- Susan J. Boyce, Demetrios Karis, Amir Mané, Nicole Yankelovich:
Speech user interface design challenges: CHI 97 workshop report. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(2): 30-34 (1998) - Tom Brinck, Gary York:
User interfaces for computer-based patient records. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 56-58 (1998) - Paul Chesson:
You need a psychologist to teach HCI correctly to a computer scientist: INTERACT '97 panel session. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 36 (1998) - Millicent Cooley:
Change, information and understanding: conference themes in 1997-98. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(3): 11-15 (1998) - David Crow, Jim Jansen, Erika Orrick:
Recommended readings. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(3): 23-25 (1998) - David Crow, Farouk Meghji, Erika Orrick:
Students: being a student volunteer at HCI 98. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 24-26 (1998) - Alan J. Dix:
Time and the Web. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 30-33 (1998) - Laura L. Downey, Sharon J. Laskowski, Elizabeth A. Buie, William E. Hefley
Usability engineering 2: measurement and methods. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(2): 43-45 (1998) - Offer Drori:
The user interface in text retrieval systems. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(3): 26-29 (1998) - Allison Druin:
My kid doesn't need a computer... ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 15-16 (1998) - Allison Druin:
Session details: Kids and computers. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(3) (1998) - Allison Druin:
How did you get to doing what you do? ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(3): 20-22 (1998) - Allison Druin:
CHIkids: a look back and a look forward. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 6-8 (1998) - Ernest A. Edmonds, Thomas P. Moran, Ellen Do:
Interactive systems for supporting the emergence of concepts and ideas: A CHI 97 workshop. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 24-25 (1998) - B. J. Fogg, Daniel Bedichevsky, Jason Tester:
Persuasive computing. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 71-72 (1998) - Shannon Ford:
Visual interaction design: outside looking in at CHI 98. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 22-23 (1998) - Batya Friedman:
User Autonomy: Who Should Control What and When? A CHI 96 workshop. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 26-29 (1998) - Thomas M. Graefe, Dennis R. Wixon:
HCI solutions for managing the IT infra-structure. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 66 (1998) - Mike Graves, Sally Grisedale, Alexander Grünsteidl:
Unfamiliar ground: designing technology to support rural healthcare workers in India. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(2): 134-143 (1998) - David Grayson, Lynne M. Coventry:
The effects of visual proxemic information in video mediated communication. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(3): 30-39 (1998) - Kristyn Greenwood, Suzy Czarkowski:
Competitive testing issues and methodology. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 67-70 (1998) - Zsolt Haag, Leysia Palen:
ECSCW'97 doctoral colloquium: a student participant report. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 11-12 (1998) - Kim Vonder Haar:
The orchestration age. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(1): 9-10 (1998) - Jed Harris, Austin Henderson:
Discourse architecture. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(2): 147-151 (1998) - H. Rex Hartson:
AVI '98: advanced visual interfaces - an international working conference. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 83-84 (1998) - Austin Henderson:
HCI/SIGCHI issues for policy '98. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 75-76 (1998) - Austin Henderson:
Policy '98: implications for SIGCHI. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 77-79 (1998) - Austin Henderson, Jeff A. Johnson:
So you want to be a user interface consultant. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 73-74 (1998) - Stephanie Houde, Rachel K. E. Bellamy, Laureen Leahy:
In search of design principles for tools and practices to support communication within a learning community. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(2): 113-118 (1998) - Sherry Hsi, Elliot Soloway:
Learner-centered design: specifically addressing the needs of learners. ACM SIGCHI Bull. 30(4): 53-55 (1998)