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15th Euro-Par 2009: Delft, The Netherlands
- Henk J. Sips, Dick H. J. Epema, Hai-Xiang Lin:
Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing, 15th International Euro-Par Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, August 25-28, 2009. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5704, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-03868-6
Abstracts Invited Talks
- Michael Perrone:
Multicore Programming Challenges. 1-2 - Henri E. Bal:
Ibis: A Programming System for Real-World Distributed Computing. 3 - Antony I. T. Rowstron:
What Is in a Namespace? 4
Support Tools and Environments
- Felix Wolf, Andy D. Pimentel
, Luiz De Rose, Soonhoi Ha, Thilo Kielmann, Anna Morajko
Introduction. 7-8 - Christoph A. Schaefer, Victor Pankratius, Walter F. Tichy:
Atune-IL: An Instrumentation Language for Auto-tuning Parallel Applications. 9-20 - Nick Rutar, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth:
Assigning Blame: Mapping Performance to High Level Parallel Programming Abstractions. 21-32 - Guojing Cong, I-Hsin Chung, Hui-Fang Wen, David J. Klepacki, Hiroki Murata, Yasushi Negishi, Takao Moriyama:
A Holistic Approach towards Automated Performance Analysis and Tuning. 33-44 - Michael Kluge, Andreas Knüpfer, Matthias S. Müller
, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Pattern Matching and I/O Replay for POSIX I/O in Parallel Programs. 45-56 - Benjamin Eckart, Xubin He, Hong Ong, Stephen L. Scott:
An Extensible I/O Performance Analysis Framework for Distributed Environments. 57-68 - Rajendra Singh, Peter Graham:
Grouping MPI Processes for Partial Checkpoint and Co-migration. 69-80 - Jin Zhang, Jidong Zhai, Wenguang Chen, Weimin Zheng:
Process Mapping for MPI Collective Communications. 81-92
Performance Prediction and Evaluation
- Thomas Fahringer
, Alexandru Iosup
, Marian Bubak
, Matei Ripeanu, Xian-He Sun, Hong Linh Truong:
Introduction. 95-96 - Gero Mühl, Arnd Schröter, Helge Parzyjegla, Samuel Kounev, Jan Richling:
Stochastic Analysis of Hierarchical Publish/Subscribe Systems. 97-109 - Guoping Long, Dongrui Fan
, Junchao Zhang:
Characterizing and Understanding the Bandwidth Behavior of Workloads on Multi-core Processors. 110-121 - Manu Shantharam, Padma Raghavan, Mahmut T. Kandemir:
Hybrid Techniques for Fast Multicore Simulation. 122-134 - Mustafa M. Tikir, Michael Laurenzano, Laura Carrington, Allan Snavely:
PSINS: An Open Source Event Tracer and Execution Simulator for MPI Applications. 135-148 - Benjamín Sahelices
, Pablo Ibáñez
, Víctor Viñals
, José María Llabería
A Methodology to Characterize Critical Section Bottlenecks in DSM Multiprocessors. 149-161
Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Emmanuel Jeannot, Ramin Yahyapour
, Daniel Grosu
, Helen D. Karatza
Introduction. 165 - José Carlos Sancho
, Darren J. Kerbyson:
Dynamic Load Balancing of Matrix-Vector Multiplications on Roadrunner Compute Nodes. 166-177 - Huaigu Wu, Bettina Kemme:
A Unified Framework for Load Distribution and Fault-Tolerance of Application Servers. 178-190 - Aline de Paula Nascimento, Alexandre da Costa Sena, Cristina Boeres, Vinod E. F. Rebello:
On the Feasibility of Dynamically Scheduling DAG Applications on Shared Heterogeneous Systems. 191-202 - Sékou Diakité, Loris Marchal
, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe:
Steady-State for Batches of Identical Task Trees. 203-215 - Daniela Genius, Alix Munier Kordon, Khouloud Zine el Abidine:
A Buffer Space Optimal Solution for Re-establishing the Packet Order in a MPSoC Network Processor. 216-227 - Nikos Tziritas, Thanasis Loukopoulos, Petros Lampsas, Spyros Lalis:
Using Multicast Transfers in the Replica Migration Problem: Formulation and Scheduling Heuristics. 228-240 - Johnatan E. Pecero
, Denis Trystram, Albert Y. Zomaya
A New Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling for Large Communication Delays. 241-252 - Anne Benoit
Comparison of Access Policies for Replica Placement in Tree Networks. 253-264 - UmaMaheswari C. Devi:
Scheduling Recurrent Precedence-Constrained Task Graphs on a Symmetric Shared-Memory Multiprocessor. 265-280 - Jean-Francois Pineau, Yves Robert
, Frédéric Vivien
Energy-Aware Scheduling of Flow Applications on Master-Worker Platforms. 281-292
High Performance Architectures and Compilers
- Pedro C. Diniz, Ben H. H. Juurlink, Alain Darte, Wolfgang Karl:
Introduction. 295-296 - Javier Lira, Carlos Molina, Antonio González
Last Bank: Dealing with Address Reuse in Non-Uniform Cache Architecture for CMPs. 297-308 - Rafael Ubal, Julio Sahuquillo
, Salvador Petit
, Pedro López:
Paired ROBs: A Cost-Effective Reorder Buffer Sharing Strategy for SMT Processors. 309-320 - Daniel Sánchez, Juan L. Aragón
, José M. García:
REPAS: Reliable Execution for Parallel ApplicationS in Tiled-CMPs. 321-333 - Sadaf R. Alam, Richard F. Barrett, Heike Jagode
, Jeffery A. Kuehn, Stephen W. Poole, Ramanan Sankaran
Impact of Quad-Core Cray XT4 System and Software Stack on Scientific Computation. 334-344
Parallel and Distributed Databases
- Alexander S. Szalay, Djoerd Hiemstra
, Alfons Kemper, Manuel Prieto
Introduction. 347-348 - Ricardo J. Dias
, João Lourenço
Unifying Memory and Database Transactions. 349-360 - Guangyu Shi, Jian Chen, Hao Gong, Lingyuan Fan, Haiqiang Xue, Qingming Lu, Liang Liang:
A DHT Key-Value Storage System with Carrier Grade Performance. 361-374 - Kerim Yasin Oktay, Ata Turk, Cevdet Aykanat:
Selective Replicated Declustering for Arbitrary Queries. 375-386
Grid, Cluster, and Cloud Computing
- Jon B. Weissman, Lex Wolters, David Abramson, Marty Humphrey:
Introduction. 389 - Alexandru Iosup
POGGI: Puzzle-Based Online Games on Grid Infrastructures. 390-403 - Bogdan Nicolae
, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé
Enabling High Data Throughput in Desktop Grids through Decentralized Data and Metadata Management: The BlobSeer Approach. 404-416 - Chao Jin, Rajkumar Buyya:
MapReduce Programming Model for .NET-Based Cloud Computing. 417-428 - John Mehnert-Spahn, Thomas Ropars, Michael Schöttner, Christine Morin:
The Architecture of the XtreemOS Grid Checkpointing Service. 429-441 - Zhou Wei, Guillaume Pierre, Chi-Hung Chi:
Scalable Transactions for Web Applications in the Cloud. 442-453 - Terence J. Harmer, Peter Wright, Christina Cunningham, Ronald H. Perrott:
Provider-Independent Use of the Cloud. 454-465 - Camille Coti, Thomas Hérault
, Franck Cappello:
MPI Applications on Grids: A Topology Aware Approach. 466-477
Peer-to-Peer Computing
- Ben Zhao, Pawel Garbacki, Christos Gkantsidis, Adriana Iamnitchi
, Spyros Voulgaris:
Introduction. 481-482 - Giorgos Georgiadis, Marina Papatriantafilou
A Least-Resistance Path in Reasoning about Unstructured Overlay Networks. 483-497 - Quang Hieu Vu, Mihai Lupu, Sai Wu:
SiMPSON: Efficient Similarity Search in Metric Spaces over P2P Structured Overlay Networks. 498-510 - Cyrus P. Hall, Antonio Carzaniga:
Uniform Sampling for Directed P2P Networks. 511-522 - Norbert Tölgyesi, Márk Jelasity
Adaptive Peer Sampling with Newscast. 523-534 - Marc Sánchez Artigas, Pedro García López, Blas Herrera
Exploring the Feasibility of Reputation Models for Improving P2P Routing under Churn. 535-547 - Pietro Michiardi, László Toka:
Selfish Neighbor Selection in Peer-to-Peer Backup and Storage Applications. 548-560 - Marco Slot, Paolo Costa, Guillaume Pierre, Vivek Rai:
Zero-Day Reconciliation of BitTorrent Users with Their ISPs. 561-573 - Anne-Marie Kermarrec
, Erwan Le Merrer, Yaning Liu, Gwendal Simon
Surfing Peer-to-Peer IPTV: Distributed Channel Switching. 574-586
Distributed Systems and Algorithms
- Dejan Kostic
, Guillaume Pierre, Flavio Junqueira, Peter R. Pietzuch
Introduction. 589 - Jiming Liu, Michael B. Dillencourt, Lubomir F. Bic, Daniel L. Gillen, Arthur D. Lander:
Distributed Individual-Based Simulation. 590-601 - Eddy Caron, Ajoy Kumar Datta, Benjamin Depardon, Lawrence L. Larmore:
A Self-stabilizing K-Clustering Algorithm Using an Arbitrary Metric. 602-614 - Thomas Ropars, Christine Morin:
Active Optimistic Message Logging for Reliable Execution of MPI Applications. 615-626
Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Domenico Talia
, Jason Maassen
, Fabrice Huet, Shantenu Jha
Introduction. 629 - Jorge González-Domínguez
, María J. Martín
, Guillermo L. Taboada
, Juan Touriño
, Ramon Doallo, Andrés Gómez
A Parallel Numerical Library for UPC. 630-641 - Hikmet Dursun, Ken-ichi Nomura, Liu Peng, Richard Seymour, Weiqiang Wang, Rajiv K. Kalia, Aiichiro Nakano, Priya Vashishta:
A Multilevel Parallelization Framework for High-Order Stencil Computations. 642-653 - Philipp Kegel, Maraike Schellmann, Sergei Gorlatch:
Using OpenMP vs. Threading Building Blocks for Medical Imaging on Multi-cores. 654-665 - Haruto Tanno, Hideya Iwasaki
Parallel Skeletons for Variable-Length Lists in SkeTo Skeleton Library. 666-677 - Marco Aldinucci
, Hinde-Lilia Bouziane, Marco Danelutto
, Christian Pérez:
Stkm on Sca: A Unified Framework with Components, Workflows and Algorithmic Skeletons. 678-690 - Elton N. Mathias, Vincent Cavé, Stéphane Lanteri, Françoise Baude:
Grid-Enabling SPMD Applications through Hierarchical Partitioning and a Component-Based Runtime. 691-703 - Ken Mizuno, Takuya Nakaike, Toshio Nakatani:
Reducing Rollbacks of Transactional Memory Using Ordered Shared Locks. 704-715
Parallel Numerical Algorithms
- Peter Arbenz
, Martin B. van Gijzen, Patrick Amestoy, Pasqua D'Ambra
Introduction. 719-720 - Diego Rossinelli, Michael Bergdorf
, Babak Hejazialhosseini, Petros Koumoutsakos
Wavelet-Based Adaptive Solvers on Multi-core Architectures for the Simulation of Complex Systems. 721-734 - Stefan Donath, Christian Feichtinger, Thomas Pohl, Jan Götz, Ulrich Rüde
Localized Parallel Algorithm for Bubble Coalescence in Free Surface Lattice-Boltzmann Method. 735-746 - Kathrin Burckhardt, Dominik Szczerba, Jed Brown
, Krishnamurthy Muralidhar, Gábor Székely:
Fast Implicit Simulation of Oscillatory Flow in Human Abdominal Bifurcation Using a Schur Complement Preconditioner. 747-759 - Klaus Iglberger, Ulrich Rüde
A Parallel Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithm. 760-771 - Werner Augustin, Vincent Heuveline
, Jan-Philipp Weiss:
Optimized Stencil Computation Using In-Place Calculation on Modern Multicore Systems. 772-784 - Matthias Korch, Thomas Rauber:
Parallel Implementation of Runge-Kutta Integrators with Low Storage Requirements. 785-796 - Murat Manguoglu, Ahmed H. Sameh, Olaf Schenk
PSPIKE: A Parallel Hybrid Sparse Linear System Solver. 797-808 - Mercedes Marqués, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
, Robert A. van de Geijn:
Out-of-Core Computation of the QR Factorization on Multi-core Processors. 809-820 - Fangbin Liu, Frank J. Seinstra:
Adaptive Parallel Householder Bidiagonalization. 821-833
Multicore and Manycore Programming
- Barbara M. Chapman, Bart Kienhuis, Eduard Ayguadé
, François Bodin, Oscar G. Plata
, Eric Stotzer:
Introduction. 837-838 - Ge Gan, Xu Wang, Joseph B. Manzano
, Guang R. Gao:
Tile Percolation: An OpenMP Tile Aware Parallelization Technique for the Cyclops-64 Multicore Processor. 839-850 - Eduard Ayguadé
, Rosa M. Badia
, Francisco D. Igual
, Jesús Labarta
, Rafael Mayo
, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
An Extension of the StarSs Programming Model for Platforms with Multiple GPUs. 851-862 - Cédric Augonnet
, Samuel Thibault, Raymond Namyst, Pierre-André Wacrenier:
StarPU: A Unified Platform for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures. 863-874 - Frank Otto, Victor Pankratius, Walter F. Tichy:
XJava: Exploiting Parallelism with Object-Oriented Stream Programming. 875-886 - Yonghong Yan, Max Grossman, Vivek Sarkar:
JCUDA: A Programmer-Friendly Interface for Accelerating Java Programs with CUDA. 887-899 - Epifanio Gaona-Ramírez, Juan Fernández, Manuel E. Acacio
Fast and Efficient Synchronization and Communication Collective Primitives for Dual Cell-Based Blades. 900-911 - Micah J. Best, Alexandra Fedorova, Ryan Dickie, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Alex Couture-Beil, Craig Mustard, Shane Mottishaw, Aron Brown, Zhi Feng Huang, Xiaoyuan Xu, Nasser Ghazali, Andrew Brownsword:
Searching for Concurrent Design Patterns in Video Games. 912-923 - Juan Gómez-Luna
, José María González-Linares
, José I. Benavides, Nicolás Guil
Parallelization of a Video Segmentation Algorithm on CUDA-Enabled Graphics Processing Units. 924-935 - Lin Yang, Leiguang Gong, Hong Zhang, John L. Nosher, David J. Foran:
A Parallel Point Matching Algorithm for Landmark Based Image Registration Using Multicore Platform. 936-947 - Nan Yuan, Yongbin Zhou, Guangming Tan, Junchao Zhang, Dongrui Fan
High Performance Matrix Multiplication on Many Cores. 948-959 - Werner Backes, Susanne Wetzel:
Parallel Lattice Basis Reduction Using a Multi-threaded Schnorr-Euchner LLL Algorithm. 960-973 - Ogier Maitre, Nicolas Lachiche
, Philippe Clauss
, Laurent A. Baumes, Avelino Corma
, Pierre Collet:
Efficient Parallel Implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms on GPGPU Cards. 974-985
Theory and Algorithms for Parallel Computation
- Andrea Pietracaprina, Rob H. Bisseling, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Alexander Tiskin
Introduction. 989 - Jost Berthold, Mischa Dieterle, Rita Loogen:
Implementing Parallel Google Map-Reduce in Eden. 990-1002 - Andre Osterloh:
A Lower Bound for Oblivious Dimensional Routing. 1003-1010
High-Performance Networks
- Cees T. A. M. de Laat, Chris Develder
, Admela Jukan, Joe Mambretti:
Introduction. 1013-1014 - Abhinav Bhatele, Eric J. Bohm, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
A Case Study of Communication Optimizations on 3D Mesh Interconnects. 1015-1028 - Antonio Robles-Gómez
, Aurelio Bermúdez
, Rafael Casado
Implementing a Change Assimilation Mechanism for Source Routing Interconnects. 1029-1039 - Vicente Chirivella, Rosa Alcover, José Flich
, José Duato
Dependability Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant Network Reconfiguring Strategy. 1040-1051 - Åshild Grønstad Solheim, Olav Lysne, Tor Skeie:
RecTOR: A New and Efficient Method for Dynamic Network Reconfiguration. 1052-1064 - Brice Goglin
NIC-Assisted Cache-Efficient Receive Stack for Message Passing over Ethernet. 1065-1077 - Gonzalo Zarza
, Diego Lugones, Daniel Franco
, Emilio Luque
A Multipath Fault-Tolerant Routing Method for High-Speed Interconnection Networks. 1078-1088 - Raúl Martínez, Francisco José Alfaro
, José L. Sánchez
, José M. Claver
Hardware Implementation Study of the SCFQ-CA and DRR-CA Scheduling Algorithms. 1089-1100
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Gerd Kortuem
, Henk Eertink, Christian Prehofer, Martin Strohbach:
Introduction. 1103 - Christos A. Papageorgiou, Panagiotis C. Kokkinos, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
Optimal and Near-Optimal Energy-Efficient Broadcasting in Wireless Networks. 1104-1115

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