- Peter Shiu:
On a Result of Bambah and Chowla. Integers 19: A48 (2019) - Brian D. Sittinger, Marina C. Morales:
The Unit Structure in a Quotient Ring of a Quadratic Number Field. Integers 19: A36 (2019) - Ladislav Skula:
Prime Power Divisors of Mersenne Numbers and Wieferich Primes of Higher Order. Integers 19: A19 (2019) - Lukas Spiegelhofer:
Approaching Cusick's Conjecture on the Sum-of-digits Function. Integers 19: A59 (2019) - Jörn Steuding, Klaus Volkert:
A Diophantine Problem Related to a Nim-like Game. Integers 19: G2 (2019) - Liang Sun:
Positive-definite Quadratic Forms Representing Finite Sets of Integers. Integers 19: A11 (2019) - Linli Wei, Huixue Lao:
The Mean Value of a Hybrid Arithmetic Function Associated to Fourier Coefficieints of Cusp Forms. Integers 19: A44 (2019) - Jan-Hendrik de Wiljes:
Cycles in the Coprime Hypergraph of Integers. Integers 19: A27 (2019) - Tomohiro Yamada:
Quasiperfect Numbers With the Same Exponent. Integers 19: A35 (2019) - Anthony Zaleski:
Explicit Expressions for the Moments of the Size of an (n, dn-1)-core Partition With Distinct Parts. Integers 19: A26 (2019) - Min Zhang, Jinjiang Li:
On a Diophantine Equation With Three Prime Variables. Integers 19: A39 (2019)