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Publication search results
found 31 matches
- 2025
- Z. Ahmed, R. S. Evans, I. Goel, G. M. Huber
, S. J. D. Kay, W. B. Li, L. Preet, A. Usman:
DEMPgen: Physics event generator for Deep Exclusive Meson Production at Jefferson Lab and the EIC. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109444 (2025) - Rafael Alves Batista
, Aurélien Benoit-Lévy, Teresa Bister, Martina Bohacova, Mauricio Bustamante
, Washington Carvalho, Yiren Chen, LingMei Cheng, Simon Chiche, Jean-Marc Colley, Pablo Correa, Nicoleta Cucu Laurenciu, Zigao Dai, Rogerio M. de Almeida, Beatriz de Errico, Sijbrand de Jong, João R. T. de Mello Neto, Krijn D. de Vries, Valentin Decoene, Peter B. Denton, Bohao Duan, Kaikai Duan, Ralph Engel, William Erba, Yizhong Fan, Arsène Ferrière, QuanBu Gou, Junhua Gu, Marion Guelfand, Jianhua Guo, Yiqing Guo, Claire Guépin, Lukas Gülzow, Andreas Haungs, Matej Havelka, Haoning He, Eric Hivon, Hongbo Hu, Xiaoyuan Huang, Yan Huang, Tim Huege, Wen Jiang, Ramesh Koirala, ChuiZheng Kong
, Kumiko Kotera, Jelena Köhler, Bruno L. Lago, Zhisen Lai, Sandra Le Coz, François Legrand, Antonios Leisos, Rui Li, Xingyu Li, Yifei Li, Cheng Liu, Ruoyu Liu, Wei Liu, Pengxiong Ma, Oscar Macias, Frédéric Magnard, Alexandre Marcowith, Olivier Martineau-Huynh, Thomas McKinley, Paul Minodier, Pragati Mitra, Miguel Mostafá, Kohta Murase, Valentin Niess, Stavros Nonis, Shoichi Ogio, Foteini Oikonomou, ongwei Pan, Konstantinos Papageorgiou, Tanguy Pierog, Lech Wiktor Piotrowski, Simon Prunet, Xiangli Qian, Markus Roth, Takashi Sako, Harm Schoorlemmer, Dániel Szálas-Motesiczky, Szymon Slawinski, Xishui Tian, Anne Timmermans, Charles Timmermans, Petr Tobiska, Apostolos Tsirigotis, Matías Tueros, George Vittakis, Hanrui Wang, Jiale Wang, Shen Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Xu Wang, Daming Wei, Feng Wei, Xiangping Wu, Xuefeng Wu, Xin Xu, Xing Xu, Fufu Yang, Lili Yang, Xuan Yang, Qiang Yuan, Philippe Zarka, Houdun Zeng, Chao Zhang, Jianli Zhang, Kewen Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Qingchi Zhang, Songbo Zhang, Yi Zhang, Hao Zhou:
GRANDlib: A simulation pipeline for the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND). Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109461 (2025) - Federico Battisti
, Marian Ivanov, Xianguo Lu
A Kalman filter for track reconstruction in very large time projection chambers. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109443 (2025) - Deniz A. Bezgin
, Aaron B. Buhendwa
, Nikolaus A. Adams:
JAX-Fluids 2.0: Towards HPC for differentiable CFD of compressible two-phase flows. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109433 (2025) - Sayan Bhowmik, John E. Pask, Andrew J. Medford, Phanish Suryanarayana
Spectral scheme for atomic structure calculations in density functional theory. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109448 (2025) - Martin D. Burke, J. P. F. LeBlanc
TorchAmi: Generalized CPU/GPU implementation of algorithmic matsubara integration. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109437 (2025) - Charles Cheung
, Mikhail G. Kozlov, Sergey Porsev, Marianna S. Safronova
, Ilya I. Tupitsyn, Andrey I. Bondarev:
pCI: A parallel configuration interaction software package for high-precision atomic structure calculations. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109463 (2025) - Andrzej Daniluk
, Bartlomiej Daniluk
, Grzegorz M. Wójcik:
A Python code for simulations of RHEED intensity oscillations within the one-dimensional dynamical approximation. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109467 (2025) - Evgueni Dinvay:
Multiresolution of the one dimensional free-particle propagator. Part 2: Implementation. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109438 (2025) - Evgueni Dinvay
, Yuliya Zabelina, Luca Frediani:
Multiresolution of the one dimensional free-particle propagator. Part 1: Construction. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109436 (2025) - Yunsheng Dong, Serena M. Valle, Giuseppe Battistoni, Ilaria Mattei, C. Finck, Vincenzo Patera, A. Alexandrov, B. Alpat, Giovanni Ambrosi, S. Argirò, M. Barbanera, N. Bartosik, M. G. Bisogni, V. Boccia, F. Cavanna, P. Cerello, E. Ciarrocchi, A. De Gregorio, Giovanni De Lellis, Antonio Di Crescenzo, B. Di Ruzza, M. Donetti, M. Durante, R. Faccini, V. Ferrero, E. Fiorina, M. Francesconi, M. Franchini, G. Franciosini, G. Galati, L. Galli, M. Ionica, A. Iuliano
, K. Kanxheri, A. C. Kraan, C. La Tessa, A. Lauria, E. Lopez Torres, M. Magi, A. Manna, M. Marafini, M. Massa, C. Massimi, A. Mengarelli, A. Mereghetti, T. Minniti, A. Moggi, M. C. Montesi, M. C. Morone, M. Morrocchi, N. Pastrone, F. Peverini, F. Pennazio, C. Pisanti, P. Placidi, M. Pullia, L. Ramello, C. Reidel, R. Ridolfi, L. Sabatini, L. Salvi, C. Sanelli, A. Sarti, O. Sato, S. Savazzi, L. Scavarda, A. Schiavi, C. Schuy, E. Scifoni, L. Servoli, G. Silvestre
, M. Sitta, R. Spighi, E. Spiriti, V. Tioukov
, S. Tomassini, F. Tommasino, M. Toppi, A. Trigilio, G. Traini, G. Ubaldi, A. Valetti, M. Vanstalle, M. Villa, U. Weber, R. Zarrella, A. Zoccoli, S. Muraro:
Corrigendum to "The FLUKA Monte Carlo simulation of the magnetic spectrometer of the FOOT experiment" [Computer physics communications, Volume 307, (2025) 109398]. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109466 (2025) - Benet Eiximeno
, Arnau Miró, Beka Begiashvili, Eusebio Valero, Ivette Rodriguez, Oriol Lehmkhul:
PyLOM: A HPC open source reduced order model suite for fluid dynamics applications. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109459 (2025) - Hongwei Fan, Sibo Cheng, Audrey J. de Nazelle, Rossella Arcucci
ViTAE-SL: A vision transformer-based autoencoder and spatial interpolation learner for field reconstruction. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109464 (2025) - Nikolay D. Gagunashvili:
Data unfolding with mean integrated square error optimization. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109473 (2025) - Xuejun Gong
, Andrea Dal Corso
An alternative GPU acceleration for a pseudopotential plane-waves density functional theory code with applications to metallic systems. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109439 (2025) - Jie Guo, Yunlan Wang, Rui Zhang
, Feifei Zhang, Tianhai Zhao, Congshan Zhuo, Sha Liu
, Chengwen Zhong
Implementation and optimisation of the cdugksFoam solver on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109455 (2025) - Byungkyun Kang, Patrick Semon, Corey Melnick, Mancheon Han, Seongjun Mo, Hoonkyung Lee, Gabriel Kotliar, Sangkook Choi
ComDMFT v.2.0: Fully self-consistent ab initio GW+EDMFT for the electronic structure of correlated quantum materials. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109447 (2025) - Tianzhao Li
, Wenjin Gao, Guoxiang Zhi, Shuwei Zhai, Jiahua Xu, Ling Zhang, Weijuan Hu, Biyu Song, Shuoke Xu, Miao Zhou
I2DM: A Monte Carlo framework for ion irradiation on two-dimensional materials. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109445 (2025) - Hui Li, Shaojie Wang, Youjun Zhang
, Martin T. Dove
Fourier transforms of time correlation functions using Hermite functions. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109456 (2025) - Leran Lu
, Wei Cao, Romain Botella:
Screener and enumerator with force-field optimization (SEFFO): Algorithm for searching adsorption sites and configurations on 2D materials. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109440 (2025) - Jiayin Lu
, Chris H. Rycroft
TriMe++: Multi-threaded triangular meshing in two dimensions. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109442 (2025) - Octavio Roncero
, Pablo del Mazo-Sevillano:
MADWAVE3: A quantum time dependent wave packet code for nonadiabatic state-to-state reaction dynamics of triatomic systems. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109471 (2025) - Moritz Schwarzmeier
, Suraj Raju, Zeljko Tukovic, Mathis Fricke, Dieter Bothe, Tomislav Maric
twoPhaseInterTrackFoam: An OpenFOAM module for arbitrary Lagrangian/Eulerian interface tracking with surfactants and subgrid-scale modeling. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109460 (2025) - Younggak Shin, Vichhika Moul, Keonwook Kang, Byeongchan Lee
PolyPal: A parallel microscale virtual specimen generator. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109458 (2025) - William Stenlund
, Joel Davidsson
, Rickard Armiento, Viktor Ivády
, Igor A. Abrikosov
ADAQ-SYM: Automated symmetry analysis of defect orbitals. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109468 (2025) - Xiangcheng Sun
, Xian Wang:
Efficient multi-GPU implementation of a moving boundary approach in rotor flow simulation using LBM and level-set method. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109469 (2025) - Tao Sun, Jianmei Yuan
Crystal synthesizability prediction using contrastive positive unlabeled learning. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109465 (2025) - Joseph Tooby-Smith
HepLean: Digitalising high energy physics. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109457 (2025) - Kai Töpfer
, Luis Itza Vazquez-Salazar
, Markus Meuwly:
Asparagus: A toolkit for autonomous, user-guided construction of machine-learned potential energy surfaces. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109446 (2025) - Liang Xu
, Ziyan Liu, Yiwei Feng, Tiegang Liu:
Unsupervised neural-network solvers for multi-material Riemann problems. Comput. Phys. Commun. 308: 109470 (2025)
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retrieved on 2025-03-05 23:06 CET from data curated by the dblp team
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