- Jevin D. West, Jason Portenoy:
Delineating Fields Using Mathematical Jargon. BIRNDL@JCDL 2016: 63-71 - Dietmar Wolfram:
Bibliometrics, Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing: Natural Synergies to Support Digital Library Research. BIRNDL@JCDL 2016: 6-13 - Guillaume Cabanac, Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran, Ingo Frommholz, Kokil Jaidka, Min-Yen Kan, Philipp Mayr, Dietmar Wolfram:
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL) co-located with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2016 (JCDL 2016), Newark, NJ, USA, June 23, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1610, CEUR-WS.org 2016 [contents]