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CLEI 2014: Montevideo, Uruguay
- XL Latin American Computing Conference, CLEI 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay, September 15-19, 2014. IEEE 2014, ISBN 978-1-4799-6130-6
- Guzmán Llambías
, Raúl Ruggia:
A middleware-based platform for the integration of bioinformatic services. 1-12 - Rosana Medina Zanotelli, Renata Hax Sander Reiser
, Simone André da Costa Cavalheiro, Luciana Foss, Benjamín René Callejas Bedregal:
Robustness on the fuzzy f-Xor Class: Implication, bi-implications and dual constructions. 1-8 - Anderson Roque do Amaral, Luciana A. M. Zaina, José Fernando Rodrigues Jr.:
Cataloguing of learning objects using social tagging. 1-9 - Fannia Pacheco
, Carlos Ramón Rangel, José Aguilar
, Mariela Cerrada-Lozada, Junior Altamiranda:
Methodological framework for data processing based on the Data Science paradigm. 1-12 - Thiago Lopes Trugillo da Silveira
, Marcia Pasin, João Carlos Damasceno Lima:
Experimental evaluation of intersection control policies: A simulation based on ubiquitous computing and VANETs. 1-9 - Christiane Metzner, Norelva Niño:
Experience with the assessment of teaching and learning of Software Engineering. 1-12 - Fernanda Oyarzo, Franco Herrera, Sandra Casas:
API TVD, a wizard for interactive applications for Digital TV. 1-8 - Marcio Welter, Fabiane Barreto Vavassori Benitti, Marcello Thiry:
Green metrics to software development organizations: A systematic mapping. 1-7 - Pablo Cruz
, Oscar Cornejo, Hernán Astudillo
Trust-based improved recommendation of IT-related Web resources. 1-6 - Ricardo R. Leme, Anderson Roque do Amaral, Luciana A. M. Zaina:
Interaction with mobile devices on social networks by elderly people: A survey in Brazil with Facebook. 1-7 - Santiago Iturriaga
, Sergio Nesmachnow
Evolutionary algorithms for affinity scheduling heuristics in heterogeneous computing systems. 1-12 - Marcos Rodrigues Saude, Marcelo de Medeiros Soares, Henrique Gomes Basoni, Patrick Marques Ciarelli
, Elias Oliveira:
A strategy for automatic moderation of a large data set of users comments. 1-7 - José Aguilar
, Jairo Fuentes:
Management system of learning paradigms using ODA. 1-12 - Marília Soares Mendes, Elizabeth Furtado
The DIRCE approach for Requirements Elicitation and Design of Interaction in innovative systems. 1-10 - Leandro Cruz
, Luiz Velho, Djalma Lucio, Eric Galin, Adrien Peytavie, Eric Guérin:
Landscape specification resizing. 1-10 - Wanderson A. S. Silva, Ricardo de Andrade Lira Rabelo, André M. Santana:
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy System for a safe autonomous robot navigation in uncertain environment. 1-8 - Helena Garbarino Alberti, Sebastian Ayala Pastorino:
Knowledge management steps, tools, techniques and influencing factors in SMEs: Systematic literature review. 1-12 - Marcelo D. Rodas-Brítez, Diego Pinto Roa:
Quality of protection on WDM networks: A quantitative paradigm based on recovery probability. 1-11 - Nelson Fernández, José Aguilar
, Gustavo Marcano, Oswaldo Terán
, Carlos Gershenson
Modeling and specification of the aquatic ecological emergence using genetic programming. 1-9 - Gonzalo J. Martínez, Leonardo Val:
Implementing crossplatform distributed algorithms using standard web technologies. 1-8 - Omar Ernesto Cabrera Rosero, Andres Oswaldo Calderon Romero:
Performance analysis of flock pattern algorithms in spatio-temporal databases. 1-6 - Sean Carlisto de Alvarenga, Bruno Bogaz Zarpelão, Vasco N. G. J. Soares
A notification architecture for smart cities based on push technologies. 1-8 - Marcos López Sanz
, Valeria de Castro
, Esperanza Marcos
An architecture-centric process for service oriented systems development: Developing for the intelligent pavement. 1-9 - Ana Morales, María Elena Villapol, Luisana Contreras:
Improving the specification of the WiMax ARQ operation. 1-8 - Liliana Silva, Iris Albarran:
The training development Geoportals within the framework of the National Training program in computing (PNFI). 1-12 - Guilherme Palmeira Zaia, Ronaldo Celso Messias Correia, Rogério Eduardo Garcia
, Celso Olivete Junior:
MySQLite Sync: Middleware for stored data synchronization in mobile devices and DBMSs. 1-7 - Nathan Franklin Saraiva de Sousa
, Túlio Falcão, André Macêdo, André Soares
A proposed architecture for choice of switching paradigm in hybrid optical networks (OCS/OBS). 1-6 - Hermano Albuquerque Lira, José Renato Villela Dantas, Bruno de Azevedo Muniz, Laura Maria Chaves, Pedro Porfírio Muniz Farias
Semantic data services: An approach to access and manipulate Linked Data. 1-12 - Ramon Abílio
, Gustavo Vale, Denilson Alves Pereira
, Claudiane Oliveira, Flávio Morais, Heitor A. X. Costa:
Systematic literature review supported by information retrieval techniques: A case study. 1-11 - Ricardo Coppo, Juan Cruz Guidi, Luciana Canova, Pablo Salomoni:
Aquatrainer I: Electronic assistant for open water swimming training. 1-9 - Peter Benner
, Alfredo Remón, Ernesto Dufrechou
, Pablo Ezzatti
, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
Accelerating the general band matrix multiplication using graphics processors. 1-7 - Sonia Mora Rivera, Mayela Coto Chotto, Georges Alfaro Salazar:
A proposal for implementing PBL in programming courses. 1-11 - Victor Saquicela
, Mauricio Espinoza Mejía
, Kenneth Palacio
, Humberto Alban:
Enriching Electronic Program Guides using semantic technologies and external resources. 1-8 - Baudelio Baez, José Colbes, Diego Pinto Roa:
Cooperative versus selfish routing in WDM networks a study in multi-objective context. 1-12 - Marcelo Benites Gonçalves, Maria Istela Cagnin, Débora Maria Barroso Paiva
IAMPS: An process to support the MPS.BR implementation together with agile methods. 1-9 - Lucia Camilloni, Diego Vallespir
Using GSwE2009 for the creation and evaluation of Master's degree in Software Engineering: Case study Universidad de la República. 1-12 - Mario José Diván
, Ana Oddone, María Laura Sánchez Reynoso, Bruno Sebastian Cavallo, Marcos Alejandro Fredes, Alejandro Maximiliano Martinez:
A data monitoring strategy based in snapshots for the score calculation in the housing distribution. 1-12 - Rayner H. Montes Condori
, Juan H. Chuctaya Humari, Christian E. Portugal-Zambrano
, Juan C. Gutiérrez-Cáceres
, César Beltrán Castañón
Automatic classification of physical defects in green coffee beans using CGLCM and SVM. 1-9 - José Tomás Cadenas, Rosseline Rodríguez
, Macringer Omaña:
Conceptualizing a didactics experience: Mini-Project Software Development. 1-12 - Daniel Dias de Carvalho, Larissa Fernandes Chagas, Carla Alessandra Lima Reis:
Definition of Software Process Lines for Integration of Scrum and CMMI. 1-12 - Emilio Penna, Martin Steffen, Laura González, Guzmán Llambías
Orchestration of secure Web Services within an E-government Interoperability Platform. 1-12 - Gilberto Pedraza-Garcia, Hernán Astudillo
, Darío Correal:
Analysis of design meetings for understanding software architecture decisions. 1-10 - Guillermo Fernández, Waldemar López, Fernando Olivera, Bruno Rienzi, Pablo Rodríguez-Bocca
Let's go to the cinema! A movie recommender system for ephemeral groups of users. 1-12 - Gabriel Lema, Luis D. Di Martino, Sebastian Berchesi, Alicia Fernández
, Federico Lecumberry, Javier Preciozzi:
Evaluation of a face recognition system performance's variation on a citizen passports database. 1-6 - Tiago Nascimento, Cristiano André da Costa
, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi:
LoadEFT: Efficient scheduler proposal for electronic funds transfer companies. 1-11 - Mayra Pariata, Nora Montaño:
Software Factory, from professional environment to academic environment proposal to build competences through authentic activities in the context of software engineering. 1-10 - Marcelo L. M. Marinho
, Suzana Cândido de Barros Sampaio
, Hermano P. Moura:
Uncertainties in software projects management. 1-10 - Rodolfo M. Favaretto, Guilherme Porto Britto Cousin, Gerson Geraldo Homrich Cavalheiro, Maurício L. Pilla:
Dynamic scheduling in application level aware of architecture and data dependencies between tasks. 1-12 - Bianca de Almeida Dantas, Edson Norberto Cáceres:
A parallel implementation to the multidimensional knapsack problem using augmented neural networks. 1-9 - Edson Elizeu da Silva, Maria das Graças Bruno Marietto, Wagner Tanaka Botelho:
Kolb's experiential learning theory guiding the simulation-based higher education in computing: A pedagogical proposal based on the Game of Life. 1-12 - Fabiola Rosato, Javier Arguello, Yudith Cardinale
OPTIMUS: OPTImized Mail distribUtion System. 1-9 - Daniel Domingos Alves, Maria Istela Cagnin, Débora Maria Barroso Paiva
Accessibility in development of free software projects. 1-12 - M. Angélica Pinninghoff, Ricardo Contreras Arriagada, Carlos Pantoja:
A comparison of methods for the vehicle routing problem. 1-8 - Gina Paola Maestre-Gongora
Public Policy on Information Technology in Colombia: Bet on the future for the use and ownership of IT in society. 1-8 - Victor Augusto Moraes Carvalho, Newton Spolaôr
, Everton Alvares Cherman, Maria Carolina Monard:
A framework for multi-label exploratory data analysis: ML-EDA. 1-12 - Osvaldo A. de Carvalho, Sarita Mazzini Bruschi
, Regina Helena Carlucci Santana, Marcos José Santana:
GreenMACC: An architecture to green metascheduling with quality of service in private clouds. 1-9 - Jonathan Muraña, Santiago Iturriaga
, Sergio Nesmachnow
A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for QoS-aware planning in heterogeneous computing systems. 1-12 - Gabriela Gaona
, Javier Perez, Waldemar Villamayor-Venialbo, Christian E. Schaerer
Recognizing human postures in video sequences using Contour-Point Signature. 1-10 - Pedro Pablo Cespedes Sanchez
, Horacio Legal Ayala
, Christian E. Schaerer
Mutual information extremal optimization for multimodal medical image registration. 1-12 - Gabriel Fagundez, Renzo Massobrio
, Sergio Nesmachnow
Online taxi sharing optimization using evolutionary algorithms. 1-12 - Ariel Gonzalez, Carlos Daniel Luna, Roque Cuello, Marcela Perez, Marcela Daniele:
Metamodel-based transformation from UML state machines to DEVS models. 1-12 - Juan C. Muñoz-Fernández, Gabriel Tamura
, Raúl Mazo, Camille Salinesi:
Towards a requirements specification multi-view framework for self-adaptive systems. 1-12 - Alan De Renzis, Martin Garriga, Andres Flores
, Alejandra Cechich
, Alejandro Zunino
Semantic-structural assessment scheme for integrability in service-oriented applications. 1-11 - Rosaura Paladino, Jose Miguel Campos, Wilmer Pereira:
Study of the graduates from Computer Science department of the Catholic University Andres Bello in Caracas. 1-8 - Guilherme Porto Britto Cousin, Lucas Xavier, Rodolfo M. Favaretto, Gerson Geraldo Homrich Cavalheiro:
Utilization of data structure of low contention in execution core of Anahy-3. 1-8 - Maribel Mendonça, José Aguilar
, Niriaska Perozo
An Emergent Ontology for Ambient Intelligence based on an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. 1-11 - Rodrigo Parra, Jorge Ramirez, Martin Abente Lahaye:
Design and implementation of a music composition application using speech recognition. 1-12 - Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira:
A note on the order type of minoring orderings and some algebraic properties of ω2-well quasi-orderings. 1-9 - Michael Arias Chaves, Eric Rojas Cordoba:
Deciphering event logs in SharePoint Server: A methodology based on process mining. 1-12 - Juan José Cáceres Silva, Benjamín Barán
, Christian Schaerer
Parallel-in-time Parareal implementation using PETSc. 1-12 - Rel Guzman Apaza
, Christian E. Portugal-Zambrano
, Juan C. Gutiérrez-Cáceres
, César Beltrán Castañón
An approach for improve the recognition of defects in coffee beans using retinex algorithms. 1-9 - Antonio Silva-Sprock
, Julio César Ponce Gallegos, Jaime Muñoz Arteaga:
Generator of Ethnocultural Learning Objects for the preservation of the languages, customs and traditions indigenous. 1-11 - Cecilia Nacimento, Santiago Matalonga
, Jean Carlo Rossa Hauck:
Identifying technical debt cost factors in reflection activities of an agile projects. 1-11 - Marcelo J. M. Arcidiacono, Leticia E. Constable, Eduardo Destefanis, Juan Carlos Vázquez:
Determining diameter of animal textile fiber using image processing techniques. 1-6 - Marília Soares Mendes, Elizabeth Furtado
Analysis of pre-patterns in the specification of the interaction design for Digital TV. 1-10 - Liliana Rosero, Michel Riguidel, Jesús Aranda
Granular: An access control model, and Confia: Its software tool. 1-9 - Roberto Cortes Morales
Considerations in multiple dimensions for Costa Rica e-government strategy. 1-8 - Giovani Rubert Librelotto
, Cicero Ribeiro, Samuel Vizzotto, Ederson Bastiani, Leandro Oliveira Freitas
Architecture of central monitoring for pervasive homecare systems. 1-7 - Natália Chaves Lessa Schots, Taisa Guidini Gonçalves, Rodrigo Figueiredo Magalhães, Ana Regina Rocha, Gleison Santos, Káthia Marçal de Oliveira:
Supporting software process performance analysis through a knowledge-based environment. 1-12

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