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ICCS 2009: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
- Gabrielle Allen, Jaroslaw Nabrzyski, Edward Seidel, G. Dick van Albada, Jack J. Dongarra, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Computational Science - ICCS 2009, 9th International Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 25-27, 2009, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5545, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-01972-2
Third Workshop on Teaching Computational Science (WTCS 2009)
- Alfredo Tirado-Ramos, Angela B. Shiflet:
Third Workshop on Teaching Computational Science (WTCS 2009). 3-4 - Loc Nguyen
, Phung Do:
Combination of Bayesian Network and Overlay Model in User Modeling. 5-14 - Patricia Jacobs:
Building Excitement, Experience and Expertise in Computational Science among Middle and High School Students. 15-24 - Victor A. Bloomfield:
Using R for Computer Simulation and Data Analysis in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics. 25-33 - Hayden Stainsby, Ronal Muresano
, Leonardo Fialho
, Juan Carlos González, Dolores Rexachs
, Emilio Luque
Teaching Model for Computational Science and Engineering Programme. 34-43 - George W. Shiflet, Angela B. Shiflet:
Spread-of-Disease Modeling in a Microbiology Course. 44-52 - Rafael del Vado Vírseda, Pablo Fernández, Salvador Muñoz, Antonio Murillo:
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Interactive Learning of Data Structures. 53-62 - Antonio Gavilanes, Pedro J. Martín, Roberto Torres:
A Tool for Automatic Code Generation from Schemas. 63-73 - Kirk D. Borne, John F. Wallin, Robert Weigel:
The New Computational and Data Sciences Undergraduate Program at George Mason University. 74-83 - D. E. Stevenson:
Models as Arguments: An Approach to Computational Science Education. 84-92 - Hong Liu, Jayathi Raghavan:
A Mathematical Modeling Module with System Engineering Approach for Teaching Undergraduate Students to Conquer Complexity. 93-102 - John F. Wallin, Tim Sauer:
Lessons Learned from a Structured Undergraduate Mentorship Program in Computational Mathematics at George Mason University. 103-110
Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Its Applications (4th CCA)
- Hassan H. Abdallah, Ponnadurai Ramasami:
First Principle Study of the Anti- and Syn-Conformers of Thiophene-2-Carbonyl Fluoride and Selenophene-2-Carbonyl Fluoride in the Gas and Solution Phases. 114-121 - Gyun-Tack Bae, Randall W. Hall:
Density Functional Calculation of the Structure and Electronic Properties of CunOn (n=1-4) Clusters. 122-130 - Mounir Jaidann, Louis-Simon Lussier, Amal Bouamoul, Hakima Abou-Rachid, Josée Brisson
Effects of Interface Interactions on Mechanical Properties in RDX-Based PBXs HTPB-DOA: Molecular Dynamics Simulations. 131-140 - Satyender Goel, Artëm E. Masunov
Pairwise Spin-Contamination Correction Method and DFT Study of MnH and H2 Dissociation Curves. 141-150 - Shruba Gangopadhyay, Artëm E. Masunov
, Eliza Poalelungi, Michael N. Leuenberger:
Prediction of Exchange Coupling Constant for Mn12 Molecular Magnet Using Dft+U. 151-159 - Shujiang Yang, Mohammed Lach-hab, Iosif I. Vaisman
, Estela Blaisten-Barojas
A Cheminformatics Approach for Zeolite Framework Determination. 160-168 - Ivan A. Mikhailov, Artëm E. Masunov
Theoretical Photochemistry of the Photochromic Molecules Based on Density Functional Theory Methods. 169-178 - Sergio Tafur, Ivan A. Mikhailov, Kevin D. Belfield
, Artëm E. Masunov
Predictions of Two Photon Absorption Profiles Using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Combined with SOS and CEO Formalisms. 179-188 - Gail S. Blaustein
, Frederick D. Lewis, Alexander L. Burin
, Rajesh Shrestha:
The Kinetics of Charge Recombination in DNA Hairpins Controlled by Counterions. 189-196 - Pramodh Vallurpalli, Praveen K. Pandey, Bhalachandra L. Tembe:
Quantum Oscillator in a Heat Bath. 197-202 - Paulo Hora Acioli
, Narin Ratanavade, Michael R. Cline, Sudha Srinivas:
Density Functional Theory Study of Ag-Cluster/CO Interactions. 203-210 - Pansy D. Patel, Artëm E. Masunov
Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Study of Structure-Property Relationships in Diarylethene Photochromic Compounds. 211-220 - Sangwook Wu, Vasu Chandrasekaran, Lee G. Pedersen:
Free Energy Correction to Rigid Body Docking : Application to the Colicin E7 and Im7 Complex. 221-228 - Godefroid Gahungu, Wenliang Li
, Jingping Zhang
The Design of Tris(o-phenylenedioxy)cyclo-trisphosphazene (TPP) Derivatives and Analogs toward Multifunctional Zeolite Use. 229-237
Workshop on Atmospheric and Oceanic Computational Science
- Adrian Sandu, Amik St.-Cyr, Katherine J. Evans
Atmospheric and Oceanic Computational Science. 241-242 - Amik St.-Cyr, David Neckels:
A Fully Implicit Jacobian-Free High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Mesoscale Flow Solver. 243-252 - Rick Archibald
, Katherine J. Evans
, J. B. Drake, James B. White III
Time Acceleration Methods for Advection on the Cubed Sphere. 253-262 - Sean Crowell
, Dustin Williams, Catherine Mavriplis
, Louis Wicker:
Comparison of Traditional and Novel Discretization Methods for Advection Models in Numerical Weather Prediction. 263-272 - Mark A. Taylor, Amik St.-Cyr, Aimé Fournier
A Non-oscillatory Advection Operator for the Compatible Spectral Element Method. 273-282 - Ping Wang, Lewis C. Linker:
Simulating Particulate Organic Advection along Bottom Slopes to Improve Simulation of Estuarine Hypoxia and Anoxia. 283-292 - Emil M. Constantinescu
, Adrian Sandu:
Explicit Time Stepping Methods with High Stage Order and Monotonicity Properties. 293-301 - Kumaresh Singh, Paul Eller, Adrian Sandu, Kevin W. Bowman, Dylan B. A. Jones, Meemong Lee:
Improving GEOS-Chem Model Tropospheric Ozone through Assimilation of Pseudo Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Profile Retrievals. 302-311 - Tianyi Gou, Kumaresh Singh, Adrian Sandu:
Chemical Data Assimilation with CMAQ: Continuous vs. Discrete Advection Adjoints. 312-321 - Humberto C. Godinez, Dacian N. Daescu:
A Second Order Adjoint Method to Targeted Observations. 322-331 - Katherine J. Evans
, Damian W. I. Rouson, Andrew G. Salinger, Mark A. Taylor, Wilbert Weijer
, James B. White III
A Scalable and Adaptable Solution Framework within Components of the Community Climate System Model. 332-341
Workshop on Geocomputation 2009
- Yong Xue, Forrest M. Hoffman
, Dingsheng Liu:
GeoComputation 2009. 345-348 - Jianwen Ai, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Yingjie Li, Ying Wang, Linyan Bai:
Grid Workflow Modeling for Remote Sensing Retrieval Service with Tight Coupling. 349-356 - Yan Ma, Lingjun Zhao, Dingsheng Liu:
An Asynchronous Parallelized and Scalable Image Resampling Algorithm with Parallel I/O. 357-366 - Jingshan Li, Dingsheng Liu:
Design and Implementation of a Scalable General High Performance Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Processing System on Performance and Function. 367-374 - Ranga Raju Vatsavai
Incremental Clustering Algorithm for Earth Science Data Mining. 375-384 - Jian Wang, Chunjiang Zhao, Fang-qu Niu, Zhiqiang Wang:
Overcoming Geoinformatic Knowledge Fence: An Exploratory of Intelligent Geospatial Data Preparation within Spatial Analysis. 385-394 - Nadeem Salamat, El-hadi Zahzah:
Spatial Relations Analysis by Using Fuzzy Operators. 395-404 - Qiang Zhang, Michael W. Berry
, Brian T. Lamb, Tabitha K. Samuel:
A Parallel Nonnegative Tensor Factorization Algorithm for Mining Global Climate Data. 405-415 - C. Ryan Johnson, Markus Glatter, Wesley Kendall, Jian Huang, Forrest M. Hoffman
Querying for Feature Extraction and Visualization in Climate Modeling. 416-425 - Bjørn-Gustaf J. Brooks
Applying Wavelet and Fourier Transform Analysis to Large Geophysical Datasets. 426-434 - Tomasz Danek
Seismic Wave Field Modeling with Graphics Processing Units. 435-442
Workshop on Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems - DDDAS 2009
- Craig C. Douglas:
Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems - DDDAS 2009. 445-446 - Frederica Darema:
Characterizing Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) in Terms of a Computational Model. 447-448 - Nanyan Jiang, Manish Parashar:
Enabling End-to-End Data-Driven Sensor-Based Scientific and Engineering Applications. 449-459 - Alec Pawling, Gregory R. Madey:
Feature Clustering for Data Steering in Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems. 460-469 - Jan Mandel
, Jonathan D. Beezley:
An Ensemble Kalman-Particle Predictor-Corrector Filter for Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation. 470-478 - Mónica Denham, Ana Cortés
, Tomàs Margalef
Computational Steering Strategy to Calibrate Input Variables in a Dynamic Data Driven Genetic Algorithm for Forest Fire Spread Prediction. 479-488 - Roque Rodríguez, Ana Cortés
, Tomàs Margalef
Injecting Dynamic Real-Time Data into a DDDAS for Forest Fire Behavior Prediction. 489-499 - Ping Ni, Li Wan, Yang Cai:
Event Correlations in Sensor Networks. 500-509
Workshop on Computational Finance and Business Intelligence
- Yong Shi, Shouyang Wang
, Xiaotie Deng
Chairs' Introduction to Workshop on Computational Finance and Business Intelligence. 513-514 - Andrew Skabar:
Lag-Dependent Regularization for MLPs Applied to Financial Time Series Forecasting Tasks. 515-523 - Peng Zhang, Xingquan Zhu
, Yong Shi:
Bias-Variance Analysis for Ensembling Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Models. 524-533 - Yi Peng, Gang Kou
, Yong Shi:
Knowledge-Rich Data Mining in Financial Risk Detection. 534-542 - Weibing Chen, Hongxia Yin, Yingjie Tian
Smoothing Newton Method for L1 Soft Margin Data Classification Problem. 543-551 - Haizhen Yang, Yanping Zhao, Yujing Ze:
Short-Term Capital Flows in China: Trend, Determinants and Policy Implications. 552-560 - Guangli Nie, Guoxun Wang, Peng Zhang, Yingjie Tian
, Yong Shi:
Finding the Hidden Pattern of Credit Card Holder's Churn: A Case of China. 561-569 - Xiaofei Zhou, Yong Shi:
Nearest Neighbor Convex Hull Classification Method for Face Recognition. 570-577 - Lingling Zhang, Qingxi Wang, Jie Wei, Xiao Wang, Yong Shi:
The Measurement of Distinguishing Ability of Classification in Data Mining Model and Its Statistical Significance. 578-587 - Enrico Angelelli
, Sergio Ortobelli Lozza
Maximum Expected Utility of Markovian Predicted Wealth. 588-597 - Eimutis Valakevicius
Continuous Time Markov Chain Model of Asset Prices Distribution. 598-605 - Lean Yu, Xun Zhang, Shouyang Wang
Foreign Exchange Rates Forecasting with a C-Ascending Least Squares Support Vector Regression Model. 606-615 - Ying Wang, Peng Zhang, Guangli Nie, Yong Shi:
Multiple Criteria Quadratic Programming for Financial Distress Prediction of the Listed Manufacturing Companies. 616-624 - Yuehua Zhang, Peng Zhang, Yong Shi:
Kernel Based Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Model. 625-632 - Yihan Yang, Guangli Nie, Lingling Zhang:
Retail Exposures Credit Scoring Models for Chinese Commercial Banks. 633-642 - Xun Zhang, Lean Yu, Shouyang Wang
The Impact of Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 on Crude Oil Price. 643-652
Joint Workshop on Tools for Program Development and Analysis in Computational Science and Software Engineering for Large-Scale Computing
- Andreas Knüpfer
, Arndt Bode, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Daniel Rodríguez, Roberto Ruiz
, Jie Tao, Roland Wismüller, Jens Volkert:
Preface for the Joint Workshop on Tools for Program Development and Analysis in Computational Science and Software Engineering for Large-Scale Computing. 655-656 - Jinsun Suk, Moonkyung Kim, Hyun Chul Eom, Jaechun No:
Snapshot-Based Data Backup Scheme: Open ROW Snapshot. 657-666 - Andrea Weise, Adil Hasan, Mark Hedges
, Jens Jensen:
Managing Provenance in iRODS. 667-676 - Jie Tao, Dominic Hillenbrand, Holger Marten:
Instruction Hints for Super Efficient Data Caches. 677-685 - Heike Jagode
, Jack J. Dongarra, Sadaf R. Alam, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Wyatt Spear, Allen D. Malony:
A Holistic Approach for Performance Measurement and Analysis for Petascale Applications. 686-695 - Markus Geimer
, Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Felix Wolf:
A Generic and Configurable Source-Code Instrumentation Component. 696-705
Workshop on Collaborative and Cooperative Environments
- Bartosz Kryza, Lukasz Dutka, Renata Slota
, Jacek Kitowski
Dynamic VO Establishment in Distributed Heterogeneous Business Environments. 709-718 - Rudolf J. Strijkers, Laurence Muller, Mihai Cristea, Robert G. Belleman, Cees T. A. M. de Laat, Peter M. A. Sloot, Robert J. Meijer:
Interactive Control over a Programmable Computer Network Using a Multi-touch Surface. 719-728 - Adrian Haffegee, Russell Barrow:
Eye Tracking and Gaze Based Interaction within Immersive Virtual Environments. 729-736 - Teeroumanee Nadan, Adrian Haffegee, Kimberly Watson
Collaborative and Parallelized Immersive Molecular Docking. 737-745 - Andrew Dunk, Adrian Haffegee:
The gMenu User Interface for Virtual Reality Systems and Environments. 746-753
Eighth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, CGGM 2009
- Andrés Iglesias
VIII International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling - CGGM'2009. 757-758 - Kailash Jha:
Reconstruction of Branching Surface and Its Smoothness by Reversible Catmull-Clark Subdivision. 759-769 - Shanshan Gao, Caiming Zhang, Yunfeng Zhang:
A New Algorithm for Image Resizing Based on Bivariate Rational Interpolation. 770-779 - Joo-Hyun Park, Sun-Jeong Kim, Chang Geun Song, Shin-Jin Kang:
Hardware-Accelerated Sumi-e Painting for 3D Objects. 780-789 - Shamima Yasmin, Abdullah Zawawi Talib
A New Approach for Surface Reconstruction Using Slices. 790-800 - Armando de la Re, Francisco Abad
, Emilio Camahort
, M. Carmen Juan
Tools for Procedural Generation of Plants in Virtual Scenes. 801-810
Workshop on Intelligent Agents in Simulation and Evolvable Systems
- Robert Schaefer, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Bojin Zheng, Bartlomiej Sniezynski:
Toward the New Generation of Intelligent Distributed Computing Systems. 813-814 - Mariusz Flasinski, Janusz Jurek, Szymon Myslinski:
Multi-agent System for Recognition of Hand Postures. 815-824 - Krzysztof Cetnarowicz:
From Algorithm to Agent. 825-834 - Antoni Dydejczyk, Krzysztof Kulakowski
, Marcin Rybak:
The Norm Game - How a Norm Fails. 835-844 - Arkadiusz Szymczak, Maciej Paszynski
Graph Grammar Based Petri Nets Model of Concurrency for Self-adaptive hp-Finite Element Method with Triangular Elements. 845-854 - Michal Konieczny, Jaroslaw Kozlak, Malgorzata Zabinska:
Multi-agent Crisis Management in Transport Domain. 855-864 - Aleksander Byrski
, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki:
Agent-Based Model and Computing Environment Facilitating the Development of Distributed Computational Intelligence Systems. 865-874 - Anna Paszynska
, Maciej Paszynski
, Ewa Grabska
Graph Transformations for Modeling hp-Adaptive Finite Element Method with Mixed Triangular and Rectangular Elements. 875-884 - Anna Zygmunt, Jaroslaw Kozlak, Leszek Siwik
Agent-Based Environment for Knowledge Integration. 885-894 - Bartlomiej Sniezynski:
Agent Strategy Generation by Rule Induction in Predator-Prey Problem. 895-903 - Barbara Barabasz, Robert Schaefer, Maciej Paszynski
Handling Ambiguous Inverse Problems by the Adaptive Genetic Strategy hp-HGS. 904-913

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