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ISPE CE 2006: Antibes, France
- Parisa Ghodous, Rose Dieng-Kuntz, Geilson Loureiro:
Leading the Web in Concurrent Engineering. Next Generation Concurrent Engineering, Proceedings of the 13th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ISPE CE 2006), September 18-22, 2006, Antibes, France. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 143, IOS Press 2006, ISBN 978-1-58603-651-5
Keynotes and Invited Papers
- Dave Raggett:
The Ubiquitous Web. 3 - P. M. Wognum, Richard Curran, Parisa Ghodous, R. Goncalves, A. Lloyd, Rajkumar Roy:
Concurrent Engineering - Past, Present and Future. 4 - Francis Bernard:
Product Life Cycle Management: A Solution to Manage Innovation for Manufacturing Companies. 5 - Tetsuo Tomiyama:
Towards Systems Integration Technology. 6-9 - Nicolas Figay:
Collaborative Product Development: EADS Pilot Based on ATHENA Results. 10-21 - Hojjat Adeli:
Wavelets to Enhance Computational Intelligence in Computer-Aided Engineering. 22-23 - Yong Se Kim:
Visual Reasoning, an Underlying Cognitive Element of Design Creativity, and Its Intelligent Tutoring System. CE 2006: 24 - Kazuhiro Aoyama, Tsuyoshi Koga:
Supporting System for Design and Production with Sharing and Access of Product Failure. 25-31 - Pingyu Jiang, Shuichi Fukuda:
Service-Driven Web Manufacturing: A Roadmap from Methodology to Applications. 32-33
Workshop 1: Web Services in CE
- Freddy Lécué, Alain Léger:
A Formal Model for Web Service Composition. 37-46 - Marie-Christine Fauvet, Ali Aït-Bachir:
An Automaton-Based Approach for Web Service Mediation. 47-54
Workshop 2: Interoperability in CE
- Celson Lima, Flavio Bonfatti, Silvia Sancho, Anastasiya Yurchyshyna:
Towards an Ontology-Enabled Approach Helping SMEs to Access the Single European Electronic Market. 57-68 - Carlos Agostinho, Marco Delgado, Adolfo Steiger-Garção, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves:
Enabling Adoption of STEP Standards Through the Use of Popular Technologies. 69-79 - Tomo Cerovsek, Celson Lima, Gudni Gudnason, Graham Storer, Marco Padula, Marcelo Blasco:
Interoperability Issues in CONNIE: Creating a Network of Decentralised Portals. 80-91
Collaborative, Mobile and Multimodal working Environment
- Kay Smarsly, Karlheinz Lehner, Dietrich Hartmann:
Autonomic Workflow Management in Agent-Based Structural Health Monitoring Systems Using Graph Theory. 95-102 - Mark A. Shelbourn, Dino Bouchlaghem, Chimay J. Anumba, Patricia M. Carrillo:
Developing a Decision-Making Framework for Effective Collaborative Working. 103-110 - David Golby, Michael D. Wilson, Lutz Schubert, Christian Geuer-Pollmann:
An Assured Environment for Collaborative Engineering Using Web Services. 111-119 - Drogan Stokic:
A New Collaborative Working Environment for Concurrent Engineering in Manufacturing Industry. 120-127 - Moisés Lima Dutra, Kamel Slimani, Parisa Ghodous:
A Distributed Architecture for Collaborative Design. 128-135 - Freddy Reyskens:
WiPam - Wireless Patient Management, a Novel Telemedicine Solution. 136-142 - Ruby K. Y. Cheng, Stephen Chi-fai Chan, Vincent T. Y. Ng:
Supporting Interactive and Collaborative Product Configuration for Internet Commerce. 143-150 - Emmanuel Guyot, Sébastien Charles, Benoît Eynard, Thomas Gallet:
Towards PLM Based Digital Mocl-Up Exchange in Collaborative Product Development. 151-160 - Khadidja Grebici, Mohamed-Zied Ouertani, Eric Blanco, Lilia Gzara Yesilbas, Dominique Rieu:
Conflict Management in Design Process: Focus on Changes Impact. 161-168 - Mosharrof Hossain Sarker:
Towards Agent-Based Collaborative Design. 169-178
Semantic Enterprise, Semantic Web and Ontologies in CE
- Nora Maiz, Omar Boussaid, Fadila Bentayeb:
Ontology-Based Mediation System. 181-189 - Q. Z. Yang, Chunyan Miao, Y. Zhang, Robert K. L. Gay:
LCA and LCC Data Semantics Sharing Across Product Lifecycle Processes. 190-197 - Richard Sohnius, Vadim Ermolayev, Eyck Jentzsch, Natalya Keberle, Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke, Vladimir Samoilov:
Managing Concurrent Engineering Design Processes and Associated Knowledge. 198-205 - Lukasz Rauch, Maciej Pietrzyk:
e-Collaboration Platform for Metal Forming Enterprises Based on the Semantic Web Technologies. 206-213 - Jingge Song, Jianzhong Cha, Yiping Lu:
Combining Ontology Engineering with HTN Planning. 214-221 - Idoia Murua, Esteve Lladó, Bel Llodrà:
The Semantic Web for Improving Dynamic Tourist Packages Commercialisation. 222-226 - Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Lionel Médini, Celson Lima, Parisa Ghodous:
Improving Mappings Discovery for Semantic Interoperability. 227-234 - Faisal Abouzaid:
A Mapping from Pi-Calculus into BPEL. 235-242 - Patrick Hoffmann, Lionel Médini, Parisa Ghodous:
Using Context to Improve Semantic Interoperability. 243-250 - Samer Abdul Ghafour, Parisa Ghodous, Behzad Shariat, Eliane Perna:
An Ontology-Based Approach for "Procedural CAD Models" Data Exchange. 251-259
Knowledge in CE
- Wojciech Skarka:
Knowledge Acquisition for Generative Model Construction. 263-270 - Cécile Favre, Fadila Bentayeb, Omar Boussaid:
A Knowledge-Driven Data Warehouse Model for Analysis Evolution. 271-278 - Davy Monticolo, Vincent Hilaire, Abder Koukam, Sébastian Meunier:
An Approach for Building Project Memories to Facilitate Design Process in a Concurrent Engineering Context. 279-287 - Thi Anh Le Pham, Nhan Le Thanh:
Decomposition-Based Reasoning for Large Knowledge Bases in Description Logics. 288-295 - Ioan Rosca:
Knowledge and Object Phylogenetic Production Cascades - The TELOS Case. 296-303 - Alan Harris, Ahmed Al-Ashaab, Chike Odouza:
Knowledge Management to Support Lean Product Development. 304-316 - Chaker Djaiz, Davy Monticolo, Nada Matta:
Capitalization of Knowledge from Projects. 317-324 - Billy T. W. Yu, Peter K. C. Lee, W. M. To:
Considerations of KMS Implementation in Concurrent Engineering - Economic Perspectives. 325-334
Global Standardization and CE
- Van Khai Nguyen, Alain Brail:
The Ubiqitous Factory of the Future Based on STEP-NC. 337 - Lionel Antegnard, Harald Liese, Josip Stjepandic:
Intellectual Property Protection in Concurrent Engineering Domains. 338-345 - Pekka Siltanen, Antti Pärnänen:
Comparison of Data Models for Plant Lifecycle Information Management. 346-353 - T. Nguyen Van, B. Maillé, B. Yannou, Jean Pierre Bourey:
System Engineering Applied to Specification and Characterisation of Data Management Systems for Collaborative Engineering. 354-361 - Jörg Leukel, Volker Schmitz, Martin Hepp:
A Critical Assessment of ISO 13584 Adoption by B2B Data Exchange Specifications. 362-370 - Anne-Françoise Cutting-Decelle, Robert I. M. Young, Jean Pierre Bourey, Jean-Jacques Michel, Line C. Pouchard:
A Standardised Data Model for Process and Flow Management: ISO 15531-43 - A Step Towards CE in Manufacturing -. 371-378
Information Systems in CE
- Fabien Laniel, Mihaela Mathieu, Jean-Jacques Girardot:
A Solution for an Unified Vision of the Enterprise Informations. 381-388 - Florin Hartescu:
Secured Information System for Concurrent Engineering Applications. 389-392 - Tobias Valtinat, Wolfgang Backhaus, Klaus Henning:
Non Invasive, Cross-Sector Development and Management of Trends. 393-400
Semantic Indexing of Documents
- Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Sonia Lajmi
, Zoltán Iszlai:
i Concurrent Use in an Image Management System. 403-417 - Catherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Farah Harrathi, Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi:
Multilingual Indexing Based on Ontologies. 418-425 - Saïd Radhouani, Gilles Falquet:
Using External Knowledge to Solve Multi-Dimensional Queries. 426-437 - Chao Zhou, Christophe Lejeune, Aurélien Bénel:
Towards a Standard Protocol for Community-Driven Organizations of Knowledge. 438-449 - Mohand Boughanem, Mustapha Baziz:
An IR Model Based on a Sub-Tree Representation. 450-457
Innovation and Business Strategies
- Amy J. C. Trappey, Tzu-An Chiang, Charles V. Trappey, Jen-Yau Kuo:
Develop a Novel Methodology for Strategic Product Portfolio Management Considering Multi-Objectives and Operational Constraints. 461-468 - Marcelo Farhat de Aurajo, Luís Gonzaga Trabasso:
Business Development Process Assisted by QFD. 469-476 - Cássio Dias Goncalves, Luís Gonzaga Trabasso, Geilson Loureiro:
Integrated CE Tools for Postponed Aerospace Product and Process Decisions. 477-487 - Tom Tiltmann, Uschi Rick, Klaus Henning:
Concurrent Engineering and the Dynaxity Approach. How to Benefit from Multidisciplinarity. 488-495 - Nicolas Maranzana, Nathalie Gartiser:
Characterization of a Theorical Learning Network for Innovative Design for Small and Medium-Sized Firms. 496-504
Design, Manufacturing and Services in CE
- T. G. Tremblay, Louis Rivest, O. Msaaf, Roland Maranzana:
The Role of Associations in CAD and PLM for Handling Change Propagation During Product Development. 507-514 - Sara Mountney, James Guo:
Manufacturing Knowledge Management: Requirements for Preliminary Design. 515-522 - Tsuyoshi Koga, Kazuhiro Aoyama, Toshiaki Namba:
Platform Module Design for Variety and Cost of Product Family. CE 2006: 523-530 - Nozomu Mishima:
Concurrent Design of a Manufacturing System Utilizing a Microfactory. CE 2006: 531-538 - Russel W. Claus, Thomas Lavelle, Cynthia Naiman, Ambady Suresh, Mark Tuner:
Progress Toward and the Promise of Multidiscipline Engine Simulation. CE 2006: 539-551 - Caihong Wang, Jianzhong Cha, Yiping Lu, Wei Liu, Gang Li:
Intelligent Layout Design for Complex Mechatronic Products Based on Distributed Knowledge. CE 2006: 552-559 - Shuo-Yan Chou, Yao-Hui Chang, Chih-Hsien Chen:
A Fuzzy QFD Approach for Designing Internal Processes for Air Cargo Transportation Services. CE 2006: 560-567 - Yvon Gardan, Mael Hilléreau, Estelle Perrin:
CAD Interactions for Increasing Designers Awareness of Manufacturability. CE 2006: 568-575 - Ying Zhang, Yan-An Yao, Jian-Zhong Cha:
Concurrent Conceptual Design of Movable-Counterweights Method. CE 2006: 576-586 - Lionel Martin, George-Florin Moraru, Phillipe Véron:
Proposal for a Product Model Dedicated to the Foundry Industry. CE 2006: 587-594 - Jerzy Pokojski, Krzysztof Niedziólka:
Transmission System Design - Decisions, Multi-Criteria Optimization in Distributed Environment. CE 2006: 595-602 - Gregory J. Follen, Russel W. Claus, Scott Townsend:
An Object Oriented Extensible Architecture for Multi-Level Systems Analysis. CE 2006: 603-610 - Jingge Song, Jianzhong Cha:
An HTN Planning Approach for Power System Scheduling Using SHOP2. CE 2006: 611-618 - Roman van der Krogt, James Little:
The PDES Workbench. CE 2006: 619-626 - Norbert Frei, Rainer Weigel, Josip Stjepandic, Richard Wiest:
Process Chains of Machining Tools. CE 2006: 627-634 - Maciej Paszynski, David Pardo, Leszek F. Demkowicz, Carlos Torres-Verdín:
Parallel hp-Finite Element Simulations of 3D Resistivity Logging Instruments. CE 2006: 635-642 - Richard Curran, G. Gomis, Adrian Murphy, Sylvie Castagne, P. Morenton, A. Rothwell:
Knowledge Driven Optimization and Finite Element Analysis of Aircraft Structures. CE 2006: 643-662 - Hossam S. Ismail, Mark Hetherington:
Integrated Approach for Developing Agile Strategy. CE 2006: 663-670 - Roger Jianxin Jiao, Ching Moi Lim, Arun Kumar:
Product Family Design Based on Real Options Valuation. CE 2006: 671-678 - George Chryssolouris, Eleni Vassiliou, Dimitris Mavrikios:
Application of Information Theory to the Quantification of Concurrent Engineering Processes. CE 2006: 679-695
Cost Engineering in CE
- Linda B. Newnes, Antony Roy Mileham:
A Proposed Method for Cost Estimating for Low Volume Infrequent Electronic Products. CE 2006: 699-706 - Oliver Houseman, Rajkumar Roy:
Understanding Decision Making in Cost Engineering Using Protocal Analysis. CE 2006: 707-714 - Fredrik Elgh, Mikael Cederfeldt:
Producibility Awareness as a Base for Design Automation Development - Analysis and Synthesis Approach to Cost Estimation. CE 2006: 715-728 - A. H. van der Laan, Michel J. L. van Tooren:
Incorporating Cost Analysis in a Multi Disciplinary Design Environment for Aircraft Movables. CE 2006: 729-736 - Evaggelos Lavdas, Rajkumar Roy, Charles Wainwright:
Identifying the Key Factors Affecting the Quality of a Cost Estimate. CE 2006: 737-745
Educational, Social Aspects and Humanities Inside CE
- Raija Halonen:
Transferring Knowledge Between Implementers when Building Inter-Organisational Information Systems. CE 2006: 749-757 - Teruaki Ito:
CE in Engineering Education: An Observation from the Experience. CE 2006: 758-765 - Grégory Valigiani, Evelyne Lutton, Pierre Collet:
Adapting the ELO Rating System to Competing Subpopulations in a "Man-Hill". CE 2006: 766-773 - Aurelian Mihai Stanescu, Ioan Dumitrache, Markus Helfert, Howard Duncan, Adriana Mircea, Dan Gârlasu, Mihnea Moisescu:
Towards Holistic Approach for Business Informatics - Oriented Skills Formation in the Knowledge Economy. CE 2006: 774-783
Applications in CE
- Amy J. C. Trappey, Charles V. Trappey, Gilbert Y. P. Lin, C. S. Liu, Wang-Tsang Lee:
The Evaluation of Advantageous Industries and the Analysis of Their Global Logistics Operations - Case Study of Precision Machine Tool Industry. CE 2006: 787-796 - Sang-Jae Song:
Developing Web Application to Support Effective Recycling and Material Circulation. CE 2006: 797-804 - João Pedro Buiarskey Kovalchuk, Osíris Canciglieri Júnior, Antonio Batocchio:
Concurrent Engineering Applications on the Development of Parts for the White Goods Industry in Brazil - A Case Study. CE 2006: 805-817 - Dieter H. Mueller, Heiko Gsell, Nils Homburg:
Methods and Tools to Support the Cooperative Design of One-of-a-Kind Products. CE 2006: 818-825 - Lihu Lu, Xifu Wang:
Research on Logistics Technology and Analysis on the Beijing Olympic Games Requirements. CE 2006: 826-835 - Shuo-Yan Chou, Chang-Chien Chou, Yu-Kung Chen:
Minimum Traversal Circles for Layered Manufacturing Application. CE 2006: 836-843 - Jianbin Chen, Yinmin Gao:
Study on Rough Set-Based Clustering Result Presentation Method for High Dimensional Data Space. CE 2006: 844-850
CE Perspectives
- Maura Mengoni, Michele Germani:
Virtual Reality Systems and CE: How to Evaluate the Benefits. CE 2006: 853-862 - P. M. Wognum:
Enterprise System Implementation in Integrated Context. CE 2006: 863-870 - Marcus Vinicius Pereira Pessôa, Geilson Loureiro, Joao Murta Alves:
A Value Creation Planning Method to Complex Engineering Products Development. CE 2006: 871-883

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