- Michael Dinitz, Guy Kortsarz, Ran Raz:
Label Cover instances with large girth and the hardness of approximating basic k-spanner. CoRR abs/1203.0224 (2012) - Tapalina Bhattasali, Rituparna Chaki, Sugata Sanyal:
Sleep Deprivation Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Network. CoRR abs/1203.0231 (2012) - Tapalina Bhattasali, Rituparna Chaki:
A Survey of Recent Intrusion Detection Systems for Wireless Sensor Network. CoRR abs/1203.0240 (2012) - Theodore P. Hill, Marco Dall'Aglio:
Bayesian Posteriors Without Bayes' Theorem. CoRR abs/1203.0251 (2012) - Boris Alexeev, M. Brian Jacokes:
A rearrangement step with potential uses in priority queues. CoRR abs/1203.0259 (2012) - S. Chitra, J. B. Bhattacharjee, B. Thilakavathi:
Image Fusion and Re-Modified SPIHT for Fused Image. CoRR abs/1203.0265 (2012) - Varsha Dani, Valerie King, Mahnush Movahedi, Jared Saia:
Breaking the O(nm) Bit Barrier: Secure Multiparty Computation with a Static Adversary. CoRR abs/1203.0289 (2012) - Krishna V. Kaipa, Harish K. Pillai:
Weight spectrum of codes associated with the Grassmannian G(3,7). CoRR abs/1203.0290 (2012) - S. Aruna, S. P. Rajagopalan, L. V. Nandakishore:
Application of Gist SVM in Cancer Detection. CoRR abs/1203.0298 (2012) - Niels Drost, Jason Maassen, Maarten A. J. van Meersbergen, Henri E. Bal, F. Inti Pelupessy, Simon Portegies Zwart, Michael Kliphuis, Henk A. Dijkstra, Frank J. Seinstra:
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A Personalized Tag-Based Recommendation in Social Web Systems. CoRR abs/1203.0332 (2012) - Alfredo Esposito:
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Conducting Truthful Surveys, Cheaply. CoRR abs/1203.0353 (2012) - Abhijit Chowdhury, Angshu Kumar Sinha, Saurabh Dutta:
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Online Voter Control in Sequential Elections. CoRR abs/1203.0411 (2012) - Jan Olaf Blech:
On Compositional Reasoning for Guaranteeing Probabilistic Properties. CoRR abs/1203.0415 (2012) - Theo Dimitrakos, David Brossard, Pierre de Leusse:
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Toward Governance of Cross-Cloud Application Deployment. CoRR abs/1203.0432 (2012) - Katuru S. M. Kalyana Chakravarthy:
"openness of search engine": A critical flaw in search systems; a case study on google, yahoo and bing. CoRR abs/1203.0434 (2012) - Pierre de Leusse, Bartosz Kwolek, Krzysztof Zielinski:
A common interface for multi-rule-engine distributed systems. CoRR abs/1203.0435 (2012) - Rob Arthan, Paulo Oliva:
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Self Managed Security Cell, a security model for the Internet of Things and Services. CoRR abs/1203.0439 (2012) - Pierre de Leusse, Theo Dimitrakos:
SOA-based security governance middleware. CoRR abs/1203.0440 (2012) - Liyong Shen, Jin-San Cheng, Xiaohong Jia:
Homeomorphic approximation of the intersection curve of two rational surfaces. CoRR abs/1203.0442 (2012) - Pierre de Leusse, Panos Periorellis, Paul Watson, Andreas Maierhofer:
Secure & Rapid Composition of Infrastructure Services in the Cloud. CoRR abs/1203.0443 (2012) - Song Liu, Makoto Yamada, Nigel Collier, Masashi Sugiyama:
Change-Point Detection in Time-Series Data by Relative Density-Ratio Estimation. CoRR abs/1203.0453 (2012) - Alan J. Cain, Victor Maltcev:
Finitely presented monoids with linear Dehn function need not have regular cross-sections. CoRR abs/1203.0473 (2012) - Sophie Morier-Genoud, Valentin Ovsienko:
Orthogonal Designs and a Cubic Binary Function. CoRR abs/1203.0474 (2012) - Liyong Shen, Chun-Ming Yuan, Xiao-Shan Gao:
Certified Approximation of Parametric Space Curves with Cubic B-spline Curves. CoRR abs/1203.0478 (2012)