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20th EnviroInfo 2006: Graz, Austria
- Klaus Tochtermann, Arno Scharl:
Managing Environmental Knowledge: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference for Environmental Protection, EnviroInfo 2006, Graz, Austria, September 6-8, 2006. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2006, ISBN 978-3-8322-5321-9
Invited Presentations
- Werner Pillmann, Werner Geiger, Ralf Isenmann:
Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development, and Risk Management 20 Years Technical Committee on Environmental Informatics. 1-14 - Franz Josef Radermacher:
Collapse, Brasilianisation or Balance: Blade Running in Tough Times. 15-18
ICT for Disaster Risk Management
- Christophe Ruch, Hermann Stadler, Paul Skritek:
New Technologies for More Efficient Flood Management Systems. 19-26 - Sonja Bec, Jadranka Pecar-Ilic, Zoran Skocir:
Alarm Reporting in River Information System. 27-34 - Charlotte Kämpf, Marc Müller, Ken Baake, Jürgen Thringer:
Online Glossaries in Support of Efficient Risk Communication for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Water Resources Management. 35-38 - Désirée Hilbring, Thomas Usländer:
Catalogue Services Enabling Syntactical and Semantic Interoperability in Environmental Risk Management Architectures. 39-46 - Julien Iris, Aldo Napoli, Franck Guarnieri:
Contribution of a Spatial Multidimensional Portal for Natural Hazards Data Exploration. 47-54
CO2 and Climate Change
- Donna Lyne Sanidad, Sandee Recabar, Angela Consuelo Ibay:
Managing the Information of Klima Climate Change Center: a Case Study of Best Practices. 55-62 - Ronald Ruzicka, Thomas-Michael Schmidt-Kluth:
CO2 Monitoring in the Context of an Energy Data System ATPEDS. 63-70 - Petra Bußwald, Franz Niederl, Horst Lunzer, Wolfgang Mehl:
CO2 Assessment Tool for Communities. 71-74
Corporate Sustainability
- Hans-Knud Arndt, Ralf Isenmann, Jan Brosowski, Inke Thiessen, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Sustainability Reporting Using the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). 75-82 - Gaia Corbetta, Mauro Cislaghi, Lorenzo Maghini, Claude Derognat, Jacques Moussafir:
E2SP: Modelling Forecasts and Reporting Services on the Web. 83-90 - Bernardine M. C. Atkinson, Frank van der Sommen:
The Quintuple Bottom Line Concept. 91-94 - Ralf Isenmann, Tobias Jordan, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Workflow-supported Creation and Administration of XML-based Sustainability Reports. 95-98
Geographic Information Systems
- Angela Czerwinski, Thomas H. Kolbe, Lutz Plümer, Elke Stöcker-Meier:
Spatial Data Infrastructure Techniques for Flexible Noise Mapping Strategies. 99-106 - Shunsuke Mori, Junichi Ito, Takeshi Ishida, Shinichiro Morimoto:
A GIS-based Model for the Assessment of Energy and Environmental Contributions of Distributed Energy Systems. 107-114 - Rudolf Orthofer, Heinrich Humer:
emikat.at - Management and Visualization of Spatially Resolved Emission Inventories and Emission Scenarios. 115-124 - Saso Dzeroski, Andrej Kobler, Valentin Gjorgjioski, Pance Panov:
Using Decision Trees to Predict Forest Stand Height and Canopy Cover from LANDSAT and LIDAR Data. 125-133 - Nguyen-Xuan Thinh, Rico Vogel:
Further Development of a Methodology for the Ecological Evaluation of Land-Use Options and Application to the Dresden Elbe-Region. 135-143 - Harry Storch, Michael Schmidt:
Indicator-based Urban Typologies Sustainability Assessment of Housing Development Strategies in Megacities. 145-152
Energy Supply and Management
- Michael Sonnenschein, Michael Stadler, Barbara Rapp, Jörg Bremer, Stefan Brunhorn:
A Modelling and Simulation Environment for Real-time Pricing Scenarios in Energy Markets. 153-161 - Hans-Peter Beck, Arnuphap Dowrueng, Jens zum Hingst, Mankay A. J. M'buy, Ernst-August Wehrmann:
Dispatcher Support Systems in Decentralised Renewable Energy Supply - Clausthal Energy Park. 161-168 - Kostas D. Karatzas, Anastasios Bassoukos:
ISBEEM: Indoor Environment and Energy Management for School Buildings. 169-176
Environmental Awareness
- Markus Russ, Werner F. Schulz, Martin Kreeb:
The Balance Knowledge Management Model - an Approach to Anchor Sustainability in Mass Media by the Web Based Tool B°CON. 177-180 - Josef Fiala, Jirí Hrebícek, Jan Ministr:
Open Source ICT Tools Overcoming Barriers in EMS Implementation and Amplifying Company Environmental Awareness. 181-186 - Elke Perl, Alfred Posch:
Inter-Company Communication of Environmental Information: an Empirical Investigation Based on Transaction Cost Theory. 187-190
Smart Monitoring
- Roland Pesch, Wilfried Schröder:
Statistical and Geoinformatical Instruments for the Optimisation of the German Moss-Monitoring-Network. 191-198 - Uwe Rüppel, Thomas Gutzke, Peter Göbel, Gerrit Seewald:
Groundwater Risk Management Using Data Logger for an Automated Information Retrieval. 199-206 - Tilman Fischer, Ingo Mohr, Wolfgang Müller, Jo van Nouhuys, Hubertus Pfaff:
Self-Monitoring as Part of the National Reporting Commitments Specialised Software from Descriptive Models. 207-214
Environmental Modeling
- Jirí Hrebícek, Michal Hejc:
Environmental Modelling with Uncertainty. 215-222 - Joseph Alcamo, Rüdiger Schaldach:
LandShift: Global Modelling to Assess Land Use Change. 223-231 - Olgierd Hryniewicz, Jan Studzinski:
Development of Computer Science Tools for Solving the Environmental Engineering Problems. 231-238
Environmental Management
- Stefan Schmitz, Marina Köhn:
ProBas Process-Oriented Basic Data for Environmental Management Instruments. 239-244 - Christian Grünwald, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Technical Concept of an Integrated Environmental Information System - Case Study Volkswagen AG. 245-252 - Dorel Dusmanescu, Ana Tanasescu, Aurelia Patrascu, Ion Iarca:
Intelligent Information System for Environmental Management. 253-256
Metadata and Interoperability
- Wassilios Kazakos:
Metadata Management with ISO 19115 - The Key to Success of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). 257-263 - Thomas Pick:
The UDK Web Editor - A Collaborative Tool for Environmental Information Management. 265-273 - Erich Weihs:
Tasks and Functions of the Bavarian Environmental Object Catalogue in Meeting the Requirements Imposed by Environmental Legislation. 275-282
Natural Resources
- Piotr Holnicki:
The Real-Time Management of Air Quality on a Regional Scale. 283-290 - Tuija Ruoho-Airola, Timo Salmi, Toni Amnel:
Visualization of Air Quality Time Series by Low-Pass Gaussian Filtering. 291-294 - Damjan Demsar, Saso Dzeroski, Marko Debeljak, Paul Henning Krogh:
Predicting Aggregate Properties of Soil Communities vs. Community Structure in an Agricultural Setting. 295-302 - Panos Panagos, Marc Van Liebekerke:
The European Soil Portal: Serving the European Citizen with European Soil Data. 303-306
Environmental Reporting
- Tobias Viere, Andreas Möller:
Pleased Accountants - Happy Environmentalists: Challenges of Environmental Management Accounting for Management Information Systems and Tools. 307-312 - Jan Nepimach:
IPR and Central Reporting Point - Centralization of Environmental Reporting Obligations in Czech Republic. 313-318 - Volker Wohlgemuth, Bernd Page, Wolfgang Kreutzer, Oaxana Gromyko, Linda Heydt:
Modelling Economic and Ecological Aspects of Inventory Management Strategies within a Component-based Material-flow Simulator. 319-326
Decision Support Systems
- Serge S. Shumilov, Thomas Erdenberger, Armin B. Cremers, Luna Bharati, Maria Plotnikova, Charles Rodger:
First Steps Towards an Integrated Decision Support System for Water Management. 327-334 - Alexander Almer, Peter Barz, Bert Bredeweg, Tim Nuttle, Karel Charvát, Octavian Iercan, Markus Jochum, Barbara Koch, Paulo Salles, Harald Stelzl:
NATURNET-REDIME New Education and Decision Support Model for Active Behaviour in Sustainable Development Based on Innovative Web Services and Qualitative Reasoning. 335-344 - Kevin F. R. Liu:
Evaluating Environmental Sustainability: An Integration of AHP and Fuzzy Logic. 345-352
Water Supply and Management
- Jirí Jarkovský, Jaroslav Rácek, Danka Némethová, Petr Pavlis, Petr Brabec, Jirí Hrebícek, Jan Hodovský:
Information System of ARROW Project: Assessment of Ecological State of Surface Waters. 353-360 - Peter Lange, Klaus Greve:
Automatic Identification of Heavily Modified Water Bodies Using Digital Topographic and Land Cover Data. 361-367 - Jean Duclos Alegue, Albrecht Gnauck:
Signal Analysis of Water Quality Indicators. 369-376 - Anil Kumar Dikshit, P. V. Krishnarao:
A GIS-based Water Supply Information System for an Urban Area. 377-384 - Pawel Bartoszczuk:
Modelling Municipal Water Pricing. 385-388 - Karin Berkhoff:
Application of a GIS-based Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in a Participatory Process. 389-392
Waste Management
- Linda Godfrey:
The Importance of Information System Design Improvisation in Meeting the Needs of an Emerging Democracy in South Africa, a Case Study of a National Waste Information System. 393-400 - Jan Pavlovic, Jirí Hrebícek:
Finding Optimal Solutions of Energetic Remedial Equations with Genetic Algorithms. 401-404 - Michal Hejc, Jirí Hrebícek:
Solving Waste Management Data Uncertainties Case Study of South Moravian Region. 405-408
Ecosystem Monitoring and Modeling
- Albrecht Gnauck:
On Approaches to Ecosystem Modelling. 409-416 - Alberto Susini, Felix Gmünder, Ganiyou Maliki, Corinne Tournier:
Highly Integrated Information Systems for Automated Biological Risk Assessment of the Contained Use of Pathogenic Organisms within the Geneva Region. 417-424 - Danka Némethová, Jirí Jarkovský, Eva Gelnarova, Klára Kubosová, Jaroslav Rácek, Jan Hodovský:
Implementation of Data Sources for Analysis of Obligatory Level of Taxa Determination for Routine Biomonitoring. 425-428 - David Seim, Stephan Müller, Martin Drauschke, Volker Steinhage, Stefan Schröder:
Management and Visualization of Biodiversity Knowledge. 429-432
Portals and Virtual Communities
- Thomas Vögele, Martin Klenke, Fred A. Kruse, Hanno Lehmann, Thomas Riegel:
Easy Access to Environmental Information with PortalU. 433-436 - Martin Klenke, Fred A. Kruse, Hanno Lehmann, Thomas Riegel, Thomas Vögele:
InGrid 1.0 - The Nuts and Bolts of PortalU. 437-440 - Paolo Carrara, Alba L'Astorina, Monica Pepe, Daniela Poggioli, Anna Rampini:
User Requirements and User Strategy in the AWARE Project. 441-444 - Rolf von Behrens:
Sustainable Communities: A Strategic Framework for the Digital Age. 445-448 - Arno Röder, Ulrich Kias, Ruedi Haller, Annette Lotz:
Implementation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure for Standardized Transnational Landscape Data within the INTERREG III B project HABITALP. 449-452 - Stefan Schneberger, Dirk Görtzen, Uwe Rammert:
Schleswig-Holstein Provides Environmental Data for the German Geo Data Infrastructure and Offers a Public Available Geo Thesaurus. 453-456
Life Cycle Analysis
- Andreas Ciroth, Michael Srocka, Ran Liu:
Efficient Software support for Interpretation of Life Cycle Assessment Results - The LCA Evaluator. 457-466 - Achim Stadtherr, Clemens Düpmeier, Christian Bauer, Liselotte Schebek:
The German Network on Life Cycle Inventory Data - Using Modern Techniques for Web Portals to Meet the Requirements of an Environmental Network. 467-470 - Gergely Lukács, György Takács:
Customized Life Cycle Costs of Consumer Goods via Mobile Phones. 471-474 - Clemens Düpmeier, Achim Stadtherr, Marc-Andree Wolf, Johannes Kreißig:
Concept and Implementation of the Internet Site on Life Cycle Assessment Tools, Databases and Services, and on Life Cycle Data in Support of the European Integrated Product Policy. 475-478 - Martin Möller, Dietlinde Quack:
Environmental Benefits and Challenges of Online Invoicing. 479-483
Data Mining
- Diamando Vlachogiannis, Athanasios Sfetsos:
A Data Mining Tool for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data. 485-492 - Aneta Ivanovska, Pance Panov, Nathalie Colbach, Marko Debeljak, Saso Dzeroski, Antoine Messéan:
Using Simulation Models and Data Mining to Study Co-Existence of GM/Non-GM Crops at Regional Level. 493-500 - Fabian Grüning:
Data Quality Mining in Ontologies for Utilities. 501-504 - Melina Efraimidou, Maria Kanaki, Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, Pericles A. Mitkas, Kostas D. Karatzas:
Data Mining Air Quality Data for Athens, Greece. 505-508
Regional Studies
- Jaroslav Rácek, Jirí Hrebícek:
Interoperability Framework of the Czech Republic in Environmental Information Exchange. 509-512 - Noël Conruyt:
Enhancing Insular Tropical Environment Contents with Information and Communication Technologies: the ETIC Program at Reunion's Island and in the South West of Indian Ocean. 513-520 - Friedhelm Hosenfeld, Benjamin Burkhard, Wilhelm Windhorst:
Virtual Centre of Competence - Information and Management Platform in the Project "Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures". 521-524 - Marcus Briesen, Gergely Lukács, Claus Hofmann, Thomas Leibold-Strobl, Jürgen Brand:
Information System for Implementing the European Directive on Environmental Noise in Bavaria. 525-528 - Gemma Garcia, Arantzazu Urzelai, Oscar Santa Coloma:
Development of an Integrated Decision Support System for Sustainable Spatial Planning and Management. 529-534
- Larry Fitzwater, Stefan Jensen, David Stanners, William Sonntag:
ECOInformatics Initiative. 533-534 - Thierry Laurenco, Danielle Tacyniak:
Open Architecture for Smart and Interoperable Networks in Risk Management Based on In-Situ Sensors - OSIRIS -. 535-540 - Denis Havlik, Gerald Schimak, Ralf Denzer, Bernard Stevenot:
Introduction to SANY (Sensors Anywhere) Integrated Project. 541-546 - Paolo Capodeci, Sergio Barbarossa:
WINSOC A Wireless Sensor Networks with Self-Organization Capabilities for Critical and Emergency Applications. 547-550 - Workshop "WaterINFO - Emerging Technologies and Novel Concepts for Water Information Management". 551
- Stefan Kollarits, Gerhard Kuschnig:
DSS Development for Complex Water Management Issues. 553-560 - Helmut Markus Knoflacher, Ute Gigler:
Indicators for Water Information Systems. 561-567 - erhard Dünnebeil, Denis Havlik, Bernhard Klingsreisen, Gerhard Heiss:
WATERMARK From Modules to Application. 569-576 - Holger Schmid, Thomas Usländer:
WaterFrame® A Software Framework for the Development of WFD-oriented Water Information Systems. 577-584 - Workshop: Tools for Raising Awareness and Learning about Sustainable Development. 585-586
- Janos Kothencz, Janos Gaspar, Gabor Perenyi:
Development of Company EHS (Environmental, Health and Safety) Information Management System in Multinational Environment. 587 - Lukás Kokrment, Petr Brabec:
HemoRec - Improving the Quality of Life of Hemophilia Patients. 588 - Sef van den Elshout, Karine Léger, Hermann-Josef Heich, Nick Hodges, Fabio Nussio:
Near Real-time Comparison of Air Quality Data Across European Cities and Regions. 589 - Halisson Brito, Julia Celia M. Strauch, Jano M. Souza:
Supporting the Modelling Life Cycle Through Knowledge Management. 590 - Miroslav Kubásek, Petr Brabec, Ladislav Dusek, Jirí Hrebícek, Jana Koptikova, Jan Muzík, Roman Vyzula, Jan Zaloudik:
SVOD - Web Services Based Analytical Internet Tool on Cancer Epidemiology of Malignant Tumours in the Czech Republic. 591 - Tatiana Perga:
Vulnerability Indicator as a Tool of Broadening the Sustainable Development Indicators of European Union. 592 - Rolf Krieger, Elke Schöpflin-Reichmann, Thomas Sattler, Kerstin Schäfer:
Web Usage Analysis for Assessing and Improving Metadata Quality. 593
- Michael T. Frame, Gladys A. Cotter:
Knowledge Management Tools within the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII). 595-602

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