International Workshop on Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems (DSV-IS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      15th DS-VIS 2008: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

      DS-VIS 2008 Home Page

      14th DS-VIS / 10. EHCI 2007: Salamanca, Spain

      13th DS-VIS 2006: Dublin, Ireland

      DS-VIS 2006 Home Page

      12th DS-VIS 2005: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

      11th DS-VIS / 9. EHCI 2004: Hamburg, Germany

      10th DSV-IS 2003: Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal

      9th DSV-IS 2002: Rostock, Germany

      8th DSV-IS 2001: Glasgow, Scotland, UK

      7th DSV-IS 2000: Limerick, Ireland

      6th DSV-IS 1999: Braga, Portugal

      5th DSV-IS 1998: Abingdon, United Kingdom

      4th DSV-IS 1997: Granada, Spain

      3rd DSV-IS 1996: Namur, Belgium

      2nd DSV-IS 1995: Chateau de Bonas, France

      1st DSV-IS 1994: Bocca di Magra, Italy