- ICCP reviews of information and communications policies: Finland: 1992, Softcover (OECD), 201 p, FF100, ISBN 92-64-03703-9. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(3): 144 (1993)
- Information technology resources utilization and management: Issues and trends: Edited by Mehdi Khosrowpour and Gayle Yaverbaum (1990), idea Group Publishing, Hard-cover, 471 p, (£42.50), ISBN 1-878289-00-4. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(1): 2-3 (1993)
- Editorial. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 145 (1993)
- Back to the future: The impact of automation on office employment in the next decade CIRCA 1960-1970. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 146-148 (1993)
- Technology and the challenge for law - I: Hard and soft machines. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 149-151 (1993)
- Technology and the challenge for law: Random thoughts on problems with new technology. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 152-154 (1993)
- Managing the internal audit - A practical handbook, : by Ian Beale and Roy H Bradford (1993), Kogan Page, soft-cover, 161 p. £18.95, ISBN 0 7494 0892 8. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 154 (1993)
- Technology and the challenge for law - III: Computers trusted, and found wanting. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 155-156 (1993)
- Telecoms liberalization - UK: Recent developments in liberalization of the UK international telecommunications services. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 157-158 (1993)
- Usage indicators - A new foundation for information technology policies: (1993), OECD, 127 p, FF 100, ISBN 9264138145. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 158 (1993)
- Economic and trade issues in the Computerised database market: (1993), soft-cover, 213 p, FF 180, ISBN 9264138307. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 158 (1993)
- Intellectual property and competition policy: Software interfaces, intellectual property, and competition policy. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 159-163 (1993)
- Intellectual property concepts - authorship and orginality - I: Author's own intellectual creation - computer generated works. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 164-166 (1993)
- Intellectual property concepts - authorship and originality - II: The criterion of originality for copyright in computer programs and databases: A galloping trojan horse. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 167-169 (1993)
- Software copyright and reverse engineering - Australia: High court of Australia revisits autodesk. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 170-172 (1993)
- Computer contracts-negotiating drafting: by Robert P. Bigelow (1987 - to date), Matthew Bender, four volumes, loose-leaf, Library of Congress Catalogue No 86-072664. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 172 (1993)
- Software copywright and non-literal copying - Canada: Canadian court adopts us approach to "look and feel". Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 173-175 (1993)
- International computer law - a practical guide to the international distribution and protection of software and integrated circuits: by Jozef A Keustermans and Ingrid M Arckens (1988 - to date), Matthew Bender, loose-leaf, ISBN 0 8205 1318 1. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 175 (1993)
- EC Software directive - implementation policy compared: The german implementation of the EC directive on software protection. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 176-179 (1993)
- Intellectual property law - central and Eastern Europe: Protection of intellectual property in the countries of central and Eastern Europe. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 180-182 (1993)
- Competiting in the Electronics Industry - The experience of Newly industrialising economies: by Dieta Ernst and David O'Connor, 1992, Soft-cover (OECD), 303 p, FF180, ISBN 9264136509. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 182 (1993)
- Liability issues - software engineering: Software engineering - what are the legal pitfalls? Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 183-186 (1993)
- Intellectual property in the public sector research base, cabinet office report, : September 1992, softcover, 55p, £10.50, ISBN 0114300712. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 186 (1993)
- Software evaluation and certification: Some intellectual problems in evaluation and certification of computer software. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 187-189 (1993)
- Security of information systems: The OECD guidelines for the security of information systems. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 190-193 (1993)
- Practical computer security: Shopping for computer security. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 194 (1993)
- Risk management: Up the creek? A major new survey of the preparedness of UK companies for computer related disaster. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 195-196 (1993)
- Software licensing policy - A US perspective: Current developments in computer software licensing practices in the US. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 197-198 (1993)
- The proposed EC database directive - II: British computer society intellectual property committe comments on the EC proposal for a council directive on the legal protection of databases. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(1): 3 (1993)
- Book review. Comput. Law Secur. Rev. 9(4): 198 (1993)