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ASRU 2009: Merano/Meran, Italy
- 2009 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, ASRU 2009, Merano/Meran, Italy, December 13-17, 2009. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-5478-5
- Sadaoki Furui:
Generalization problem in ASR acoustic model training and adaptation. 1-10 - Daniel Jurafsky:
It's not you, it's me: Automatically extracting social meaning from speed dates. 11 - Dekai Wu
Toward machine translation with statistics and syntax and semantics. 12-21 - Gerasimos Potamianos:
Audio-visual automatic speech recognition and related bimodal speech technologies: A review of the state-of-the-art and open problems. 22 - Holger Schwenk:
Trends and challenges in language modeling for speech recognition and machine translation. 23 - Jont B. Allen, Feipeng Li:
Manipulation of consonants in natural speech. 24 - Jason D. Williams:
Spoken dialogue systems: Challenges, and opportunities for research. 25 - Lin-Shan Lee, Yi-Cheng Pan:
Voice-based information retrieval - how far are we from the text-based information retrieval ? 26-43 - Mark J. F. Gales:
Acoustic modelling for speech recognition: Hidden Markov models and beyond? 44 - Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi:
Online discriminative learning: theory and applications. 45 - Tatsuya Kawahara
New perspectives on spoken language understanding: Does machine need to fully understand speech? 46-50 - Tanja Schultz:
Rapid language adaptation tools for multilingual speech processing. 51 - Simon Wiesler, Markus Nußbaum-Thom, Georg Heigold, Ralf Schlüter
, Hermann Ney:
Investigations on features for log-linear acoustic models in continuous speech recognition. 52-57 - Abhijeet Sangwan, John H. L. Hansen:
Leveraging speech production knowledge for improved speech recognition. 58-63 - Etienne Marcheret, Vaibhava Goel
, Peder A. Olsen:
Optimal quantization and bit allocation for compressing large discriminative feature space transforms. 64-69 - Barbara Schuppler
, Joost van Doremalen, Odette Scharenborg, Bert Cranen, Lou Boves:
Using temporal information for improving articulatory-acoustic feature classification. 70-75 - Muhammad Ali Tahir, Georg Heigold, Christian Plahl, Ralf Schlüter
, Hermann Ney:
Generalized likelihood ratio discriminant analysis. 76-81 - Karen Livescu
, Mark Stoehr:
Multi-view learning of acoustic features for speaker recognition. 82-86 - Chih-Chieh Cheng, Fei Sha, Lawrence K. Saul:
Large-margin feature adaptation for automatic speech recognition. 87-92 - Upendra V. Chaudhari, Michael Picheny:
Articulatory feature detection with Support Vector Machines for integration into ASR and phone recognition. 93-98 - Spiros Dimopoulos, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Chin-Hui Lee, Alexandros Potamianos:
Transition features for CRF-based speech recognition and boundary detection. 99-102 - Pirros Tsiakoulis, Alexandros Potamianos, Dimitrios Dimitriadis:
Short-time instantaneous frequency and bandwidth features for speech recognition. 103-106 - Yun-Hsuan Sung, Daniel Jurafsky:
Hidden Conditional Random Fields for phone recognition. 107-112 - Peter Bell, Simon King
Diagonal priors for full covariance speech recognition. 113-117 - Yu Qiao, Masayuki Suzuki, Nobuaki Minematsu:
A study on Hidden Structural Model and its application to labeling sequences. 118-123 - Daniel Vásquez, Guillermo Aradilla, Rainer Gruhn, Wolfgang Minker:
A hierarchical structure for modeling inter and intra phonetic information for phoneme recognition. 124-129 - Keith Vertanen, Per Ola Kristensson:
Automatic selection of recognition errors by respeaking the intended text. 130-135 - Xiaodong Cui, Jian Xue, Bowen Zhou:
Improving online incremental speaker adaptation with eigen feature space MLLR. 136-140 - Jui-Ting Huang, Xi Zhou, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
, Thomas S. Huang:
Kernel metric learning for phonetic classification. 141-145 - Kshitij Gupta, John D. Owens:
Three-layer optimizations for fast GMM computations on GPU-like parallel processors. 146-151 - Geoffrey Zweig, Patrick Nguyen:
A segmental CRF approach to large vocabulary continuous speech recognition. 152-157 - Hung-Shin Lee, Berlin Chen:
Generalized likelihood ratio discriminant analysis. 158-163 - Sriram Ganapathy, Samuel Thomas, Hynek Hermansky
Temporal envelope subtraction for robust speech recognition using modulation spectrum. 164-169 - Federico Flego, Mark J. F. Gales:
Discriminative adaptive training with VTS and JUD. 170-175 - Steven J. Rennie, John R. Hershey, Peder A. Olsen:
Hierarchical variational loopy belief propagation for multi-talker speech recognition. 176-181 - Philip N. Garner
SNR features for automatic speech recognition. 182-187 - Chanwoo Kim, Richard M. Stern
Power function-based power distribution normalization algorithm for robust speech recognition. 188-193 - Wooil Kim, John H. L. Hansen:
Mask estimation employing Posterior-based Representative Mean for missing-feature speech recognition with time-varying background noise. 194-198 - Kaustubh Kalgaonkar, Michael L. Seltzer, Alex Acero
Noise robust model adaptation using linear spline interpolation. 199-204 - Mark J. F. Gales, Anton Ragni, H. AlDamarki, C. Gautier:
Support vector machines for noise robust ASR. 205-210 - Florian Müller, Eugene Belilovsky, Alfred Mertins:
Generalized cyclic transformations in speaker-independent speech recognition. 211-215 - Yoo Rhee Oh, Hong Kook Kim:
MLLR/MAP adaptation using pronunciation variation for non-native speech recognition. 216-221 - Haitian Xu, Mark J. F. Gales, K. K. Chin:
Improving joint uncertainty decoding performance by predictive methods for noise robust speech recognition. 222-227 - Jing Huang, Karthik Visweswariah:
Improved decision trees for multi-stream HMM-based audio-visual continuous speech recognition. 228-231 - Takayuki Arakawa, Haitham Al-Hassanieh, Masanori Tsujikawa, Ryosuke Isotani:
Extended Minimum Classification Error Training in Voice Activity Detection. 232-236 - Hadi Veisi
, Hossein Sameti:
An improved parallel model combination method for noisy speech recognition. 237-242 - Chanwoo Kim, Kshitiz Kumar, Richard M. Stern
Robust speech recognition using a Small Power Boosting algorithm. 243-248 - Negar Ghourchian, Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Douglas D. O'Shaughnessy:
Robust distributed speech recognition using two-stage Filtered Minima Controlled Recursive Averaging. 249-254 - Xiong Xiao, Jinyu Li
, Engsiong Chng
, Haizhou Li
, Chin-Hui Lee:
A study on hidden Markov model's generalization capability for speech recognition. 255-260 - Wen-Hsiang Tu, Sheng-Yuan Huang, Jeih-Weih Hung:
Sub-band modulation spectrum compensation for robust speech recognition. 261-265 - Md. Jahangir Alam, Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Douglas D. O'Shaughnessy:
An improved perceptual speech enhancement technique employing a psychoacoustically motivated weighting factor. 266-270 - Yu Tsao
, Shigeki Matsuda, Satoshi Nakamura, Chin-Hui Lee:
MAP estimation of online mapping parameters in ensemble speaker and speaking environment modeling. 271-275 - Hagen Soltau, George Saon
Dynamic network decoding revisited. 276-281 - Anoop Deoras, Frederick Jelinek:
Iterative decoding: A novel re-scoring framework for confusion networks. 282-286 - Tara N. Sainath:
Island-driven search using broad phonetic classes. 287-292 - Emilian Stoimenov, Tanja Schultz
A multiplatform speech recognition decoder based on weighted finite-state transducers. 293-298 - Stanley F. Chen, Lidia Mangu, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Ruhi Sarikaya, Abhinav Sethy:
Scaling shrinkage-based language models. 299-304 - Vladimir Magdin, Hui Jiang:
Discriminative training of n-gram language models for speech recognition via linear programming. 305-310 - Ariya Rastrow, Abhinav Sethy, Bhuvana Ramabhadran:
Constrained discriminative training of N-gram language models. 311-316 - Puyang Xu, Damianos G. Karakos, Sanjeev Khudanpur:
Self-supervised discriminative training of statistical language models. 317-322 - Nigel G. Ward, Alejandro Vega:
Towards the use of inferred cognitive states in language modeling. 323-326 - Hong-Kwang Jeff Kuo, Lidia Mangu, Ahmad Emami, Imed Zitouni, Young-Suk Lee:
Syntactic features for Arabic speech recognition. 327-332 - Ngoc Thang Vu, Tanja Schultz
Vietnamese large vocabulary continuous speech recognition. 333-338 - Kris Demuynck, Antti Puurula, Dirk Van Compernolle, Patrick Wambacq
The ESAT 2008 system for N-Best Dutch speech recognition benchmark. 339-344 - Daniel Vásquez, Guillermo Aradilla, Rainer Gruhn, Wolfgang Minker:
On speeding phoneme recognition in a hierarchical MLP structure. 345-348 - Martin Wöllmer, Florian Eyben, Björn W. Schuller
, Gerhard Rigoll:
Robust vocabulary independent keyword spotting with graphical models. 349-353 - Hasim Sak, Murat Saraclar
, Tunga Güngör
Integrating morphology into automatic speech recognition. 354-358 - Tara N. Sainath, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Michael Picheny:
An exploration of large vocabulary tools for small vocabulary phonetic recognition. 359-364 - Joel Pinto, Mathew Magimai-Doss, Hervé Bourlard:
MLP based hierarchical system for task adaptation in ASR. 365-370 - Frederik Stouten, Dominique Fohr, Irina Illina:
Detection of OOV words by combining acoustic confidence measures with linguistic features. 371-375 - Florian Eyben, Martin Wöllmer, Björn W. Schuller
, Alex Graves:
From speech to letters - using a novel neural network architecture for grapheme based ASR. 376-380 - Hui Lin, Jeff A. Bilmes, Shasha Xie:
Graph-based submodular selection for extractive summarization. 381-386 - Shasha Xie, Dilek Hakkani-Tür, Benoît Favre, Yang Liu:
Integrating prosodic features in extractive meeting summarization. 387-391 - Justin Jian Zhang, Ricky Ho Yin Chan, Pascale Fung:
Extractive speech summarization by active learning. 392-397 - Yaodong Zhang, James R. Glass:
Unsupervised spoken keyword spotting via segmental DTW on Gaussian posteriorgrams. 398-403 - Carolina Parada, Abhinav Sethy, Bhuvana Ramabhadran:
Query-by-example Spoken Term Detection For OOV terms. 404-409 - Hung-yi Lee
, Yueh-Lien Tang, Hao Tang, Lin-Shan Lee:
Spoken term detection from bilingual spontaneous speech using code-switched lattice-based structures for words and subword units. 410-415 - Upendra V. Chaudhari, Michael Picheny:
Improved vocabulary independent search with approximate match based on Conditional Random Fields. 416-420 - Timothy J. Hazen, Wade Shen, Christopher M. White:
Query-by-example spoken term detection using phonetic posteriorgram templates. 421-426 - Doris Baum:
Topic-based speaker recognition for German parliamentary speeches. 427-431 - David Imseng, Gerald Friedland:
Robust Speaker Diarization for short speech recordings. 432-437 - Silvia Quarteroni, Marco Dinarelli, Giuseppe Riccardi:
Ontology-based grounding of Spoken Language Understanding. 438-443 - Pierre Gotab, Frédéric Béchet, Géraldine Damnati:
Active learning for rule-based and corpus-based Spoken Language Understanding models. 444-449 - Peter A. Heeman:
Representing the Reinforcement Learning state in a negotiation dialogue. 450-455 - Milica Gasic, Fabrice Lefèvre, Filip Jurcícek, Simon Keizer, François Mairesse, Blaise Thomson, Kai Yu, Steve J. Young:
Back-off action selection in summary space-based POMDP dialogue systems. 456-461 - Ryota Nishimura
, Seiichi Nakagawa:
Response timing generation and response type selection for a spontaneous spoken dialog system. 462-467 - Michael Levit, Shuangyu Chang, Bruce Buntschuh:
Garbage modeling with decoys for a sequential recognition scenario. 468-473 - Cheongjae Lee, Sungjin Lee, Sangkeun Jung
, Kyungduk Kim, Donghyeon Lee, Gary Geunbae Lee:
Correlation-based query relaxation for example-based dialog modeling. 474-478 - Sebastian Varges, Giuseppe Riccardi, Silvia Quarteroni, Alexei V. Ivanov:
The exploration/exploitation trade-off in Reinforcement Learning for dialogue management. 479-484 - Kofi Boakye, Benoît Favre, Dilek Hakkani-Tür
Any questions? Automatic question detection in meetings. 485-489 - Chiori Hori, Kiyonori Ohtake, Teruhisa Misu, Hideki Kashioka, Satoshi Nakamura:
Weighted finite state transducer based statistical dialog management. 490-495 - Matthias Paulik, Alex Waibel:
Automatic translation from parallel speech: Simultaneous interpretation as MT training data. 496-501 - Jia Cui, Yonggang Deng, Bowen Zhou:
Reinforcing language model for speech translation with auxiliary data. 502-506 - Sakriani Sakti, Noriyuki Kimura, Michael Paul, Chiori Hori, Eiichiro Sumita, Satoshi Nakamura, Jun Park, Chai Wutiwiwatchai, Bo Xu, Hammam Riza, Karunesh Arora, Chi Mai Luong, Haizhou Li
The Asian network-based speech-to-speech translation system. 507-512 - Bing Xiang, Bowen Zhou, Martin Cmejrek:
Towards integrated machine translation using structural alignment from syntax-augmented synchronous parsing. 513-518 - Daniele Falavigna, Matteo Gerosa
, Roberto Gretter, Diego Giuliani:
Phone-to-word decoding through statistical machine translation and complementary system combination. 519-524 - Hassan Al-Haj, Roger Hsiao, Ian R. Lane, Alan W. Black, Alex Waibel:
Pronunciation modeling for dialectal arabic speech recognition. 525-528 - Qin Jin, Arthur R. Toth, Tanja Schultz
, Alan W. Black:
Speaker de-identification via voice transformation. 529-533 - Michael Feld
, Etienne Barnard
, Charl Johannes van Heerden, Christian A. Müller:
Multilingual speaker age recognition: Regression analyses on the Lwazi corpus. 534-539 - Fernando Batista
, Isabel Trancoso
, Nuno J. Mamede
Comparing automatic rich transcription for Portuguese, Spanish and English Broadcast News. 540-545 - Khe Chai Sim:
Discriminative Product-of-Expert acoustic mapping for cross-lingual phone recognition. 546-551 - Björn W. Schuller
, Bogdan Vlasenko, Florian Eyben, Gerhard Rigoll, Andreas Wendemuth:
Acoustic emotion recognition: A benchmark comparison of performances. 552-557 - Richard Dufour, Yannick Estève, Paul Deléglise, Frédéric Béchet:
Local and global models for spontaneous speech segment detection and characterization. 558-561 - Timo Mertens, Daniel Schneider, Arild Brandrud Næss, Torbjørn Svendsen
Lexicon adaptation for subword speech recognition. 562-567 - Kartik Audhkhasi, Panayiotis G. Georgiou
, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
Lattice-based lexical cues for word fragment detection in conversational speech. 568-573 - Masayuki Suzuki, Nobuaki Minematsu, Dean Luo, Keikichi Hirose:
Sub-structure-based estimation of pronunciation proficiency and classification of learners. 574-579 - Joost van Doremalen, Catia Cucchiarini, Helmer Strik
Automatic detection of vowel pronunciation errors using multiple information sources. 580-585 - Wenzhu Shen, Roger Peng Yu, Frank Seide, Ji Wu:
Automatic punctuation generation for speech. 586-589

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