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16th IWAENC 2018: Tokyo, Japan
- 16th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, IWAENC 2018, Tokyo, Japan, September 17-20, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-8151-0
- Maria Luis Valero, Edwin Mabande, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
A Low-Complexity State-Space Architecture for Multi-Microphone Acoustic Echo Control. 1-5 - Francesco Picetti
, Federico Borra, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti, Stefano Tubaro:
A Methodology for Sound Scene Manipulation Based on the Ray Space Transform. 6-10 - Yonggang Hu
, Prasanga N. Samarasinghe
, Glenn Dickins
, Thushara D. Abhayapala:
Modeling the Interior Response of Real Loudspeakers with Finite Measurements. 16-20 - Wangyang Yu, W. Bastiaan Kleijn
Necessary Attributes for Integrating a Virtual Source in an Acoustic Scenario. 21-25 - Zhenyu Tang
, Dinesh Manocha:
Noise Field Control Using Active Sound Propagation and Optimization. 26-30 - Masakazu Une, Ryoichi Miyazaki:
Musical-Noise-Free Speech Enhancement with Low Speech Distortion by Biased Harmonic Regeneration Technique. 31-35 - Jun Hyung Kim
, Jazzson Park, Minwook Ahn, Yeonbok Lee, Wonsub Kim, Hyung-Min Park:
Online Speech Dereverberation Using RLS-WPE Based on a Full Spatial Correlation Matrix Integrated in a Speech Enhancement System. 36-40 - Dörte Fischer, Simon Doclo:
Robust Constrained Mfmvdr Filtering for Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement. 41-45 - Yang Xiang, Changchun Bao:
Speech Enhancement via Generative Adversarial LSTM Networks. 46-50 - Mikko Parviainen, Pasi Pertilä, Tuomas Virtanen
, Peter Grosche:
Time-Frequency Masking Strategies for Single-Channel Low-Latency Speech Enhancement Using Neural Networks. 51-55 - Shmulik Markovich Golan, Sharon Gannot
A Probability Distribution Model for the Relative Transfer Function in a Reverberant Environment. 56-60 - S. Yu, Craig T. Jin
, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti:
Adding Sparse Recovery to Projective Ray Space Analysis. 61-65 - Tao Long, Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen, Israel Cohen
Differential Beamformers Derived from Approximate Performance Measures. 66-70 - Yutaro Matsui, Tomohiro Nakatani, Marc Delcroix
, Keisuke Kinoshita
, Nobutaka Ito, Shoko Araki
, Shoji Makino:
Online Integration of DNN-Based and Spatial Clustering-Based Mask Estimation for Robust MVDR Beamforming. 71-75 - Lara Nahma, Hai Huyen Dam, Sven Nordholm
Robust Beamformer Design Against Mismatch in Microphone Characteristics and Acoustic Environment. 76-80 - Mert Burkay Çöteli, Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu
Acoustic Source Separation Using Rigid Spherical Microphone Arrays Via Spatially Weighted Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. 81-85 - V. G. Reju
, Rajan S. Rashobh, Anh H. T. Nguyen, Andy W. H. Khong:
An Efficient Multi-Source DOA Estimation Algorithm for Underdetermined System. 86-90 - Yusuke Hioka
, Robert Drage, Timothy Boag, Elise Everall:
Direction of Arrival Estimation Using a Circularly Moving Microphone. 91-95 - Sebastian Nagel, Peter Jax:
Dynamic Binaural Cue Adaptation. 96-100 - Orhun Olgun, Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu
Localization of Multiple Sources in the Spherical Harmonic Domain with Hierarchical Grid Refinement and Eb-Music. 101-105 - Naoya Takahashi, Nabarun Goswami
, Yuki Mitsufuji:
Mmdenselstm: An Efficient Combination of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation. 106-110 - Shuyang Zhao, Toni Heittola, Tuomas Virtanen
An Active Learning Method Using Clustering and Committee-Based Sample Selection for Sound Event Classification. 116-120 - Srinivas Parthasarathy, Ivan Tashev:
Convolutional Neural Network Techniques for Speech Emotion Recognition. 121-125 - Yoshiki Masuyama, Kohei Yatabe
, Yasuhiro Oikawa:
Model-Based Phase Recovery of Spectrograms via Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds. 126-130 - Stefan Kühl, Sebastian Nagel, Tobias Kabzinski, Christiane Antweiler, Peter Jax:
Tracking of Time-Variant Linear Systems: Influence of Group Delay for Different Excitation Signals. 131-135 - Hannes Gamper, Ivan J. Tashev:
Blind Reverberation Time Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network. 136-140 - Maria Luis Valero, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
On the Spatial Coherence of Residual Echoes After Stft-Domain Multi-Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation. 141-145 - Nico Gößling
, Simon Doclo:
Relative Transfer Function Estimation Exploiting Spatially Separated Microphones in a Diffuse Noise Field. 146-150 - Nobutaka Ito, Tomohiro Nakatani:
Fastfca-As: Joint Diagonalization Based Acceleration of Full-Rank Spatial Covariance Analysis for Separating any Number of Sources. 151-155 - Paul Magron, Tuomas Virtanen
Towards Complex Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the Beta-Divergence. 156-160 - Tomoya Tachikawa, Kohei Yatabe
, Yasuhiro Oikawa:
Underdetermined Source Separation with Simultaneous DOA Estimation Without Initial Value Dependency. 161-165 - Johannes Fabry, Stefan Liebich, Peter Vary, Peter Jax:
Active Noise Control with Reduced-Complexity Kalman Filter. 166-170 - Linh Thi Thuc Tran, Henning F. Schepker, Simon Doclo, Hai Huyen Dam, Sven Nordholm
Frequency Domain Improved Practical Variable Step-Size for Adaptive Feedback Cancellation Using Pre-Filters. 171-175 - Muhammad Tahir Akhtar, Akinori Nishihara:
Two-Adaptive Filter-Based Method Using Gain Controlled Probe Noise for Acoustic Feedback Neutralization in Digital Hearing Aids. 176-180 - Dingding Yao
, Junfeng Li, Risheng Xia, Feiran Yang:
A Parametric Method for Elevation Control. 181-185 - Yu-Jeh Liu, Jonah Casebeer, Ivan Dokmanic
Cocktails, but no Party: Multipath-Enabled Private Audio. 186-190 - Xiaofeng Shu, Yi Zhou, Yin Cao:
A New Speech Enhancement Approach Based on Progressive Deep Neural Networks. 191-195 - Qizheng Huang, Changchun Bao, Xianyun Wang, Yang Xiang:
DNN-Based Speech Enhancement Using MBE Model. 196-200 - Wenyu Jin, Bharadwaj Desikan, Ankit Kumar, Kainan Chen:
Multi-Channel Noise Reduction with Interference Suppression on Mobile Phones. 201-205 - Suliang Bu, Yunxin Zhao, Mei-Yuh Hwang, Sining Sun:
A Robust Nonlinear Microphone Array Postfilter for Noise Reduction. 206-210 - Randall Ali
, Toon van Waterschoot, Marc Moonen:
Completing the RTF Vector for an MVDR Beamformer as Applied to a Local Microphone Array and an External Microphone. 211-215 - Huanyu Zuo, Prasanga N. Samarasinghe
, Thushara D. Abhayapala:
Exterior-Interior 3D Sound Field Separation Using a Planar Array of Differential Microphones. 216-220 - Thomas Dietzen, Simon Doclo, Marc Moonen, Toon van Waterschoot:
Joint Multi-Microphone Speech Dereverberation and Noise Reduction Using Integrated Sidelobe Cancellation and Linear Prediction. 221-225 - Robin Scheibler, Juan Azcarreta, Rene Beuchat, Corentin Ferry:
Pyramic: Full Stack Open Microphone Array Architecture and Dataset. 226-230 - Anna Bamov, Vered Bar Bracha, Shmulik Markovich-Golan, Sharon Gannot
Spatially Robust GSC Beamforming with Controlled White Noise Gain. 231-235 - Jakub Janský, Zbynek Koldovský
Blind Source Separation Using Incomplete De-mixing Transform with a Precise Approach for Selecting Constrained Sets of Frequencies. 236-240 - Lauréline Perotin, Romain Serizel, Emmanuel Vincent, Alexandre Guérin:
CRNN-based Joint Azimuth and Elevation Localization with the Ambisonics Intensity Vector. 241-245 - Joonas Nikunen, Archontis Politis
Multichannel NMF for Source Separation with Ambisonic Signals. 251-255 - Yohei Kawaguchi
, Takashi Endo, Kenji Ichige, Koichi Hamada:
Non-Negative Novelty Extraction: A New Non-Negativity Constraint for NMF. 256-260 - Luca Comanducci
, Federico Borra, Paolo Bestagini
, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti, Stefano Tubaro:
Ray Space Transform Interpolation with Convolutional Autoencoder. 261-265 - Atsushi Hiruma, Kohei Yatabe
, Yasuhiro Oikawa:
Separating Stereo Audio Mixture Having No Phase Difference by Convex Clustering and Disjointness Map. 266-270 - Maryam E. Sabaee, Hamid R. Sharifzadeh, Iman Ardekani
, Jacqueline E. Allen:
A Preliminary Acoustic Analysis of Laryngectomised Speech in Adult New Zealanders. 271-275 - Johannes Abel, Ernst Seidel, Tim Fingscheidt
Enhancing the EVS Codec in Wideband Mode by Blind Artificial Bandwidth Extension to Superwideband. 281-285 - Shinnosuke Takamichi, Yuki Saito
, Norihiro Takamune, Daichi Kitamura, Hiroshi Saruwatari:
Phase Reconstruction from Amplitude Spectrograms Based on Von-Mises-Distribution Deep Neural Network. 286-290 - Guangpu Huang
, Toni Heittola, Tuomas Virtanen
Using Sequential Information in Polyphonic Sound Event Detection. 291-295 - Dushyant Sharma, Amr H. Nour-Eldin, Philip Harding, Sam Karimian-Azari, Patrick A. Naylor
Robust Feature Extraction from AD-HOC Microphones for Meeting Diarization. 296-300 - Shlomo E. Chazan, Sharon Gannot
, Jacob Goldberger:
Attention-Based Neural Network for Joint Diarization and Speaker Extraction. 301-305 - Hai Quang Hong Dam, Sven Nordholm
Multi-Speaker Separation Employing Microphone Array and Vertex Finding Algorithm. 306-310 - Keisuke Nakamura, Randy Gomez:
Self-Calibration of Flexible Microphone Array for Speaker Localization in Meeting Conversations Using Emitters. 311-315 - Shoko Araki
, Nobutaka Ono
, Keisuke Kinoshita
, Marc Delcroix
Comparison of Reference Microphone Selection Algorithms for Distributed Microphone Array Based Speech Enhancement in Meeting Recognition Scenarios. 316-320 - Takuma Okamoto:
2.5D Localized Sound Zone Generation with a Circular Array of Fixed-Directivity Loudspeakers. 321-325 - Johannes Fabry, Fabio König, Stefan Liebich, Peter Jax:
Online Secondary Path Estimation with Masked Auxiliary Noise for Active Noise Control. 331-335 - Radoslaw Mazur, Fabrice Katzberg, Martina Böhme, Alfred Mertins:
Subband Processing for Spatially Robust Room Impulse Response Reshaping. 336-340 - Jianfeng Guo, Feiran Yang, Gerald Enzner, Jun Yang:
Tracking Analysis and Improvement of Broadband Kalman Filter Using the Two-Echo-Path Model as a Rapid Tunnel. 341-345 - Feng Bao, Waleed H. Abdulla:
A Novel Training Target of DNN Used for Casa-Based Speech Enhancement. 346-350 - Samy Elshamy, Nilesh Madhu
, Wouter Tirry, Tim Fingscheidt
A Priori SNR Computation for Speech Enhancement Based on Cepstral Envelope Estimation. 351-355 - Adrian Herzog, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Blind Single-Channel Dereverberation Using a Recursive Maximum-Sparseness-Power-Prediction-Model. 356-360 - Marc Aubreville, Kai Ehrensperger, Andreas K. Maier, Tobias Rosenkranz, Benjamin Graf, Henning Puder:
Deep Denoising for Hearing Aid Applications. 361-365 - Kevin W. Wilson, Michael Chinen, Jeremy Thorpe, Brian Patton, John R. Hershey, Rif A. Saurous, Jan Skoglund
, Richard F. Lyon:
Exploring Tradeoffs in Models for Low-Latency Speech Enhancement. 366-370 - Mohammed Krini, Zafar Baig Mirza:
An Adaptive Beamformer-Postfilter System for Seatbelt Microphones and its Efficient Implementation on SHARC ADSP-21489. 371-375 - Wenxing Yang, Gongping Huang
, Wen Zhang, Jingdong Chen, Jacob Benesty:
Dereverberation with Differential Microphone Arrays and the Weighted-Prediction-Error Method. 376-380 - Nico Gößling
, Daniel Marquardt, Ivo Merks, Tao Zhang, Simon Doclo:
Optimal Binaural LCMV Beamforming in Complex Acoustic Scenarios: Theoretical and Practical Insights. 381-385 - Gaurav Naithani
, Joonas Nikunen, Lars Bramslow, Tuomas Virtanen
Deep Neural Network Based Speech Separation Optimizing an Objective Estimator of Intelligibility for Low Latency Applications. 386-390 - Ryusuke Tanaka, Yoichi Haneda:
Music Algorithm Based on Temporal DRR and Rayleigh Quotient for Reverberant Environments. 391-395 - Gordon Wichern, Jonathan Le Roux:
Phase Reconstruction with Learned Time-Frequency Representations for Single-Channel Speech Separation. 396-400 - Tomás Kounovský, Zbynek Koldovský
, Jaroslav Cmejla
Recursive and Partially Supervised Algorithms for Speech Enhancement on the Basis of Independent Vector Extraction. 401-405 - Ziyue Zhao
, Samy Elshamy, Huijun Liu, Tim Fingscheidt
A CNN Postprocessor to Enhance Coded Speech. 406-410 - Annamaria Mesaros
, Toni Heittola, Tuomas Virtanen
Acoustic Scene Classification: An Overview of Dcase 2017 Challenge Entries. 411-415 - Yi-Ying Kao, Hsiang-Ping Hsu, Chien-Feng Liao, Yu Tsao
, Hao-Chun Yang
, Jeng-Lin Li, Chi-Chun Lee
, Hung-Shin Lee, Hsin-Min Wang
Automatic Detection of Speech Under Cold Using Discriminative Autoencoders and Strength Modeling with Multiple Sub-Dictionary Generation. 416-420 - Konstantinos Drossos
, Paul Magron, Stylianos Ioannis Mimilakis, Tuomas Virtanen
Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation with Deep Neural Networks and Phase Recovery. 421-425 - Fabrice Katzberg, Radoslaw Mazur, Marco Maaß
, Martina Böhme, Alfred Mertins:
Spatial Interpolation of Room Impulse Responses Using Compressed Sensing. 426-430 - Henning F. Schepker, Linh Thi Thuc Tran, Sven E. Nordheim, Simon Doclo:
Acoustic Feedback Cancellation for Hearing Aids Using a Fixed RTF-Constrained Null-Steering Beamformer. 431-435 - Yu Maeno, Yuki Mitsufuji, Prasanga N. Samarasinghe
, Thushara D. Abhayapala:
Mode-Domain Spatial Active Noise Control Using Multiple Circular Arrays. 441-445 - Satoru Emura
, Noboru Harada
Residual Echo Reduction for Multichannel Echo Canceller Using Echo Replica. 446-450 - Clara Borrelli
, Antonio Canclini, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti, Stefano Tubaro:
A Denoising Methodology for Higher Order Ambisonics Recordings. 451-455 - Alastair H. Moore, Leo Lightburn, Wei Xue, Patrick A. Naylor
, Mike Brookes
Binaural Mask-Informed Speech Enhancement for Hearing AIDS with Head Tracking. 461-465 - Jahn Heymann, Lukas Drude, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach
, Keisuke Kinoshita
, Tomohiro Nakatani:
Frame-Online DNN-WPE Dereverberation. 466-470 - Bengt J. Borgstrom, Michael S. Brandstein, Robert B. Dunn:
Improving Statistical Model-Based Speech Enhancement with Deep Neural Networks. 471-475 - Soumitro Chakrabarty, DeLiang Wang, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Time-Frequency Masking Based Online Speech Enhancement with Multi-Channel Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 476-480 - Ryan M. Corey
, Naoki Tsuda, Andrew C. Singer
Delay-Performance Tradeoffs in Causal Microphone Array Processing. 481-485 - Hendrik Barfuss, Markus Bachmann, Christian Huemmer, Walter Kellermann:
Exploiting Microphone Array Symmetry for Robust Two-Dimensional Polynomial Beamforming. 486-490 - Srikanth Raj Chetupalli, Thippur V. Sreenivas:
Linear Prediction Based Diffuse Signal Estimation for Blind Microphone Geometry Calibration. 491-495 - Jonah Casebeer, Brian Luc, Paris Smaragdis:
Multi-View Networks for Denoising of Arbitrary Numbers of Channels. 496-500 - Sohel J. Patel, Steven L. Grant, Maciej Zawodniok, Jacob Benesty:
On the Design of Optimal Linear Microphone Array Geometries. 501-505 - Hugo Demontis, François Ollivier, Jacques Marchal:
3D Identification of Acoustic Sources in Rooms Using a Large-Scale Microphone Array. 506-509 - Sota Nishiguchi, Yuma Koizumi, Noboru Harada
, Katunobu Itou:
DNN-Based Near- and Far-Field Source Separation Using Spherical-Harmonic-Analysis-Based Acoustic Features. 510-514 - Christopher Schymura
, Tobias Isenberg, Dorothea Kolossa
Extending Linear Dynamical Systems with Dynamic Stream Weights for Audiovisual Speaker Localization. 515-519 - Rintaro Ikeshita, Yohei Kawaguchi
, Kenji Nagamatsu:
Fast Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Constraints on Active Source Candidates. 520-524 - Jaroslav Cmejla
, Zbynek Koldovský
Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Based on Independent Vector Extraction. 525-529 - Sebastian Gergen, Rainer Martin
, Nilesh Madhu
Source Separation by Feature-Based Clustering of Microphones in Ad Hoc Arrays. 530-534 - Hwiyong Choi, Seungjun Lee
, Haesang Yang, Woojae Seong:
Classification of Noise Between Floors in a Building Using Pre-Trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. 535-539 - Jonas Sautter, Friedrich Faubel, Markus Buck, Gerhard Schmidt:
Discriminative Training of Deep Regression Networks for Artificial Bandwidth Extension. 540-544 - Benjamin Yen
, Yusuke Hioka
, Brian R. Mace:
Improving Power Spectral Density Estimation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Rotor Noise by Learning from Non-Acoustic Information. 545-549 - Paul Magron, Tuomas Virtanen
On Modeling the STFT Phase of Audio Signals with the Von Mises Distribution. 550-554 - Kohei Yatabe
, Yoshiki Masuyama, Yasuhiro Oikawa:
Rectified Linear Unit Can Assist Griffin-Lim Phase Recovery. 555-559 - Daniele Mirabilii
, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Simulating Multi-Channel Wind Noise Based on the Corcos Model. 560-564 - Christine Evers
, Heinrich W. Löllmann, Heinrich Mellmann, Alexander Schmidt, Hendrik Barfuss, Patrick A. Naylor
, Walter Kellermann:
Locata Challenge-Evaluation Tasks and Measures. 565-569 - Karan Nathwani:
Joint Acoustic Echo and Noise Cancellation Using Spectral Domain Kalman Filtering in Double-Talk Scenario. 1-330 - Andrés Pérez-López:
Ambiscaper: A Tool for Automatic Generation and Annotation of Reverberant Ambisonics Sound Scenes. 1-9 - Natsuki Ueno, Shoichi Koyama
, Hiroshi Saruwatari:
Kernel Ridge Regression with Constraint of Helmholtz Equation for Sound Field Interpolation. 1-440 - Ryan M. Corey
, Andrew C. Singer
Speech Separation Using Partially Asynchronous Microphone Arrays Without Resampling. 1-9 - Andreas Brendel, Walter Kellermann:
Distance Estimation of Acoustic Sources Using the Coherent-to-Diffuse Power Ratio Based on Distributed Training. 1-5 - Chuang Shi
, Yoshinobu Kajikawa:
A Partial-Update Minimax Algorithm for Practical Implementation of Multi-Channel Feedforward Active Noise Control. 1-15 - Haikun Wang, Zhongfu Ye, Jingdong Chen:
A Speech Enhancement System for Automotive Speech Recognition with a Hybrid Voice Activity Detection Method. 1-9

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