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PDPTA 1999: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Volume 4
Tools, Languages, and Programming Environments
- Lixin Tao:
Delayed Program Mapping in Concordia Parallel Programming Environment. PDPTA 1999: 1709-1715 - M. Boosten, R. W. Dobinson, P. D. V. van der Stok:
MESH: MEssageing and ScHeduling for Fine-Grain Parallel Processing on Commodity Plattforms. PDPTA 1999: 1716-1722 - Attila Gürsoy, Ilker Cengiz:
Mechanisms for Programming SMP Clusters. PDPTA 1999: 1723-1729 - Manuel E. Acacio, Pedro E. López-de-Teruel, José M. García, Óscar Cánovas Reverte:
The MPI-Delphi Interface: A Visual Programming Environment for Clusters of Workstations. PDPTA 1999: 1730-1736 - M. J. Zemerly, Thierry Delaitre, George R. Ribeiro-Justo, Stephen C. Winter:
EDPEPPS: A Graphical Environment for the Parallel Software Development Life-Cycle. PDPTA 1999: 1737-1743 - Mario Donato Marino, Geraldo Lino de Campos:
A DSM Speedup Comparison: TreadMarks, JIAJIA and Nautilus. PDPTA 1999: 1744-1748 - Chi-Chang Chen, Kin-Hsing Hsieh:
A Distributed Object-Oriented Parallel Computing Environment Based on Java/CORBA. PDPTA 1999: 1749-1755 - Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Raymond Namyst, Christian Pérez:
Compiling Data-parallel Programs to a Distributed Runtime Environment with Thread Isomigration. PDPTA 1999: 1756-1762 - Roland Wismüller, Thomas Ludwig:
Interoperable Run-Time Tools for Distributed Systems - A Case Study. PDPTA 1999: 1763-1769 - JinHo Ahn, Kibom Kim, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Low-Overhead Fault-Tolerance for Java Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Networked Computers. PDPTA 1999: 1770-1775 - Kemal Efe, Putchong Uthayopas, Adrienne L. Broadwater:
Speedup and Scalability of SPMD Computations on Workstation Clusters. PDPTA 1999: 1776-1782 - Barbara M. Chapman, John H. Merlin, David Pritchard, Tor Sørevik, François Bodin, Yann Mével, L. Hill:
Tools for Development of Programs for a Cluster of Shared Memory Multiprocessors. PDPTA 1999: 1783-1789 - Radu Prodan, John M. Kewley:
FIRST: A Framework for Interoperable Resources, Services, and Tools. PDPTA 1999: 1790-1796 - Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Eleftherios D. Polychronopoulos, Theodore S. Papatheodorou:
Fine-Grain and Multiprogramming-Conscious Nanothreading with the Solaris Operating System. PDPTA 1999: 1797-1803 - José C. Cunha, Pedro D. Medeiros, Vítor Duarte, João Lourenço, Maria Cecilia Gomes:
An Experience in Building a Parallel and Distributed Problem-Solving Environment. PDPTA 1999: 1804-1809 - Hanna Klaudel, Robert-C. Riemann:
Refinement-based Semantics of Parallel Procedures. PDPTA 1999: 1810-1816 - Hann Wei Toh, Mohammed Yakoob Siyal, Hinny Pe Hin Kong:
Design of a Heterogeneous DSM System with Distributed Objects. PDPTA 1999: 1817-1825 - Jan-Jan Wu, Chia-Lien Chiang, Nai-Wei Lin:
A Hybrid Multithreading/Message-Passing Approach for Solving Irregular Problems on SMP Clusters. PDPTA 1999: 1826-1832 - Martin Aeschlimann, Peter A. Dinda, Loukas F. Kallivokas, Julio C. López, Bruce Lowekamp, David R. O'Hallaron:
Preliminary Report on the Design of a Framework for Distributed Visualization. PDPTA 1999: 1833-1839 - Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad:
Coordinating Distributed Objects. PDPTA 1999: 1840-1846 - Dale R. Shires, Lori L. Pollock, Sara Sprenkle:
Program Flow Graph Construction For Static Analysis of MPI Programs. PDPTA 1999: 1847-1853 - Munehiro Fukuda, Naoya Suzuki, Lubomir Bic:
Introducing Dynamic Data Structure into Mobile Agents. PDPTA 1999: 1854-1860 - John Bresnahan, Ian T. Foster, Joseph A. Insley, Brian R. Toonen, Steven Tuecke:
Communication Services for Advanced Network Applications. PDPTA 1999: 1861-1867 - T. Es-sqalli, Jacques Guyard, Eric Dillon:
Using MeDLey for the grid-decomposition Methods. PDPTA 1999: 1868-1873 - Noriko Soyama, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Fujio Kako:
Converting Different Intermedate Representations of Parallelizing Compilers: A Case Study. PDPTA 1999: 1874-1880 - Jyh-Ching Hong, Pangfeng Liu, Tzu-Hao Sheng, Jin-Xian Wu, Chih-Hsuae Yang:
Parallel Programming Support for Unstructured Mesh Computation. PDPTA 1999: 1881-1887 - Omer F. Rana, David W. Walker:
Bringing Together Mobile Agents and Data Analysis in PSEs. PDPTA 1999: 1888-1893 - Christian Schaubschläger, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jens Volkert:
A Complete Monitor Overhead Removal Strategy. PDPTA 1999: 1894-1897 - Kenji Takeda, Nicholas K. Allsopp, Jonathan C. Hardwick, P. C. Macey, Denis A. Nicole, Simon J. Cox, David Lancaster:
An Assessment of MPI Environments for Windows NT. PDPTA 1999: 1898-1904 - Kazuko Kambe, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Kazuki Joe, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Fujio Kako:
An Implementation of Loop Transformations with a Universal Intermediate Representation Interface Library. PDPTA 1999: 1905-1911 - Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard, Daniel Etiemble:
Performance Evaluation of Two Programming Models for a Cluster of PC Biprocessors. PDPTA 1999: 1912-1918 - Cirney Carneiro, Tiago Veit, Paulo Blauth Menezes, Fernando D'Andrea:
Náutilus: Its Concurrent and Distributed Characteristics and as an Academic Language. PDPTA 1999: 1919-1925 - John P. Morrison, Martin Rem:
Managing and Exploiting Speculative Computations in a Flow Driven, Graph Reducation Machine. PDPTA 1999: 1926-1933 - Kuan-Ching Li, Liria Matsumoto Sato:
Applying PARASYS for Parallel Algorithm Analysis. PDPTA 1999: 1934-1938 - Virginia C. Carneiro de Paula, George R. Ribeiro-Justo, Paulo R. F. Cunha:
Formal Specification of Dynamic Architectural Styles. PDPTA 1999: 1939-1945 - Tetsutaro Uehara, Shoichi Saito, Kazuki Joe, Yoshitoshi Kunieda:
The Design and Implementation of cc-COMA as a Platform for Distributed-Memory Machines. PDPTA 1999: 1946-1952 - Eugene F. Fodor, Ronald A. Olsson:
Cooperative Multithreading: Experience with Applications. PDPTA 1999: 1953-1957 - Felicia Ionescu, Mihail F. Ionescu:
Pipeline Processing of Shared Graphs in Multiprocessor Systems. PDPTA 1999: 1958-1963 - Markus Pizka:
Thread Segment Stacks. PDPTA 1999: 1964-1970 - Paul Watson, Savas Parastatidis:
An Optimised Lazy Task Creation Technique for Iterative and Recursive Computations. PDPTA 1999: 1971-1977 - Mohamed Jemni, Yosr Slama:
Merging Target Program Parts in the Polytope Model. PDPTA 1999: 1978-1984 - Bronis R. de Supinski, John May:
Benchmarking Pthreads Performance. PDPTA 1999: 1985-1991 - Raphaël Couturier, Bertrand Coutourier:
A Compiler for Parallel Unity Programs Using OpenMp. PDPTA 1999: 1992-1998 - Mostafa Azizi, El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Sofiène Tahar:
Multithreading-based Coverification Technique of HW/SW Systems. PDPTA 1999: 1999-2005 - Conor Ryan, Laur Ivan:
Evolving Equivalent Parallel Programs: Sequences and Iterative Instructions. PDPTA 1999: 2006-2011 - Brian J. d'Auriol, Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar:
Generic Concurrent Modules for Systolic Computations. PDPTA 1999: 2012-2018 - Edin Hodzic, Weijia Shang:
On Time Optimal Supernode Shape. PDPTA 1999: 2019-2026 - Tsai Chi Huang, Roy W. Melton, Philip R. Bingham, Linda M. Wills, Cecil O. Alford:
Active-Passive Deterministic Parallel System Specification Using Z. PDPTA 1999: 2027-2033 - Lothar Hotz, Michael Trowe:
NetCLOS - Parallel Programming in Common Lisp. PDPTA 1999: 2034-2040 - Bogdan Costinescu, Dan Dragomirescu, Antonio Lioy, Cristian Marinescu:
A Component-based Infrastructure for Building Cluster Management and Monitoring Tools. PDPTA 1999: 2041-2047 - Daniel M. Pressel, Marek Behr, Steven Thompson:
The True Limitations of Shared Memory Programming. PDPTA 1999: 2048-2054 - Hong H. Ong, Paul S. Wang:
SMLib: A Toolkit for Shared Memory Programming in Heterogeneous Environments. PDPTA 1999: 2055-2058
OOP and Java
- Soroush Momen-Pour, Alan Wagner:
Java Threads and Monitors. PDPTA 1999: 2059-2065 - Weiping Zhu, Adam K. L. Wong:
Jasmine: A Pure Java Based DSM. PDPTA 1999: 2066-2072 - Pao-Ann Hsiung:
Parallel Object-Oriented Synthesis Methodology. PDPTA 1999: 2073-2076 - Stephan Philippi:
Formally Based Development of Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems. PDPTA 1999: 2077-2083 - Simon Gray, L. Tong, Paul S. Wang:
The MP Encoding for Distributed Mathematical Computations: An Object-oriented Design and Implementation. PDPTA 1999: 2084-2090 - Laís do Nascimento Salvador, Liria Matsumoto Sato:
Synchronization Constraints in a Concurrent Object Oriented Programming Model. PDPTA 1999: 2091-2094 - Kazuaki Maeda:
Yet Another Object Serialization for Inter-Agent Communication. PDPTA 1999: 2095-2100 - Michael Schöttner, Oliver Schirpf, Moritz Wende, Peter Schulthess:
Implementation of the Java Language in a Persistent DSM Operating System. PDPTA 1999: 2101-2107 - John Kochmar, Paul Nowoczynski, J. Ray Scott, Nathan Stone:
Comparing Java Agents and MPI for Writing Parallel Algorithms. PDPTA 1999: 2108-2114 - Thierry Villemur, Michel Diaz:
A Collaborative Membership Service and Protocol for Structured Groups. PDPTA 1999: 2115-2121 - Antonio d'Acierno, Giuseppe De Pietro:
A Distributed Object Oriented Approach for Parallel VOD Systems. PDPTA 1999: 2122-2128
Network Simulation: Methodologies and Applications
- James H. Cowie, Hongbo Liu, Jason Liu, David M. Nicol, Andrew T. Ogielski:
Towards Realistic Million-Node Internet Simulation. PDPTA 1999: 2129-2135 - Benyuan Liu, Yang Guo, James F. Kurose, Donald F. Towsley, Weibo Gong:
Fluid Simulation of Large Scale Networks: Issues and Tradeoffs. PDPTA 1999: 2136-2142 - H. T. Kung, Shie Yuan Wang:
Behavior of Competing TCP Connections on a Packet-Switched Ring: A Study Using the Harvard TCP/IP Network Simulator. PDPTA 1999: 2143-2149 - Saad Biaz, Gavin Holland, Young-Bae Ko, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Evaluation of Protocols for Wireless Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2150-2156 - Julian Hsu, Teresa Yan, Rajive L. Bagrodia:
A Simulation Study of Packetized Voice Over Multi-hop Wireless Networks using GloMoSim. PDPTA 1999: 2157-2164
Interconnection Networks
- A. M. Awwad, Abdel Elah Al-Ayyoub, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
On the Topological Properties of the Arrangement-Star Network. PDPTA 1999: 2165-2170 - Jehad Al-Sadi, Khaled Day, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
Fault-Tolerant Routing in the Binary n-Cube Using Unsafety Sets. PDPTA 1999: 2171-2176 - Hamid Sharif:
Network Combining in Multistage Interconnection Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2177-2182 - Saulo Rodrigues do Nascimento, Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques:
An Analysis and Comparison of Algorithms for Broadcasting in Injured Hypercube Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2183-2189 - Samia Loucif, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, John D. Ferguson:
Message Latency In the Torus with Wormhole Routing. PDPTA 1999: 2190-2194 - Shien-Ching Hwang, Gen-Huey Chen:
Shortest Paths of Butterfly Graphs. PDPTA 1999: 2195-2199 - Mustapha Hadim, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah:
A Distributed Algorithm for Constructing an Eulerian Cycle in Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2200-2206 - Mustapha Hadim:
A Minimal, Deadlock Free and Storage Optimal Routing Algorithm for Torus Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2207-2210 - Seong-Moo Yoo, Hee Yong Youn:
A Task Compaction Scheme for 3D Torus Multicomputer Systems. PDPTA 1999: 2211-2217 - Fan Wu, Tso-Chih Kuan, Li-Ping Chou:
Processor Allocation Scheme for Incomplete Substructure of Recursively Decomposable Interconnection Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2218-2224 - Ho-lun T. Wong, Kwan Lawrence Yeung:
A New Algorithm for Node Placement Optimization in ShuffleNets. PDPTA 1999: 2225-2230 - Constantine Katsinis:
Performance Models of An Interconnection Network for Broadcast Communication. PDPTA 1999: 2231-2237 - M. Manzur Murshed, Richard P. Brent:
Maximal Contour Algorithms on Constrained Reconfigurable Meshes. PDPTA 1999: 2238-2244 - Jean Carle:
A Simple and Efficient One-to-all Broadcasting Algorithm for Honeycomb Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2245-2251 - Philip R. Bingham, Cecil O. Alford, Roy W. Melton, Tsai Chi Huang:
Parallel Application Optimization via Network Models. PDPTA 1999: 2252-2258 - Yuzhong Sun, Paul Y. S. Cheung, Xiaola Lin:
Asynchronous Acknowledged All-to-All Personalized Exchange with Minimum Startup in 2D/3D Meshes. PDPTA 1999: 2259-2265 - Sung Woo Chung, Chu Shik Jhon:
Optimal Interconnection Network Bandwidth for Ring-Based Multiprocessor Systems. PDPTA 1999: 2266-2271 - Achour Mostéfaoui, Michel Raynal, Makoto Takizawa:
Logical Clocks for Unreliable Process Groups. PDPTA 1999: 2272-2278 - Lev Zakrevski, Mark G. Karpovsky:
Fault-tolerant Message Routing in Computer Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2279-2286

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