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34th SBES 2020: Natal, Brazil
- Everton Cavalcante, Francisco Dantas, Thaís Batista:
34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2020, Natal, Brazil, October 19-23, 2020. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-8753-8
- Manuel Silva, Arthur Silva Freire, Mirko Barbosa Perkusich, Kyller Costa Gorgônio
, Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida, Angelo Perkusich:
On the influence of different perspectives on evaluating the teamwork quality in the context of agile software development. 1-10 - Fabio Reginaldo, Gleison Santos:
Challenges in Agile Transformation Journey: A Qualitative Study. 11-20 - Caio Steglich, Anielle Lisboa
, Rafael Prikladnicki, Sabrina Marczak, Michael da Costa Móra, Alejandro Olchik, Nelice Heck, Yasser Rachid, Guilherme Ghidorsi:
Agile Accelerator Program: From Industry-Academia Collaboration to Effective Agile Training. 21-30 - Rafael da Camara
, Annelyelthon Alves, Iury Monte, Marcelo Marinho:
Agile Global Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review. 31-40 - Nicolas Nascimento, Alan R. Santos, Afonso Sales, Rafael Chanin:
Behavior-Driven Development: An Expert Panel to evaluate benefits and challenges. 41-46 - Luciano A. Garcia, Edson OliveiraJr
, Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal, Marcelo Morandini, Shayne Urbanowski:
Adaptations of Scrum roles in software projects: Survey and representation tentative with feature models. 47-51
Code and Test Smells
- Júlio Serafim Martins
, Carla I. M. Bezerra, Anderson G. Uchôa
, Alessandro Garcia:
Are Code Smell Co-occurrences Harmful to Internal Quality Attributes?: A Mixed-Method Study. 52-61 - Rafael Prates Ferreira Trindade, Mariza Andrade da Silva Bigonha
, Kecia Aline Marques Ferreira:
Oracles of Bad Smells: a Systematic Literature Review. 62-71 - Willian Nalepa Oizumi
, Ana Carla Bibiano, Diego Cedrim, Anderson Oliveira, Leonardo da Silva Sousa, Alessandro F. Garcia, Daniel Oliveira:
Recommending Composite Refactorings for Smell Removal: Heuristics and Evaluation. 72-81 - Samuel Loli, Leopoldo Teixeira, Bruno Cartaxo
A Catalog of Object-Relational Mapping Code Smells for Java. 82-91 - Tássio Virgínio, Luana Almeida Martins, Larissa Rocha Soares, Railana Santana, Heitor A. X. Costa, Ivan Machado:
An empirical study of automatically-generated tests from the perspective of test smells. 92-96 - Cleiton Silva Tavares, Mariza A. S. Bigonha
, Eduardo Magno Lages Figueiredo:
Analyzing the Impact of Refactoring on Bad Smells. 97-101
Software Quality and Modeling
- Taciana Novo Kudo, Renato F. Bulcão-Neto
, Auri M. R. Vincenzi
Toward a Metamodel Quality Evaluation Framework: Requirements, Model, Measures, and Process. 102-107 - Luis F. de Lima
, Cristiane Aparecida Gonçalves Huve, Letícia M. Peres
Software Product Quality Evaluation Guide for Electronic Health Record Systems. 108-113 - Franciny Medeiros Barreto, Stéphane Julia:
A Possibilistic Simulation Model for Multiplayer Game Scenarios Using CPN Tools. 114-119 - Jorge Luiz Machado da Silva, Breno Bernard Nicolau de França, Cecília Mary Fischer Rubira:
Generating Adaptation Plans Based on Quality Models for Cloud Platforms. 120-125 - Hilmer R. Neri, Guilherme H. Travassos:
Software Quality is Multidimensional: Let's play with Tensors. 126-131 - Danilo da Silva Alves, Oseias Ayres Ferreira, Lucio Mauro Duarte, Paulo Henrique M. Maia:
Probabilistic Model-Based Analysis to Improve Software Energy Efficiency. 132-136
Exploratory Studies with Developers or Researchers
- Vinicius Condina, Paulo Malcher, Victor Farias, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
, Awdren de Lima Fontão, Igor Wiese, Davi Viana:
An Exploratory Study on Developers Opinions about Influence in Open Source Software Ecosystems. 137-146 - Rui Santos Carigé, Glauco de Figueiredo Carneiro:
Sentiment Polarity of Programmers in an Open Source Software Project: An Exploratory Study. 147-156 - Carlos Alberto Medeiros, Alan Bandeira, Paulo Henrique M. Maia, Matheus Paixão
MDE in the Wild: An Exploratory Analysis on What Developers are Discussing from Q&A Platforms. 157-166 - Jullia Saad, Priscila Portela Costa, Alexandre Álvaro, Luciana A. M. Zaina:
Developers experience (DX) in ALM software tools: an investigation on virtual kanban boards. 167-172 - Victor G. J. Costa, A. César C. França:
How Office Layouts Influence Software Development? 173-182 - Fernando Kamei
, Igor Wiese, Gustavo Pinto, Márcio Ribeiro, Sérgio Soares:
On the Use of Grey Literature: A Survey with the Brazilian Software Engineering Research Community. 183-192
Code Quality and Configuration Management
- Flávio Medeiros, Márcio Ribeiro, Rohit Gheyi, Larissa Braz, Christian Kästner, Sven Apel
, Kleber Santos:
An Empirical Study on Configuration-Related Code Weaknesses. 193-202 - José William Menezes, Bruno Trindade, João Felipe Pimentel
, Tayane Silva Fernandes de Moura, Alexandre Plastino, Leonardo Murta, Catarina Costa:
What causes merge conflicts? 203-212 - Arthur Roberto Marcondes, Ricardo Terra:
An approach for updating forks against the original project. 213-222 - Rodrigo Lima, Jairo Souza, Baldoino Fonseca, Leopoldo Teixeira, Rohit Gheyi, Márcio Ribeiro, Alessandro F. Garcia, Rafael Maiani de Mello
Understanding and Detecting Harmful Code. 223-232 - Daniel Oliveira, Wesley K. G. Assunção
, Leonardo Souza, Willian Nalepa Oizumi
, Alessandro F. Garcia, Baldoino Fonseca:
Applying Machine Learning to Customized Smell Detection: A Multi-Project Study. 233-242 - Benedito de Oliveira, Márcio Ribeiro, José Aldo Silva da Costa
, Rohit Gheyi, Guilherme Amaral, Rafael Maiani de Mello
, Anderson Oliveira, Alessandro F. Garcia, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Baldoino Fonseca:
Atoms of Confusion: The Eyes Do Not Lie. 243-252
Verification, Validation, and Testing
- Beatriz Souza, Patrícia D. L. Machado:
A Large Scale Study On the Effectiveness of Manual and Automatic Unit Test Generation. 253-262 - Keslley Silva, Érika F. Cota:
Predicting Prime Path Coverage Using Regression Analysis. 263-272 - Wesley B. R. Herculano
, Melina Mongiovi, Everton L. G. Alves:
Manually Written or Generated Tests?: A Study with Developers and Maintenance Tasks. 273-282 - Diego Rodrigues de Almeida, Patrícia D. L. Machado, Wilkerson de L. Andrade:
Context-Aware Android Applications Testing. 283-292 - Lucas Raniére Juvino Santos
, Guilherme Gadelha, Franklin Ramalho, Tiago Massoni
Improving Traceability Recovery Between Bug Reports and Manual Test Cases. 293-302 - Sara Mendes Oliveira Lima, Denivan Campos, Larissa Rocha Soares, Ivan Machado:
Unveiling Practitioners Awareness of Android Apps Regression Testing through an Expert Survey. 303-308
Software Process and Management
- Paulo Sérgio dos Santos Júnior
, Monalessa P. Barcellos
, Rodrigo Fernandes Calhau
Am I going to Heaven?: First step climbing the Stairway to Heaven Model Results from a Case Study in Industry. 309-318 - Márcia Lima, Edson Oliveira, Tayana Conte, Bruno Gadelha:
Clouds are heavy!: A storm of relevant project-related terms to support newcomers' onboarding. 319-324 - Michele Miranda
, Rafael Prikladnicki:
Towards a model for Managing Diversity and Inclusion in Software Development Teams. 325-331 - Deyvson da Silva, Adriano Gomes
, Rafael Macieira, Emanoel C. G. F. Silva, Sérgio Soares:
Pah Pum: A project management tool based on TAKT PM. 332-337 - Tiago da Rosa Santos, Avanilde Kemczinski:
PSAS: A Framework for Peer Assessment of an Individuals Skills in a Software Projects Team. 338-343 - Alex Severo Chervenski, Andréa Sabedra Bordin:
Understanding Legacy Systems in the Light of Grounded Theory. 344-353
Development #1
- Vinícius Jorge Vendramini
, Alfredo Goldman, Grégory Mounié:
Improving mobile app development using transpilers with maintainable outputs. 354-363 - Caio Barbosa, Anderson G. Uchôa
, Daniel Coutinho
, Filipe Falcão, Hyago H. S. Brito, Guilherme Amaral, Vinícius Soares, Alessandro F. Garcia, Baldoino Fonseca, Márcio Ribeiro, Leonardo da Silva Sousa:
Revealing the Social Aspects of Design Decay: A Retrospective Study of Pull Requests. 364-373 - Railana Santana, Luana Almeida Martins, Larissa Rocha, Tássio Virgínio, Adriana Cruz, Heitor A. X. Costa, Ivan Machado:
RAIDE: a tool for Assertion Roulette and Duplicate Assert identification and refactoring. 374-379 - Jackson Meire Dantas Canuto, Uirá Kulesza, Frederico Lopes:
A Tool for Product Derivation and Semi-Automatic Deployment of Web-Based Systems. 380-385 - Johnatan Oliveira, Denis Pinheiro, Eduardo Figueiredo:
JExpert: A Tool for Library Expert Identification. 386-392 - Roger Denis Vieira, Kleinner Farias
CognIDE: A Psychophysiological Data Integrator Approach for Visual Studio Code. 393-398
Software Ecosystems, User Experience, and Usability
- Daniel Massanori, Bruno B. P. Cafeo, Igor Wiese, Awdren de Lima Fontão:
Death of a Software Ecosystem: a Developer Relations (DevRel) perspective. 399-404 - Igor R. Alencar, Emanuel F. Coutinho, Leonardo O. Moreira
, Carla I. M. Bezerra:
A Tool for Software Ecosystem Models: An Analysis on their Implications in Education. 405-414 - Kennedy Edson Silva de Souza, Rodrigo Oliveira Zacarias
, Marcos César da Rocha Seruffo
, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
T2-UXT: A Tool to Support Transparency Evaluation in Software Ecosystems Portals. 415-420 - Ítalo Santos, Emanuel F. Coutinho, Simone R. S. Souza:
Software testing ecosystems insights and research opportunities. 421-426 - Guilherme Corredato Guerino
, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim:
Usability and User eXperience Evaluation of Conversational Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study. 427-436 - Gabriel F. de Oliveira, Bruna Ferreira, Anna Beatriz dos Santos Marques:
USARP method: eliciting and describing USAbility Requirements with Personas and user stories. 437-446
Open-Source Projects and Education
- Fabio Ferreira
, Luciana Lourdes Silva, Marco Túlio Valente
Turnover in Open-Source Projects: The Case of Core Developers. 447-456 - Mairieli Santos Wessel, Alexander Serebrenik, Igor Wiese, Igor Steinmacher, Marco Aurélio Gerosa:
What to Expect from Code Review Bots on GitHub?: A Survey with OSS Maintainers. 457-462 - Moara Sousa Brito Lessa, Christina von Flach G. Chavez
An Approach for Selecting FLOSS Projects for Education. 463-472 - Fernanda Gomes Silva
, Paulo Ezequiel Dias dos Santos, Christina von Flach G. Chavez
Do we use FLOSS in Software Engineering Education?: Mapping the Profiles and Practices of Higher Education Teachers from Brazil. 473-482 - Fernanda Gomes Silva
, Moara Sousa Brito Lessa, Nádia da Luz Lopes, Christina von Flach G. Chavez
Teaching UML Models with FLOSS Projects: A study carried out during the period of social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. 483-492 - Simone de França Tonhão
, Thelma Elita Colanzi, Igor Steinmacher:
A portal for cataloging worked examples extracted from open source software. 493-498
Development #2
- Eduardo Guerra, Phyllipe Lima
, Joelma Choma, Marco Nardes, Tiago Silva da Silva, Michele Lanza
, Paulo Meirelles
A Metadata Handling API for Framework Development: a Comparative Study. 499-508 - João Antonio D. M. Bastos, Rafael Maiani de Mello
, Alessandro Fabricio Garcia:
A Conceptual Framework for Conversational APIs. 509-513 - João Antonio D. M. Bastos, Rafael Maiani de Mello
, Alessandro Garcia:
Colloquy: A Method for Conversational API Design. 514-519 - Carlos Henrique Gouveia Carneiro, Paulo Henrique M. Maia:
DataQI.NET: a Framework for Specifying Query Criteria Using the Repository Pattern. 520-525 - Marcelo de Rezende Martins, Marco Aurélio Gerosa:
CoNCRA: A Convolutional Neural Networks Code Retrieval Approach. 526-531 - Diego Rodrigues de Almeida, Patrícia D. L. Machado, Wilkerson de L. Andrade:
ENVIAR: ENVIronment dAta simulatoR. 532-537
Safety Cases, Testing Tools, and Learning
- Camilo C. Almendra, Carla Silva, Jéssyka Vilela
Incremental Development of Safety Cases: a Mapping Study. 538-547 - Euler Horta Marinho, Eduardo Figueiredo:
PLATOOL: A Functional Test Generation Tool for Mobile Applications. 548-553 - Silvana M. Melo, Veronica X. S. Moreira, Leo Natan Paschoal
, Simone R. S. Souza:
Testing Education: A Survey on a Global Scale. 554-563 - Tássio Virgínio, Luana Almeida Martins, Larissa Rocha Soares, Railana Santana, Adriana Cruz, Heitor A. X. Costa, Ivan Machado:
JNose: Java Test Smell Detector. 564-569 - Leo Natan Paschoal
, Myke Morais de Oliveira
, Silvana M. Melo, Ellen F. Barbosa, Simone R. S. Souza:
Evaluating the impact of Software Testing Education through the Flipped Classroom Model in deriving Test Requirements. 570-579 - Camilo C. Almendra, Carla Silva:
Managing Assurance Information: A Solution Based on Issue Tracking Systems. 580-585
COVID-19, Quarantine, and Software Engineering
- Edson Oliveira Jr., Gislaine C. L. Leal, Marco Túlio Valente
, Marcelo Morandini, Rafael Prikladnicki, Leandro Bento Pompermaier, Rafael Chanin, Clara Marques Caldeira, Letícia Machado, Cleidson de Souza
Surveying the impacts of COVID-19 on the perceived productivity of Brazilian software developers. 586-595 - Walter Lucas Monteiro de Mendonça
, Pedro Henrique Teixeira Costa, Emille Catarine Rodrigues Cançado, Fernanda Lima, Edna Dias Canedo
, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Luis Henrique Vieira Amaral:
From Dusk till Dawn: Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Development Practices of a R&D Project. 596-605 - Carla I. M. Bezerra, José Cezar de Souza Filho, Emanuel F. Coutinho, Alice Gama, Ana Lívia Ferreira, Gabriel Leitão de Andrade, Carlos Eduardo Feitosa:
How Human and Organizational Factors Influence Software Teams Productivity in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Brazilian Survey. 606-615 - Fernando A. M. Trinta, Paulo A. L. Rego, Windson Viana
Teaching Development of Distributed Software during COVID-19: An experience report in Brazil. 616-625
Continuous Software Engineering and Systems Engineering
- Monalessa Perini Barcellos
Towards a Framework for Continuous Software Engineering. 626-631 - Jean C. R. Hauck, Stéphanie da Silva Leal:
How software organizations are using the ISO/IEC 29110 standard's processes: a survey of the state of the art and practice. 632-641 - Ruben Blenicio Tavares Silva, Carla I. M. Bezerra:
Analyzing Continuous Integration Bad Practices in Closed-Source Projects: An Initial Study. 642-647 - Marcelo Fernandes, Samuel Ferino, Uirá Kulesza, Eduardo Aranha:
Challenges and Recommendations in DevOps Education: A Systematic Literature Review. 648-657 - Daniel D. R. Barros, Flávio E. A. Horita, Denis G. Fantinato:
Data mining tool to discover DevOps trends from public repositories: Predicting Release Candidates with gthbmining.rc. 658-663 - Gabriel Augusto Destro, Breno Bernard Nicolau de França:
Mining Software Repositories for the Characterization of Continuous Integration and Delivery. 664-669
Software Engineering Education Approaches and Methdologies
- Caio Steglich, Larissa Salerno, Thaís Fernandes, Sabrina Marczak, Alessandra C. S. Dutra, Ana Paula Bacelo, Cássio Trindade:
Hackathons as a Pedagogical Strategy to Engage Students to Learn and to Adopt Software Engineering Practices. 670-679 - Andrés Paul Moya Flores, Fernanda Maria Ribeiro de Alencar:
Competencies Development based on Thinking-based Learning in Software Engineering: An Action-Research. 680-689 - Anna B. S. Marques, Bruna Ferreira, Adriana Lopes, Williamson Silva
Stimulating the development of soft skills in Software Engineering Education through Design Thinking. 690-699 - Andrew Diniz da Costa, Hendi Lemos Coelho, Ricardo Almeida Venieris, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Gustavo Robichez de Carvalho, Marcelo Fernandes Pereira:
Assessing a Multidisciplinary Group of Undergraduate Students Applying the Challenge Based Learning Methodology to Learn Mobile Development. 700-709 - João Paulo Fernandes
, Ricardo Araújo, Mário Zenha Rela:
Achieving Scalability in Project Based Learning through a Low-Code platform. 710-719 - Nécio de Lima Veras
, Lincoln S. Rocha, Windson Viana
Flipped Classroom in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study. 720-729
Technical Debt and Architecture
- Eliakim Gama, Sávio Freire
, Manoel G. Mendonça
, Rodrigo O. Spínola, Matheus Paixão
, Mariela I. Cortés:
Using Stack Overflow to Assess Technical Debt Identification on Software Projects. 730-739 - Ramon Araújo Gomes, Larissa Barbosa L. Pinheiro, Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Anticipating Identification of Technical Debt Items in Model-Driven Software Projects. 740-749 - Lucinéia Souza, Sávio Freire
, Verusca Rocha, Nicolli Rios, Rodrigo O. Spínola, Manoel G. Mendonça
Using Surveys to Build-up Empirical Evidence on Test-Related Technical Debt. 750-759 - Warteruzannan Soyer Cunha, Guisella Angulo Armijo, Valter Vieira de Camargo:
InSet: A Tool to Identify Architecture Smells Using Machine Learning. 760-765 - Ana Isabella Muniz Leite, Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Elisa Yumi Nakagawa:
From Safety Requirements to Just-Enough Safety-Centered Architectural Solutions in Agile Contexts. 766-771 - Eduardo F. de Lima, Ricardo Terra:
ArchPython: architecture conformance checking for Python systems. 772-777
Product Lines and Concerns
- Larissa Rocha Soares, Ivan Machado, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Christian Kästner, Sarah Nadi:
A semi-automated iterative process for detecting feature interactions. 778-787 - Vinícius Soares, Anderson Oliveira, Juliana Alves Pereira, Ana Carla Bibiano, Alessandro F. Garcia, Paulo Roberto Farah, Silvia Regina Vergilio, Marcelo Schots, Caio Silva, Daniel Coutinho
, Daniel Oliveira, Anderson G. Uchôa
On the Relation between Complexity, Explicitness, Effectiveness of Refactorings and Non-Functional Concerns. 788-797 - Leandro Flores da Silva, Edson Oliveira:
Evaluating usefulness, ease of use and usability of an UML-based Software Product Line Tool. 798-807 - Crescencio Lima
, Ivan Machado, Matthias Galster, Christina von Flach G. Chavez
Recovering Architectural Variability from Source Code. 808-817 - Willian Marques Freire, Mamoru Massago, Arthur Cattaneo Zavadski, Aline Maria Malachini Miotto Amaral, Thelma Elita Colanzi:
OPLA-Tool v2.0: a Tool for Product Line Architecture Design Optimization. 818-823
Software Engineering Education Research and Experience Reports
- Felipe Torres Leite, Jarbele C. S. Coutinho
, Reudismam Rolim de Sousa:
An Experience Report About Challenges of Software Engineering as a Second Cycle Course. 824-833 - Tamires A. S. Sousa, Anna Beatriz dos Santos Marques:
LEARN Board Game: A game for teaching Software Architecture created through Design Science Research. 834-843 - Valéria Lelli, Rossana M. C. Andrade, Lavínia Matoso Freitas, Rubens A. S. Silva, Francisco Gutenberg S. Filho, Renata Faria Gomes
, Jan Sousa de Oliveira Severo:
Gamification in Remote Teaching of SE Courses: Experience Report. 844-853 - Kastney Frazão, Jessica Costa, Davi Viana, Luis Rivero
Analyzing App Store Comments and Quality Attributes for Defining an Inspection Checklist for Mobile Educational Games. 854-859 - Yandson Costa
, Dayanne Gomes, Sebastião Santos, Nathasha Pinto, Davi Viana, Geraldo Braz Junior
, Luis Rivero
Identifying Improvement Opportunities in Software Engineering Education at the Maranhão State: Listening to Voices from Academy and Industry. 860-869

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