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Image Processing 2002: San Diego, CA, USA
- Milan Sonka, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing, San Diego, California, United States, 23-28 February 2002. SPIE Proceedings 4684, SPIE 2002, ISBN 9780819444295
Tomographic Reconstruction I
- Yasser M. Kadah
New solution to the gridding problem. - Ing-Tsung Hsiao
, Anand Rangarajan
, Gene R. Gindi:
Provably convergent OSEM-like reconstruction algorithm for emission tomography. - Hongbing Lu, Junhai Wen, Xiang Li, Tianfang Li, Guoping Han, Zhengrong Liang:
Toward an analytical solution for 3D SPECT reconstruction with nonuniform attenuation and distance-dependent resolution variation: a Monte Carlo simulation study. - Ryan J. Murphy, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
, Jasenka Benac, Donald L. Snyder, Bruce R. Whiting, David G. Politte, Jeffrey F. Williamson:
Incorporating known information into image reconstruction algorithms for transmission tomography. - Jeffrey A. Fessler, Idris A. Elbakri, Predrag Sukovic, Neal H. Clinthorne:
Maximum-likelihood dual-energy tomographic image reconstruction.
Tomographic Reconstruction II/Statistical Methods
- Frédéric Noo, Dominic J. Heuscher:
Image reconstruction from cone-beam data on a circular short-scan. - Jiang Hsieh, Yanting Dong, Piero Simoni, Thomas Toth, Christopher L. Slack, Brian Grekowicz, George Seidenschnur, Charlie Shaughnessy:
Cone-angle-dependent generalized weighting scheme for 16-slice helical CT. - Enrique Corona, Sunanda Mitra, Mark P. Wilson, Peter Soliz:
Digital stereo-optic disc image analyzer for monitoring progression of glaucoma. - Mariano Rivera
, James C. Gee:
Novel spatial interaction prior for Bayesian image segmentation and restoration.
Segmentation I
- Thorsten Schlathoelter, Cristian Lorenz, Ingwer C. Carlsen, Steffen Renisch, Thomas Deschamps:
Simultaneous segmentation and tree reconstruction of the airways for virtual bronchoscopy. - Krishna Subramanyan, Dava Smith, Jay Varma, Shalabh Chandra:
Automatic vessel extraction and abdominal aortic stent planning in multislice CT. - Jayaram K. Udupa, Punam K. Saha
Axiomatic path strength definition for fuzzy connectedness and the case of multiple seeds. - Punam K. Saha
, Bryon R. Gomberg, Felix W. Wehrli:
Novel theory and algorithm for fuzzy distance transform and its applications. - Daniel B. Russakoff, Torsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.:
Fuzzy segmentation of x-ray fluoroscopy images. - S. Kubilay Pakin, José Gerardo Tamez-Peña
, Saara M. S. Totterman, Kevin J. Parker:
Segmentation, surface extraction, and thickness computation of articular cartilage.
Segmentation II
- Yan Li, Raj Shekhar, David Huang:
Segmentation of 830- and 1310-nm LASIK corneal optical coherence tomography images. - Maryam E. Rettmann, Xiaodong Tao, Jerry L. Prince:
Assisted labeling techniques for the human brain cortex. - Dzung L. Pham, Xiao Han, Maryam E. Rettmann, Chenyang Xu, Duygu Tosun, Susan M. Resnick, Jerry L. Prince:
New approaches for measuring changes in the cortical surface using an automatic reconstruction algorithm. - M. Stella Atkins, Jeffery J. Orchard, Benjamin Law, Melanie K. Tory:
Robustness of the brain parenchymal fraction for measuring brain atrophy. - Stephan Al-Zubi, Klaus D. Tönnies, Nils Bodammer, Hermann Hinrichs:
Fusing Markov random fields with anatomical knowledge and shape-based analysis to segment multiple sclerosis white matter lesions in magnetic resonance images of the brain. - John O. Glass, Wilburn E. Reddick, Qing Ji, Lauren S. Glas:
Segmentation and classification of normal-appearing brain: how much is enough?
- Michael A. Unser
Splines: a perfect fit for medical imaging. - Anthony Dietz, David B. Kynor, Eric Friets, John K. Triedman, Peter Hammer:
Effects of uncertainty in camera geometry on three-dimensional catheter reconstruction from biplane fluoroscopic images. - Moez Chakchouk, Sylvie Sevestre-Ghalila
, Faouzi Ghorbel
, Faouzi Tenzekhti, Radhi Hamza:
Three-dimensional vascular network projective reconstruction from uncalibrated and non-subtracted x-ray rotational angiography image sequence. - Anant Gopal, Kenneth R. Hoffmann, Stephen Rudin, Daniel R. Bednarek:
Reconstruction of asymmetric vessel lumen from two views.
- Jayaram K. Udupa, Vicki R. LeBlanc, Hilary Schmidt, Celina Imielinska, Punam K. Saha
, George J. Grevera, Ying Zhuge, Leanne M. Currie, Pat Molholt, Yinpeng Jin:
Methodology for evaluating image-segmentation algorithms. - Martin A. Styner, Cecil Charles, Jin Park, Guido Gerig
Multisite validation of image analysis methods: assessing intra- and intersite variability. - Regina Pohle, Klaus D. Tönnies:
Three-level evaluation process for segmentation methods in medical imaging. - Peter Rogelj, Stanislav Kovacic, James C. Gee:
Validation of a nonrigid registration algorithm for multimodal data. - Hidetaka Arimura, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Takayuki Ishida, Nobuhiro Oda, Hajime Nakata, Kunio Doi:
Performance evaluation of an advanced method for automated identification of view positions of chest radiographs by use of a large database. - Dag Wormanns, Gerhard Kohl, Ernst Klotz, Walter Heindel, Stefan Diederich:
Clinical evaluation of the reproducibility of volume measurements of pulmonary nodules.
Motion/Pattern Recognition
- Claire J. M. Pellot-Barakat, Jerome J. Mai, Christian M. Kargel, Alain Herment, Birgit Trummer, Michael F. Insana:
Accelerating ultrasonic strain reconstructions by introducing mechanical constraints. - Edward B. Welch, Armando Manduca:
Correction of translation-induced artifacts in wrist MRI scans using orthogonal acquisitions. - Punam K. Saha
, Jayaram K. Udupa, Bruce Elliot Hirsch:
Iso-shaping rigid bodies for estimating their motion from image sequences. - Sergey V. Beiden, Marcus A. Maloof, Robert F. Wagner:
ROC components-of-variance analysis of competing classifiers. - Mia K. Markey
, Joseph Y. Lo
, Georgia D. Tourassi
, Carey E. Floyd Jr.:
Cluster analysis of BI-RADS descriptions of biopsy-proven breast lesions.
Segmentation III
- Shuyu Yang, Sunanda Mitra:
Statistical and adaptive approaches for segmentation and vector source encoding of medical images. - Yinpeng Jin, Andrew F. Laine, Celina Imielinska:
Adaptive speed term based on homogeneity for level-set segmentation. - Joze Derganc, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
Nonparametric segmentation of multispectral MR images incorporating spatial and intensity information. - Elsa D. Angelini
, Celina Imielinska, Yinpeng Jin, Andrew F. Laine:
Improving statistics for hybrid segmentation of high-resolution multichannel images. - Haisong Liu, Gang Cheng, Deborah J. Rubens, John G. Strang, Lydia Liao, Ralph Brasacchio, Edward Messing, Yan Yu:
Automatic segmentation of prostate boundaries in transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) imaging. - Kun Huang, Jianhua Xuan, József Varga, Matthew T. Freedman, Zsolt Szabo, Dan Hayes, Vered Stearns, Yue Joseph Wang:
MR-image-based tissue analysis and its clinical applications.
Deformable Geometry II
- Steven C. Mitchell, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
, Johan G. Bosch, Rob J. van der Geest, Johan H. C. Reiber, Milan Sonka
Segmentation of cardiac MR volume data using 3D active appearance models. - Guo-Qing Wei, Jian Zhong Qian, John C. Engdahl:
Integrated approach to brightness- and contrast-invariant detection of the heart in SPECT imaging. - Johan G. Bosch, Steven C. Mitchell, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
, Francisca Nijland, Otto Kamp, Milan Sonka
, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Fully automated endocardial contour detection in time sequences of echocardiograms by three-dimensional active appearance models. - Marleen de Bruijne
, Bram van Ginneken
, Wiro J. Niessen
, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever:
Active-shape-model-based segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysms in CTA images. - Reinhard Beichel, Georg Gotschuli, Erich Sorantin, Franz W. Leberl, Milan Sonka
Diaphragm dome surface segmentation in CT data sets: a 3D active appearance model approach. - Michael Kohnen, Andreas H. Mahnken
, Jörg Kesten, Eckart Koeppel, Rolf W. Günther
, Berthold B. Wein:
Three-dimensional knowledge-based surface model for segmentation of organic structures. - Hans Henrik Thodberg:
Hands-on experience with active appearance models.
Registration I
- Dejan Tomazevic, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
Rigid 2D/3D registration of intraoperative digital x-ray images and preoperative CT and MR images. - Julian Mattes, Johannes Fieres, Roland Eils:
Shape-adapted motion model based on thin-plate splines and point clustering for point set registration. - Baowei Fei
, Corey Kemper, David L. Wilson
Three-dimensional warping registration of the pelvis and prostate. - Andrew D. Castellano-Smith, Thomas Hartkens, Julia Anne Schnabel
, D. Rodney Hose, Haiying Liu, Walter A. Hall, Charles L. Truwit, David John Hawkes, Derek L. G. Hill:
Registration-based mesh construction technique for finite-element models of brains. - Julia Anne Schnabel
, Christine Tanner, Andrew D. Castellano-Smith, Andreas Degenhard, Carmel Hayes, Martin O. Leach
, D. Rodney Hose, Derek L. G. Hill, David John Hawkes:
Finite-element based validation of nonrigid registration using single- and multilevel free-form deformations: application to contrast-enhanced MR mammography.
Registration II/Models
- Michael A. Wirth, Jay Narhan, Derek W. S. Gray:
Nonrigid mammogram registration using mutual information. - Jay B. West, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.:
Extension of target registration error theory to the composition of transforms. - Torsten Rohlfing, Daniel B. Russakoff, Martin J. Murphy, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.:
Intensity-based registration algorithm for probabilistic images and its application for 2D to 3D image registration. - Duane A. Yoder, Eric Changchien, Cynthia B. Paschal, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
MRI simulator with static field inhomogeneity. - Michael I. Miga:
New approach to elastrograph imaging: modality-independent elastography. - Guy Shechter, Frederic Devernay
, Ève Coste-Manière, Elliot R. McVeigh:
Temporal tracking of 3D coronary arteries in projection angiograms.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis I
- Heiko Hengen, Susanne L. Spoor, Madhukar C. Pandit:
Analysis of blood and bone marrow smears using digital image processing techniques. - Walker H. Land, Anab Akanda, Joseph Y. Lo
, Francis Anderson, Margaret Bryden:
Application of support vector machines to breast cancer screening using mammogram and history data. - Yun Liang, Ganapathy Krishnamurthi, Laigao Michael Chen, Cristopher A. Meyer:
Reproducibility of the coronary calcium measurement with different cardiac algorithms using multislice spiral CT. - Wilburn E. Reddick, John O. Glass, Shingjie Wu, Shawna L. Palmer, Raymond K. Mulhern, Amar Gajjar:
Quantitative MR assessment of longitudinal parenchymal changes in children treated for medulloblastoma.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis II
- Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja, Ravi Bansal:
Automated lung nodule segmentation using dynamic programming and EM-based classification. - Rafael Wiemker, Patrik Rogalla, André Zwartkruis, Thomas Blaffert:
Computer-aided lung nodule detection on high-resolution CT data. - Jian Zhong Qian, Li Fan, Guo-Qing Wei, Carol L. Novak, Benjamin L. Odry, Hong Shen, Li Zhang, David P. Naidich, Jane P. Ko, Ami N. Rubinowitz, Georgeann McGuinness, Gerhard Kohl, Ernst Klotz:
Knowledge-based automatic detection of multitype lung nodules from multidetector CT studies. - Hui Zhao, Shih-Chung Benedict Lo, Matthew T. Freedman, Yue Joseph Wang:
Enhanced lung cancer detection in temporal subtraction chest radiography using directional edge filtering techniques. - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Computer-aided classification of pulmonary nodules in surrounding and internal feature spaces using three-dimensional thoracic CT images. - Hotaka Takizawa, Shinji Yamamoto, Tohru Matsumoto, Yukio Tateno, Takeshi Iinuma, Mitsuomi Matsumoto:
Recognition of lung nodules from x-ray CT images using 3D Markov random field models. - Yuan-Hsiang Chang, Xiao Hui Wang, Lara A. Hardesty, Christiane M. Hakim, Bin Zheng, Walter F. Good, David Gur:
Incorporation of negative regions in a knowledge-based computer-aided detection scheme.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis III
- Lisa M. Kinnard, Shih-Chung Benedict Lo, Paul C. Wang, Matthew T. Freedman, Mohamed F. Chouikha:
Separation of malignant and benign masses using maximum-likelihood modeling and neural networks. - Bin Zheng, Xiao Hui Wang, Yuan-Hsiang Chang, Lara A. Hardesty, Marie A. Ganott, Walter F. Good, David Gur:
Change of region conspicuity in bilateral mammograms: potential impact on CAD performance. - Lubomir M. Hadjiiski
, Heang-Ping Chan
, Berkman Sahiner, Nicholas Petrick, Mark A. Helvie, Marilyn A. Roubidoux, Metin Nafi Gürcan
Computer-aided characterization of malignant and benign microcalcification clusters based on the analysis of temporal change of mammographic features. - Berkman Sahiner, Metin Nafi Gürcan
, Heang-Ping Chan
, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski
, Nicholas Petrick, Mark A. Helvie:
Use of joint two-view information for computerized lesion detection on mammograms: improvement of microcalcification detection accuracy. - Zhimin Huo, Maryellen Lissak Giger
Effect of case mix on feature selection in the computerized classification of mammographic lesions. - Maryellen Lissak Giger
, Zhimin Huo, Carl J. Vyborny, Li Lan, Ioana R. Bonta, Karla Horsch, Robert M. Nishikawa
, Ingrid Rosenborough:
Intelligent CAD workstation for breast imaging using similarity to known lesions and multiple visual prompt aids.
Poster Session I
- Xiaochuan Pan, Emil Y. Sidky, Yu Zou:
Image reconstruction in SPECT with a half detector. - Erdogan Çesmeli, Peter M. Edic, Maria Iatrou, Jiang Hsieh, Rajiv Gupta, Armin H. Pfoh:
Cardiac-state-driven CT image reconstruction algorithm for cardiac imaging. - Emil Y. Sidky, Chien-Min Kao
, Patrick J. La Rivière, Xiaochuan Pan:
Noise properties of the inverse π-scheme exponential radon transform. - Aria Abubakar, Peter M. van den Berg, Jordi J. Mallorquí
Full nonlinear inversion of microwave biomedical data. - Stefan Horbelt, Michael Liebling
, Michael A. Unser
Filter design for filtered back-projection guided by the interpolation model.
Tomographic Reconstruction II/Statistical Methods
- Herbert Bruder, Karl Stierstorfer, Bernd Ohnesorge, Stefan Schaller, Thomas Flohr:
Novel reconstruction scheme for cardiac volume imaging with MSCT providing cone correction.
Poster Session I
- Bernhard E. H. Claus, Jeffrey W. Eberhard:
New method for 3D reconstruction in digital tomosynthesis. - Ahmed S. Fahmy, Bassel S. Tawfik, Yasser M. Kadah
Image reconstruction using shift-variant resampling kernel for magnetic resonance imaging. - George K. Gregoriou
Effect of reconstruction parameters on defect detection in fan-beam SPECT. - Laigao Michael Chen, Yun Liang, George A. Sandison, Jonas Rydberg:
Novel method for reducing high-attenuation object artifacts in CT reconstructions. - Gye Rae Tack, Seung Yong Lee, Kyu Chul Shin, Sung Jae Lee:
Sensitivity analysis of textural parameters for vertebroplasty. - Michael R. Chinander, Maryellen Lissak Giger
, Ruchi D. Shah, Tamara J. Vokes:
Investigation of using bone texture analysis on bone densitometry images. - Nariman Majdi-Nasab, Mostafa Analoui:
Genetic algorithm and expectation maximization for parameter estimation of mixture Gaussian model phantom. - Zhanyu Ge, Sunanda Mitra:
Optimized statistical modeling of MS lesions as MRI voxel outliers for monitoring the effect of drug therapy. - Daryl Nazareth, Kenneth R. Hoffmann, Alan M. Walczak, Jacek Dmochowski, Lee R. Guterman, Stephen Rudin, Daniel R. Bednarek:
Determination of biplane geometry and centerline curvature in vascular imaging. - Cherng-Min Ma, Shu-Yen Wan
Thinning algorithim on 2D gray-level images. - Joern Luetjens, Reiner Koppe, Erhard Klotz, Michael Grass, Volker Rasche
Three-dimensional imaging using low-end C-arm systems. - Claudia E. Rodríguez-Carranza, Murray H. Loew:
Feasibility of an automated technique for detection of large misregistrations. - Rujirutana Srikanchana, Jianhua Xuan, Kun Huang, Matthew T. Freedman, Yue Joseph Wang:
Mixture of principal axes registration: a neural computation approach. - Gustavo K. Rohde, Akram Aldroubi
, Benoit M. Dawant:
Adaptive-bases algorithm for nonrigid image registration. - Jaincun He, Gary E. Christensen, Jay T. Rubenstein, Ge Wang:
Analysis of a new method for consistent large-deformation elastic image registration. - Vevin Mok, Sim Heng Ong, Kelvin Weng Chiong Foong, Toshiaki Kondo:
Pose estimation of teeth through crown-shape matching. - Guo-Qing Wei, Anant Madabhushi, Jian Zhong Qian, John C. Engdahl:
Automatic quantification of liver-heart cross-talk for quality assessment in SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging. - Walter F. Good, Glenn S. Maitz, Xiao Hui Wang:
Automatic quality assessment of JPEG and JPEG 2000 compressed images. - Wenbin Luo, Gregory L. Heileman, Carlos E. Pizano:
JPEG domain watermarking. - Karla Horsch, Alfredo Fredy Ceballos, Maryellen Lissak Giger
, Ioana R. Bonta, Zhimin Huo, Carl J. Vyborny, R. Edward Hendrick, Li Lan:
Optimizing feature selection across a multimodality database in computerized classification of breast lesions. - Martin Buerki, Helmut Oswald, Gerhard Schroth:
Fuzzy clustering of fMRI data: toward a theoretical basis for choosing the fuzziness index. - Qing Ji, Wilburn E. Reddick, John O. Glass, Evgeny Krynetskiy:
Quantitative study of renormalization transformation method to correct the inhomogeneity in MR images. - Til Aach, Claudia Mayntz, Peter M. J. Rongen, Georg Schmitz
, Herman Stegehuis:
Spatiotemporal multiscale vessel enhancement for coronary angiograms. - Andrzej Król, Ifeanyi Echeruo, Roberto B. Solgado
, Amol S. Hardikar, James E. Bowsher, David H. Feiglin, Frank Deaver Thomas, Edward Lipson, Ioana L. Coman:
EM-IntraSPECT algorithm with ordered subsets (OSEMIS) for nonuniform attenuation correction in cardiac imaging. - Fernando A. Barrios
, Leopoldo Gonzalez-Santos, Rafael Favila, Rafael Rojas:
Adaptive robust filters in MRI. - Kent M. Ogden, Charles R. Wilson, Robert W. Cox:
Contrast improvements in digital radiography using a scatter-reduction processing algorithm. - Gopal B. Avinash, Kadri N. Jabri, Renuka Uppaluri, Amber Rader, Frank Fischbach, Jens Ricke, Ulf Teichgräber
Effective dose reduction in dual-energy flat panel x-ray imaging: technique and clinical evaluation. - S. Suprijanto, Frans M. Vos, M. W. Vogel, Albert M. Vossepoel, Henri A. Vrooman:
Additional processing for phase unwrapping of magnetic resonance thermometry imaging. - Frank J. Crosby, A. Patricia Nelson:
Sequential approach to three-dimensional geometric image correction. - Yi-Qiang Yang, Nobuyuki Nakamori, Yasuo Yoshida, Takanori Tsunoo, Masahiro Endo, Kazumasa Satoh:
Denoising of cone beam CT image using wavelet transform. - Sachin V. Patwardhan, Atam P. Dhawan, Patricia A. Relue
Tree-structured wavelet transform signature for classification of melanoma. - Vadim Kustov, Andrew M. Zador:
Line vector quantization using noninteger subsampled wavelet pyramids and its application in medical imaging. - Ying Zhuge, Jayaram K. Udupa, Jiamin Liu, Punam K. Saha
, Tad Iwanaga:
Scale-based method for correcting background intensity variation in acquired images. - Jiann-Der Lee, Shu-Yen Wan
, Cherng-Min Ma:
Interslice interpolation of anisotropic 3D images using multiresolution contour correlation. - Craig K. Jones
, Erick Wong:
Multi-scale application of the N3 method for intensity correction of MR images. - Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
, Kourosh Jafari-Khouzani:
Multiwavelet grading of prostate pathological images. - Brian B. Avants
, James C. Gee:
Soft parametric curve matching in scale-space. - Katherine E. Macey, Wyatt H. Page:
Wavelet median denoising of ultrasound images. - David H. Frakes, Christopher M. Sinotte, Christopher P. Conrad, Timothy M. Healy, Shiva Sharma, Mark A. Fogel, Joseph W. Monaco, Mark J. T. Smith, Ajit P. Yoganathan:
Application of an adaptive control grid interpolation technique to MR data set augmentation aimed at morphological vascular reconstruction. - Raghavendra Chandrashekara, Raad H. Mohiaddin, Daniel Rueckert
Analysis of myocardial motion in tagged MR images using nonrigid image registration. - Armando Manduca, Travis E. Oliphant, David S. Lake, M. Alex Dresner, Richard L. Ehman:
Characterization and evaluation of inversion algorithms for MR elastography. - David B. Kynor, Anthony Dietz, Eric Friets, Jon Peterson
, Ursula Bergstrom, John K. Triedman, Peter Hammer:
Visualization of cardiac wavefronts using data fusion. - Lisheng Wang, Pheng-Ann Heng
, Tien-Tsin Wong, Jing Bai:
Multiple-isovalue selection by clustering gray values of the boundary surfaces within volume image. - L. Rodney Long, Daniel M. Krainak, George R. Thoma:
Identifying image structures for content-based retrieval of digitized spine x rays. - Thomas Martin Lehmann, Sascha Goudarzi, Nick I. Linnenbrügger, Daniel Keysers, Berthold B. Wein:
Automatic localization and delineation of collimation fields in digital and film-based radiographs. - Hui Luo, Roger S. Gaborski, Raj S. Acharya:
Knowledge-based image understanding and classification system for medical image databases.
Poster Session II
- Hiroyuki Yoshida, Janne J. Näppi, Hans Frimmel, Abraham H. Dachman
Computer-aided diagnosis in CT colonography: detection of polyps based on geometric and texture features. - Kristin Jane McLoughlin, Philip J. Bones, Peter Kovesi:
Connective tissue representation for detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms. - Antti J. Lahtinen, Harry Frey, Hannu Eskola:
New deformable human brain atlas for computer-aided diagnosis. - Mitsuru Kubo, Kazuhori Kubota, Nobuhiro Yamada, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Masahiko Kusumoto, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Noriyuki Moriyama:
CAD system for lung cancer based on low-dose single-slice CT image. - Kazuhori Kubota, Mitsuru Kubo, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Clinical test in a prospective study of a CAD system for lung cancer based on helical CT images. - Wakako Ichikawa, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Masahiko Kusumoto, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Classification experiments of pulmonary nodules using high-resolution CT images. - Tsutomu Mukaibo, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Classification of lung area using multidetector-row CT images.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis I
- Anna O. Bilska-Wolak, Carey E. Floyd Jr.:
Breast biopsy prediction using a case-based reasoning classifier for masses versus calcifications.
Poster Session II
- Maria Evelina Fantacci
, Ubaldo Bottigli
, Pasquale Delogu
, Francesco Fauci, Bruno Golosio
, Adele Lauria, Rosa Palmiero, Giuseppe Raso
, Simone Stumbo, Sabina Tangaro
Search of microcalcification clusters with the CALMA CAD station. - Matthew T. Freedman, Shih-Chung Benedict Lo, Teresa Osicka, Yuan Ming Fleming Lure, Xin-Wei Xu, J. Jesse Lin, Hui Zhao, Ron Zhang:
Computer-aided detection of lung cancer on chest radiographs: effect of machine CAD false-positive locations on radiologists' behavior. - Karen Drukker
, Maryellen Lissak Giger
, Karla Horsch, Carl J. Vyborny:
Computerized analysis of sonograms for the detection of breast lesions. - Metin Nafi Gürcan
, Heang-Ping Chan
, Berkman Sahiner, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Nicholas Petrick, Mark A. Helvie:
Optimal neural network architecture selection: effects on computer-aided detection of mammographic microcalcifications. - Takayuki Ishida, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Katsumi Nakamura, Kazuto Ashizawa, Heber MacMahon, Kunio Doi:
Computerized analysis of interstitial lung diseases on chest radiographs based on lung texture, geometric-pattern features, and artificial neural networks. - Robert M. Nishikawa
, Maria Fernanda Salfity, Yulei Jiang, John Papaioannou:
Improving the automated classification of clustered calcifications on mammograms through the improved detection of individual calcifications. - Amit Nimunkar, Atam P. Dhawan, Patricia A. Relue
, Sachin V. Patwardhan:
Wavelet and statistical analysis for melanoma classification. - Tomokazu Oda, Mitsuru Kubo, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Masahiko Kusumoto, Noriyuki Moriyama, Kiyoshi Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama:
Detection algorithm of lung cancer candidate nodules on multislice CT images. - Li Fan, Jian Zhong Qian, Benjamin L. Odry, Hong Shen, David P. Naidich, Gerhard Kohl, Ernst Klotz:
Automatic segmentation of pulmonary nodules by using dynamic 3D cross-correlation for interactive CAD systems. - Gilberto Zamora, Hamed Sari-Sarraf, Sunanda Mitra, L. Rodney Long:
Analysis of the feasibility of using active shape models for segmentation of gray-scale images. - Tobias Kunert, Marc Heiland, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
User-driven segmentation approach: interactive snakes. - Peter J. Yim, G. Boudewijn Vasbinder, Vincent B. Ho, Peter L. Choyke:
Deformable isosurface and vascular applications. - Leonid Zhukov, Zhaosheng Bao, Igor Guskov, John Wood, David E. Breen:
Dynamic deformable models for 3D MRI heart segmentation. - Yuan Xu, Scott C. Neu, Chester J. Ornes, Janis F. Owens, Jack Sklansky, Daniel J. Valentino:
Optimization of active-contour model parameters using genetic algorithms: segmentation of breast lesions in mammograms. - Di Xiao, Wan Sing Ng, Udantha R. Abeyratne
, Charles Bih-Shiou Tsang:
Rectal tumor boundary detection by unifying active contour model. - Di Xiao, Wan Sing Ng, Udantha R. Abeyratne
, Charles Bih-Shiou Tsang:
Prototype of a rectal wall ultrasound image analysis system. - Lisheng Wang, Jing Bai, Pheng-Ann Heng
, Tien-Tsin Wong:
Extraction of polygonal boundary surfaces from volume image. - Gareth Adams, G. Wesley Vick, Cassius Bordelon, William Insull, Joel D. Morrisett:
Algorithm for quantifying advanced carotid artery atherosclerosis in humans using MRI and active contours. - Xiang Li, Zigang Wang, Hongbing Lu, Zhengrong Liang:
Automated segmentation method for the 3D ultrasound carotid image based on geometrically deformable model with automatic merge function. - Cornelis M. van Bemmel, Luuk J. Spreeuwers
, Bert Verdonck, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen
Blood pool agent contrast-enhanced MRA: level-set-based artery-vein separation. - Ying Zhuge, Jayaram K. Udupa, Punam K. Saha
Vectoral-scale-based fuzzy-connected image segmentation. - Zikuan Chen
, Sabee Y. Molloi:
Vessel-valley-course generation algorithm for quantitative analysis of angiograms. - Takayuki Kitasaka, Kensaku Mori
, Jun-ichi Hasegawa, Jun-ichiro Toriwaki, Kazuhiro Katada:
Automated extraction of aorta and pulmonary artery in mediastinum from 3D chest x-ray CT images without contrast medium. - Begoña Acha-Piñero
, Carmen Serrano
, José Ignacio Acha
Segmentation of burn images using the L*u*v* space and classification of their depths by color and texture imformation. - Keiko Fujii, Masahiro Yamaguchi
, Nagaaki Ohyama, Kiyoshi Mukai:
Development of support systems for pathology using spectral transmittance: the quantification method of stain conditions. - Erick Wong, Craig K. Jones
Convex geometry for rapid tissue classification in MRI. - Bostjan Likar, Joze Derganc, Franjo Pernus:
Segmentation-based retrospective correction of intensity nonuniformity in multispectral MR images. - Min Wu, Robert F. Fraser II, Chang Wen Chen:
Computer-assisted measurement of cervical length from transvaginal ultrasound images. - Nourhan M. Zayed
, Ahmed M. Badawi
, Alaa M. Elsayad
, Mohamed S. Elsherif, Abou Bakr M. Youssef
Wavelet-based segmentation for fetal ultrasound texture images. - Belma Dogdas, David W. Shattuck, Richard M. Leahy:
Segmentation of the skull in 3D human MR images using mathematical morphology. - Ming-Jin Wu, Chih-Yang Lin, Yu-Tai Ching:
Segmentation of confocal microscopic image of insect brain. - Marjolein van der Glas, Frans M. Vos, Charl P. Botha, Albert M. Vossepoel:
Determination of position and radius of ball joints. - Michael Kohnen, Andreas H. Mahnken
, Alexander S. Brandt, Stephan Steinberg, Rolf W. Günther
, Berthold B. Wein:
Segmentation of the lumbar spine with knowledge-based shape models. - László G. Nyúl, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Protocol-independent brain MRI segmentation method. - Xiang Zhang, Timothy S. Newman:
Combining snake-based and intensity-based processing for segmentation of renal structure in lower-torso CT data. - Raquel Valdés-Cristerna, Verónica Médina, Oscar Yáñez-Suárez
Adaptive RBF network with active contour coupling for multispectral MRI segmentation. - Azad Shademan, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
Information fusion approach for detection of brain structures in MRI. - Casper F. Nielsen, Peter J. Passmore:
Robust semi-automatic segmentation of single- and multichannel MRI volumes through adaptable class-specific representation. - Di Zhang, Daniel J. Valentino:
Segmentation of anatomical structures in x-ray computed tomography images using artificial neural networks. - Zikuan Chen
, Sabee Y. Molloi:
Fast vessel identification using polyphase decomposition and intercomponent processing. - Dongsung Kim, Hanyoung Kim, Heung Sik Kang:
Object-tracking segmentation method: vertebra and rib segmentation in CT images. - Toshiharu Ezoe, Hotaka Takizawa, Shinji Yamamoto, Akinobu Shimizu, Tohru Matsumoto, Yukio Tateno, Takeshi Iimura, Mitsuomi Matsumoto:
Automatic detection method of lung cancers including ground-glass opacities from chest x-ray CT images. - Marko Subasic, Sven Loncaric
, Erich Sorantin:
3D image analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysm. - Yong Chu, Lihua Li, Robert A. Clark:
Graph-based region growing for mass-segmentation in digital mammography. - Jiayin Zhou, Tuan-Kay Lim, Vincent Chong:
Tumor volume measurement for nasopharyngeal carcinoma using knowledge-based fuzzy clustering MRI segmentation. - Haiyun Li, Chye Hwang Yan, Sim Heng Ong, Cheekong K. Chui, Swee-Hin Teoh:
Multiresolution segmentation technique for spine MRI images. - Jin Sung Kim, Yonghum Na, Kyongtae Ty Bae:
Segmentation of ECG-gated multidetector row-CT cardiac images for functional analysis. - Hui Zhu, Yun Liang, Morton H. Friedman:
IVUS image segmentation based on contrast. - Ou Tan, Tetsuya Ichimiya, Fumihiko Yasuno, Tetsuya Suhara:
Semi-automatic volumetrics system to parcellate ROI on neocortex. - Mohammad Mehdi Khalighi, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
, Caro Lucas:
Unsupervised MRI segmentation with spatial connectivity. - Sérgio Shiguemi Furuie
, Ângela Vilhena Dias:
Robust pointwise tracking of countours. - Abdal Majeid Alyassin, Harvey E. Cline:
Unsupervised brain segmentation using T2 window. - Brian E. Chapman, Xiao Hui Wang, Walter F. Good:
Automated estimation of breast composition from MR images. - Lihua Li, Yong Chu, Angela F. Salem, Robert A. Clark:
Image segmentation and 3D visualization for MRI mammography. - Gabriela Maletti, Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll, Knut Conradsen:
Mean shift detection using active learning in dermatological images. - Jeffrey T. Duda, Hee Kwon Song, Ronald Wolf, Alex C. Wright, James C. Gee, Felix W. Wehrli:
Method for quantitative assessment of atherosclerotic lesion burden on the basis of high-resolution black-blood MRI. - Christine Tanner, Andreas Degenhard, Julia Anne Schnabel
, Andrew D. Castellano-Smith, Carmel Hayes, Luke I. Sonoda, Martin O. Leach
, D. Rodney Hose, Derek L. G. Hill, David John Hawkes:
Comparison of biomechanical breast models: a case study. - Thomas Martin Lehmann:
From plastic to gold: a unified classification scheme for reference standards in medical image processing. - Edward A. Ashton, Chihiro Takahashi, Michel J. Berg, Andrew Goodman
, Saara M. S. Totterman:
Automated quantification of MS lesions in MRI: a validation study. - M. Stella Atkins, Kevin Siu, Benjamin Law, Jeffery J. Orchard, Wilfred L. Rosenbaum:
Difficulties of T1 brain MRI segmentation techniques. - Ayman M. Eldeib:
3D visualization for medical volume segmentation validation.

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