- James Leaning, Damien Fagnou:
Feathers for mystical creatures: creating pegasus for Clash of the Titans. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Dan Lecocq, Markus Hadwiger, Alyn Rockwood:
WebGLot: high-performance visualization in the browser. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Jakob Leitner, Christian Rendl, Florian Perteneder
, Adam Gokcezade, Thomas Seifried, Michael Haller, Robert C. Zeleznik, Andrew Bragdon:
NiCE formula editor. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Hai Ting Lin, Yu-Wing Tai
, Michael S. Brown:
Motion regularization for matting motion blurred objects. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Jörn Loviscach:
The universe of fonts, charted by machine. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Kwan-Liu Ma, Anna Tikhonova, Carlos D. Correa:
Distance visualization of ultrascale data with explorable images. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Adam Martinez, Terrance Tornberg:
Lighting and rendering Alice in Wonderland. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Gregory Meeres-Young, Hannes Ricklefs, Robert Tovell:
Managing thousands of assets for the Prince of Persia city of Alamut. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Ivan Neulander:
Fast furry ray gathering. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Dinesh K. Pai, Kees van den Doel, Timothy Edmunds, Benjamin Gilles, David I. W. Levin, Shinjiro Sueda, Qi Wei, Sang Hoon Yeo:
Sensorimotor physiology: modeling, imaging, and neural control. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Ronald Richter, Mathias Eitz, Marc Alexa
Interactively browsing large image collections. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Matt Ritchie, Greg Modern, Kenny Mitchell
Split second motion blur. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière, Cédric Kervégant, Nicolas Dittlo, Mathieu Courtois, Emmanuel Orvain:
3D multitouch: when tactile tables meet immersive visualization technologies. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Ian N. Robinson, Kar-Han Tan
, Ramin Samadani, W. Bruce Culbertson, John G. Apostolopoulos:
A laser-based system for through-the-screen collaboration. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Ryan M. Schmidt, Karan Singh:
meshmixer: an interface for rapid mesh composition. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Benjamin Schroeder, Richard E. Parent, Marc Ainger:
A spatial workbench for physically-based sound. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Arthur Shek, Dylan Lacewell, Andrew Selle, Daniel Teece, Tom Thompson:
Art-directing Disney's Tangled procedural trees. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Cyril Soler
, Olivier Hoel, Frank Rochet:
A deferred shading pipeline for real-time indirect illumination. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Christoph Sprenger, Diego Trazzi, Allen Hemberger, Sebastian Marino:
Digital Water for Avatar. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Ian Stavness, John E. Lloyd, Sidney S. Fels
, Yohan Payan
Dynamic hard-soft tissue models for orofacial biomechanics. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Nicolas Stoiber, Olivier Aubault, Renaud Séguier
, Gaspard Breton:
The mimic game: real-time recognition and imitation of emotional facial expressions. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Olga Subirós, Todd Palmer:
Splash: real or virtual? SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Yoshiki Takeoka, Takashi Miyaki
, Jun Rekimoto:
Z-touch: a multi-touch system for detecting spatial gestures near the tabletop. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Andrei Tatarinov:
Reyes using DirectX 11. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Kelly Ward, Maryann Simmons, Andy Milne, Hidetaka Yosumi, Xinmin Zhao:
Simulating Rapunzel's hair in Disney's Tangled. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Hong Yuan, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Peter-Pike J. Sloan:
Irradiance rigs. SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - Nafees Bin Zafar, David Stephens, Mårten Larsson, Ryo Sakaguchi, Michael Clive, Ramprasad Sampath
, Ken Museth, Dennis Blakey, Brian Gazdik, Robby Thomas:
Destroying LA for "2012". SIGGRAPH Talks 2010 - James L. Mohler:
International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2010, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 26-30, 2010, Talks Proceedings. ACM 2010, ISBN 978-1-4503-0394-1 [contents]