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9th ICEIS 2007: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
- Jorge Cardoso, José Cordeiro, Joaquim Filipe:
ICEIS 2007 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume AIDSS, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, June 12-16, 2007. 2007, ISBN 978-972-8865-89-4
Keynote lectures
- Amit P. Sheth, Karthik Gomadam:
The 4×4 semantic model - exploiting data, functional, non-functional and execution semantics across business process, workflow, partner services and middleware services tiers. ICEIS (1) 2007: 1-4 - Wil M. P. van der Aalst:
Trends in business process analysis - from verification to process mining. ICEIS (1) 2007: 5-9 - Kurt Sandkuhl:
Information logistics in networked organisations - issues, concepts and applications. ICEIS (1) 2007: 10-14 - Christoph Bussler:
Service-oriented architecture - one size fits nobody. ICEIS (1) 2007: 15-20 - Martin G. Curley:
Introducing an it capability maturity framework. ICEIS (1) 2007: 21-26 - K. Venkatesh Prasad:
Driving ahead: Joint enterprise-embedded computing in smart clouds, smart dust and intelligent automobiles. ICEIS (1) 2007: 27-32 - Larry L. Constantine:
Enterprise information systems for use: From business processes to human activity. ICEIS (1) 2007: 33-38
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Full Papers
- Philipp Dopichaj:
Improving Content-Oriented XML Retrieval by Applying Structural Patterns. ICEIS (2) 2007: 5-13 - Noriko Imafuji Yasui, Xavier Llorà, David E. Goldberg, Yuichi Washida, Hiroshi Tamura:
Delineating Topic and Discussant Transitions in Online Collaborative Environments. ICEIS (2) 2007: 14-21 - António J. M. Castro, Eugénio C. Oliveira:
A Distributed Multi-Agent System to Solve Airline Operations Problems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 22-30 - Vít Novácek:
Imprecise Empirical Ontology Refinement - Application to Taxonomy Acquisition. ICEIS (2) 2007: 31-38 - Feng Liu, Yifei Chen, Bernard Manderick:
Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Literature Using Two-Layer Support Vector Machines. ICEIS (2) 2007: 39-48
Short Papers
- Mounir Kehal:
Specialist Knowledge Diffusion. ICEIS (2) 2007: 49-56 - Martin Blunn, Julie Cowie, David E. Cairns, Clare Wilson, Donald Davidson:
Mobile Decision Making and Knowledge Management: Supporting Geoarchaeologists in the Field. ICEIS (2) 2007: 57-62 - Christian Prause, Julia Kuck, Stefan Apelt, Reinhard Oppermann, Armin B. Cremers:
Interconnecting Documentation - Harnessing the Different Powers of Current Documentation Tools in Software Development. ICEIS (2) 2007: 63-68 - Yingbo Liu, Jianmin Wang, Jiaguang Sun:
Using Decision Tree Learning to Predict Workflow Activity Time Consumption. ICEIS (2) 2007: 69-75 - Harald Kjellin, Terese Stenfors-Hayes:
Personal Knowledge Management as an Icebreaker: Motivating Contributions to Knowledge Management Systems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 76-81 - Xari Rovira, Núria Agell, Mónica Sánchez, Francesc Prats, Montserrat Ventura:
Group Decision Systems for Ranking and Selection - An Application to the Accreditation of Doping Control Laboratories. ICEIS (2) 2007: 82-87 - Tatiana Levashova, Michael Pashkin, Magnus Lundqvist:
Provision of Context-Sensitive Enterprise Knowledge for Decision Support: An Approach based on Enterprise Models and Information Demand Contexts. ICEIS (2) 2007: 88-93 - Luciano Caroprese, Irina Trubitsyna, Ester Zumpano:
Implementing Prioritized Reasoning in Logic Programming. ICEIS (2) 2007: 94-100 - Antonio Martín, Carlos León, Juán I. Guerrero, Francisco Javier Molina:
Applying Integrated Expert System in Network Management. ICEIS (2) 2007: 101-106 - Sukanya Ramabadran, Vivekanand Gopalkrishnan:
Intelligent E-Learning Systems - An Intelligent Approach to Flexible Learning Methodologies. ICEIS (2) 2007: 107-112 - Michael Cebulla:
Reactive Commonsense Reasoning - Towards Semantic Coordination with High-Level Specifications. ICEIS (2) 2007: 113-118 - Hennie Daniels, Emiel Caron:
Explanation Generation in Business Performance Models - With a Case Study in Competition Benchmarking. ICEIS (2) 2007: 119-128 - Andrea Andrenucci:
Creating a Bilingual Psychology Lexicon for Cross Lingual Question Answering - A Pilot Study. ICEIS (2) 2007: 129-136 - Cristina Wanzeller, Orlando Belo:
Similarity Assessment in a CBR Application for Clickstream Data Mining Plans Selection. ICEIS (2) 2007: 137-144 - Jean-François Pessiot, Tuong-Vinh Truong, Nicolas Usunier, Massih-Reza Amini, Patrick Gallinari:
Learning to Rank for Collaborative Filtering. ICEIS (2) 2007: 145-151 - Alfredo Cuzzocrea:
MRE-KDD+: A Multi-Resolution, Ensemble-Based Model for Advanced Knolwedge Discovery. ICEIS (2) 2007: 152-158 - Bing Qiao, Kecheng Liu, Chris Guy:
Multi-Agent Building Control in Shared Environment. ICEIS (2) 2007: 159-164 - Madhu Lata Goyal:
An Attitude Based Modeling of Agents in Coalition. ICEIS (2) 2007: 165-170 - Chi-Kong Chan, Ho-fung Leung:
Rule Based Stability Criteria for Coalition Formation Under Uncertainty. ICEIS (2) 2007: 171-177 - Nora Houari, Behrouz H. Far:
An Agent-Based Approach to Support Performance Management for Dynamic and Collaborative Work. ICEIS (2) 2007: 178-184 - Luminita State, Catalina Cocianu, Panayiotis M. Vlamos, Viorica Stefanescu:
A Connectionist Approach in Bayesian Classification. ICEIS (2) 2007: 185-190 - Jaroslaw Skaruz, Franciszek Seredynski, Pascal Bouvry:
Recurrent Neural Networks Approach to The Detection of SQL Attacks. ICEIS (2) 2007: 191-197 - Carmen Maidantchik, José Manoel de Seixas, Afrânio Lineu Kritski, Fernanda Carvalho de Queiroz Mello, Rony T. V. Braga, Pedro H. S. Antunes, João Baptista de Oliveira e Souza Filho:
NEURALTB Web System: Support to the Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis. ICEIS (2) 2007: 198-203 - Manuel P. Cuéllar, Miguel Delgado, Maria del Carmen Pegalajar Jiménez:
Problems and Features of Evolutionary Algorithms to Build Hybrid Training Methods for Recurrent Neural Networks. ICEIS (2) 2007: 204-211 - Michael Bensch, Dominik Brugger, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Martin Bogdan, Wilhelm G. Spruth, Peter Baeuerle:
Self-Learning Prediction System for Optimisation of Workload Management in a Mainframe Operating System. ICEIS (2) 2007: 212-218 - Marina V. Sokolova, Antonio Fernández-Caballero:
A Multi-Agent Architecture for Environmental Impact Assessment: Information Fusion, Data Mining and Decision Making. ICEIS (2) 2007: 219-224 - Bernd-Ludwig Wenning, Carmelita Görg, Andreas Timm-Giel, Jörn Schönberger, Herbert Kopfer:
Investigations on Object-Centered Routing in Dynamic Environments: Algorithmic Framework and Initial Numerical Results - Support for Distributed Decision Making in Transport Systems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 225-230 - Richard Sohnius, Eyck Jentzsch, Wolf-Ekkehard Matzke, Vadim Ermolayev:
An Approach for Assessing Design Systems: Design System Simulation and Analysis for Performance Assessment. ICEIS (2) 2007: 231-236 - Kris Brijs, Benoît Depaire, Koen Vanhoof, Tom Brijs, Geert Wets:
The Importance of Aggregation Operator Characteristics in Marketing Research. ICEIS (2) 2007: 237-246 - Pablo Bermejo, José A. Gámez, José M. Puerta:
Attribute Construction for E-Mail Foldering by Using Wrappered Forward Greedy Search. ICEIS (2) 2007: 247-252 - Andreas Becks, Jessica Huster:
Trend Analysis Based on Explorative Data and Text Mining: A Decision Support System for the European Home Textile Industry. ICEIS (2) 2007: 253-258 - Petr Kroha, Thomas Reichel:
Using Grammars for Text Classification. ICEIS (2) 2007: 259-264 - Frédéric Fürst, Francky Trichet:
Heavyweight Ontology Matching - A Method and a Tool based on the Conceptual Graphs Model. ICEIS (2) 2007: 265-270 - Arnaud Renouf, Régis Clouard, Marinette Revenu:
A Platform Dedicated to Knowledge Engineering for the Development of Image Processing Applications. ICEIS (2) 2007: 271-276 - V. N. Vagin, A. P. Yeremeyev:
Modelling Human Reasoning in Intelligent Decision Support Systems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 277-282 - Mariana Vassileva, Vassil Vassilev, Boris Staykov, Danail Dochev:
Generalized Multicriteria Optimization Software System MKO-2. ICEIS (2) 2007: 283-288 - J. Sturek, S. Ramakrishnan, P. Nagula, K. Srihari:
A Decision Support System for Predicting the Reliability of a Robotic Dispensing System. ICEIS (2) 2007: 289-296 - Ryszard Janicki:
Pairwise Comparisons, Incomparability and Partial Orders. ICEIS (2) 2007: 297-302 - Orla Kirwan, Willie Golden, Padraig Molloy:
Energy Management Information Systems: An Exploratory study of Implementations Using Adaptive Structuration Theory. ICEIS (2) 2007: 303-309 - Veronica Oliveira de Carvalho, Solange Oliveira Rezende, Mario de Castro:
Obtaining and Evaluating Generalized Association Rules. ICEIS (2) 2007: 310-315 - Haifeng Liu, Wee Keong Ng, Bin Song, Xiang Li, Wen-Feng Lu:
An Intelligent Information System for Enabling Product Mass Customization. ICEIS (2) 2007: 316-321 - Francesco M. Raimondi, Salvatore Pennacchio, Pietro Via, Marianna Mulè:
A New Fuzzy Logic Controller for Trading on the Stock Market. ICEIS (2) 2007: 322-329 - Miguel Delgado Calvo-Flores, J. F. Núñez Negrillo, Eva Lucrecia Gibaja Galindo, C. Molina Férnandez:
An Empirical Study of Significant Variables for Trading Strategies. ICEIS (2) 2007: 330-335 - David Vallejo-Fernandez, Carlos González-Morcillo, Luis Jimenez Linares:
A Qualitative Expert Knowledge Approach to Rendering Optimization. ICEIS (2) 2007: 336-341 - Giuseppe Pascale, Luigi Troiano:
A Niche Based Genetic Algorithm for Image Registration. ICEIS (2) 2007: 342-347 - Theodoros Alevizos, Vassilis G. Kaburlasos, Stelios E. Papadakis, Christos Skourlas, Petros Belsis:
Fuzzy Interval Number (FIN) Techniques for Multilingual and Cross Language Information Retrieval. ICEIS (2) 2007: 348-355 - Broderick Crawford, Carolina Lagos, Carlos Castro, Fernando Paredes:
A Evolutionary Approach to Solve Set Covering. ICEIS (2) 2007: 356-363
- Luís Moniz Pereira, Ruben Duarte Viegas:
Architectural Design via Declarative Programming. ICEIS (2) 2007: 363-369 - Iraj Mahdavi, Babak Javadi, S. S. Sabet:
Solving the Multi-Objective Mixed Model Assembly Line Problem Using a Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Program. ICEIS (2) 2007: 370-373 - Miroslav Hudec, Mirko Vujosevic:
Integration of a Fuzzy System and an Information System for the Territorial Units Ranking. ICEIS (2) 2007: 374-377 - Iraj Mahdavi, Babak Shirazi, Namjae Cho, Navid Sahebjamnia, Meysam Aminzadeh:
Dynamic Web Document Classification in E-CRM Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approach. ICEIS (2) 2007: 378-381 - Kimmo Salmenjoki, Yaroslav Tsaruk, Vagan Y. Terziyan, Marko Viitala:
Agent-Based Approach for Electricity Distribution Systems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 382-389 - Manish Kumar:
Development of a Decision Support System for Computer Aided Process Planning System. ICEIS (2) 2007: 390-394 - Nancy Ruiz, Adriana Giret, Vicente J. Botti:
Holonic Architecture for a Multiagent-Based Simulation Tool. ICEIS (2) 2007: 395-398 - Gulden Uchyigit, Keith L. Clark:
GU METRIC - A New Feature Selection Algorithm for Text Categorization. ICEIS (2) 2007: 399-402 - Juliette Brézillon, Patrick Brézillon, Thierry Artières, Charles Tijus:
Context-Based Intelligent Educational System for Car Drivers. ICEIS (2) 2007: 403-406 - Vasile Paul Bresfelean, Mihaela Bresfelean, Nicolae Ghisoiu, Calin-Adrian Comes:
Data Mining Clustering Techniques in Academia. ICEIS (2) 2007: 407-410 - Augusto Cesar Heluy Dantas, José Manoel de Seixas:
Neural Networks for Data Quality Monitoring of Time Series. ICEIS (2) 2007: 411-415 - Egidijus Merkevicius, Gintautas Garsva, Stasys Girdzijauskas, Vitolis Sekliuckis:
Forecasting of Changes of Companies Financial Standings on the Basis of Self-Organizing Maps. ICEIS (2) 2007: 416-419 - Lei Chen, Hung Keng Pung, Fei Long:
Feedforward Neural Networks without Orthonormalization. ICEIS (2) 2007: 420-423 - Dimitrios P. Lyras, Kyriakos N. Sgarbas, Nikolaos D. Fakotakis:
Learning Greek Phonetic Rules Using Decision-Tree Based Models. ICEIS (2) 2007: 424-427 - Giovanni Semeraro, Ignazio Palmisano, Nicola Abbattista, Silverio Petruzzellis:
The JUMP Project: Practical Use of Semantic Web Technologies in EPSS Systems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 428-431 - Virgilijus Sakalauskas, Dalia Kriksciuniene:
Day of the Week Effect in Small Securities Markets. ICEIS (2) 2007: 432-435 - Tadeu Augusto de Almeida Silva, Oscar Luiz Monteiro de Farias:
Employing Software Multi-Agents for Simulating Radiological Accidents. ICEIS (2) 2007: 436-439 - Abdelkader Adla:
Integrating Agents into Cooperative Intelligent Decision Support Systems. ICEIS (2) 2007: 440-446 - Luiz Biondi Neto, Pedro Henrique Gouvêa Coelho, João Carlos Correia Baptista Soares de Mello, Lidia Angulo Meza:
Self-Organizing Maps for Classification of the Rio De Janeiro State Cities Based on Electrical Energy Consumption. ICEIS (2) 2007: 447-450 - Adnan Khashman, Kamil Dimililer:
Intelligent System for Image Compression. ICEIS (2) 2007: 451-454 - Pedro A. Diaz-Gomez, Dean F. Hougen:
Misuse Detection - An Iterative Process vs. A Genetic Algorithm Approach. ICEIS (2) 2007: 455-458 - Pedro A. Diaz-Gomez, Dean F. Hougen:
Misuse Detection - A Neural Network vs. A Genetic Algorithm Approach. ICEIS (2) 2007: 459-462 - Zdenek Trefny, J. Svacinka, S. Trojan, J. Slavicek, Pavel Smrcka, Martin Trefny:
Automatic Evaluation of the Quantitative Seismocardiogram. ICEIS (2) 2007: 463-467 - Souad Demigha:
The Retrieval Process in the SAFRS System with the Case-Based Reasoning Approach. ICEIS (2) 2007: 468-473 - Özgür Kelemci, Sima Uyar:
Application of a Genetic Algorithm to a Real World Nurse Rostering Problem Instance. ICEIS (2) 2007: 474-477 - Hema Nair:
LSGENSYS - An Integrated System for Pattern Recognition and Summarisation of Multi-Band Satellite Images. ICEIS (2) 2007: 478-484
Special Session on Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems
- Xia Cui, Ruwei Dai, Yaodong Li, Mingchang Zhao:
Human-Centered Meta-Synthetic Engineering for Knowledge Creative System. ICEIS (2) 2007: 485-491 - Oscar M. Rodríguez-Elias, Ana I. Martínez-Garcia, Jesús Favela, Aurora Vizcaíno, Juan Pablo Soto:
Knowledge Flow Analysis to Identify Knowledge Needs for the Design of Knowledge Management Systems and Strategies - A Methodological Approach. ICEIS (2) 2007: 492-497 - Juan Pablo Soto, Aurora Vizcaíno, Javier Portillo-Rodríguez, Mario Piattini:
Knowledge Management Systems with Reputation and Intuition - What for? ICEIS (2) 2007: 498-503 - Virginia Dignum:
Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance - An Agent-mediated Approach. ICEIS (2) 2007: 504-509 - Li Niu, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang:
Enriching Executives' Situation Awareness and Mental Models - A Conceptual ESS Framework. ICEIS (2) 2007: 510-516

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