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34th MILCOM 2015: Tampa, FL, USA
- Qinqing Zhang, Jerry Brand, Thomas G. MacDonald, Bharat T. Doshi, Bonnie L. Gorsic:
34th IEEE Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2015, Tampa, FL, USA, October 26-28, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-5090-0073-9 - Welcome message.
- Roberto Pagliari, Abhrajit Ghosh, Yitzchak M. Gottlieb, Ritu Chadha, Akshay Vashist, Gregory Hadynski:
Insider attack detection using weak indicators over network flow data. 1-6 - Nicolas Papernot, Patrick D. McDaniel, Robert J. Walls:
Enforcing agile access control policies in relational databases using views. 7-12 - Ritu Chadha, Abhrajit Ghosh, Alexander Poylisher, Constantin Serban:
TREND: Trust estimation system for wireless networks via multi-pronged detection. 13-18 - Zhiyong Shan, Iulian Neamtiu, Zhiyun Qian
, Don J. Torrieri:
Proactive restart as cyber maneuver for Android. 19-24 - Xiaotao Feng, Zizhan Zheng, Pengfei Hu
, Derya Cansever, Prasant Mohapatra:
Stealthy attacks meets insider threats: A three-player game model. 25-30 - Lisa M. Marvel, Scott E. Brown, Iulian Neamtiu, Richard E. Harang, David Harman, Brian Henz:
A framework to evaluate cyber agility. 31-36 - Mazda Salmanian, J. David Brown, Susan Watson, Ronggong Song, Helen Tang, Darcy Simmelink:
An architecture for secure interoperability between coalition tactical MANETs. 37-42 - Matthew Kelly, Alan Kaminsky, Michael T. Kurdziel, Marcin Lukowiak, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski:
Customizable sponge-based authenticated encryption using 16-bit S-boxes. 43-48 - Christopher A. Wood, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski, Marcin Lukowiak:
Constructing large S-boxes with area minimized implementations. 49-54 - Rasheed Hussain, Donghyun Kim, Alade O. Tokuta, Hayk M. Melikyan, Heekuck Oh:
Covert communication based privacy preservation in mobile vehicular networks. 55-60 - Reece Johnston, Sun-il Kim:
Secure distributed storage for information dissemination and retrieval at the tactical edge. 61-66 - Krzysztof Sawicki
, Zbigniew Piotrowski
, Damian Bachmat:
Effective steganographic filter based on Raspberry Pi 2 architecture. 67-72 - Venkatesh Ramaswamy, Jeffrey T. Correia:
Understanding the impact of RADAR interference on IEEE 802.11 MAC in spectrum sharing environments. 73-78 - Victor Sandoval-Curmina, Ramón Parra-Michel, Aldo G. Orozco-Lugo:
Multi-round transmission protocol with multipacket reception for multirate IEEE802.11 WLANs. 79-84 - Yunseong Lee, Jinseok Lee, Jaesung Lim, Hong-Jun Noh, Hyungwon Park:
MR-CRDSA: Multiple reservation-contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA for battle-field communication. 85-90 - Venkatesh Ramaswamy:
Investigations on network-wide load balancing for proportional fair scheduling based TDMA cellular systems. 91-96 - Hemant Saggar, Yi Jiang, Babak Daneshrad, Greg Pottie:
A Concurrent CSMA MAC protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using beamnulling. 97-102 - Osama Abbas Al Tameemi, Mainak Chatterjee, Kevin A. Kwiat, Charles A. Kamhoua:
Distributed MAC for connectivity maximization of interference limited un-coordinated DSA networks. 103-108 - Syamsul Rizal
, Dwi Agung Nugroho, Seung-Hwan Kim, Dong-Seong Kim:
Rate adaptation algorithm for multicast communication in tactical networks. 109-114 - Rahul Amin
, Greg Kuperman:
PIM-MANET: Extension to PIM for multicast routing in MANETs. 115-120 - Li Li, Humphrey Rutagemwa
, J. Hu, Phil Hugg, Philip J. Vigneron, Colin Brown, Thomas Kunz:
Networking for next generation NBWF radios. 121-126 - Carrie Spiker, Rodolfo Santiago, Thomas Goff, Claudiu Danilov, Jae H. Kim, Brian Adamson, David Shur, Kyriakos Manousakis:
Experiment and field demonstration of serverless group communication. 127-132 - Raheleh B. Dilmaghani, Dae Kwon:
Evaluation of OpenFlow load balancing for navy. 133-138 - George F. Elmasry, Brian Aanderud, Wayne Kraus, Robert J. McCabe:
Software-defined dynamic power-control and directional-reuse protocol for TDMA radios. 139-144 - Seok-Ho Chang, Jihwan P. Choi, Pamela C. Cosman
, Laurence B. Milstein:
Scalable multimedia optimization in MIMO systems. 145-150 - Qixuan Zhu, Xi Zhang:
Statistical-QoS based gaming for optimal power allocations over virtualized wireless relay networks supporting multimedia services. 151-156 - Jun Xu, Xiaoqiang Guo, Qin Tu, Cuiwei Li, Aidong Men:
A novel video saliency map detection model in compressed domain. 157-162 - Balachander Ramamurthy, William G. Cowley, Linda M. Davis, Gerald Bolding:
On MIMO SATCOM capacity analysis: Utilising polarization and spatial multiplexing. 163-168 - John Sucec, Mariusz A. Fecko, Baron Ong, Wei Liu, Sheetal Doshi, Kurt A. Turck:
Distributed policy enforcement for priority awareness in tactical SATCOM networks. 169-174 - Thomas C. Royster IV, James Streitman:
Performance considerations for protected wideband satcom. 175-180 - Brian J. Wolf, Jacob C. Huang:
Implementation and testing of the Protected Tactical Waveform (PTW). 181-186 - Jonathon Cheah:
Contributions to MUOS communication link assessments at the Arctic Circle locations. 187-192 - Luis Bastos, Hermann Wietgrefe:
Next-generation wireless WAN transmission systems in support of NATO Expeditionary Operations. 193-198 - Steven Kay, Fuat Cogun:
Multimodal target detection via integrated GLRT. 199-203 - David Boutte, Hua Lee, Vincent Radzicki, Allan R. Hunt:
A portable SIMO radar for through wall detection and imaging. 204-209 - Azril Haniz, Gia Khanh Tran, Kei Sakaguchi, Jun-ichi Takada
, Daisuke Hayashi, Toshihiro Yamaguchi, Shintaro Arata:
Localization of illegal radios utilizing cross-correlation of channel impulse response with interpolation in urban scenarios. 210-215 - Na Wu, Qilian Liang:
Underwater DoA estimation based on nested array. 216-221 - Yiu Tong Chan, François Chan, William Read, Robert J. Inkol, Brad R. Jackson, B. Haynes Lee:
Probable regions for emitter localization. 222-227 - Hyunwoo Cho, Xiaoli Ma:
Threshold estimation for UWB single pulse radar. 228-232 - Intae Shin, Wonju Lee, Jinkyu Kang
, Joonhyuk Kang, Saleh R. Al-Araji:
Quantization bit allocation for reporting-throughput tradeoff in cooperative cognitive radio networks. 233-237 - Alireza Zaeemzadeh
, Mohsen Joneidi, Behzad Shahrasbi, Nazanin Rahnavard:
Missing spectrum-data recovery in cognitive radio networks using piecewise constant Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 238-243 - Gang Wang, Khanh D. Pham, Erik Blasch, Tien Manh Nguyen, Dan Shen, Xin Tian, Genshe Chen:
Cognitive radio unified Spectral efficiency and Energy Efficiency trade-off analysis. 244-249 - Nilesh Khambekar, Vipin Chaudhary
, Chad M. Spooner:
Estimating the use of spectrum for defining and enforcing the spectrum access rights. 250-257 - Yanbo Wang, Caili Guo, Xuekang Sun, Chunyan Feng:
Compressed spectrum sensing based on correlation of spectrum occupation states between sensing periods. 258-262 - Dong Li, John Ellinger, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiqiang Wu, Zhiping Zhang:
Mixed signal detection and symbol rate estimation based on spectral coherent features. 263-268 - Marc Lichtman, Jeffrey H. Reed:
Anomaly-based intrusion detection of protocol-aware jamming. 269-274 - Jasmin A. Mahal, Chowdhury Shahriar, T. Charles Clancy:
Emulated CP jamming and nulling attacks on SC-FDMA and two novel countermeasures. 275-280 - Louis Sibomana, Hung Tran, Hans-Jürgen Zepernick
On physical layer security for cognitive radio networks with primary user interference. 281-286 - Arslan Javaid Majid, Hussein Moradi, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Secure information transmission in filter bank multi-carrier spread spectrum systems. 287-293 - Eric R. Tollefson, Bruce R. Jordan, Joseph D. Gaeddert:
Out-phased array linearized signaling (OPALS): A practical approach to physical layer encryption. 294-299 - Leemon C. Baird III, Bill Parks:
Exhaustive attack analysis of BBC with glowworm for unkeyed jam resistance. 300-305 - Prithwish Basu, Chi-Kin Chau
, Andrei Iu. Bejan, Richard J. Gibbens, Saikat Guha, Matthew P. Johnson:
Efficient multicast in hybrid wireless networks. 306-311 - Chang Liu, Ting He, Ananthram Swami, Don Towsley
, Theodoros Salonidis, Andrei Iu. Bejan, Paul L. Yu:
Multicast vs. unicast for loss tomography on tree topologies. 312-317 - Alessandro Oltramari, Lorrie Faith Cranor
, Robert J. Walls, Patrick D. McDaniel:
Computational ontology of network operations. 318-323 - Nathaniel Lageman, Mark Lindsey, William J. Glodek:
Detecting malicious Android applications from runtime behavior. 324-329 - Z. Berkay Celik, Robert J. Walls, Patrick D. McDaniel, Ananthram Swami:
Malware traffic detection using tamper resistant features. 330-335 - James R. Morris-King, Hasan Cam:
Ecology-inspired cyber risk model for propagation of vulnerability exploitation in tactical edge. 336-341 - Devin J. Pohly, Charles Sestito, Patrick D. McDaniel:
Adaptive protocol switching using Dynamically Insertable Bumps in the stack. 342-347 - Azeem Aqil, Ahmed Osama Fathy Atya, Trent Jaeger, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Karl N. Levitt, Patrick D. McDaniel, Jeff Rowe, Ananthram Swami:
Detection of stealthy TCP-based DoS attacks. 348-353 - Peter Kruus, David Challener:
On reporting of the time of attestation measurements. 354-359 - Trevor J. Bihl
, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr., Michael A. Temple, Benjamin W. P. Ramsey:
Dimensional reduction analysis for Physical Layer device fingerprints with application to ZigBee and Z-Wave devices. 360-365 - Ang Li, Qinghua Li, Vincent C. Hu
, Jia Di:
Evaluating the capability and performance of access control policy verification tools. 366-371 - Hector M. Lugo-Cordero, Ratan K. Guha:
A secured distribution of server loads to clients. 372-377 - Hiren J. Patel, Benjamin W. P. Ramsey:
Comparison of parametric and non-parametric statistical features for Z-Wave fingerprinting. 378-382 - Tuan Le, Mario Gerla:
A Load Balanced Social-Tie Routing strategy for DTNs based on queue length control. 383-387 - Lars Landmark, Erlend Larsen, Mariann Hauge, Øivind Kure:
Resilient internetwork routing over heterogeneous mobile military networks. 388-394 - Tyler Ulinskas, Walt Golonka, David Duran:
On the problem of routing in mobile ad hoc wireless networks with directional antennas. 395-400 - George F. Elmasry, Ben Haan, Robert J. McCabe:
Augmenting OLSR with Priority Aware Dynamic Routing for heterogeneous networking. 401-406 - Joy Na Wang, Joshua Van Hook, Patricia Deutsch:
Inter-domain routing for military mobile networks. 407-412 - Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder, Thomas D. Jeitschko
, Li Xiao:
Towards a truthful online spectrum auction with dynamic demand and supply. 413-418 - Harsha Chenji, Zygmunt J. Haas, Panfeng Xue:
Low complexity QoE-aware bandwidth allocation for wireless content delivery. 419-425 - Grzegorz Szmit, Jerzy Dolowski
, Jerzy Lopatka
Distributed channel selection for hierarchical cognitive radio networks. 426-431 - Suman Bhunia
, Vahid Behzadan, Shamik Sengupta:
Enhancement of spectrum utilization in non-contiguous DSA with online defragmentation. 432-437 - Sohraab Soltani, Yalin Evren Sagduyu, Yi Shi
, Jason H. Li, Jared Feldman, John D. Matyjas:
Distributed cognitive radio network architecture, SDR implementation and emulation testbed. 438-443 - Mariusz A. Fecko, Kyriakos Manousakis, Kenneth Young, Jaewon Kang, Andrew Pachulski, Wayne G. Phoel:
Mitigation of control plane attacks at the network layer. 444-449 - Judson C. Dressler, Christopher Bronk, Daniel S. Wallach:
Exploiting military OpSec through open-source vulnerabilities. 450-458 - Jaewon Kang, Mariusz A. Fecko, Kyriakos Manousakis, Kenneth Young:
Mitigating control plane attacks on TDMA-based MAC protocols in mobile wireless networks. 459-464 - Alberto Domingo, Hermann Wietgrefe:
An applied model for secure information release between federated military and non-military networks. 465-470 - Paul W. Garver, Randal T. Abler, Edward J. Coyle:
Theory and development of cross-layer techniques for localization in environments with Extreme Emitter Densities. 471-476 - Harmish Modi, Peter Athanas:
In-system testing of Xilinx 7-Series FPGAs: Part 1-logic. 477-482 - Fulvio Arreghini, Roberto Agrone, Paolo Danielli, Alessandro Pigni:
Heterogeneous network testbed for tactical communication in shore scenario. 483-488 - Constantin Serban, Alexander Poylisher, Angelo Sapello, Yitzchak M. Gottlieb, C. Jason Chiang, Ritu Chadha:
Testing android devices for tactical networks: A hybrid emulation testbed approach. 489-494 - Marko Jacovic, James Chacko, Doug Pfeil, Nagarajan Kandasamy, Kapil R. Dandekar
Hardware implementation of low-overhead data aided timing and Carrier Frequency Offset correction for OFDM signals. 495-500 - Chengjie Li, Lidong Zhu, Anhong Xie, Zhongqiang Luo:
Weak signal blind source separation in Passive Radar System with strong interference. 501-505 - Brian Millikan, Aritra Dutta
, Nazanin Rahnavard, Qiyu Sun, Hassan Foroosh:
Initialized iterative reweighted least squares for automatic target recognition. 506-510 - John R. Krier, Marissa C. Norko, Jeremy T. Reed, Robert J. Baxley, Aaron D. Lanterman, Xiaoli Ma, John R. Barry:
Performance bounds for an OFDM-based joint radar and communications system. 511-516 - Lorenz Weiland, Thomas Wiese, Wolfgang Utschick
Coherent MIMO radar range imaging with block sparse recovery. 517-522 - Can Uysal
, Tansu Filik:
A joint detection and localization method for non-cooperative DS-SS signals. 523-528 - Joshua P. Bruckmeyer, Ivica Kostanic:
Adaptive calibration of wideband digital beam formers with injection calibration. 529-533 - Lan K. Nguyen, Richard B. Wells, Tho Le-Ngoc:
Power allocation for shared and frequency hopped transponder. 534-540 - Earl W. McCune Jr., Dubravko Babic, Richard Booth, Douglas A. Kirkpatrick:
Decade bandwidth agile GaN power amplifier exceeding 50% efficiency. 541-546 - Ergin Dinc, Özgür B. Akan:
Limited feedback multi-stage beam-forming method for beyond-Line-of-Sight ducting channels. 547-552 - Nam Nicholas Ma, Kristopher Buchanan, Jeffrey Jensen, Gregory H. Huff
Distributed beamforming from triangular planar random antenna arrays. 553-558 - Zheng Chang
, Qianqian Zhang, Xijuan Guo, Zhenyu Zhou
, Tapani Ristaniemi:
Energy efficient resource allocation for OFDMA two-way relay networks with channel estimation error. 559-564 - Zhanji Wu, Xiang Gao, Yongtao Shi:
A novel MU-MIMO-OFDM scheme with the RBD precoding for the next generation WLAN. 565-569 - Qiongjie Lin, Mary Ann Weitnauer:
Diversity in synchronization for scheduled OFDM time-division cooperative transmission. 570-575 - Hao Li, Xianbin Wang
Disguised jamming against OFDM transmission through nonlinear amplify-and-forward. 576-580 - David Rainnie, Yi Feng, Jan Bajcsy:
On capacity merits of spectrally efficient FDM. 581-586 - Ertugrul Güvenkaya, Alphan Sahin, Hüseyin Arslan
N-continuous OFDM with CP alignment. 587-592 - Marco Manso
, José Maria Alcaraz Calero
, Christoph Barz, Trude Hafsoe Bloebaum, Kevin Chan, Norman Jansen, Frank Trethan Johnsen, Garik Markarian
, Peter-Paul Meiler, Ian Owens
, Joanna Sliwa, Qi Wang:
SOA and Wireless Mobile Networks in the tactical domain: Results from experiments. 593-598 - Trude Hafsøe Bloebaum, Frank T. Johnsen:
Exploring SOAP and REST communication on the Android platform. 599-604 - Trude Hafsøe Bloebaum, Frank T. Johnsen:
Evaluating publish/subscribe approaches for use in tactical broadband networks. 605-610 - Shameek Bhattacharjee
, Mainak Chatterjee, Kevin A. Kwiat, Charles A. Kamhoua:
Multinomial trust in presence of uncertainty and adversaries in DSA networks. 611-616 - Athanasios Delimargas, Emmanouil Skevakis, Hassan Halabian, Ioannis Lambadaris, Nabil Seddigh, Biswajit Nandy, Rupinder Makkar:
IPCA for network anomaly detection. 617-622 - Andy Applebaum, Karl N. Levitt, Zimi Li, Simon Parsons, Jeff Rowe, Elizabeth Sklar:
Cyber reasoning with argumentation: Abstracting from incomplete and contradictory evidence. 623-628 - Ing-Ray Chen, Robert Mitchell, Jin-Hee Cho:
On modeling of adversary behavior and defense for survivability of military MANET applications. 629-634 - Kimberly Gold, Sachin Shetty
, Tamara Rogers:
A testbed for modeling and detecting attacks on NFC enabled mobile devices. 635-640 - Kevin S. Chan, Jin-Hee Cho, Theron Trout, Jason Wampler, Andrew Toth, Brian Rivera:
trustd: Trust daemon experimental testbed for network emulation. 641-646 - Joseph Soryal, Tarek N. Saadawi:
Countermeasure technique to combat greedy behavior in ad-hoc wireless networks. 647-652 - Wenbo Shen, Yao Liu, Xiaofan He, Huaiyu Dai, Peng Ning:
No time to demodulate - fast physical layer verification of friendly jamming. 653-658 - Tommy Chin, Xenia Mountrouidou, Xiangyang Li, Kaiqi Xiong
An SDN-supported collaborative approach for DDoS flooding detection and containment. 659-664 - Omar Nakhila, Afraa Attiah
, Yier Jin, Cliff C. Zou:
Parallel active dictionary attack on WPA2-PSK Wi-Fi networks. 665-670 - Ahmed H. Anwar
, Janiece Kelly, George K. Atia, Mina Guirguis:
Stealthy edge decoy attacks against dynamic channel assignment in wireless networks. 671-676 - Amitav Mukherjee, Wenhao Xiong, Hyuck M. Kwon:
CSI-unaware scheduling for coexistence of MIMO-OFDMA device-to-device links and cellular mobile terminals. 677-682 - Bilal Al-Doori, Xian Liu:
A new approach in LTE-A downlink power and transport block management. 683-688 - Gbolahan Aiyetoro
, Fambirai Takawira:
A new user scheduling scheme in LTE/LTE-A networks using cross-layer design approach. 689-694 - Romain Favraud, Navid Nikaein:
Wireless mesh backhauling for LTE/LTE-A networks. 695-700 - Yasaman Keshtkarjahromi, Hulya Seferoglu, Rashid Ansari, Ashfaq Khokhar:
Network coding for cooperative mobile devices with multiple interfaces. 701-707 - Amir Swidan, Sherif M. Khattab
, Yasmine Abouelseoud
, Hassan M. Elkamchouchi:
A secure geographical routing protocol for highly-dynamic aeronautical networks. 708-713 - Yifeng Zhou, Yudong Fang, Mike Tanguay:
An optimized link scheduling technique for mobile ad hoc networks using directional antennas. 714-719 - Deborah D. Duran-Herrmann, Yaoqing Yang:
Leveraging martingales for robust cognitive radio transmission control. 720-725 - Ronggong Song, J. David Brown, Peter C. Mason, Mazda Salmanian, Helen Tang:
HMS: Holistic MPR selection and network connectivity for tactical edge networks. 726-731 - Jun Sun, Thomas H. Shake, Greg Kuperman, Joshua Van Hook, Aradhana Narula-Tam:
Quantifying the impact of routing and scheduling on throughput for wireless networks. 732-737 - George F. Elmasry, Brian Aanderud, Timothy Arganbright:
A distributed, multi-tiered network agent for heterogeneous MANET resource optimization. 738-743 - Seun Sangodoyin, Vinod Kristem
, Celalettin Umit Bas, Martin Käske, Juho Lee, Christian Schneider, Gerd Sommerkorn, Charlie Jianzhong Zhang, Reiner S. Thomä, Andreas F. Molisch:
Cluster-based analysis of 3D MIMO channel measurement in an urban environment. 744-749 - Bruce F. McGuffin:
Atmospheric models for over-ocean propagation loss. 750-755 - Siun-Chuon Mau, Latha A. Kant, Gi Tae Kim, Ritu Chadha:
Nature inspired collaborative team autonomy (NICiTA). 756-761 - Barry Trent, F. Pozzo, Ranga S. Ramanujan, Rob Riley, P. O'Neill, Clif Banner, Greg Heinen:
DYNAMICS: Inverse mission planning for dedicated aerial communications platforms. 762-767 - Peng Wang, Brian Henz:
Antenna assignment for JALN HCB. 768-773 - Bo Ryu
, Nadeesha Ranasinghe, Wei-Min Shen, Kurt A. Turck, Michael Muccio:
BioAIR: Bio-inspired airborne infrastructure reconfiguration. 774-779 - Bo Ryu
, Nadeesha Ranasinghe, Wei-Min Shen, Kurt A. Turck, Michael Muccio:
BioAIM: Bio-inspired Autonomous Infrastructure Monitoring. 780-785 - Zhichuan Huang, David Corrigan, Sandeep Nair Narayanan, Ting Zhu, Elizabeth S. Bentley, Michael J. Medley:
Distributed and dynamic spectrum management in airborne networks. 786-791 - Xudong Zhu, Linglong Dai, Wei Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, Marc Moonen:
Tracking a dynamic sparse channel via differential orthogonal matching pursuit. 792-797 - Zhen Gao
, Linglong Dai, Wenqian Shen, Zhaocheng Wang:
Temporal correlation based sparse channel estimation for TDS-OFDM in high-speed scenarios. 798-803 - Wenwen Wang, Yong Liang Guan
, Ping Yang, Xiaobei Liu:
Turbo equalization for waveforms encoded by Reed Solomon codes. 804-808 - Wei-Chieh Chang, Jenq-Tay Yuan:
Adaptive blind equalizers with whitening filters. 809-814 - Cenk Sahin, Erik S. Perrins:
On the symmetric information rate of CPM in the finite blocklength regime. 815-819 - Adly T. Fam, Ravi Kadlimatti
Complementary code pairs that share the same bandwidth via symmetrical linear FM chips. 820-825 - Fred Harris, Xiaofei Chen, Elettra Venosa:
Efficient implementation of multicarrier frequency hopping receiver via polyphase channelizer. 826-830 - Fred Harris, Elettra Venosa, Xiaofei Chen:
Polyphase up converter channelizers enable fully digital multi-carrier frequency hopping modulators. 831-835 - Hong-Jun Noh, Jepung Yu, Kyu-Man Lee, Jaesung Lim:
Code selection approach for partitioned cyclic code shift keying to improve multinet capability. 836-841 - Yishan He, Yufan Cheng, Gang Wu
, Binhong Dong, Shaoqian Li:
Partial band noise jamming rejection with S-CFFH/16-QAM optimum and suboptimum maximum-likelihood receivers over rayleigh fading channels with imperfect CSI. 842-847 - Anders Hansson, Jan Nilsson, Kia Wiklundh:
Performance analysis of frequency-hopping ad hoc networks with random dwell-time under follower jamming. 848-853 - Salvatore Talarico, Matthew C. Valenti
, Don J. Torrieri:
Otimization of an adaptive frequency-hopping network. 854-859 - Janek J. Mroczek, Michael J. Gans, Laurie L. Joiner
Performance of frequency hopping D-BLAST MIMO Architecture using LDPC and BPSK. 860-865 - Xiaoli Ma, Yiming Kong:
Capacity analysis of lattice reduction aided equalizers for MIMO systems. 866-871 - Xiaofei Xu, Ming Zhao, Limin Xiao, Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang:
Power-efficient distributed beamforming for multiple full-duplex MIMO relays. 872-877 - Jun Chen, Thomas G. Pratt:
Energy-efficient transmission for linearly precoded MIMO systems. 878-883 - Yongzhao Li, Tao Li, Meixia Hu, Jianhua Hu, Hailin Zhang:
Wishart-matrix based blind estimation of transmit-antenna number for non-collaborated MIMO systems. 884-888 - Harry D. Tunnell IV
the u.s. army and network-centric warfare a thematic analysis of the literature. 889-894 - Joseph P. Loyall, Nathaniel Soule, Jeffrey Cleveland, Andrzej Uszok
, Larry Bunch, James R. Milligan:
A template based approach to specifying the information needs of military missions. 895-902 - Cong Pu
, Sunho Lim:
Spy vs. spy: Camouflage-based active detection in energy harvesting motivated networks. 903-908 - Zhuo Lu, Cliff Wang, Mingkui Wei:
On detection and concealment of critical roles in tactical wireless networks. 909-914 - Michael J. Mayhew, Michael Atighetchi, Aaron Adler, Rachel Greenstadt:
Use of machine learning in big data analytics for insider threat detection. 915-922 - Chockalingam Karuppanchetty, William Edmonds, Sun-il Kim:
Using artificial packets for training network payload anomaly detection systems. 923-928 - Conner Jackson, Karl N. Levitt, Jeff Rowe, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Trent Jaeger, Ananthram Swami:
A diagnosis based intrusion detection approach. 929-934 - Anders Fongen:
Trust management in cross domain operations. 935-940 - Hongning Li, Qingqi Pei, Yao Liu:
Agent-based Channel Selection scheme against location inference attack in cognitive radio networks. 941-946 - Ben Niu, Yuanyuan He, Fenghua Li, Hui Li:
Achieving secure friend discovery in social strength-aware PMSNs. 947-953 - Scott Brookes, Martin Osterloh, Robert Denz, Stephen Taylor:
The KPLT: The Kernel as a shared object. 954-959 - Omid Javidbakht, Parv Venkitasubramaniam
Relay selection for optimal delay anonymity tradeoff in anonymous networks. 960-965 - Brian P. Van Leeuwen, William M. S. Stout, Vincent Urias:
Operational cost of deploying Moving Target Defenses defensive work factors. 966-971 - Jon R. Ward, Mohamed F. Younis:
A cross-layer defense scheme for countering traffic analysis attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 972-977 - Jixin Feng, Eduardo L. Pasiliao, Warren E. Dixon
, John M. Shea
An optimal jamming strategy to partition a wireless network. 978-984 - Ravsan Aziz, Gokhan Kilic, Tolga Girici, Tolga Numanoglu, Guven Yenihayat, Halime Koca:
Clustering and frequency allocation in frequency hopping tactical networks. 985-990 - Joy Na Wang, Patricia Deutsch, Andrea Coyle, Thomas H. Shake, Bow-Nan Cheng:
An implementation of a flexible topology management system for aerial high capacity directional networks. 991-996 - Latha A. Kant, John Lee, Gi Tae Kim, Robert Miller, Sharon J. Mackey, Derya H. Cansever, Siamak Samoohi, Mitesh P. Patel, Frank Panettieri:
Cross-layer framework and condition-based topology control for contested environments. 997-1001 - Matthew F. Carey, Vincent W. S. Chan:
Internetworking service architecture for transporting mission-critical data over heterogeneous subnetworks with probabilistic guarantees. 1002-1008 - Xiaozhuo Gu, Zhenhuan Cao, Yongming Wang:
How to get Group key efficiently in mobile ad hoc networks? 1009-1014 - Arun Das
, Chenyang Zhou, Joydeep Banerjee, Arunabha Sen, Lloyd G. Greenwald:
On the smallest pseudo target set identification problem for targeted attack on interdependent power-communication networks. 1015-1020 - Donghyun Kim, Junggab Son, Wei Wang, Deying Li, Alade O. Tokuta, Sunghyun Cho:
Bandwidth-aware breach-free barrier construction with VANET nodes for realtime fugitive search. 1021-1026 - Abhimanyu Venkatraman Sheshashayee, Stefano Basagni:
WiEnum: Node enumeration in wireless networks. 1027-1032 - Minh Tuan Nguyen, Keith A. Teague:
Compressive and cooperative sensing in distributed mobile sensor networks. 1033-1038 - Seksan Laitrakun, Edward J. Coyle
Collision-aware distributed estimation in WSNs using sensor-censoring random access. 1039-1045 - Shiqiang Wang, Kevin S. Chan, Rahul Urgaonkar, Ting He, Kin K. Leung:
Emulation-based study of dynamic service placement in mobile micro-clouds. 1046-1051 - Petr Novotný, Rahul Urgaonkar, Alexander L. Wolf, Bongjun Ko:
Dynamic placement of composite software services in hybrid wireless networks. 1052-1057 - Ertugrul N. Ciftcioglu, Kevin S. Chan, Rahul Urgaonkar, Shiqiang Wang, Ting He:
Security-aware service migration for tactical mobile micro-clouds. 1058-1063 - Ryan Florin, Puya Ghazizadeh
, Aida Ghazi Zadeh, Stephan Olariu:
Enhancing dependability through redundancy in military vehicular clouds. 1064-1069 - Clement Kam, Sastry Kompella
, Anthony Ephremides:
Experimental evaluation of the age of information via emulation. 1070-1075 - Seppo Horsmanheimo, Arto Hujanen, Lotta Tuomimäki, Jarkko Kylmala:
CAST - RCS tool for modelling versatile size targets. 1076-1080 - César Alfredo Naranjo Hidalgo
, Eddie E. Galarza
Weather influence on communication links operating in frequencies over 10 GHz in the inter-andean zones of the Ecuadorian country. 1081-1086 - Stuart Marsden, Jouko Vankka:
Tactical Network Modeller simulation tool. 1087-1092 - F. Dell Kronewitter:
A tactical network optimization engine using simulation. 1093-1098 - Luciene Carvalho Correa de Souza, Wallace Anacleto Pinheiro
An approach to data correlation using JC3IEDM model. 1099-1102 - Muharrem Arik, Özgür Baris Akan:
Enabling cognition on Electronic CounterMeasure systems against next-generation radars. 1103-1108 - Zhongqiang Luo, Lidong Zhu, Chengjie Li:
Charrelation matrix based blind identification of underdetermined mixtures. 1109-1113 - Ping Yang, Yong Liang Guan
, Xiao-Bei Liu, Wenwen Wang:
Detection of single carrier transmission in frequency selective fading channels with symmetric alpha-stable noise. 1114-1119 - Kia Wiklundh, Karina M. Fors, Peter D. Holm:
A log-likelihood ratio for improved receiver performance for VLF/LF communication in atmospheric noise. 1120-1125 - Abigail Fuentes-Rivera, Mingjie Lin, Hector M. Lugo-Cordero:
Gabor filter polynomial approximation based on a novel evolutionary stochastic technique. 1138-1143 - Siddhartha S. Borkotoky, Michael B. Pursley:
Broadcast file distribution in a four-node packet radio network with network coding and code-modulation adaptation. 1144-1149 - Paul J. Nicholas, Karla L. Hoffman:
Computational challenges of dynamic channel assignment for military MANET. 1150-1157 - Yi Jiang, Babak Daneshrad, Gregory J. Pottie:
Initial acquisition for MANET with simultaneous transmissions. 1158-1163 - Alireza Sani
, Azadeh Vosoughi:
Bandwidth and power constrained distributed vector estimation in wireless sensor networks. 1164-1169 - Jongmok Kim, Jeongwan Koh, Jinkyu Kang
, Kwangeog Lee, Joonhyuk Kang:
Design of user clustering and precoding for downlink non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA). 1170-1175 - Xiaofang Sun, Deborah D. Duran-Herrmann, Zhangdui Zhong, Yaoqing Yang:
Non-orthogonal multiple access with weighted sum-rate optimization for downlink broadcast channel. 1176-1181 - Catherine Lamy-Bergot
, Jean-Baptiste Chantelouve, Jean-Luc Rogier, Hélène Diakhaté, Benoit Gouin:
Improved error correction for Stanag 4539 appendix H proposal: HF XL. 1182-1187 - Changming Xu, Hongming Zhang:
Packet error rate analysis of IM/DD systems for ultraviolet scattering communications. 1188-1193 - Lan K. Nguyen, Ryan K. Vorwerk:
End-to-end tracking performance for the enhanced polar system (EPS). 1194-1199 - Anu Saji, James W. Bohl, Ashwin Amanna:
Over-the-air performance of spectrally-efficient CDMA signature sets. 1200-1205 - Don J. Torrieri, Salvatore Talarico, Matthew C. Valenti
Performance analysis of fifth-generation cellular uplink. 1206-1211 - Cynthia Hood, Gregory Cox, Stuart Schutta, Anthony Rennier:
Policy-Enhanced Spectrum Operations: Analysis and proof of concept implementation. 1212-1217 - Peisong Shen
, Chi Chen
, Xue Tian, Jing Tian:
A similarity evaluation algorithm and its application in multi-keyword search on encrypted cloud data. 1218-1223 - Mark R. Heckman, Roger R. Schell
, Edwards E. Reed:
A multi-level secure file sharing server and its application to a multi-level secure cloud. 1224-1229 - Konrad S. Wrona
, Sander Oudkerk:
Integrated content-based information security for future military systems. 1230-1235 - Rui Zhang, Rui Xue:
Efficient keyword search for public-key setting. 1236-1241 - Junggab Son, Donghyun Kim, Rasheed Hussain, Alade Tokuta, Sung-Sik Kwon, Jung-Taek Seo
Privacy aware incentive mechanism to collect mobile data while preventing duplication. 1242-1247 - Nikolaos G. Bardis, Nikolaos Doukas, Oleksandr P. Markovskyi:
Effective method to restore data in distributed data storage systems. 1248-1253 - Manuel Rodríguez, Kevin A. Kwiat, Charles A. Kamhoua:
Modeling fault tolerant architectures with design diversity for secure systems. 1254-1263 - Scott E. Brown, Brian Henz, Harold Brown, Michael Edwards, Michael Russell, Jonathan Mercurio:
Validation of network simulation model with emulation using example malware. 1264-1269 - Andre Ferreira Alves Machado, Flavio Augusto Coelho Regueira Costa, Juliana Lucas de Rezende:
Use of simulation to achieve better results in cyber military training. 1270-1275 - William Luis, G. Richard Newell, Kenneth Alexander:
Differential power analysis countermeasures for the configuration of SRAM FPGAs. 1276-1283 - Gilbert Torres, Kathy Smith, James Buscemi, Sheetal Doshi, Ha Duong, Defeng Xu, H. Kent Pickett:
Distributed StealthNet (D-SN): Creating a live, virtual, constructive (LVC) environment for simulating cyber-attacks for test and evaluation (T&E). 1284-1291 - Waqas Ahmed, Baber Aslam:
A comparison of windows physical memory acquisition tools. 1292-1297 - Ankush Singla, Anand Mudgerikar, Ioannis Papapanagiotou, Attila A. Yavuz
HAA: Hardware-Accelerated Authentication for internet of things in mission critical vehicular networks. 1298-1304 - Hayreddin Çeker, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Enhanced recognition of keystroke dynamics using Gaussian mixture models. 1305-1310 - Aditi Roy, Tzipora Halevi, Nasir D. Memon
An HMM-based multi-sensor approach for continuous mobile authentication. 1311-1316 - Yanyan Li, Junshuang Yang, Mengjun Xie
, Dylan Carlson, Han Gil Jang, Jiang Bian:
Comparison of PIN- and pattern-based behavioral biometric authentication on mobile devices. 1317-1322 - Yuchong Li, Xingguo Luo, Bainan Li:
Detecting network-wide traffic anomalies based on robust multivariate probabilistic calibration model. 1323-1328 - Minhwan Cheon, Hoki Baek, Jaesung Lim:
Dynamic relay node selection scheme for multi-hop time synchronization in Link-16. 1329-1334 - Dan O'Keeffe, Theodoros Salonidis, Peter R. Pietzuch:
Network-aware stream query processing in mobile ad-hoc networks. 1335-1340 - Thomas E. Carroll, Satish Chikkagoudar
, Kristine Arthur-Durett:
Impact of network activity levels on the performance of passive network service dependency discovery. 1341-1347 - Arjun Muralidharan
, Yuan Yan, Yasamin Mostofi:
Binary log-linear learning with stochastic communication links. 1348-1353 - Maggie R. Breedy, Peter Budulas, Alessandro Morelli
, Niranjan Suri:
Transport protocols revisited. 1354-1360 - Peter Katlic, Koushik Kar, James Morris, James H. Nguyen, Robert G. Cole:
Design and evaluation of a mass configuration protocol (MCONF) for tactical MANETs. 1361-1366 - Brian Thompson, Hasan Cam:
Inferring pairwise influence from encrypted communication. 1367-1372 - Anahita Davoudi, Mainak Chatterjee:
Probabilistic spreading of recommendations in social networks. 1373-1378 - Hung T. Nguyen, Thang N. Dinh
Unveiling the structure of multi-attributed networks via joint non-negative matrix factorization. 1379-1384 - Kelvin Marcus, Maroun Touma, Flávio Bergamaschi:
Network Science collaborative experimentation methods and tools to accelerate network science innovation within the ITA and NS-CTA. 1385-1390 - John P. Hancock, Kelvin Marcus:
Network Science Experimentation Scale and composition in a virtualized experimentation environment. 1391-1396 - Ertugrul N. Ciftcioglu, Kevin S. Chan, Ananthram Swami, Derya H. Cansever, Prithwish Basu:
Topology control for time-varying contested environments. 1397-1402 - Christian A. Hofmann
, Robert T. Schwarz, Andreas Knopp:
Performance analysis of diversity techniques for secure SATCOM-on-the-move systems. 1403-1408 - Vijitha Weerackody:
Spectral efficiency performance of small-aperture terminals in NGSO satellite links. 1409-1414 - Enrique Cuevas, Vijitha Weerackody:
Earth stations on moving platforms. 1415-1420 - Sebastián Echeverría, Grace A. Lewis
, James Root, Ben Bradshaw:
Cyber-foraging for improving survivability of mobile systems. 1421-1426 - Jeffrey Boksiner, Yuriy Posherstnik, Richard O. Yeager:
Interference criteria for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 1427-1432 - Eric E. Johnson:
Staring link establishment for high-frequency radio. 1433-1438 - Randy W. Nelson, Bradley G. Butikofer, Joseph A. Lahart, David H. Church:
Wideband HF and 4G ALE Near Vertical Incidence Skywave test results. 1439-1444 - Stephen Andrew Laraway, Hussein Moradi, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
HF band filter bank multi-carrier spread spectrum. 1445-1453 - Mark B. Jorgenson, Nigel T. Cook:
Results from a wideband HF usability study. 1454-1459 - Eric N. Koski, Jeffery Weston:
Efficient high-fidelity simulation of HF communications systems and networks. 1460-1466 - Francisco C. Ribeiro, Elaine Crespo Marques, Nilson M. Paiva Jr., Juraci F. Galdino:
Sparsity-aware direct decision-feedback equalization of ionospheric HF channels. 1467-1472 - Satya Prakash Ponnaluri, Sohraab Soltani, Yi Shi
, Yalin Evren Sagduyu:
Spectrum Efficient Communications with multiuser MIMO, multiuser detection and interference alignment. 1473-1478 - Andrew Thornburg, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Ergodic capacity in mmWave ad hoc network with imperfect beam alignment. 1479-1484 - Andrew C. Marcum, Joon Young Kim, David J. Love, James V. Krogmeier:
Interference detection using time-frequency binary hypothesis testing. 1485-1490 - Alex R. Chiriyath, Daniel W. Bliss:
Joint radar-communications performance bounds: Data versus estimation information rates. 1491-1496 - Wilbur L. Myrick, Michael Picciolo, J. Scott Goldstein, Vernon Joyner:
Multistage anti-spoof GPS interference correlator (MAGIC). 1497-1502 - Alois M. J. Goiser:
Conversion gain for interference combating. 1503-1508 - Xiao-Bei Liu, Yong Liang Guan
, Soo Ngee Koh:
Single-channel blind separation of co-frequency MPSK signals based on PSP algorithm with DFSE. 1509-1514 - Farhan A. Qazi, Adly T. Fam:
Interception of the triangular FM waveform via self-convolution. 1515-1518 - Thakshila Wimalajeewa, Jithin Jagannath
, Pramod K. Varshney, Andrew L. Drozd, Wei Su:
Distributed asynchronous modulation classification based on hybrid maximum likelihood approach. 1519-1523 - Hideki Ochiai:
High-order statistical analysis for linearly modulated signals. 1524-1529 - Daniel J. Jakubisin, R. Michael Buehrer:
Approximate joint MAP detection of co-channel signals. 1530-1535 - Eyidayo Adebola, Annamalai Annamalai:
On the performance of energy detectors in generalized fading environments. 1536-1541 - Jing Ya
, Tingwen Liu, Haoliang Zhang, Jinqiao Shi, Li Guo:
An automatic approach to extract the formats of network and security log messages. 1542-1547 - Roberto Rigolin Ferreira Lopes
, Stephen D. Wolthusen:
Distributed security policies for service-oriented architectures over tactical networks. 1548-1553 - Xuebiao Yuchi, Sachin Shetty
Enabling security-aware virtual machine placement in IaaS clouds. 1554-1559 - Reese Moore, Christopher Morrell, Randy C. Marchany, Joseph G. Tront:
Utilizing the BitTorrent DHT for blind rendezvous and information exchange. 1560-1565 - Kazi J. Ahmed, Myung J. Lee, Jie Li:
Layered scalable WAVE security for VANET. 1566-1571 - Binod Vaidya, Dimitrios Makrakis, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Multi-domain Public key infrastructure for Vehicle-to-Grid network. 1572-1577 - Angelo Liguori:
A novel Multiple Independent Levels of Security/Safety Cross Domain solution. 1578-1583 - Markus Maybaum, Jens Tölle:
ARMing the Trusted Platform Module pro-active system integrity monitoring focussing on peer system notification. 1584-1589 - Hugo Hammer, Kyrre Wahl Kongsgård, Aleksander Bai, Anis Yazidi, Nils Agne Nordbotten, Paal E. Engelstad:
Automatic security classification by machine learning for cross-domain information exchange. 1590-1595 - Paal E. Engelstad:
Security challenges with cross-domain information exchange: Integrity and guessing attacks. 1596-1605 - Emre Gunduzhan, Bharat T. Doshi, Lotfi Benmohamed:
Wireless Emergency Alerts in arbitrary sized target areas: Mobile location aware emergency notification. 1606-1611 - Saritha Arunkumar, Mudhakar Srivatsa, Murat Sensoy
, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan:
Global attestation of location in mobile devices. 1612-1617 - Bharat T. Doshi, Emre Gunduzhan, Jay Chang, Osama Farrag:
Mobile geolocation techniques for location-aware emergency response services. 1618-1623 - Jason Schuette, Barry Fell, John Chapin, Steven Jones, James Stutler, Mark Birchler, Dennis Roberson:
Performance of RF mapping using opportunistic distributed devices. 1624-1629 - Romain Prouvez, Bruno Baynat, Hicham Khalife, Vania Conan, Catherine Lamy-Bergot
Modeling Automatic Link Establishment in HF networks. 1630-1635 - Marcus T. Urie, Gautam Thatte, Ryan McCourt, Parker Martin, Xiaochen Li, Cenk Köse, Michael P. Fitz, Scott Enserink:
A critique of HF NVIS channel models. 1636-1642 - Michael J. Conway, Christopher J. Payne, Sven G. Bilén, Eric N. Koski:
Ground-wave propagation characterization and prediction for HF cognitive radio. 1643-1649 - Scott Enserink, Cenk Köse, Mike Fitz, Marcus T. Urie, Ryan McCourt:
A model for dual polarized HF MIMO communications. 1650-1655 - David W. Matolak, Ruoyu Sun
Air-ground channel characterization for unmanned aircraft systems: The near-urban environment. 1656-1660 - Mostafa Ibrahim, Hüseyin Arslan
Air-Ground Doppler-delay spread spectrum for dense scattering environments. 1661-1666 - David Ripplinger, B. Russ Hamilton, Greg Kuperman:
A high-fidelity statistical model of frequency hopping interference for fast simulation. 1667-1672 - Vivianne Jodalen, Jeffrey Pugh, Philip J. Vigneron:
Wideband propagation characteristics at 312 MHz in Eastern Norway and impact on waveform requirements. 1673-1678 - Nguyen Bach Long
, Dong-Seong Kim:
Efficient cooperative relaying selection scheme based on TDMA for military tactical multi-hop wireless networks. 1679-1684 - Yalin Evren Sagduyu, Yi Shi
, Satya Prakash Ponnaluri, Sohraab Soltani, Jason H. Li, Rob Riley:
Optimal transmission decisions for airborne relay communications. 1685-1690 - Lisa Pinals, Mai Vu:
Maximum entropy quantization for link-state adaptation in two-way relaying. 1691-1696 - Qiongjie Lin, Mary Ann Weitnauer:
SINR analysis and energy allocation of preamble and training for time division CT with range extension. 1697-1702

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