- Patricia Prather Pineo:
Code Liberation - a Tool for Refitting Code to a Parallel Envionment. PARLE 1994: 167-179 - Steven D. Prestwich, Anthony J. Kusalik:
High-Level Visualisation of Parallel Logic Program Execution. PARLE 1994: 180-191 - Isabelle Puaut:
A Distributed Garbage Collector for Active Objects. PARLE 1994: 539-552 - Matthias Radestock, Susan Eisenbach:
What Do You get From a Pi-Calculus Semantics? PARLE 1994: 635-647 - Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger:
Load Balancing for Extraplation Methods on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. PARLE 1994: 277-288 - Borut Robic, Jurij Silc:
Using Parallel Simulated Annealing in the Mapping Problem. PARLE 1994: 797-800 - Jean-Louis Roch, Gilles Villard:
Parallel Computations with Algebraic Numbers - A Case Study: Jordan Normal Form of Matrices. PARLE 1994: 701-712 - Henk Schepers:
Compositional Reasoning about Real-Time Distributed Systems with Limited Resources. PARLE 1994: 809-812 - Martina Schollmeyer, Bruce M. McMillin:
A General Method for Maximizing the Error-Detecting Ability of Distributed Algorithms. PARLE 1994: 725-736 - Johann Schumann, Manfred R. Jobmann:
Analysing the Load Balancing Scheme of a Parallel System on Multiprocessors - A Modeling Approach. PARLE 1994: 819-822 - Seung-Woo Seo, Tse-Yun Feng:
A New Routing Scheme for Concatenating Two Omega Networks. PARLE 1994: 831-834 - Joseph L. Sharnowski, Betty H. C. Cheng
A Formal Approach to Modeling Expected Behavior in Parallel Program Visualizations. PARLE 1994: 202-213 - Kish Shen:
Improving the Execution of Dependent And-Parallel Prolog DDAS. PARLE 1994: 438-452 - Abdel-Halim Smai, Lars-Erik Thorelli:
Dynamic Allocation of Communication Bandwidth in Multicomputers. PARLE 1994: 677-688 - Georg Stellner, Arndt Bode, Stefan Lamberts, Thomas Ludwig:
NXLib - A Parallel Programming Environment for Workstation Clusters. PARLE 1994: 745-748 - Kaku Takeuchi, Kohei Honda, Makoto Kubo:
An Interaction-based Language and its Typing System. PARLE 1994: 398-413 - Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos:
Predicative Polymorphism in Pi-Calculus. PARLE 1994: 425-437 - Céline Verdier, Anne Lafage, Emmanuel Boutillon, Alain Demeure:
A Multi-Dimensional Interconnection Network for SIMD Architectures. PARLE 1994: 769-772 - Anastasios Vergis, Vassilios S. Verykios
On the Testability of Purely Recursive Digital Filters. PARLE 1994: 85-96 - Patrick Viry:
Rewriting: An Effective Model of Concurrency. PARLE 1994: 648-660 - Harald Wabnig, Günter Haring:
Petri Net Performance Models of Parallel Systems - Methodology and Case Study. PARLE 1994: 301-312 - Akiyoshi Wakatani, Michael Wolfe:
A New Approach to Array Redistribution: Strip Mining Redistribution. PARLE 1994: 323-335 - Fubo Zhang, Erik H. D'Hollander:
Enhancing Parallelism by Removing Cyclic Data Dependencies. PARLE 1994: 387-397 - Louis H. Ziantz, Can C. Özturan, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Run-Time Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on SIMD Machines. PARLE 1994: 313-322 - Constantine Halatsis, Dimitris G. Maritsas, George Philokyprou, Sergios Theodoridis:
PARLE '94: Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, 6th International PARLE Conference, Athens, Greece, July 4-8, 1994, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 817, Springer 1994, ISBN 3-540-58184-7 [contents] - 1993
- Gert Akerholt, Kevin Hammond, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Philip W. Trinder:
Processing Transactions on GRIP, a Parallel Graph Reducer. PARLE 1993: 634-647 - Luis M. Alonso:
Using State Variables for the Specification and Verfication of TCSP Processes. PARLE 1993: 541-552 - Nikolay A. Anisimov:
A Disabling of Event Structures. PARLE 1993: 724-727 - Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Massimo De Santo, Michele Di Santo:
Computer Vision Applications Experience with Actors. PARLE 1993: 748-751 - Evripidis Bampis, Mohamed El Haddad, Yannis Manoussakis, Miklos Santha:
A Parallel Reduction of Hamiltonian Cycle to Hamiltonian Path in Tournaments. PARLE 1993: 553-560