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2. CCGRID 2002: Berlin, Germany
- 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2002), 22-24 May 2002, Berlin, Germany. IEEE Computer Society 2002, ISBN 0-7695-1582-7
- Mark Baker, Zoltan Juhasz:
Jini and the Grid. 2 - Jack J. Dongarra:
Three Tools to Help with Cluster and Grid Computing: SANS-Effort, PAPI, and NetSolve. 3 - Peter Gietz:
LDAP and the Grid. 4 - Stephen Scott:
Cluster Tools. 5
Keynote Addresses
- Charlie Catlett:
The Philosophy of TeraGrid: Building an Open, Extensible, Distributed TeraScale Facility. 8 - Andrew A. Chien:
Distributed Computing Technologies and Their Application to Drug Discovery. 9- - Hans F. Hoffmann:
From the "Higgs Particle" to Technology, From the Web to the Grid: Fundamental Science, Technology, and International Cooperation. 10-11 - Reinhard Schneider:
Drug Discovery on Cluster Farms. 12 - Chris R. Johnson:
Visualization and VR for the Grid. 13-
Invited Talks On Eu And U.S. Funding Strategies
- Daniel E. Atkins:
A Report from the U.S. National Science Foundation Blue Ribbon Panel on Cyberinfrastructure. 16-17 - Kyriakos Baxevanidis:
Grids Deployment at the Crossroads - An Update on the EU-Funded Research Efforts. 18-21
Regular Papers
- Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos
, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos:
Adaptive Scheduling under Memory Pressure on Multiprogrammed Cluster. 22-29 - Brent N. Chun, David E. Culler:
User-Centric Performance Analysis of Market-Based Cluster Batch Schedulers. 30-38 - Carsten Ernemann
, Volker Hamscher, Uwe Schwiegelshohn
, Ramin Yahyapour
, Achim Streit:
On Advantages of Grid Computing for Parallel Job Scheduling. 39-47
Performance Monitoring
- D. Martin Swany
, Richard Wolski:
Representing Dynamic Performance Information in Grid Environments with the Network Weather Service. 48-56 - Donald P. Pazel, Tamar Eilam, Liana L. Fong, Michael H. Kalantar, Karen Appleby, Germán S. Goldszmidt:
Neptune: A Dynamic Resource Allocation and Planning System for a Cluster Computing Utility. 57-64 - Evangelos P. Markatos:
Tracing a Large-Scale Peer to Peer System: An Hour in the Life of Gnutella. 65-74 - Tiago C. Ferreto, César A. F. De Rose
, Luiz De Rose:
RVision: An Open and High Configurable Tool for Cluster Monitoring. 75-83
- Ge Yang, Ruoming Jin, Gagan Agrawal:
Implementing Data Cube Construction using a Cluster Middleware: Algorithms, Implementation Experience, and Performance Evaluation. 84-92 - Michela Taufer
, Thomas Stricker, Gerard Roos, Peter Güntert:
On the Migration of the Scientific Code Dyana from SMPs to Clusters of PCs and on to the Grid. 93-101 - Osamu Tatebe, Youhei Morita, Satoshi Matsuoka, Noriyuki Soda, Satoshi Sekiguchi:
Grid Datafarm Architecture for Petascale Data Intensive Computing. 102-110 - Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Susumu Date
, Takeshi Kaishima, Youki Kadobayashi, Shinji Shimojo
A Grid Application for an Evaluation of Brain Function using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). 111-119
Programming Environments for Grids
- Gene Cooperman, Henri Casanova, Jim Hayes, Thomas Witzel:
Using TOP-C and AMPIC to Port Large Parallel Applications to the Computational Grid. 120-127 - Robert van Engelen, Kyle A. Gallivan:
The gSOAP Toolkit for Web Services and Peer-to-Peer Computing Networks. 128-135 - Markus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura:
Symphony - A Java-Based Composition and Manipulation Framework for Computational Grids. 136-143 - Alexandre Denis, Christian Pérez, Thierry Priol:
PadicoTM: An Open Integration Framework for Communication Middleware and Runtimes. 144-153
I/O and File Systems
- Henrique Andrade, Tahsin M. Kurç, Alan Sussman
, Joel H. Saltz:
Multiple Query Optimization for Data Analysis Applications on Clusters of SMPs. 154-162 - Xiaohui Shen, Alok N. Choudhary:
MS-I/O: A Distributed Multi-Storage I/O System. 163-172 - Rosario Cristaldi, Giulio Iannello
, Francesco Delfino:
The Cluster File System: Integration of High Performance Communication and I/O in Clusters. 173-182 - Amy W. Apon, P. D. Wolinski, G. M. Amerson:
Sensitivity of Cluster File System Access to I/O Server Selection. 183-193
Grid Computing
- Alessandro Bassi
, Micah Beck, Graham E. Fagg, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
, D. Martin Swany
, Richard Wolski:
The Internet Backplane Protocol: A Study in Resource Sharing. 194-201 - Zsolt Németh, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
A Formal Framework for Defining Grid Systems. 202-211 - Kenji Kaneda, Kenjiro Taura
, Akinori Yonezawa:
Virtual Private Grid: A Command Shell for Utilizing Hundreds of Machines Efficiently. 212-219 - Luc Moreau
Agents for the Grid: A Comparison with Web Services (Part I: Transport Layer). 220-229
Programming Environments for Clusters
- Laxmikant V. Kalé, Sameer Kumar, Jayant DeSouza:
A Malleable-Job System for Timeshared Parallel Machines. 230-237 - Aristidis Sotiropoulos, Georgios Tsoukalas, Nectarios Koziris:
Efficient Utilization of Memory Mapped NICs onto Clusters using Pipelined Schedules. 238-246 - Martin Schulz
, Jie Tao, Carsten Trinitis, Wolfgang Karl:
SMiLE: An Integrated, Multi-Paradigm Software Infrastructure for SCI-Based Clusters. 247-254 - Ricky K. K. Ma, Cho-Li Wang, Francis C. M. Lau:
M-JavaMPI: A Java-MPI Binding with Process Migration Support. 255-263
- María S. Pérez, Félix García, Jesús Carretero
MAPFS_MAS: A Model of Interaction among Information Retrieval Agents. 264-265 - Rui Min, Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
Scheduling Co-Reservations with Priorities in Grid Computing Systems. 266-267 - Song Wu, Hai Jin:
Study of Load Balancing Issues Based on Intra-Movie Skewness for Parallel Video Servers. 268-269 - Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames
, José Luis Bosque
, J. Canto:
Brain Activity Detection in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Heterogeneous Cluster. 270-271 - Gang Xue, Matt J. Fairman, Simon J. Cox:
Exploiting Web Technologies for Grid Architecture. 272-273 - Zoltán Balaton, Gabor Gombás, Zsolt Németh:
A Novel Architecture for Grid Information Systems. 274-275 - Martin Kacer, Pavel Tvrdík:
Load Balancing by Remote Execution of Short Processes on Linux Clusters. 276-277 - Rajkumar Buyya, Kim Branson, Jonathan Giddy, David Abramson
The Virtual Laboratory: A Toolset for Utilising the World-Wide Grid to Design Drug. 278-279 - Gerd Lanfermann, Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel:
Nomadic Migration: Fault Tolerance in a Disruptive Grid Environment. 280-281 - Dawid Kurzyniec, Vaidy S. Sunderam, Mauro Migliardi
PVM Emulation in the Harness Metacomputing Framework - Design and Performance Evaluation. 282-283 - Laura F. McGinnis, William Thigpen, Thomas J. Hacker:
Accounting and Accountability for Distributed and Grid Systems. 284-285 - Alfredo Goldman
Scalable Algorithms for Complete Exchange on Multi-Cluster Networks. 286-289
Industry Session
- Wolfgang Gentzsch:
Grid Computing, A Vendor's Vision. 290-295 - Juan Jose Port:
The Emerging Information Power Grid: From Distributed P2P Computing to e-Utilities. 296-297
Grid Demos 2002
- Péter Kacsuk, Rajkumar Buyya:
GridDemo: International Workshop on Live Demonstrations of Grid Technologies and Applications. 298-304
- Katrina E. Falkner
, Henry Detmold, David S. Munro, Travis Olds:
Towards Compliant Distributed Shared Memory. 305-310 - Hans-Wolfgang Loidl:
The Virtual Shared Memory Performance of a Parallel Graph Reduce. 311-318 - Martin Schulz
Overcoming the Problems Associated with the Existence of Too Many DSM APIs. 319-324 - Geoffroy Vallée, Christine Morin, Renaud Lottiaux, Jean-Yves Berthou, Ivan Dutka Malhen:
Process Migration Based on Gobelins Distributed Shared Memory. 325-330 - Moritz Wende, Michael Schöttner, Ralph Göckelmann, T. Bindhammer, Peter Schulthess:
Optimistic Synchronization and Transactional Consistency. 331-339
Agent-Based Cluster and Grid Computing - O. Rana
- Mark James Carman
, Floriano Zini
, Luciano Serafini, Kurt Stockinger:
Towards an Economy-Based Optimisation of File Access and Replication on a Data Grid. 340-345 - Zoltan Juhasz
, Prasenjit Paul:
Scalability Analysis of the Contract Net Protocol. 346-347 - Stephen Gilmore, Marco A. Palomino
Monitoring and Controlling Distributed Applications with Relocatable Objects. 348-349 - Junwei Cao, Daniel P. Spooner, James D. Turner, Stephen A. Jarvis
, Darren J. Kerbyson, Subhash Saini, Graham R. Nudd:
Agent-Based Resource Management for Grid Computing. 350-351 - Walter Binder
Using Mobile Agents for Software Distribution and Maintenance: Autonomous Stations Capable of Securely Executing Dynamically Uploaded Applications. 352-353 - Sasa Desic, Darko Huljenic:
Agents Based Load Balancing with Component Distribution Capability. 354-358 - Artur Andrzejak, Sven Graupner, Vadim E. Kotov, Holger Trinks:
Self-Organizing Control in Plantetary-Scale Computing. 359-367
Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing on Large-Scale Distributed Systems
- Krishna Kant, Ravishankar K. Iyer, Vijay Tewari:
A Framework for Classifying Peer-to-Peer Technologies. 368-375 - Kavitha Ranganathan, Adriana Iamnitchi
, Ian T. Foster:
Improving Data Availability through Dynamic Model-Driven Replication in Large Peer-to-Peer Communities. 376-381 - Ajay Chander, Steven Dawson, Patrick Lincoln, David W. J. Stringer-Calvert:
NEVRLATE: Scalable Resource Discovery. 382-388 - Márk Jelasity
, Mike Preuß, Maarten van Steen
, Ben Paechter:
Maintaining Connectivity in a Scalable and Robust Distributed Environment. 389-394 - Zoltan Juhasz
, Arpad Andics, Szabolcs Pota:
JM: A Jini Framework for Global Computing. 395-400 - David B. Skillicorn
Motivating Computational Grids. 401-406 - Dan Davis, Manish Parashar:
Latency Performance of SOAP Implementations. 407-412 - Pascale Primet, Robert Harakaly, Franck Bonnassieux:
Experiments of Network Throughput Measurement and Forecasting Using the Network Weather. 413-418 - David A. Helder, Sugih Jamin:
End-Host Multicast Communication Using Switch-Trees Protocols. 419-424 - Laurence Loewe:
evolution@home: Experiences with Work Units That Span More than 7 Orders of Magnitude in Computational Complexity. 425-431 - Darren Webb, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Java Coglets. 432-433 - Luis F. G. Sarmenta, Sandra J. V. Chua, Paul Echevarria, Jose M. Mendoza, Rene-Russelle Santos, Stanley Tan, Richard Lozada:
Bayanihan Computing .NET: Grid Computing with XML Web Services. 434-435 - Kuo-Ming Chao
, Rachid Anane
, Jen-Hsiang Chen, Richard A. Gatward:
Negotiating Agents in a Market-Oriented Grid. 436-437 - Vana Kalogeraki
, Alex Delis, Dimitrios Gunopulos
Handling Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Networks. 438-439 - Wei Du, Gagan Agrawal:
Developing Distributed Data Mining Implementations for a Grid Environment. 440-441 - Oscar Ardaiz
, Felix Freitag
, Leandro Navarro
, Torsten Eymann, Michael Reinicke:
CatNet: Catallactic Mechanisms for Service Control and Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Application-Layer Networks. 442-443 - Mandar Kelaskar, Vincent Matossian, Preeti Mehra, Dennis Paul, Manish Parashar:
A Study of Discovery Mechanisms for Peer-to-Peer Applications. 444-445 - Alessandro Bassi
, Micah Beck, Terry Moore, James S. Plank
Logistical Networking: When Institutions Peer. 446-451
- Farag Azzedin, Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
Towards Trust-Aware Resource Management in Grid Computing Systems. 452-457 - Van Le, Hervé Guyennet:
IPSec and DNSSEC to Support GRID Application Security. 458-463
Invisible Computing
- Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Balasubramaneyam Maniymaran, Paul Card, Farag Azzedin:
Invisible Network: Concepts and Architecture. 464-469 - Anthony Pounds-Cornish, Arran Holme:
The iDorm - A Practical Deployment of Grid Technology. 470-476

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