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ITW 2020: Riva del Garda, Italy
- IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2020, Riva del Garda, Italy, April 11-15, 2021. IEEE 2021, ISBN 978-1-7281-5962-1
- Shansuo Liang, Bo Bai, Gong Zhang:
On the Finite Length Performance of Sparse Regression Codes with Peak-Power Limitation. 1-5 - Mehrasa Ahmadipour, Michèle A. Wigger, Mari Kobayashi:
Joint Sensing and Communication over Memoryless Broadcast Channels. 1-5 - Ken-ichi Iwata, Hirosuke Yamamoto
An Algorithm for Constructing the Optimal Code Trees for Binary Alphabetic AIFV-m Codes. 1-5 - Kenneth Palacio-Baus
, Natasha Devroye:
Achievable error exponents for the two-way parallel DMC. 1-5 - Antonino Favano, Marco Ferrari
, Maurizio Magarini, Luca Barletta:
A Sphere Packing Bound for AWGN MIMO Fading Channels under Peak Amplitude Constraints. 1-5 - Niloufar Ahmadypour
, Amin Gohari
Transmission of a Bit over a Discrete Poisson Channel with Memory. 1-5 - Kaushik Senthoor, Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli:
Universal Communication Efficient Quantum Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes. 1-5 - Matthias Frey
, Igor Bjelakovic, Slawomir Stanczak:
Over-The-Air Computation in Correlated Channels. 1-5 - Borja Rodríguez Gálvez, Germán Bassi, Ragnar Thobaben, Mikael Skoglund:
On Random Subset Generalization Error Bounds and the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics Algorithm. 1-5 - Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A. M. Mediano, Michael Gastpar:
Learning, compression, and leakage: Minimising classification error via meta-universal compression principles. 1-5 - Haoning Chen, Youlong Wu:
Coded Computing for Master-Aided Distributed Computing Systems. 1-5 - Shu-Jie Cao, Jiahui Chen, Youlong Wu, Ke Wang:
Coded Caching for Relay Networks: The Impact of Caching Memories. 1-5 - Itamar Katz, Yuval Kochman:
On the Optimality of Dolinar's Receiver. 1-5 - Hiteshvi Manish Solanki, Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli:
Correcting Erasures with Topological Subsystem Color Codes. 1-5 - Hamdi Joudeh, Giuseppe Caire:
On the Optimality of Treating Interference as Noise: General Message Sets Revisited. 1-5 - Shanuja Sasi, Vaneet Aggarwal, B. Sundar Rajan:
An Embedded Index Code Construction Using Sub-packetization. 1-5 - Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Uzi Pereg, Holger Boche, Christian Deppe:
Deterministic Identification Over Fading Channels. 1-5 - Uri Abend, Anatoly Khina
Real-Time Variable-to-Fixed Lossless Source Coding of Randomly Arriving Symbols. 1-5 - Fariba Abbasi, Hessam Mahdavifar, Emanuele Viterbo:
Polar Coded Repetition for Low-Capacity Channels. 1-5 - Hengjia Wei, Moshe Schwartz:
On Tilings of Asymmetric Limited-Magnitude Balls. 1-5 - Mikhail Kamenev:
An Efficient Block Error Probability Estimation of Reed-Muller Codes under Permutation Decoding. 1-5 - Amirreza Zamani, Tobias J. Oechtering, Mikael Skoglund:
Data Disclosure Mechanism Design with Non-zero Leakage. 1-5 - Karthik Nagarjuna Tunuguntla, Paul H. Siegel:
Polar Coding for Multi-level 3-Receiver Broadcast Channels. 1-5 - Xuan He, Kui Cai:
On Decoding Fountain Codes with Erroneous Received Symbols. 1-5 - Alex Dytso
, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai Shitz:
On the Distribution of the Conditional Mean Estimator in Gaussian Noise. 1-5 - Georg Maringer, Sven Puchinger, Antonia Wachter-Zeh:
Higher Rates and Information-Theoretic Analysis for the RLWE Channel. 1-5 - Neri Merhav:
Universal Decoding for Asynchronous Slepian-Wolf Encoding. 1-5 - Manuj Mukherjee
, Aslan Tchamkerten, Mansoor I. Yousefi:
Approximating Probability Distributions by ReLU Networks. 1-5 - Digvijay Katyal, Pooja Nayak Muralidhar, B. Sundar Rajan:
Multi-access Coded Caching Schemes From Cross Resolvable Designs. 1-5 - Khac-Hoang Ngo
, Sheng Yang, Maxime Guillaud
The Optimal DoF for the Noncoherent MIMO Channel with Generic Block Fading. 1-5 - Rémi A. Chou
Pairwise Oblivious Transfer. 1-5 - Farhad Farokhi
, Ni Ding:
Measuring Information Leakage in Non-stochastic Brute-Force Guessing. 1-5 - Vladislav Yu. Shchukin:
Dimension of a Subset of Residue Classes. 1-4 - Mikhail Kamenev:
On Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes Using a Local Graph Search. 1-5 - Yun-Han Li, I-Hsiang Wang:
Combinatorial Quantitative Group Testing with Adversarially Perturbed Measurements. 1-5 - Lukas Holzbaur, Hedongliang Liu, Alessandro Neri, Sven Puchinger, Johan Rosenkilde, Vladimir Sidorenko, Antonia Wachter-Zeh:
Success Probability of Decoding Interleaved Alternant Codes. 1-5 - Derek Xiao, Linfang Wang, Dan Song, Richard D. Wesel:
Finite-Support Capacity-Approaching Distributions for AWGN Channels. 1-5 - Alberto Tarable, Marco Ferrari
, Luca Barletta:
Two is Better than One: Reducing the Loss of the Window Decoder for SC-LDPC Codes. 1-5 - Qifa Yan, Daniela Tuninetti:
Key Superposition Simultaneously Achieves Security and Privacy in Cache-Aided Linear Function Retrieval. 1-5 - Omar Fawzi
, Lucien Grouès, Anthony Leverrier:
Linear programming decoder for hypergraph product quantum codes. 1-5 - Lukas Holzbaur, Nikita Polyanskii:
Decoding of Lifted Affine-Invariant Codes. 1-5 - Netanel Raviv:
Robust Neural Computation From Error Correcting Codes : An Invited Paper. 1-5 - Sergey Tridenski, Anelia Somekh-Baruch:
A Generalization of the DMC. 1-5 - Shouvik Ganguly
, Lele Wang:
Sliding-Window Gelfand-Pinsker Coding: General K-User Broadcast Channels. 1-5 - Alex Dytso
, Martina Cardone
, Cynthia Rush:
Measuring Dependencies of Order Statistics: An Information Theoretic Perspective. 1-5 - Michael S. Bullock, Christos N. Gagatsos, Boulat A. Bash:
Capacity Theorems for Covert Bosonic Channels. 1-5 - Milad Sefidgaran, Mansoor I. Yousefi:
On the Capacity of the Continuous-Space SSFM Model of Optical Fiber. 1-5 - Bolin Wu, Kai Niu, Jincheng Dai:
Construction of Systematic Polar Codes: BER Optimization Perspective. 1-5 - Haiwen Cao
, Pascal O. Vontobel
Using List Decoding to Improve the Finite-Length Performance of Sparse Regression Codes. 1-5 - Uzi Pereg, Christian Deppe, Holger Boche:
Quantum Channel State Masking. 1-5 - Shohei Satake
, Yujie Gu:
On Compressed Sensing Matrices Breaking the Square-Root Bottleneck. 1-5 - Emmanouil Fountoulakis, Themistoklis Charalambous, Nikolaos Nomikos, Anthony Ephremides, Nikolaos Pappas:
Information Freshness and Packet Drop Rate Interplay in a Two-User Multi-Access Channel. 1-5 - Lukas Holzbaur, Rina Polyanskaya, Nikita Polyanskii, Ilya Vorobyev, Eitan Yaakobi:
On Lifted Multiplicity Codes. 1-5 - Kai Liang, Youlong Wu:
Two-layer Coded Gradient Aggregation with Straggling Communication Links. 1-5 - Hui-An Shen
, Stefan M. Moser, Jean-Pascal Pfister
Sphere Covering for Poisson Processes. 1-5 - Suman Ghosh, Prasad Krishnan, Lakshmi Prasad Natarajan:
Blind Updates in Coded Caching. 1-5 - Yu-Chieh Huang, I-Hsiang Wang:
Social Learning is Almost as Good as Centralized Detection with Slight Global Knowledge. 1-5 - Debarnab Mitra, Lev Tauz, Lara Dolecek:
Concentrated Stopping Set Design for Coded Merkle Tree: Improving Security Against Data Availability Attacks in Blockchain Systems. 1-5 - Bin Dai, Chong Li, Yingbin Liang, Zheng Ma, Shlomo Shamai Shitz:
Feedback Capacity of Gaussian Multiple-Access Wiretap Channel with Degraded Message Sets. 1-5 - Yuval Kochman, Ligong Wang:
On the Communication Exponent of Distributed Testing for Gaussian Correlations. 1-5 - Ta-Yuan Liu, I-Hsiang Wang:
Privacy-Utility Tradeoff with Nonspecific Tasks: Robust Privatization and Minimum Leakage. 1-5 - Holger Boche, Yannik Böck, Christian Deppe:
On the Effectiveness of Fekete's Lemma in Information Theory. 1-5 - Sarthak Jain, Martina Cardone
, Soheil Mohajer:
Operating Half-Duplex Diamond Networks with Two Interfering Relays. 1-5 - Vidhi Rana, Rémi A. Chou
, Hyuck M. Kwon:
Secret Sharing from Correlated Gaussian Random Variables and Public Communication. 1-5 - Hui Zhao, Antonio Bazco Nogueras
, Petros Elia:
Resolving the Worst-User Bottleneck of Coded Caching: Exploiting Finite File Sizes. 1-5 - Amos Lapidoth, Gian Marti
Encoder-Assistance for Additive Noise Channels. 1-5 - Maël Le Treust, Tristan Tomala:
Point-to-Point Strategic Communication. 1-5 - Prasad Krishnan, Lakshmi Natarajan, V. Lalitha:
An Umbrella Converse for Data Exchange: Applied to Caching, Computing, Shuffling & Rebalancing. 1-5 - Anjana Ambika Mahesh, B. Sundar Rajan:
A Coded Caching Scheme with Linear Sub-packetization and its Application to Multi-Access Coded Caching. 1-5 - Gholamali Aminian, Laura Toni, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues:
Jensen-Shannon Information Based Characterization of the Generalization Error of Learning Algorithms. 1-5 - Antonio Bazco Nogueras
, Petros Elia:
Rate-Memory Trade-Off for the Cache-Aided MISO Broadcast Channel with Hybrid CSIT. 1-5 - Abhishek Rawat, Nicola Elia:
Feedback Capacity of ISI MIMO Channel with Colored Noise. 1-5 - Farhad Farokhi
, Girish N. Nair:
Non-Stochastic Private Function Evaluation. 1-5 - Chinmay Gurjarpadhye, Jithin Ravi, Bikash Kumar Dey, Nikhil Karamchandani:
Improved Memory-Rate Trade-off for Caching with Demand Privacy. 1-5 - Liyang Zhou, Zhifang Zhang:
Explicit Construction of Minimum Storage Rack-Aware Regenerating Codes for All Parameters. 1-5 - Tang Liu, Daniela Tuninetti:
Optimal Linear Coding Schemes for the Secure Decentralized Pliable Index Coding Problem. 1-5 - Tomer Raviv, Asaf Schwartz, Yair Be'ery
Deep Ensemble of Weighted Viterbi Decoders for Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes. 1-5 - Min Zhu, David G. M. Mitchell, Michael Lentmaier, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Adaptive Doping of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes. 1-5 - Georg Maringer, Nikita Polyanskii, Ilya Vorobyev, Lorenz Welter:
Feedback Insertion-Deletion Codes. 1-5 - Fernando Pedraza, Giuseppe Caire:
Adaptive Two-Sided Beam Alignment in mmWave via Posterior Matching. 1-5 - Irina E. Bocharova, Boris D. Kudryashov, Evgenii P. Ovsyannikov, Vitaly Skachek, Tähvend Uustalu:
Optimization of Irregular NB QC-LDPC Block Codes over Small Alphabets. 1-5 - Ryo Nomura
Relationship Between Source Resolvability with Normalized f -Divergence and Fixed-Length Coding. 1-5 - Leyla Sadighi, Sadaf Salehkalaibar, Stefano Rini:
On Secure Degrees of Freedom for K-User MISO Broadcast Channel With Alternating CSIT. 1-5 - Ghassen Zafzouf
, Girish N. Nair:
Zero-Error Capacity Region of a Class of Multiple Access Channels with Inter-User Correlation. 1-5 - Ryan Gabrys, Srilakshmi Pattabiraman, Olgica Milenkovic:
Reconstructing Mixtures of Coded Strings from Prefix and Suffix Compositions. 1-5 - Homa Nikbakht, Michèle A. Wigger, Shlomo Shamai Shitz:
Random User Activity with Mixed Delay Traffic. 1-5 - Shubham K. Jha
, Himanshu Tyagi:
Universal interactive Gaussian quantization with side information. 1-5 - Yahya H. Ezzeldin, Martina Cardone
, Christina Fragouli:
Multilevel Secrecy over 1-2-1 Networks. 1-5 - Haoyue Tang
, Philippe Ciblat, Jintao Wang, Michèle A. Wigger, Roy D. Yates:
Cache Updating Strategy Minimizing the Age of Information with Time-Varying Files' Popularities. 1-5 - Mustapha Hamad, Michèle A. Wigger, Mireille Sarkiss:
Cooperative Multi-Sensor Detection under Variable-Length Coding. 1-5 - Ahmed Elshafiy, Mahmoud Namazi, Ram Zamir, Kenneth Rose:
On-The-Fly Stochastic Codebook Re-generation for Sources with Memory. 1-5 - Emna Ben Yacoub:
Matched Quantized Min-Sum Decoding of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 1-5 - Khac-Hoang Ngo
, Sheng Yang, Maxime Guillaud
, Alexis Decurninge:
Noncoherent MIMO Multiple-Access Channels: A Joint Constellation Design. 1-5 - Simeng Zheng, Yi Liu, Paul H. Siegel:
RNN-based Detection for Coded Partial-Response Channels. 1-5 - Kota Srinivas Reddy
, Nikhil Karamchandani:
Structured Index Coding Problems and Multi-access Coded Caching. 1-5 - Milad Sefidgaran, Aslan Tchamkerten:
Zero-Error Sum Modulo Two with a Common Observation. 1-5 - Parastoo Sadeghi, Ni Ding, Thierry Rakotoarivelo:
On Properties and Optimization of Information-theoretic Privacy Watchdog. 1-5 - Anelia Somekh-Baruch:
A Single-Letter Upper Bound on the Mismatch Capacity via a Multicasting Approach. 1-5 - Andreas Lenz, Issam Maarouf, Lorenz Welter, Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Eirik Rosnes, Alexandre Graell i Amat:
Concatenated Codes for Recovery From Multiple Reads of DNA Sequences. 1-5 - K. V. Sushena Sree, Prasad Krishnan:
Coded Data Rebalancing for Decentralized Distributed Databases. 1-5 - Bernhard C. Geiger
, Ali Al-Bashabsheh:
On Functions of Markov Random Fields. 1-5 - Masahiro Kobayashi
, Kazuho Watanabe
Unbiased Estimation Equation under f-Separable Bregman Distortion Measures. 1-5 - Fatemeh Kazemi, Sascha Kurz, Emina Soljanin, Alex Sprintson:
Efficient Storage Schemes for Desired Service Rate Regions. 1-5 - Vamoua Yachongka
, Hideki Yagi, Yasutada Oohama:
Biometric Identification Systems With Noisy Enrollment for Gaussian Source. 1-5 - Kayvon Mazooji, Roy Dong, Ilan Shomorony:
Private DNA Sequencing: Hiding Information in Discrete Noise. 1-5 - Vladimir Sidorenko, Wenhui Li, Onur Günlü
, Gerhard Kramer:
On Skew Convolutional and Trellis Codes. 1-5 - Aman Chawla
, Salvatore Domenic Morgera:
On the continuous time additive Gaussian noise channel in the presence of perfect feedback. 1-5 - Anirudh Singhal, Subham Pirojiwala, Nikhil Karamchandani:
Query Complexity of k-NN based Mode Estimation*. 1-5

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