International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      21st KR 2024: Hanoi, Vietnam

      20th KR 2023: Rhodes, Greece

      19th KR 2022: Haifa, Israel

      18th KR 2021: Online event

      17th KR 2020: Rhodes, Greece

      16th KR 2018: Tempe, Arizona, USA

      15th KR 2016: Cape Town, South Africa

      14th KR 2014: Vienna, Austria

      13th KR 2012: Rome, Italy

      12th KR 2010: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      11th KR 2008: Sydney, NSW, Australia

      KR 2008 Home Page

      10th KR 2006: Lake District of the United Kingdom

      KR 2006 Home Page

      9th KR 2004: Whistler, Canada

      8th KR 2002: Toulouse, France

      7th KR 2000: Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

      6th KR 1998: Trento, Italy

      5th KR 1996: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

      4th KR 1994: Bonn, Germany

      3rd KR 1992: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

      2nd KR 1991: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

      1st KR 1989: Toronto, Canada