- Lech Polkowski, Andrzej Skowron:
Rough Mereology and Analytical Morphology: New Development in Rough Set Theory. WOCFAI 1995: 343-354 - Helmut Prendinger, Gerhard Schurz:
Reasoning about Action in Dynamic Logic. WOCFAI 1995: 355-366 - Greg Restall, John K. Slaney:
Realistic Belief Revision. WOCFAI 1995: 367-378 - Jürgen Schröder:
Systematicity, Compositionality, and the Notion of Symbolic Representations. WOCFAI 1995: 379-391 - Patrick Suppes, Michael Böttner, Lin Liang, Raymond Ravaglia:
Machine Learning of Natural Language: Problems and Prospects. WOCFAI 1995: 511-525 - Shusaku Tsumoto, Hiroshi Tanaka:
Algebraic Formulation of Empirical Learning Methods Based on Rough Sets and Matroid Theory. WOCFAI 1995: 393-404 - Yury Tsybenko:
On Fixed Points in Diagnosis Set. WOCFAI 1995: 405-416 - Dimiter Vakarelov:
A Duality Between Pawlak's Information Systems and Bi-Consequence Systems with Applications to First-Order and Modal Characterizations of some Informational Relations. WOCFAI 1995: 417-428 - Bart Verheij:
The Influence of Defeated Arguments in Defeasible Argumentation. WOCFAI 1995: 429-440 - Alberto Voltolini:
Compositional Supervinience Without Compositional Meaning? WOCFAI 1995: 441-452 - Gerard Vreeswijk:
Interpolation of Benchmark Problems in Defeasible Reasoning. WOCFAI 1995: 453-468 - Mary-Anne Williams:
Changing Nonmonotonic Inference Relations. WOCFAI 1995: 469-480 - Wayne Wobcke:
Plan Recognition as Belief Revision. WOCFAI 1995: 481-492 - Vladimir Yakhnis, Boris Stilman:
A Multi-Agent Graph-Game Approach to Theoretical Foundations of Linguistic Geometry. WOCFAI 1995: 493-504 - Michel De Glas, Zdzislaw Pawlak:
Proceedings of the Second World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, WOCFAI 1995, 3-7 July 1995, Paris, France. Angkor, 6, rue Maître-Albert, 75005 Paris, France 1995, ISBN 2-87892-009-0 [contents]