Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      20th CiE 2024: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      19th CiE 2023: Batumi, Georgia

      18th CiE 2022: Swansea, UK

      17th CiE 2021: Virtual Event / Ghent, Belgium

      16th CiE 2020: Fisciano, Italy

      15th CiE 2019: Durham, UK

      14th CiE 2018: Kiel, Germany

      13th CiE 2017: Turku, Finland

      12th CiE 2016: Paris, France

      11th CiE 2015: Bucharest, Romania

      10th CiE 2014: Budapest, Hungary

      9th CiE 2013: Milan, Italy

      8th CiE 2012: Cambridge, UK

      7th CiE 2011: Sofia, Bulgaria

      6th CiE 2010: Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal

      5th CiE 2009: Heidelberg, Germany

      4th CiE 2008: Athens, Greece

      3rd CiE 2007: Siena, Italy


      CiE 2007 Home Page

      2nd CiE 2006: Swansea, Wales, UK


      CiE 2006 Home Page

      1st CiE 2005: Amsterdam, The Netherlands