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8th IFIP Congress 1980: Tokyo, Japan & Melbourne, Australia
- Simon H. Lavington:
Information Processing, Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Congress 1980, Tokyo, Japan - October 6-9, 1980 and Melbourne, Australia - October 14-17, 1980. North-Holland/IFIP 1980, ISBN 0-444-86034-7
Area 1 - Theoretical Foundations of Information Processing
- Erich J. Neuhold, Thomas Olnhoff:
The Vienna Development Method (VDM) and its Use for the Specification of a Rational Data Base System. IFIP Congress 1980: 3-16 - Maurice Nivat:
Non Deterministic Programs: An Algebraic Overview. IFIP Congress 1980: 17-28 - Janusz A. Brzozowski:
Developments in the Theory of regular Languages. IFIP Congress 1980: 29-40 - Zohar Manna:
Logics of Programs. IFIP Congress 1980: 41-51 - Michio Oyamaguchi, Yasuyoshi Inagaki, Namio Honda:
On the Equivalence Problem for Two DPDA's, One of which is Real-Time. IFIP Congress 1980: 53-58 - Sebastiaan H. von Solms:
Random Context Array Grammmars. IFIP Congress 1980: 59-64 - Kari-Jouko Räihä, Esko Ukkonen:
Balancing Syntactic and Semantic Power in Compiler Specification. IFIP Congress 1980: 65-70 - Michael Yoeli, Abraham Ginzburg:
Control Nets for Parallel Processing. IFIP Congress 1980: 71-76 - Patrice Enjalbert, Guy Cousineau:
Three Semantics: A Framework for Studying Program Structures and Program Logics. IFIP Congress 1980: 77-82 - Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Udo W. Lipeck:
Proving Implementations Correct - Two Alternative Approaches. IFIP Congress 1980: 83-88 - Masali Nakagawa:
Specifying the Underlying Control Structures of Programming Languages in their Denotational Semantics. IFIP Congress 1980: 89-94 - Preben Folkjär, Dines Bjørner:
A Formal Model of a Generalized CSP-like Language. IFIP Congress 1980: 95-99 - Manfred Broy, Helmuth Partsch, Peter Pepper, Martin Wirsing:
Semantic Relations in Programming Languages. IFIP Congress 1980: 101-106 - Tamás Gergely, László Úry:
Program Behaviour Specification through Explicit Time Consideration. IFIP Congress 1980: 107-111
Area 2 - Computer Architecture and Hardware
- Alice Recoque:
Survey of Main Trends in Computer Hardware Architecture. IFIP Congress 1980: 115-125 - Makoto Terajima:
Recent Progress inMemory Devices and their Prospect. IFIP Congress 1980: 127-135 - Koji Kodama, Jiro Yoshii, Ken-ichi Mori, Tsutomu Kawada:
The Japanese Word Processor JW-10. IFIP Congress 1980: 139-143 - Masatoshi Kubo, Yasushi Taguchi, Kiyoshi Agusa, Yutaka Ohno:
Multi-Microprocessor System for Three-Dimensional Color Graphs. IFIP Congress 1980: 145-150 - Jack Goldberg:
SIFT: A Provable Fault-Tolerant Computer for Aircraft Flight Control. IFIP Congress 1980: 151-156 - Alireza Kavianpour, Arthur D. Friedman:
Different Diagnostic Models for Multiprocessor Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 157-162 - Sany Leinwand, T. Lamdan:
Models of Control at Register Transfer Level. IFIP Congress 1980: 163-168 - Takanobu Baba, Ken Ishikawa, Kenzo Okuda, Hiroyuki Kobayashi:
MUNAP - A Two-Level Microprogrammed Multiprocessor Architecture for Nonnumeric Processing. IFIP Congress 1980: 169-174 - Dominique Comte, Nourredine Hifdi, Jean-Claude Syre:
The Data Driven LAU Multiprocessor System: Results and Perspectives. IFIP Congress 1980: 175-180 - Kiyoshi Shibayama, Shinji Tomita, Hiroshi Hagiwara, Katsuhiro Yamazaki, Toshiaki Kitamura:
Performance Evaluation and Improvement of a Dynamically Microprogrammable Computer with Low-Level Parallelism. IFIP Congress 1980: 181-186 - V. A. J. Maller:
Information Retrieval Using the Content Addressable File Store. IFIP Congress 1980: 187-192 - Ashoke Deb:
A Regular Non-Periodic Skewing Scheme for Optimal Conflict-Free Memory Access. IFIP Congress 1980: 193-198 - Robert Piloty, Mario Barbacci, Dominique Borrione, Donald L. Dietmeyer, Fredrick J. Hill, Patrick Skelly:
An Overview of CONLAN: A Formal Construction Method for Hardware Description Language. IFIP Congress 1980: 199-204
Area 3 - Software
- Enn Tyugu:
Towards Practical Synthesis of Programs. IFIP Congress 1980: 207-219 - John Cocke, Peter W. Markstein:
Measurement of Programming Improvement Algorithms. IFIP Congress 1980: 221-228 - Vadim E. Kotov:
On Basic Parallel Language. IFIP Congress 1980: 229-240 - Harlan D. Mills:
Function Semantics for Sequential Programs. IFIP Congress 1980: 241-250 - Arthur J. Catto, John R. Gurd:
Nondeterministic Dataflow Graphs. IFIP Congress 1980: 251-256 - Teruo Hikita, Satoru Kawai:
Parallel Sieve Methods for Generating Prime Numbers. IFIP Congress 1980: 257-262 - Mario Nagata, Teruo Akiyama, Yasutaka Fujikake:
An Interactive Supporting System for Functional Recursive Programming. IFIP Congress 1980: 263-268 - Takeshi Chusho:
A Good Program = A Structured Program + Optimization Commands. IFIP Congress 1980: 269-274 - Paul Bourret, Patrice Cros:
A Deterministic Model of Operating Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 275-280 - Alfons J. Jammel, Helmut G. Stiegler, Pavel Vogel:
Impacts of Message Orientation. IFIP Congress 1980: 281-286 - Kokichi Futatsugi, Koji Okada:
Specification Writing as Construction of Hierarchically Structured Clusters of Operators. IFIP Congress 1980: 287-292 - Bertrand Meyer:
A Basis for the Constructive Approach to Programming. IFIP Congress 1980: 293-298 - Reiji Nakajima, Taiichi Yuasa, Keiji Kojima:
The iota-Programming System - A Support System for Hieratchical and Modular Programming. IFIP Congress 1980: 299-304 - Xu Jiafu, Chong Cuihao, N. V. Shulman, Fuqing Yang:
On the Design, Implementation and Use of the Systems Programming Language XCY. IFIP Congress 1980: 305-308 - Alain J. Martin:
A Distributed Implementation Method for Parallel Programming. IFIP Congress 1980: 309-314 - C. Gaude, J. Langet, S. Palassin, Claude Kaiser:
Distributed Processing as a Key to Reliable and Evolving Software for Real Time Applications. IFIP Congress 1980: 315-320 - Barry W. Boehm:
Developing Small-Scale Application Software Products: Some Experiment Results. IFIP Congress 1980: 321-326 - Jack Foisseau, René Jacquart, Michel Lemaître, Michel Lemoine, J. C. Vignat, Guy Zanon:
Programming Development with or without Coding. IFIP Congress 1980: 327-330 - A. Vaquero, José M. Troya:
Placement of Records on Linear Storage Devices. IFIP Congress 1980: 331-336 - James Leslie Keedy:
Paging and Small Segments: A Memory Management Model. IFIP Congress 1980: 337-342 - Susan L. Gerhart, David R. Musser, David H. Thompson, D. A. Baker, R. L. Bates, Roddy W. Erickson, Ralph L. London, D. G. Taylor, David S. Wile:
An Overview of AFFIRM: A Specification and Verification System. IFIP Congress 1980: 343-347 - Henry Kanoui, Michel Van Caneghem:
Implementing a very High Level Language on a very Low Cost Computer. IFIP Congress 1980: 349-354 - Ronald M. Kaplan, B. A. Sheil:
Adding Type Declarations to Interlisp. IFIP Congress 1980: 355-360 - Walter S. Brainerd, Jeanne C. Adams:
FORTRAN for the 1980s. IFIP Congress 1980: 361-366
Area 4 - Data Base and Information Systems
- W. Frank King III:
Relational Database Systems: Where We Stand Today. IFIP Congress 1980: 369-381 - Charles W. Bachman:
The Impact Structured Data Throughout Computer-Based Information Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 383-394 - Janis A. Bubenko Jr.:
Information Modeling in the Context of System Development. IFIP Congress 1980: 395-411 - Claude Delobel:
An Overview of the Relational Data Theory. IFIP Congress 1980: 413-426 - Yuzuru Tanaka, Yukoo Nozaka, Akinari Masuyama:
Pipeline Searching and Sorting Modules as Components of a Data Flow Database Computer. IFIP Congress 1980: 427-432 - Syunsuke Uemura, Toshitsugu Yuba, Akio Kokubu, Ryoichi Ooomote, Yasuo Sugawara:
The Design and Implementaion of a Magnetic-Bubble Database Machine. IFIP Congress 1980: 433-438 - Kin-Man Chung, Fabrizio Luccio, C. K. Wong:
Magnetic Bubble Memory Structures for Efficient Sorting and Searching. IFIP Congress 1980: 439-444 - Kurt Maly, Leonhard Kampa:
H-Trees. IFIP Congress 1980: 445-450 - Makoto Takizawa, Eiji Hamanaka:
Query Translation in Distributed Database. IFIP Congress 1980: 451-456 - Peter Dadam, Gunter Schlageter:
Recovery in Distributed Databases Based on Non-Synchronized Local Checkpoints. IFIP Congress 1980: 457-462 - Eric D. Carlson, Wolfgang Metz:
Integrating Dialog Management and Data Base Management. IFIP Congress 1980: 463-468 - S. Peter de Jong:
The System for Business Automation (SBA): A Unified Application Development System. IFIP Congress 1980: 469-474 - Michel E. Adiba, Juan M. Andrade, F. Fernandez, Gia Toan Nguyen:
An Overview of the Polypheme Distributed Database Management System. IFIP Congress 1980: 475-479 - Rudolf Munz:
Transaction Management in the Distributed Database System VDN. IFIP Congress 1980: 481-486 - Morton M. Astrahan, Mario Schkolnick, Won Kim:
Performance of the System R Access Path Selection Mechanism. 487-491 - Hans-Jörg Schek:
On Index Intervals and Their Optimisation. IFIP Congress 1980: 493-498 - Stefano Ceri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, Giampio Bracchi:
Integrated Specification of Static and Dynamic Requirements of Database Applications: The Transaction Definition Language. IFIP Congress 1980: 499-504 - R. A. Davenport:
Data Administration - The Need for a New Function. IFIP Congress 1980: 505-510
Area 5 - Computer Networks and Communications
- Eric G. Manning, N. J. Livesey, Hideyuki Tokuda:
Interprocess Communication in Distributed Systems: One View. IFIP Congress 1980: 513-520 - Peter T. Kirstein:
New Text and Message Services. IFIP Congress 1980: 521-535 - Alain G. Texier:
New Telecommunication Services and Network Architecture: A Tentative Survey. IFIP Congress 1980: 537-541 - Hiroshi Inose:
Aspects of Data Communication and Computer Networks. IFIP Congress 1980: 543-550 - Marco Bozzetti:
A General Overview of the Olivetti Network File System. IFIP Congress 1980: 551-556 - Leonard Kleinrock, Yechiam Yemini:
Interfering Queueing Processes in Packet-Switched Broadcast Communication. IFIP Congress 1980: 557-562 - A. D. Le Rest, J. Blevanus, M. Ferragu:
NTI: International Gateway to TRANSPAC. IFIP Congress 1980: 563-567 - Timothy Johnson:
Identifying the Main Applications of Data Communications in Western Europe. IFIP Congress 1980: 569-574 - Kazuyoshi Morino, Osamu Takahashi:
A Technique for Describing High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) Procedures. IFIP Congress 1980: 575-579 - Yoshikuni Onozato, Shoichi Noguchi:
Dynamic Characteristics of a Satellite Communication System Employing the Slotted Aloha Scheme. IFIP Congress 1980: 581-585 - James D. Foley:
Optimum Design of Two-Computer Networks. IFIP Congress 1980: 587-592 - Kurt Hässig, Christian J. Jenny:
Partitioning and Allocating Computational Objects in Distributed Computing Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 593-598 - Pierre Azéma, Bernard Berthomieu, Paul Decitre:
The Design and Validation by Petri Nets of a Mechanism for the Invocation of Remote Servers. IFIP Congress 1980: 599-604 - Hosaker N. Mahabala, Mudambi R. Muralidharan:
Pseudo-Ternary Coding to Incorporate checking without a Parity. IFIP Congress 1980: 605-610
Area 6 - Computing in Science and Industry
- Richard P. Brent:
Unrestricted Algorithms for Elementary and Special Functions. IFIP Congress 1980: 613-619 - Anthony C. Hearn:
The Personal Algebra Machine. IFIP Congress 1980: 621-628 - Herbert Freeman:
Lines, Curves, and the Characterization of Shape. IFIP Congress 1980: 629-639 - Teuvo Kohonen:
Automatic Pattern Recognition - A Challenge to Computer Technology. IFIP Congress 1980: 641-649 - Yu. G. Evtushenko, Yu. Pavlovsky:
Integrated Optimization - Simulation System for Industry and Regional Planning. IFIP Congress 1980: 651-658 - Barry R. Borgerson, R. H. Johnson:
Beyond CAD to Computer Aided Engineering. IFIP Congress 1980: 659-666 - A. I. Acil'diev:
The Method of Normal Solutions in Linear Programming. IFIP Congress 1980: 667-670 - Guri I. Marchuk, Valeri P. Il'in:
Parallel Computations in Grid Methods for Solving Mathematical Physics Problems. IFIP Congress 1980: 671-676 - Benoit David, Yvon Gardan, J. Mermet:
CAD in Small and Medium Sized Industries. IFIP Congress 1980: 677-682 - Asbjørn Rolstadås, Peter Falster:
Prototyping Factory Management Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 683-688 - O. Kato, T. Fujita, M. Niwa, T. Morishita, J. Tanahashi:
A Handwriting Input System for Japanese. IFIP Congress 1980: 689-694 - Marc Berthod, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Using Context in the Global Recognition of a Set of Objects: An Optimization Approach. IFIP Congress 1980: 695-698 - Toyoaki Nishida, Shuji Doshita:
A Knowledge-Based Literature Guide System - A NEw Approach to Document Retrieval. IFIP Congress 1980: 699-704 - Mehmet Dincbas:
A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Automatic Analysis and Synthesis in CAD. IFIP Congress 1980: 705-710 - Peter Albrecht:
Survey of Recent Results on Composite Integration Methods for Ordinary Differential Equation, Especially Cyclic Methods. IFIP Congress 1980: 711-716 - C. William Gear:
Automatic Multirate Methods for Ordinary Differential Equation. IFIP Congress 1980: 717-722 - Owe Axelsson, Ivar Gustafsson:
A Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Finite Element Equations, which is Stable for Rounding Errors. IFIP Congress 1980: 723-728 - Giuseppe Gambolati, Giampiero Volpi:
An Improved Iterative Scheme for Refining the Solution of Ill-Conditioned Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 729-734 - V. V. Zhurin, F. G. Tcheremissine:
Recent Advances in the Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation. IFIP Congress 1980: 735-740 - J. D. Lawson, David A. Swayne:
High-Order Near Best Uniform Approximations to the Solution of Heat Conduction Problems. IFIP Congress 1980: 741-746 - Renato de Mori, Giovanna Giordano:
Structural Knowledge for the Recognition of Syllables in Continuous Speech. IFIP Congress 1980: 747-751 - Miguel A. Hernan, Javier Jiménez:
Image Analysis of Experimental Data in Turbulence. IFIP Congress 1980: 753-756
Area 7 - Business and Government Applications
- Norbert Szyperski:
Organizational Response to Changes in Information Technology. IFIP Congress 1980: 759-765 - Jean Salmona:
Information Systems, Develoment and Structural Changes. IFIP Congress 1980: 767-781 - Howard L. Morgan:
Research and Practice in Office Automation. IFIP Congress 1980: 783-789 - David F. Stevens:
Some Cautionary Aphorisms for User-Oriented Computer Management. IFIP Congress 1980: 791-796 - Daniel Gabay, Marc Guillaume:
Computers in Economic Policy-Making: Challenging Advances in Computer Systems and Econometric Models. IFIP Congress 1980: 797-802 - Csaba Gergely, László Háklár, Helmuth Kraenzlein:
The Financial System in Hungary, Based on a Three Level Equipment Hierarcy. IFIP Congress 1980: 803-808 - Jun-ichiro Yokoyama, Akira Fukuda:
Prescription Order Service in Kanto Teishin Hospital Information System. IFIP Congress 1980: 809-813 - Alan R. Tyson:
South Australian Land Information System. IFIP Congress 1980: 815-820 - Bas K. Brussaard, Peter A. Tas:
Information and Organization Policies in Public Administration. IFIP Congress 1980: 821-826 - Pierre Nepomiastchy:
MODULECO: Software for Macroeconomic Modelling. IFIP Congress 1980: 827-831 - Oscar Barros, Alejandro Gomez:
Decision Support Systems for Economic Policy Analysis in a Market Oriented Environment. IFIP Congress 1980: 833-838 - Roderick A. Matthews:
Trends in User-Oriented Software within the U.K. Central Electricity Generating Board. IFIP Congress 1980: 839-844 - Philip M. Stanley:
A Design Approach to the Audit of Computer Information Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 845-849
Area 8 - Social and Economical Implications
- Wilhelm Steinmüller:
Rationalisation and Modellification: Two Complementary Implications of Information Technologies. IFIP Congress 1980: 853-861 - C. C. Gotlieb:
Computer - A Gift of Fire. IFIP Congress 1980: 863-872 - Brian M. Murphy:
The Development of the British, French and German Native Computer Industries, 1960 - 1978. IFIP Congress 1980: 873-878 - Françoise Gallouedec Genuys:
The Impact of Computerization on the Relationship between Administration and the Citizen. IFIP Congress 1980: 879-883 - W. F. Smyth, N. W. N. Jayasiri:
The Encouragement of Effective Computer Use in Developing Countries. IFIP Congress 1980: 885-890 - Vladimír Vrecion:
Some Basic Applications of Computering in the Law-Making Process. IFIP Congress 1980: 891-895 - Sheila M. Blackmore:
A Computer Training Scheme for the Disabled. IFIP Congress 1980: 897-902 - Bruce I. Blum, Richard J. Johns:
Computer Technology and Medical Costs. IFIP Congress 1980: 903-906 - T. J. Lincoln:
Information Systems Constraints - A Strategic Review. IFIP Congress 1980: 907-911 - Yves Cohen-Hadria:
Automation, Organizational Choices and Social Effects: The Case of the Cement Industry. IFIP Congress 1980: 913-917 - Bruce Gilchrist:
Computers and Employment: The U. S. Experience. IFIP Congress 1980: 919-924
Area 9 - Information Processing and Education
- Jürg Nievergelt:
Computer Science Education: An Emerging Consensus on Basic Concepts. IFIP Congress 1980: 927-933 - David Gries:
Educating the Programmer: Notation, Proofs and the Development of Programs. IFIP Congress 1980: 935-944 - Ian D. G. Macleod, J. J. Jackson, John B. Eulenberg:
A Multisensory Electronic System for Developing Handwriting Skills with Blind Trainees. IFIP Congress 1980: 945-950 - Waltraud Schweikhardt:
A Computer Based Education System for the Blind. IFIP Congress 1980: 951-954 - Jean-Claude Pagès, Dominique Gremillet, Andreas Horst:
A General Structure for Building Personalized Information: An Alternative Approach to Computer Aided Education. IFIP Congress 1980: 955-960 - Ghassan A. Kubba:
The Impact of Computers on Arabic Writing, Character Processing and teaching. IFIP Congress 1980: 961-965 - D. R. Thomas, R. Brien Maguire:
Computers and Education: A Remote Learning Application. IFIP Congress 1980: 967-671 - Klaus Haefner:
The Concept of an Integrated System for Information Access and Telecommunication (ISIT) and its Impact on Education in the 80s. IFIP Congress 1980: 973-978 - Manfred R. Klopprogge, Peter C. Lockemann:
Teaching Systems Analysis and Planning in Informatics: A Practical Course. IFIP Congress 1980: 979-983 - Yukuo Isomoto, Keiichi Yamagata, Tadashi Ishiketa:
A Computer-Aided Advising System for FORTRAN Program Debugging: ADVISOR. IFIP Congress 1980: 985-990
Area 10 - Computers in Everyday Life
- Seymour Papert:
Redefining Childhood: The Computer Presence as an Experiment in Developmental Psychology. IFIP Congress 1980: 993-998 - Gordon Pask:
The Limits of Togetherness. IFIP Congress 1980: 999-1012 - Theodor Holm Nelson:
Replacing the Printed Word: A Complete Literay System. IFIP Congress 1980: 1013-1023 - Alan C. Kay:
User Interface Design in the Smalltalk Computing System (Abstract). IFIP Congress 1980: 1025 - Chris Schmandt:
Soft Typography. IFIP Congress 1980: 1027-1031 - Osamu Ishii:
Feasibility Experiments on Versatile Information Processing Systems. IFIP Congress 1980: 1033-1038 - Christopher F. Herot:
A Spatial Graphical Man-Machine Interface. IFIP Congress 1980: 1039-1044 - Gregory M. Hunter:
Teleconference in Virtual Space. IFIP Congress 1980: 1045-1048 - Sherry Turkle:
Personal Computaion and Personal Meanings. IFIP Congress 1980: 1049-1054 - John Pollard, Glen Campbell:
Using a Home Microcomputer to Teach a Dyslexic Child to Read. IFIP Congress 1980: 1055-1059

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