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16th ICDM Workshops 2016: Barcelona, Spain
- Carlotta Domeniconi, Francesco Gullo, Francesco Bonchi, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Xindong Wu:
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDM Workshops 2016, December 12-15, 2016, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE Computer Society 2016
CLOUDMINE - Data Mining Systems and their Applications on the Cloud
- Josep Lluis Berral
, Nicolás Poggi:
Database Integrated Analytics Using R: Initial Experiences with SQL-Server + R. 1-7 - D. Pooja Janakiram:
Parallelized Frequent Item Set Mining Using a Tall and Skinny Matrix. 8-13 - Jun Wang, Qiang Tang
A Probabilistic View of Neighborhood-Based Recommendation Methods. 14-20 - Peng Xun, Peidong Zhu, Cunlu Li, Haoyang Zhu:
Discovering Multi-type Correlated Events with Time Series for Exception Detection of Complex Systems. 21-28
DMIoT - Data Mining for Internet of Things
- Alexey Artemov
, Evgeny Burnaev
Detecting Performance Degradation of Software-Intensive Systems in the Presence of Trends and Long-Range Dependence. 29-36 - Omar Backhoff, Eirini Ntoutsi:
Scalable Online-Offline Stream Clustering in Apache Spark. 37-44 - Tian Guo, Jean-Paul Calbimonte
, Karl Aberer:
Distributed Mining and Modeling of Dynamic Lead-Lag Relations in Evolving Entities. 45-52 - Septimiu Nechifor, Ioana Stefan, Marten Fischer, Dan Puiu:
Event Detection for Urban Dynamic Data Streams. 53-60
DaMNet - Data Mining in Networks
- Sorour E. Amiri, Liangzhe Chen, B. Aditya Prakash:
Segmenting Sequences of Node-Labeled Graphs. 61-68 - Gregory Breard, Natallia Katenka:
Inference of Partial Canonical Correlation Networks with Application to Stock Market Portfolio Selection. 69-76 - Maël Canu, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Adrien Revault d'Allonnes
Overlapping Community Detection by Local Decentralised Vertex-Centred Process. 77-84 - Ayushi Dalmia, Manish Gupta, Vasudeva Varma
Query-Based Evolutionary Graph Cuboid Outlier Detection. 85-92 - Gabriel P. Gimenes, Hugo Gualdron, José F. Rodrigues Jr.:
Vertex Centric Asynchronous Belief Propagation Algorithm for Large-Scale Graphs. 93-98 - Junxian He, Ying Huang, Changfeng Liu, Jiaming Shen, Yuting Jia, Xinbing Wang:
Text Network Exploration via Heterogeneous Web of Topics. 99-106 - Anvar Kurmukov
, Yulia Dodonova, Leonid Zhukov:
Classification of Normal and Pathological Brain Networks Based on Similarity in Graph Partitions. 107-112 - Matthaios Letsios, Oana Denisa Balalau, Maximilien Danisch, Emmanuel Orsini, Mauro Sozio:
Finding Heaviest k-Subgraphs and Events in Social Media. 113-120 - Martin Ringsquandl, Steffen Lamparter, Ingo Thon, Raffaello Lepratti, Peer Kröger:
Knowledge Graph Constraints for Multi-label Graph Classification. 121-127 - Jun Sun, Jérôme Kunegis, Steffen Staab
Predicting User Roles in Social Networks Using Transfer Learning with Feature Transformation. 128-135
DAPS - Data Mining for the Analysis of Performance and Success
- Javier Fernández
, Daniel Medina, Antonio Gómez, Marta Arias
, Ricard Gavaldà
From Training to Match Performance: A Predictive and Explanatory Study on Novel Tracking Data. 136-143 - László Gyarmati, Mohamed Hefeeda
Competition-Wide Evaluation of Individual and Team Movements in Soccer. 144-151 - Giulio Rossetti
, Vincenzo Caproni:
Football Market Strategies: Think Locally, Trade Globally. 152-159 - Alessio Rossi
, Enrico Perri
, Athos Trecroci
, Marco Savino, Giampietro Alberti
, Marcello Fedon Iaia:
Characterization of In-season Elite Football Trainings by GPS Features: The Identity Card of a Short-Term Football Training Cycle. 160-166 - Rade Stanojevic, László Gyarmati:
Towards Data-Driven Football Player Assessment. 167-172 - Irina Zgonnikova, Arkady Zgonnikov
, Shigeru Kanemoto:
Stick Must Fall: Using Machine Learning to Predict Human Error in Virtual Balancing Task. 173-177
DINA - Data Integration and Applications
- Ayman Alserafi, Alberto Abelló, Oscar Romero
, Toon Calders:
Towards Information Profiling: Data Lake Content Metadata Management. 178-185 - Luiza Antonie, Harshavardhan Gadgil, Gary William Grewal, Kris Inwood
Historical Data Integration a Study of WWI Canadian Soldiers. 186-193 - Markus Nentwig
, Anika Groß
, Erhard Rahm
Holistic Entity Clustering for Linked Data. 194-201 - Ahmad Samiei, Felix Naumann
Cluster-Based Sorted Neighborhood for Efficient Duplicate Detection. 202-209 - Nidhi Saraswat, Lipika Dey, Ishan Verma, Hemant Gupta:
Integrated Analysis of Research Publications and Patents for Strategic Decision Making. 210-217 - Rainer Schnell, Christian Borgs:
Randomized Response and Balanced Bloom Filters for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. 218-224 - Minlue Wang, Valeriia Haberland
, Amos Yeo, Andrew O. Martin, John Howroyd, J. Mark Bishop:
A Probabilistic Address Parser Using Conditional Random Fields and Stochastic Regular Grammar. 225-232
DMBIH - Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare
- Pablo Bermejo, José A. Gámez, José M. Puerta
, Marco A. Esquivias, Pedro J. Tárraga:
Construction of a Semi-Naive Model to Predict Early Readmission of COPD Patients by Using Quality Care Information. 233-240 - Lovedeep Gondara:
Medical Image Denoising Using Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders. 241-246 - José David Martín-Guerrero, María J. Rupérez-Moreno, Francisco Martínez-Martínez, Delia Lorente-Garrido, Antonio J. Serrano-López
, Carlos Monserrat, Sandra Martínez-Sanchis
, Marcelino Martínez-Sober
Machine Learning for Modeling the Biomechanical Behavior of Human Soft Tissue. 247-253 - Carles Morales, Vicent J. Ribas
, Alfredo Vellido:
Applying Conditional Independence Maps to Improve Sepsis Prognosis. 254-260 - Katrin Ullrich, Michael Kamp, Thomas Gärtner, Martin Vogt, Stefan Wrobel:
Ligand-Based Virtual Screening with Co-regularised Support Vector Regression. 261-268
DMCS - Data Mining for Cyber Security
- Maha Bakoben
, Niall M. Adams, Anthony Bellotti:
Uncertainty Aware Clustering for Behaviour in Enterprise Networks. 269-272 - Evgeny Burnaev
, Dmitry Smolyakov:
One-Class SVM with Privileged Information and Its Application to Malware Detection. 273-280 - Younghun Chae, Natallia Katenka, Lisa Cingiser DiPippo:
Adaptive Threshold Selection for Trust-Based Detection Systems. 281-287 - Alexander J. Gibberd
, Marina Evangelou
, James D. B. Nelson:
The Time-Varying Dependency Patterns of NetFlow Statistics. 288-294 - Zeinab Khorshidpour, Sattar Hashemi
, Ali Hamzeh
Learning a Secure Classifier against Evasion Attack. 295-302 - Andrey Y. Lokhov, Nathan Lemons, Thomas C. McAndrew, Aric A. Hagberg, Scott Backhaus:
Detection of Cyber-Physical Faults and Intrusions from Physical Correlations. 303-310 - Jordan Noble, Niall M. Adams:
Correlation-Based Streaming Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Security. 311-318 - Deepthi Rajashekar, Nur Zincir-Heywood
, Malcolm I. Heywood
Smart Phone User Behaviour Characterization Based on Autoencoders and Self Organizing Maps. 319-326 - Neil Shah, Alex Beutel, Bryan Hooi, Leman Akoglu, Stephan Günnemann, Disha Makhija, Mohit Kumar, Christos Faloutsos:
EdgeCentric: Anomaly Detection in Edge-Attributed Networks. 327-334 - Peihai Zhao, ChunGang Yan, Changjun Jiang:
Authenticating Web User's Identity through Browsing Sequences Modeling. 335-342
DMED I - Data Mining in Emerging Domains I
DWA - Data Wrangling Automation
- Shilpi Ahuja, Mary Roth, Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Peter M. Schwarz, Rafael Bastidas:
Using Machine Learning to Accelerate Data Wrangling. 343-349 - Andres Baravalle, Mauro Sanchez Lopez, Sin Wee Lee
Mining the Dark Web: Drugs and Fake Ids. 350-356 - Yodsawalai Chodpathumwan, Jose Picado, Arash Termehchy, Alan Fern, Yizhou Sun:
Toward Representation Independent Analytics over Structured Data. 357-360
MDDM - Maritime Domain Data Mining
- Alfredo Alessandrini, Marlene Alvarez, Harm Greidanus, Vincenzo Gammieri, Virginia Fernandez Arguedas, Fabio Mazzarella
, Carlos Santamaria, Mattia Stasolla, Dario Tarchi, Michele Vespe
Mining Vessel Tracking Data for Maritime Domain Applications. 361-367 - Clément Iphar, Aldo Napoli
, Cyril Ray:
On the Interest of Data Mining for an Integrity Assessment of AIS Messages. 368-373 - Leonardo Maria Millefiori, Dimitrios Zissis
, Luca Cazzanti, Gianfranco Arcieri:
Scalable and Distributed Sea Port Operational Areas Estimation from AIS Data. 374-381
DMED II - Data Mining in Emerging Domains II
DaMEMO - Data Mining for Energy Modelling and Optimization
- Mohammed Abdallatif, Sebastian Schramm, Jürgen Götze:
Application of Fuzzy C-Means for Proactive Clustering of Electrical Power Systems. 382-389 - Jeremiah D. Deng:
Online Outlier Detection of Energy Data Streams Using Incremental and Kernel PCA Algorithms. 390-397 - Peter Laurinec
, Marek Lóderer
, Petra Vrablecová
, Mária Lucká, Viera Rozinajová
, Anna Bou Ezzeddine:
Adaptive Time Series Forecasting of Energy Consumption Using Optimized Cluster Analysis. 398-405 - Juan Rendón, Lilian M. de Menezes
Structural Combination of Neural Network Models. 406-413 - Petra Vrablecová
, Viera Rozinajová
, Anna Bou Ezzeddine:
Incremental Time Series Prediction Using Error-Driven Informed Adaptation. 414-421
DMiP - Data Mining in Politics
- Esther Galbrun, Pauli Miettinen
Analysing Political Opinions Using Redescription Mining. 422-427 - Apalak Khatua
, Aparup Khatua:
Leave or Remain? Deciphering Brexit Deliberations on Twitter. 428-433 - Thomas Lansdall-Welfare
, Fabon Dzogang, Nello Cristianini:
Change-Point Analysis of the Public Mood in UK Twitter during the Brexit Referendum. 434-439 - Sebastian Schelter, Felix Bießmann, Malisa Zobel, Nedelina Teneva:
Structural Patterns in the Rise of Germany's New Right on Facebook. 440-445
DMHAA - Data Mining in Human Activity Analysis
- Chaoqun Hong, Jun Yu, Rongsheng Xie, Dapeng Tao
Weakly Supervised Hand Pose Recovery with Domain Adaptation by Low-Rank Alignment. 446-453 - Hadrien Hours, Eric Fleury, Márton Karsai
Link Prediction in the Twitter Mention Network: Impacts of Local Structure and Similarity of Interest. 454-461 - Sen Jia
, Thomas Lansdall-Welfare
, Nello Cristianini:
Gender Classification by Deep Learning on Millions of Weakly Labelled Images. 462-467 - Guangqin Li, Peng Ren, Xinrong Lyu, He Zhang
Real-Time Top-View People Counting Based on a Kinect and NVIDIA Jetson TK1 Integrated Platform. 468-473 - Ya Li, Dacheng Tao:
Online Semi-Supervised Multi-task Distance Metric Learning. 474-479 - Xueqi Ma, Zhengyang Cao, Weifeng Liu:
Local Structure Preserving Using Manifold Regularization and Pairwise Constraints for Action Recognition. 480-486 - Nastaran Mohammadian Rad, Seyed Mostafa Kia
, Calogero Zarbo, Giuseppe Jurman, Paola Venuti
, Cesare Furlanello:
Stereotypical Motor Movement Detection in Dynamic Feature Space. 487-494 - Aarti Sathyanarayana, Ferda Ofli
, Luis Fernández-Luque, Jaideep Srivastava, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Teresa Arora
, Shahrad Taheri:
Robust Automated Human Activity Recognition and Its Application to Sleep Research. 495-502 - Yujin Tang, Jianfeng Xu, Kazunori Matsumoto, Chihiro Ono:
Sequence-to-Sequence Model with Attention for Time Series Classification. 503-510
DMS - Data Mining for Service
- Bowei Chen
Risk-Aware Dynamic Reserve Prices of Programmatic Guarantee in Display Advertising. 511-518 - Lianhua Chi, Saket Sathe, Bo Han, Yun Wang:
A Novel Method for Assessing Event Impacts on Event-Driven Time Series. 519-526 - Shoji Hirano:
Temporal Data Mining on the Stay Time of Outpatients and Treatment Processes. 527-530 - Yuta Kaneko, Katsutoshi Yada:
A Deep Learning Approach for the Prediction of Retail Store Sales. 531-537 - Sotaro Katsumata
, Eiji Motohashi, Akihiro Nishimoto, Eiji Toyosawa:
Website Classification Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Its Application for Internet Advertising. 538-544 - Eisuke Kita, Yi Zuo, Fumiya Saito, Xuanang Feng:
Personal Identification with Face and Voice Features Extracted through Kinect Sensor. 545-551 - Merve Mitik, Ozan Korkmaz, Pinar Karagoz
, Ismail Hakki Toroslu
, Ferhat Yucel:
Data Mining Based Product Marketing Technique for Banking Products. 552-559 - Takahiro Nishigaki, Katsumi Nitta, Takashi Onoda:
Interactive Independent Topic Analysis for Service. 560-567 - Mayur Patidar, Shaurya Rohatgi, Ashish Chaudhary, Mahesh P. Singh, Puneet Agarwal, Gautam Shroff:
Activity Detection from Email Meta-Data Clustering. 568-575 - Nicholay Topin, Karan K. Budhraja, Tim Oates:
Feature Selection in Environments with Limited Voluntary Information Sharing. 576-583 - Praveen Venkateswaran, Vikrant Shimpi, Maitreya Natu, Vaishali P. Sadaphal:
Domain Driven Forecasting: Applying Theory Into Practice. 584-591 - Yi Zuo, Yuya Kajikawa
Multiscale Analysis of Supply Network at Central Region in Japan. 592-599
DSBDA - Data Science and Big Data Analytics
- Mayanka Chandrashekar, Yugyung Lee:
Visual Context Learning with Big Data Analytics. 600-607 - Hossein Esfandiari, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Morteza Monemizadeh:
Finding Large Matchings in Semi-Streaming. 608-614 - Antonio C. Fraideinberze, José F. Rodrigues Jr., Robson L. F. Cordeiro
Effective and Unsupervised Fractal-Based Feature Selection for Very Large Datasets: Removing Linear and Non-linear Attribute Correlations. 615-622 - Alessio Guerrieri, Fatemeh Rahimian, Sarunas Girdzijauskas
, Alberto Montresor
Tovel: Distributed Graph Clustering for Word Sense Disambiguation. 623-630 - Narender Gupta, Aman Sawhney, Dan Roth:
Will I Get in? Modeling the Graduate Admission Process for American Universities. 631-638 - Aminata Kane, Nematollaah Shiri:
Selecting the Top-k Discriminative Features Using Principal Component Analysis. 639-646 - Qiang Ma, Eeshan Wagh, Jiayi Wen, Zhen Xia, Róbert Ormándi, Datong Chen:
Score Look-Alike Audiences. 647-654 - Vladimir Mic
, David Novak, Pavel Zezula:
Designing Sketches for Similarity Filtering. 655-662 - Izabela Moise, Edward Gaere, Ruben Merz, Stefan Koch, Evangelos Pournaras:
Tracking Language Mobility in the Twitter Landscape. 663-670 - Alejandro Mottini, Rodrigo Acuna-Agost:
Relative Label Encoding for the Prediction of Airline Passenger Nationality. 671-676 - Lei Sang, Fei Xie, Xiaojian Liu, Xindong Wu:
WEFEST: Word Embedding Feature Extension for Short Text Classification. 677-683 - Zhen Tan, Xiang Zhao, Yang Fang, Weidong Xiao, Jiuyang Tang:
Knowledge Representation Learning via Dynamic Relation Spaces. 684-691 - Willy Ugarte
, Alexandre Termier, Miguel Santana:
Steady Patterns. 692-699
HDM - High Dimensional Data Mining
- Zi Yin, Ying Li, Pietro Mazzoleni, Yuanyuan Shen:
Mining Effective Subsequences with Application in Marketing Attribution. 700-707 - Lee A. Carraher, Philip A. Wilsey, Anindya Moitra, Sayantan Dey
Random Projection Clustering on Streaming Data. 708-715 - Arthur Flexer
An Empirical Analysis of Hubness in Unsupervised Distance-Based Outlier Detection. 716-723 - Takako Hashimoto, Dave Shepard, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin:
Topic Extraction Method from Millions of Tweets Based on Fast Feature Selection Technique CWC. 724-731 - Alexander P. Kuleshov, Alexander V. Bernstein:
Regression on High-Dimensional Inputs. 732-739 - Ofir Lindenbaum, Arie Yeredor, Amir Averbuch:
Clustering Based on MultiView Diffusion Maps. 740-747 - Shicong Liu, Junru Shao, Hongtao Lu:
Aggregating Tree for Searching in Billion Scale High Dimensional Data. 748-755 - Raywat Makkhongkaew, Khalid Benabdeslem:
Semi-Supervised Similarity Preserving Co-Selection. 756-761 - Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Prasanna Sattigeri, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Bhavya Kailkhura:
Robust Local Scaling Using Conditional Quantiles of Graph Similarities. 762-769 - Lyndon White, Roberto Togneri
, Wei Liu
, Mohammed Bennamoun
Modelling Sentence Generation from Sum of Word Embedding Vectors as a Mixed Integer Programming Problem. 770-777
MoDAT - Data Market for Co-Evolution of Sciences and Business
- Mamoru Emoto:
Method for Extraction of Purchase Behavior and Product Character Using Dynamic Topic Model. 778-782 - Teruaki Hayashi
Inferring Variable Labels Considering Co-occurrence of Variable Labels in Data Jackets. 783-787 - Hideki Isetani:
The Prominent Role of Probe Data and Big Data in Modern Technology. 788-791 - Ryuji Ito:
ID-Link, an Enabler for Medical Data Marketplace. 792-797 - Amar Krishna, Ankit Agrawal
, Alok N. Choudhary:
Predicting the Outcome of Startups: Less Failure, More Success. 798-805 - Noriyuki Kushiro, Tatsuya Ehira, Rei Kaihara:
Aware Environment for Workshop with Game Storming. 806-812 - Lihui Liu, Junping Song, Haibo Wang, Pin Lv:
BRPS: A Big Data Placement Strategy for Data Intensive Applications. 813-820 - Indranil Nath:
Data Exchange Platform to Fight Insurance Fraud on Blockchain. 821-825 - Rui Yang
, Yukio Ohsawa:
Visualization Method Based on Contour Map. 826-830
OEDM - Optimization Based Techniques for Emerging Data Mining
- Tomás Barton, Tomas Bruna, Pavel Kordík:
MoCham: Robust Hierarchical Clustering Based on Multi-objective Optimization. 831-838 - Dandan Chen:
Structural Nonparallel Support Vector Machine Based on LSH for Large-Scale Prediction. 839-846 - Limeng Cui, Zhensong Chen, Fan Meng, Yong Shi:
Laplacian SVM for Learning from Label Proportions. 847-852 - Jingjing Tang
, Dewei Li
Incorporate Hashing with Multi-view Learning. 853-859
PDDM - Privacy and Discrimination in Data Mining
- Toshihiro Kamishima, Shotaro Akaho
, Hideki Asoh, Issei Sato:
Model-Based Approaches for Independence-Enhanced Recommendation. 860-867 - Binh Thanh Luong, Salvatore Ruggieri, Franco Turini:
Classification Rule Mining Supported by Ontology for Discrimination Discovery. 868-875 - Julián Salas
Faster Univariate Microaggregation for Power Law Distributions: k-Degree-Anonymity for Big Graphs. 876-881 - Dinusha Vatsalan, Peter Christen, Erhard Rahm
Scalable Privacy-Preserving Linking of Multiple Databases Using Counting Bloom Filters. 882-889
SENTIRE - Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction
- Oskar Ahlgren:
Research on Sentiment Analysis: The First Decade. 890-899 - Oscar Araque
, Ganggao Zhu, Manuel García-Amado, Carlos Angel Iglesias
Mining the Opinionated Web: Classification and Detection of Aspect Contexts for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis. 900-907 - Kasturi Bhattacharjee, Linda R. Petzold:
What Drives Consumer Choices? Mining Aspects and Opinions on Large Scale Review Data Using Distributed Representation of Words. 908-915 - Iti Chaturvedi
, Erik Cambria
, Soujanya Poria
, Rajiv Bajpai:
Bayesian Deep Convolution Belief Networks for Subjectivity Detection. 916-923 - Christoph Dalitz, Katrin E. Bednarek:
Sentiment Lexica from Paired Comparisons. 924-930 - Fabon Dzogang, Thomas Lansdall-Welfare
, Nello Cristianini:
Seasonal Fluctuations in Collective Mood Revealed by Wikipedia Searches and Twitter Posts. 931-937 - Mimansa Jaiswal, Sairam Tabibu, Rajiv Bajpai:
The Truth and Nothing But the Truth: Multimodal Analysis for Deception Detection. 938-943 - Maria Karanasou, Anneta Ampla, Christos Doulkeridis, Maria Halkidi
Scalable and Real-Time Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data. 944-951 - Dhruv Mayank, Kanchana Padmanabhan, Koushik Pal:
Multi-sentiment Modeling with Scalable Systematic Labeled Data Generation via Word2Vec Clustering. 952-959 - Kosetsu Tsukuda, Masahiro Hamasaki, Masataka Goto
SmartVideoRanking: Video Search by Mining Emotions from Time-Synchronized Comments. 960-969 - Aishwarya N. Reganti, Tushar Maheshwari, Upendra Kumar, Amitava Das, Rajiv Bajpai:
Modeling Satire in English Text for Automatic Detection. 970-977 - Zhaoxia Wang, Victor Joo Chuan Tong, Pingcheng Ruan, Fang Li:
Lexicon Knowledge Extraction with Sentiment Polarity Computation. 978-983
SERecSys - Semantics-Enabled Recommender Systems
- Ludovico Boratto
, Salvatore Carta, Gianni Fenu, Roberto Saia
Exploiting a Determinant-Based Metric to Evaluate a Word-Embeddings Matrix of Items. 984-991 - Stefano Faralli
, Giorgia Di Tommaso, Paola Velardi
Semantic Enabled Recommender System for Micro-Blog Users. 992-998 - Benjamin Heitmann, Conor Hayes
SemStim: Exploiting Knowledge Graphs for Cross-Domain Recommendation. 999-1006 - Shahin Mohammadi
, Sudhir B. Kylasa, Giorgios Kollias, Ananth Grama:
Context-Specific Recommendation System for Predicting Similar PubMed Articles. 1007-1014 - Penghua Yu, Lanfen Lin:
SeBPR: Semantics Enhanced Bayesian Personalized Ranking with Comparable Item Pairs. 1015-1022
SOMERIS - Social Media and Risk
- Chloé Adam, Antoine Aliotti, Paul-Henry Cournède
Learning from User Workflows for the Characterization and Prediction of Software Crashes. 1023-1030 - Aman Ahuja, Wei Wei, Kathleen M. Carley
Microblog Sentiment Topic Model. 1031-1038 - Giannis Bekoulis
, François Rousseau:
Graph-Based Term Weighting Scheme for Topic Modeling. 1039-1044 - Renhao Cui, Gagan Agrawal, Rajiv Ramnath, Vinh Ngoc Khuc:
Ensemble of Heterogeneous Classifiers for Improving Automated Tweet Classification. 1045-1052 - Lisa Kaati, Amendra Shrestha, Tony Sardella:
Identifying Warning Behaviors of Violent Lone Offenders in Written Communication. 1053-1060 - Wen Long
, Lijing Guan, Lingxiao Cui:
Investors Attention and the Effects on Stock Market: An Empirical Study Based on Stock Forum. 1061-1065 - Nuno Moniz, Luís Torgo
, Magdalini Eirinaki
Time-Based Ensembles for Prediction of Rare Events in News Stream. 1066-1073 - Saeid Safavi, Hock Gan, Iosif Mporas, Reza Sotudeh:
Fraud Detection in Voice-Based Identity Authentication Applications and Services. 1074-1081
SSTDM - Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining
- Prerna Agarwal, Richa Verma, Venkata M. V. Gunturi
Discovering Spatial Regions of High Correlation. 1082-1089 - Berkay Aydin
, Rafal A. Angryk
A Graph-Based Approach to Spatiotemporal Event Sequence Mining. 1090-1097 - Malika Bendechache
, Nhien-An Le-Khac
, M. Tahar Kechadi
Hierarchical Aggregation Approach for Distributed Clustering of Spatial Datasets. 1098-1103 - Alfredo Cuesta-Infante
, Kalyan Veeramachaneni:
Markov Switching Copula Models for Longitudinal Data. 1104-1109 - Bahaeddin Eravci
, Neslihan Bulut, Çagri Etemoglu, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
Location Recommendations for New Businesses Using Check-in Data. 1110-1117 - Elif Eser, Furkan Kocayusufoglu, Bahaeddin Eravci
, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
, Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey:
Generating Time-Varying Road Network Data Using Sparse Trajectories. 1118-1124 - Shah Muhammad Hamdi
, Berkay Aydin
, Rafal A. Angryk
A Pattern Growth-Based Approach for Mining Spatiotemporal Co-occurrence Patterns. 1125-1132 - Sonia Khetarpaul
, S. K. Gupta, L. Venkata Subramaniam:
Correlating Social Interconnections of Users with Spatio-Temporal Check-Ins Behavior. 1133-1138 - Hideaki Ohashi, Toshiyuki Shimizu, Masatoshi Yoshikawa:
Flexible Similarity Search for Enriched Trajectories. 1139-1144 - Klaus Arthur Schmid, Christian M. M. Frey, Fengchao Peng, Michael Weiler, Andreas Züfle, Lei Chen, Matthias Renz:
TrendTracker: Modelling the Motion of Trends in Space and Time. 1145-1152 - Joan Serrà, Aleksandar Matic, Josep Lluís Arcos
, Alexandros Karatzoglou:
A Genetic Algorithm to Discover Flexible Motifs with Support. 1153-1158 - Matteo Simoncini, Francesco Sambo, Leonardo Taccari
, Luca Bravi, Samuele Salti
, Alessandro Lori:
Vehicle Classification from Low Frequency GPS Data. 1159-1166 - Jia Wu, Weiru Zeng, Zhe Chen, Xue-Fei Tang:
Hierarchical Temporal Memory Method for Time-Series-Based Anomaly Detection. 1167-1172 - Guolei Yang, Andreas Züfle:
Spatio-Temporal Site Recommendation. 1173-1178
PhD Forum
- Kevin Michael Amaral, Ping Chen, Wei Ding
, Rajani S. Sadasivam:
Sacrificing Overall Classification Quality to Improve Classification Accuracy of Well-Sought Classes. 1179-1182 - Remy Dautriche, Alexandre Termier, Renaud Blanch, Miguel Santana:
Towards Visualizing Hidden Structures. 1183-1190 - Caroline Fenlon, Luke O'Grady
, Michael Doherty, Stephen Butler
, Laurence Shalloo, John Dunnion:
Regression Techniques for Modelling Conception in Seasonally Calving Dairy Cows. 1191-1196 - Ouadie Gharroudi, Haytham Elghazel, Alexandre Aussem:
A Semi-Supervised Ensemble Approach for Multi-label Learning. 1197-1204 - Zhengshen Jiang, Hongzhi Liu
, Bin Fu, Zhonghai Wu:
A Novel Bayesian Ensemble Pruning Method. 1205-1212 - Pierre-Xavier Loeffel, Vincent Lemaire, Christophe Marsala, Marcin Detyniecki:
Improving the Prediction Cost of Drift Handling Algorithms by Abstaining. 1213-1222 - Luca Luceri:
Infer Mobility Patterns and Social Dynamics for Modelling Human Behaviour. 1223-1224 - Dominik Mautz
, Christian Böhm, Claudia Plant
Subspace Clustering Ensembles through Tensor Decomposition. 1225-1234 - Nastaran Mohammadian Rad
, Cesare Furlanello:
Applying Deep Learning to Stereotypical Motor Movement Detection in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 1235-1242 - Anil Narassiguin, Haytham Elghazel, Alex Aussem:
Similarity Tree Pruning: A Novel Dynamic Ensemble Selection Approach. 1243-1250 - Benjamin Schelling, Claudia Plant
Clustering with the Levy Walk: "Hunting" for Clusters. 1251-1260 - Huahua Xie, Dong Liang, Zhaojing Zhang, Hao Jin, Chen Lu, Yi Lin:
A Novel Pre-Classification Based kNN Algorithm. 1269-1275
- Ankit Agrawal
, Bryce Meredig, Chris Wolverton, Alok N. Choudhary:
A Formation Energy Predictor for Crystalline Materials Using Ensemble Data Mining. 1276-1279 - Ankit Agrawal
, Jason Scott Mathias, David Baker, Alok N. Choudhary:
Five Year Life Expectancy Calculator for Older Adults. 1280-1283 - Rafael Cabañas
, Ana M. Martínez
, Andrés R. Masegosa, Darío Ramos-López
, Antonio Salmerón, Thomas D. Nielsen
, Helge Langseth, Anders L. Madsen
Financial Data Analysis with PGMs Using AMIDST. 1284-1287 - Huey-Eng Chua, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg
, C. Forbes Dewey Jr.:
TENET: A Machine Learning-Based System for Target Characterization in Signaling Networks. 1288-1291 - Maxime Collin, Frédéric Flouvat, Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher
PaTSI: Pattern Mining of Time Series of Satellite Images in Knime. 1292-1295 - Lidia Contreras Ochando
, César Ferri
airVLC: An Application for Visualizing Wind-Sensitive Interpolation of Urban Air Pollution Forecasts. 1296-1299 - Emir Esmerdag, Mehmet Emre Gursoy, Ali Inan, Yücel Saygin:
Explode: An Extensible Platform for Differentially Private Data Analysis. 1300-1303 - Udayan Khurana, Deepak S. Turaga, Horst Samulowitz, Srinivasan Parthasrathy:
Cognito: Automated Feature Engineering for Supervised Learning. 1304-1307 - Timothy Nugent, Jochen L. Leidner:
Risk Mining: Company-Risk Identification from Unstructured Sources. 1308-1311 - Souneil Park, Marc Bourqui, Enrique Frías-Martínez
MobInsight: Understanding Urban Mobility with Crowd-Powered Neighborhood Characterizations. 1312-1315 - André Petermann, Martin Junghanns, Stephan Kemper, Kevin Gómez, Niklas Teichmann, Erhard Rahm
Graph Mining for Complex Data Analytics. 1316-1319 - Boon-Siew Seah, Sourav S. Bhowmick
, Huey-Eng Chua, Mengxuan Chen, C. Forbes Dewey Jr.:
FacetsViewer: A Tool for Multi-faceted Decomposition of Complex Networks. 1320-1323 - Konstantinos Skianis, Maria-Evgenia G. Rossi, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Michalis Vazirgiannis:
SpreadViz: Analytics and Visualization of Spreading Processes in Social Networks. 1324-1327 - Bo Suo, Jing Su, Qun Chen, Zhanhuai Li, Wei Pan:
DFA-G: A Unified Programming Model for Vertex-Centric Parallel Graph Processing. 1328-1331 - Linlin You, Bige Tunçer
Informed Design Platform: Interpreting "Big Data" to Adaptive Place Designs. 1332-1335 - Dimitrios Karapiperis, Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, Vassilios S. Verykios:
LSHDB: a parallel and distributed engine for record linkage and similarity search.

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