- Daniel Esteban Casas Mateus, Nicole Valentina Chacon-Sanchez:
Visualization of Emotions Experienced in the Use of Immersive Augmented Reality Technologies for the Real Estate Sector. WEA 2019: 78-88 - Hector Fabian Guarnizo Mendez, Mauricio Andrés Polochè Arango, John Jairo Pantoja Acosta, Juan Fernando Coronel Rico, Juan Sebastian Amaya Opayome:
Hyperthermia Study in Breast Cancer Treatment Using Three Applicators. WEA 2019: 416-427 - Andrea Catalina Plazas Molano, Sebastián Jaramillo-Isaza, Alvaro David Orjuela-Cañón:
Self-Organized Maps for the Analysis of the Biomechanical Response of the Knee Joint During Squat-Like Movements in Subjects Without Physical Conditioning. WEA 2019: 335-344 - Oscar Danilo Montoya, Luis Fernando Grisales-Noreña, William Tadeo Amin, Luis Alejandro Rojas, Javier Campillo:
Vortex Search Algorithm for Optimal Sizing of Distributed Generators in AC Distribution Networks with Radial Topology. WEA 2019: 235-249 - Oscar Danilo Montoya, Ricardo A. Hincapié, Mauricio Granada:
Integrated Methodology for the Planning of Electrical Distribution System Considering the Continuity of the Service and the Reduction of Technical Losses. WEA 2019: 537-551 - Luis Javier Morantes-Guzmán, Cristian Alzate, Luis Castano-Londono, David Marquez-Viloria, Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla:
Performance Evaluation of SoC-FPGA Based Floating-Point Implementation of GMM for Real-Time Background Subtraction. WEA 2019: 126-134 - Harold F. Murcia, Juanita Triana:
A Personal Activity Recognition System Based on Smart Devices. WEA 2019: 487-499 - Martin Gallo Nieves, Jorge Luis Diaz Rodriguez, Jaime Antonio Gonzalez Castellanos:
Speed Estimation of an Induction Motor with Sensorless Vector Control at Low Speed Range Using Neural Networks. WEA 2019: 274-284 - Cesar Hernando Valencia Niño, Alfredo Sanabria, Carlos Pinto, David Orjuela:
Prediction and Decision Making System Through Neural Networks for Investment Assets: Gold, Euro Dollar and Dow Jones. WEA 2019: 296-308 - Santiago Noriega, Maria C. Rojas, Cecilia Murrugarra:
A Wireless, Modular and Wearable System for the Recognition and Assessment of Foot Drop Pathology. WEA 2019: 379-393 - Omeiza Olumoye, Glen Throneberry, Angel F. Garcia Contreras, Leobardo Valera, Abdessattar Abdelkefi, Martine Ceberio:
Solving Large Dynamical Systems by Constraint Sampling. WEA 2019: 3-15 - Luz Angélica Téllez Ordoñez, Evelyn Juliana Ruíz Niviayo, José Ignacio Rodríguez Molano:
Approach to Blockchain and Smart Contract in Latin America: Application in Colombia. WEA 2019: 500-510 - Leidy Yolanda López Osorio, Giovanni Bermúdez Bohórquez, Evy Fernanda Tapias:
Simulation in the Farsite of a Forest Fire Presented in the Eastern Hills of the Town of San Cristóbal in Bogotá. WEA 2019: 653-663 - Holman Ospina-Mateus, Leonardo Augusto Quintana Jiménez, Francisco José López-Valdés, Natalie Morales-Londoño, Katherinne Salas Navarro:
Using Data-Mining Techniques for the Prediction of the Severity of Road Crashes in Cartagena, Colombia. WEA 2019: 309-320 - David Ovallos-Gazabon, Nataly Puello-Pereira, Farid Meléndez-Pertuz, Jaime Vélez-Zapata, Emiro De la Hoz-Franco, Joaquín F. Sánchez, Claudia Caro-Ruiz, César A. Cárdenas, Carlos Andrés Collazos Morales:
Using Text Mining Tools to Define Trends in Territorial Competitiveness Indicators. WEA 2019: 676-685 - Zuly Alexandra Mora P., Andrés Camilo Castaño Rivillas, James Guillermo Moncada B., Deisy Carolina Páez, Paolo Andres Ospina-Henao:
Displacement Dynamics and Simulation for Overhead Gantry Crane Using Servo Control System. WEA 2019: 114-125 - Juan D. Palacio, Juan Carlos Rivera:
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Models for One-Commodity Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problems. WEA 2019: 735-751 - Julian Alberto Patino, Carlos A. Ramirez, Jairo Jose Espinosa:
Modal Analysis for a Power System Benchmark with Topological Changes. WEA 2019: 628-639 - Bellanire Pinzón-Cristancho, Hebert Alberto Calderón-Torres, Camilo Mejía-Moncayo, Alix E. Rojas:
An Educational Strategy Based on Virtual Reality and QFD to Develop Soft Skills in Engineering Students. WEA 2019: 89-100 - Freddy Piraján, Andrey Fajardo, Miguel Alberto Melgarejo-Rey:
Towards a Deep Learning Approach for Urban Crime Forecasting. WEA 2019: 179-189 - Luiz Antonio Rasia, Patricia Carolina Pedrali, Humber Furlan, Mariana Amorim Fraga:
Design and Characterization of Graphite Piezoresistors in Paper for Applications in Sensor Devices. WEA 2019: 577-583 - Carlos A. Ribon, Javier M. Leon, Oscar F. Corredor, Hermes E. Castellanos, Fredy A. Sanz, Paola Ariza Colpas, Vanesa Landero, Carlos Andrés Collazos Morales:
Design of an Electronic Voting System Using a Blockchain Network. WEA 2019: 511-522 - Daniel F. Murcia Rivera, Hernando Leon Rodriguez:
Path Tracking Control for Micro-robots with Helmholtz-Maxwell Coils Actuation. WEA 2019: 64-77 - Luis Alejandro Rojas, Oscar Danilo Montoya, Javier Campillo:
Analysis of Power Losses in Electric Distribution System Using a MATLAB-Based Graphical User Interface (GUI). WEA 2019: 565-576 - Sebastian Roldan-Vasco, Sebastian Restrepo-Agudelo, Adriana Lucia Lopez-Rios, William D. Hutchison:
Validation of Parametric Models in Microelectrode Recordings Acquired from Patients with Parkinson's Disease. WEA 2019: 323-334 - Luis Eduardo Rueda Rincón, Jorge Eliecer Duque, Enrique Vanegas, Eduardo Gomez:
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields for 220 kV Power Line in Cartagena de Indias. WEA 2019: 616-627 - Maryori Sabalza-Mejia, Luz A. Magre Colorado, Ivan Baños Delgado, Juan Carlos Martínez Santos:
From a Home-Area-Network to a Secure Internet of Things Application. WEA 2019: 475-486 - Maria Bernarda Salazar-Sánchez, Alher Mauricio Hernández-Valdivieso, Carolina Rodríguez-López, Juan Camilo Mesa-Agudelo, Isabel Cristina Muñoz-Ortega, Leidy Yaneth Serna-Higuita, Luis Felipe Buitrago-Castro:
Areas with the Highest Use of Simulator for Health Education in Colombia. WEA 2019: 643-652 - Santiago Sánchez, Isabel Cárdenas-Gómez, Ricardo Mejía-Gutiérrez, Gilberto Osorio-Gómez:
A Remote Monitoring System for Charging Stations with Photovoltaic Generation. WEA 2019: 584-595 - Rafael Sanín, Mauricio Fernández-Montoya, Maria Alejandra Garzón-Vargas, Alejandro Velásquez-López:
Battery State of Charge Estimation Error Comparison Across Different OCV-SOC Curve Approximating Methods. WEA 2019: 605-615