- Gerard Hutchings, Chris Scott, Wendy Hall:
Distributed hypermedia in support of corporate memory (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 12 (1996) - Keith Instone:
Hypermedia research and the World Wide Web workshop. SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 4-5 (1996) - Tomás Isakowitz, Vanesa Maiorana, Alicia Díaz, Gabriel Gilabert:
RM-CASE: a computer support for designing structured hypermedia (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 25 (1996) - Eric H. Johnson:
Accessing a digital library collection through multiple hypertextual information spaces (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 29 (1996) - Jesper Lilleso Jorgensen, Peter Bak Nielsen:
HANS: an open linking engine based on Microsoft OLE (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 28 (1996) - Paul Kahn:
A visit to the new Bibliotéque nationale de France and the opening exhibition: Tous les savoirs du monde, Encyclopèdies et bibliotéques de Sumer au XXIe siéle. SIGWEB Newsl. 5(3): 9-10 (1996) - Alan Keahey, Sue Mniszewski:
HyperLINK: visual navigation of the World Wide Web (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 32 (1996) - Ian G. Kennedy:
How to use hypertext for courseware (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 29 (1996) - Simon Knight, Hugh C. Davis:
Hypertext wrapped up (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 10 (1996) - Robert Kolker:
Film, form, and culture: a hypermedia analysis of cinema (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 31 (1996) - Joseph K. P. Kuan, Paul H. Lewis:
Using texture for content-based retrieval and navigation in MAVIS (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 13 (1996) - Sören Lenman, Henry See, Michael Century:
Merz: personal and shared information spaces on the World Wide Web (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 10 (1996) - Marjorie C. Luesebrink:
Trip report for the seventh ACM conference on hypertext. SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 21-24 (1996) - Fernando Lyardet:
Bridging the gap between hypermedia design and implementation: a research prototype (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 11 (1996) - David Marston:
Effects of a political forum on the World Wide Web (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 10 (1996) - Nathalie Mathe, Richard M. Keller:
An adaptive hypertext system for reference manuals (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 14 (1996) - Raymond McCall:
PHIDIAS: informed design through use of intelligent HyperCAD (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 26 (1996) - Mylene Melly:
Using local context to support hypermedia authoring (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 13 (1996) - Yusuke Mishina:
Extensions of World Wide Web aiming at a construction of a "virtual personal library". SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 12 (1996) - Fernando Das Neves:
The Aleph: a cartographer for WWW (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 9 (1996) - Harri Oinas-Kukkonen:
Supporting software system flexibility through hypermedia functionality (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 10 (1996) - Michael G. Paciello:
Special issue: hypermedia for people with disabilities. SIGWEB Newsl. 5(1): 7-8 (1996) - Stephen Perry, Mark R. Dobie, Paul H. Lewis:
Developing an image viewer for content-based retrieval and navigation (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 15 (1996) - Helen Petrie
An interface to hypermedia systems for blind people (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 25 (1996) - Ajaz R. Rana, Eduardo Morales:
Evaluation of semantic hypermedia links for reading of scholarly writing (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 11 (1996) - Sazilah Salam:
Video storage and retrieval in Microcosm (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 15 (1996) - Nitin "Nick" Sawhney
, David Balcom:
HyperCafe and the "hypervideo engine": a generalized approach for hypervideo authoring and navigation (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 29 (1996) - Giuseppe Simonetti:
A hypermedia surfing/authoring system for computer users with basic IT skills (abstract). SIGWEB Newsl. 5(2): 25 (1996) - Rosemary Michelle Simpson:
Memex and beyond. SIGWEB Newsl. 5(3): 11-12 (1996) - Rosemary Michelle Simpson:
Beyond the plane: spatial hypertext in a virtual reality world. SIGWEB Newsl. 5(3): 13-16 (1996)