: alienation gesture-enhanced tactile pain logging. 213-216 - Vidya Setlur, Agathe Battestini, Timothy Sohn, Hiroshi Horii:
Using gestures on mobile phones to create SMS comics. 217-220 - Daniel Leithinger
, Hiroshi Ishii:
Relief: a scalable actuated shape display. 221-222 - John Kestner, Henry Holtzman:
Hands and fingers: a mobile platform for a person-centric network of computational objects. 223-226 - Florian Echtler
, Thomas Pototschnig, Gudrun Klinker
An LED-based multitouch sensor for LCD screens. 227-230 - Arnan Sipitakiat
, Paulo Blikstein
Think globally, build locally: a technological platform for low-cost, open-source, locally-assembled programmable bricks for education. 231-232 - Mike Rooke, Roel Vertegaal:
Physics on display: tangible graphics on hexagonal bezel-less screens. 233-236 - Takahiro Iwata, Tetsuo Yamabe, Mikko Polojärvi, Tatsuo Nakajima:
Traditional games meet ICT: a case study on go game augmentation. 237-240 - Kristian Gohlke, Michael Hlatky, Sebastian Heise, Jörn Loviscach:
FlexiKnobs: bridging the gap between mouse interaction and hardware controllers. 241-244 - Raphael Wimmer
FlyEye: grasp-sensitive surfaces using optical fiber. 245-248 - Fabian Hemmert, Susann Hamann, Matthias Löwe, Anne Wohlauf, Gesche Joost:
Shape-changing mobiles: tapering in one-dimensional deformational displays in mobile phones. 249-252 - Hiroki Nishino:
A 6DoF fiducial tracking method based on topological region adjacency and angle information for tangible interaction. 253-256 - Leonhard Oschuetz, Daniel Wessolek, Wolfgang Sattler:
Constructing with movement: kinematics. 257-260 - Jamie Zigelbaum, Alan Browning, Daniel Leithinger
, Olivier Bau, Hiroshi Ishii:
g-stalt: a chirocentric, spatiotemporal, and telekinetic gestural interface. 261-264 - Yang-Ting Shen
, Ellen Yi-Luen Do
Making digital leaf collages with blow painting! 265-268 - Axel Sylvester, Tanja Döring, Albrecht Schmidt
Liquids, smoke, and soap bubbles: reflections on materials for ephemeral user interfaces. 269-270 - Andy Russell:
ToonTastic: a global storytelling network for kids, by kids. 271-274
- Lining Yao, Yan Shi, Hengfeng Chi, Xiaoyu Ji, Fangtian Ying:
Music-touch shoes: vibrotactile interface for hearing impaired dancers. 275-276 - Claudia Rébola Winegarden
, Nicholas Komor, Scott M. Gilliland
Silent mutations: physical-digital interactions in spaces. 277-278 - JungKyoon Yoon, Marieke Sonneveld:
Anxiety of patients in the waiting room of the emergency department. 279-286 - Sijie Wang, Allen Bevans, Alissa Nicole Antle:
StitchRV: multi-camera fiducial tracking. 287-290 - Orkan Telhan, Federico Casalegno, Juhong Park, Sotirios Kotsopoulos, Carl Yu:
Interaction design with building facades. 291-294 - Sunyoung Kim, Eric Paulos, Mark D. Gross:
WearAir: expressive t-shirts for air quality sensing. 295-296 - Joanna Berzowska, Maksim Skorobogatiy:
Karma chameleon: bragg fiber jacquard-woven photonic textiles. 297-298
Graduate student consortium
- Lillian Spina-Caza:
Objects in play: virtual environments and tactile learning. 299-300 - Hyunjung Kim
Designing interactive kinetic surfaces for everyday objects and environments. 301-302 - Danielle Wilde
Swing that thing: moving to move. 303-304 - Soumitra Bhat:
TouchTone: an electronic musical instrument for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. 305-306 - Peter D. Bennett:
The representation and control of time in tangible user interfaces: (summary of PhD research). 307-308 - Heekyoung Jung
Expressive surfaces: a designerly approach for computational objects. 309-310 - Chris Kiefer
Input devices and mapping techniques for the intuitive control of composition and editing for digital music. 311-312 - Elisabeth Eichhorn:
Recording inner life. 313-314 - Natalie Freed:
Toys keeping in touch: technologies for distance play. 315-316 - Andy Wu:
Tangible visualization. 317-318 - Staas de Jong
Presenting the cyclotactor project. 319-320 - Emi Tamaki
A robust and accurate 3d hand posture estimation method for interactive systems. 321-322 - Jasmine M. Williams:
Move it!: puppetry for creativity. 323-324
- Sal Cilella, Craighton Berman, Justin Rheinfrank:
Experience definition through storyboarding. 325-328 - Kate Hartman
, Rob Faludi:
TEI 2010 studio description: wireless wearables. 329-332 - Diane Willow:
Ambient sites: making tangible the subtle, ephemeral and seemingly silent. 333-336 - Sean M. Montgomery
Measuring biological signals: concepts and practice. 337-340 - André Knörig, Brendan Howell:
Advanced prototyping with fritzing. 341-344 - Daito Manabe, Motoi Ishibashi, Seiichi Saito:
BodyHack workshop. 345-348 - Hannah Perner-Wilson, Leah Buechley:
Making textile sensors from scratch. 349-352 - John Sarik, Ioannis Kymissis:
Personalizing your pixels. 353-356 - Eric Rosenbaum, Evelyn Eastmond, David Mellis:
Empowering programmability for tangibles. 357-360 - Mitch Altman:
Make cool things with microcontrollers! 361-364 - Amanda Williams, Daniela Karin Rosner:
Wiimote hackery studio proposal. 365-368 - Sergi Jordà
, Seth E. Hunter, Pol Pla i Conesa, Daniel Gallardo, Daniel Leithinger
, Henry Kaufman, Carles Fernandes Julià
, Martin Kaltenbrunner:
Development strategies for tangible interaction on horizontal surfaces. 369-372 - Bill Young, Ted Hall, Grant Bailey:
Introduction to CNC routing for prototyping and manufacturing. 373-374
Short studio abstracts
- Christina Nguyen Hung:
Art-lab-bio-studio (abstract only). 375 - Noah Vawter:
Exertion music workshop (abstract only). 375 - Travis Kirton, Hideaki Ogawa, Eva Schindling:
How to draw yourself with text (abstract only). 375 - Yan Shi, Lining Yao, Xiaoyu Ji, Fangtian Ying:
Integrating old chinese shadow play-piying into tangible interaction (abstract only). 375 - Christian Zöllner, Sascha Bruk, Sabine Fekete:
Link me up: hypertext journalism for TEI10 (abstract only). 376 - Winslow Burleson, Camilla Nørgaard Jensen:
Slow computing gifts (abstract only). 376
TEI explorations
- So Kanno:
Jamming gear: research on gearwheeled timing playback devices. 377-378 - Alice V. Pintus:
Tangible lightscapes. 379-380 - Patrick Tobias Fischer, Christian Zöllner, Thilo Hoffmann, Sebastian Piatza:
VR/Urban: SMSingshot. 381-382 - Jay S. Silver, Eric Rosenbaum:
Twinkle: programming with color. 383-384 - Tatsuma Segawa, Hiroki Ito, Masaya Doi, Machi Miyahara, Hiroya Tanaka:
Inoribi: emergence of "windows" and "mirrors". 385-386 - Koji Tsukada, Maho Oki
ChameleonBall. 387-388 - Holly Schmidt, Dana Ramler:
Bio circuit. 389-390 - Martha Glazzard, Sarah Kettley
Knitted stretch sensors for sound output. 391-392 - Ting-Han Chen
, Chi-Huang Lu, Chi-Fa Fan:
Project 6453: a multi-touch interactive table in a concept showroom. 393-394 - Christian D. Cerrito:
Creating with cobots. 395-396

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