- Ramani Routray:
Cloud Storage Infrastructure Optimization Analytics. IC2E 2015: 92 - Haythem Bany Salameh
, Mohammed Fozi Dhainat, Ali Al-Hajji, Raed Aqeli, Mohammad Fathi:
A Two-Level Cluster-Based Cognitive Radio Sensor Network: System Architecture, Hardware Design, and Distributed Protocols. IC2E 2015: 287-292 - Mohamed Sarwat, Mohamed F. Mokbel:
Mobi Social (Mobile and Social) Data Management: A Tutorial. IC2E 2015: 4 - John T. Saxon, Behzad Bordbar, Keith Harrison:
Efficient Retrieval of Key Material for Inspecting Potentially Malicious Traffic in the Cloud. IC2E 2015: 155-164 - Seetharami R. Seelam, Paolo Dettori, Peter H. Westerink, Ben Bo Yang:
Polyglot Application Auto Scaling Service for Platform as a Service Cloud. IC2E 2015: 84-91 - Howard Jay Siegel:
Panel on Cloud Sustainability. IC2E 2015: 95 - Jatinder Singh, Thomas F. J.-M. Pasquier
, Jean Bacon, David M. Eyers
Integrating Messaging Middleware and Information Flow Control. IC2E 2015: 54-59 - Aleksander Slominski
, Vinod Muthusamy, Rania Khalaf:
Building a Multi-tenant Cloud Service from Legacy Code with Docker Containers. IC2E 2015: 394-396 - Mikhail Strizhov:
Towards a Practical and Efficient Search over Encrypted Data in the Cloud. IC2E 2015: 496-498 - Mikhail Strizhov, Indrajit Ray:
Substring Position Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Using Tree-Based Index. IC2E 2015: 165-174 - Xiaoye Sun, T. S. Eugene Ng, Guohui Wang:
Software-Defined Flow Table Pipeline. IC2E 2015: 335-340 - Nikola Tankovic
, Tihana Galinac Grbac
, Hong Linh Truong, Schahram Dustdar
Transforming Vertical Web Applications into Elastic Cloud Applications. IC2E 2015: 135-144 - Lo'ai Ali Tawalbeh
, Yousef Haddad, Omar Khamis, Fahd M. Aldosari, Elhadj Benkhelifa
Efficient Software-Based Mobile Cloud Computing Framework. IC2E 2015: 317-322 - Douglas Terry:
Cloud Storage Services: A Model of (In)Consistency. IC2E 2015: 235 - Peipei Wang, Daniel Joseph Dean, Xiaohui Gu:
Understanding Real World Data Corruptions in Cloud Systems. IC2E 2015: 116-125 - Wenting Wang, Le Xu, Indranil Gupta:
Scale Up vs. Scale Out in Cloud Storage and Graph Processing Systems. IC2E 2015: 428-433 - Johannes Wettinger, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Frank Leymann
Automated Capturing and Systematic Usage of DevOps Knowledge for Cloud Applications. IC2E 2015: 60-65 - Alexander Willner
, Robyn Loughnane, Thomas Magedanz:
FIDDLE: Federated Infrastructure Discovery and Description Language. IC2E 2015: 465-471 - Yasuhiro Yamasaki, Masayoshi Aritsugi
A Case Study of IaaS and SaaS in a Public Cloud. IC2E 2015: 434-439 - Yongen Yu, Hongbo Zou, Wei Tang, Liwei Liu, Fei Teng:
Flex Tuner: A Flexible Container-Based Tuning System for Cloud Applications. IC2E 2015: 145-154 - Rui Zhang, Min Li, Dean Hildebrand:
Finding the Big Data Sweet Spot: Towards Automatically Recommending Configurations for Hadoop Clusters on Docker Containers. IC2E 2015: 365-368 - Bingjing Zhang, Yang Ruan, Judy Qiu:
Harp: Collective Communication on Hadoop. IC2E 2015: 228-233 - Qingji Zheng, Shouhuai Xu:
Verifiable Delegated Set Intersection Operations on Outsourced Encrypted Data. IC2E 2015: 175-184 - Judicael A. Zounmevo, Swann Perarnau, Kamil Iskra
, Kazutomo Yoshii, Roberto Gioiosa, Brian Van Essen, Maya B. Gokhale, Edgar A. León
A Container-Based Approach to OS Specialization for Exascale Computing. IC2E 2015: 359-364 - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E 2015, Tempe, AZ, USA, March 9-13, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-8218-9 [contents]