10. BWCCA 2015: Krakow, Poland

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BWCCA 2015

Session 1: Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks

Session 2: Security and Privacy I

Session 3: Wireless Networks and Applications

Session 4: Security and Privacy II

Session 5: Vehicular Networks

Session 6: Security in Information and Intelligent Knowledge Management

Session 7: Wireless Mesh Networks and Mobile Networks

Session 8: Multimedia and Web Applications

Session 9: Cluster and Energy-Aware Computing

Session 10: Network Protocols and Resource Management

CWECS 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Cloud, Wireless and e-Commerce Security

LSNA 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Network Technologies and Applications

Session 2: Security and Trust

MAPWC 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Methods and Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Networking

MNSA 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Network Models and Protocols

Session 2: Multimedia Systems and Applications

NGWMN 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Wireless Networks

Session 2: Security and Resource Management

RI3C 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Robotics and Support Systems

SCC 2015 Workshop

Session 1: Cloud Computing and Algorithms

Session 2: Network Virtualization and Natural Language Processing